江苏省扬州市江都区国际学校2020学年八年级英语上学期第二次月考试题(无答案) 牛津版_第1页
江苏省扬州市江都区国际学校2020学年八年级英语上学期第二次月考试题(无答案) 牛津版_第2页
江苏省扬州市江都区国际学校2020学年八年级英语上学期第二次月考试题(无答案) 牛津版_第3页
江苏省扬州市江都区国际学校2020学年八年级英语上学期第二次月考试题(无答案) 牛津版_第4页
江苏省扬州市江都区国际学校2020学年八年级英语上学期第二次月考试题(无答案) 牛津版_第5页
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八年级英语第二次质量调研练习(试卷满分:140分 时间:100分钟)一、 听力(本大题共20 分,每小题1分) I听对话回答问题。 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。1. Which is the mans favourite animal?A. B. C. 2. What did Walter do yesterday?A. B. C. 3. What will people use in this city in ten years?A. B. C.4. Where does Mary want to go this summer vacation?A. B. C.5. When did the man arrive? A. At 5:35 B. At 5:55 C. At 5:456. What will the man have to do next week? A. He will lend some money to the woman. B. He will borrow the money from the woman. C. He will give the money back to the woman.7. What does Lucy mean? A. The film is wonderful. B. She missed the film. C. The film is boring.8. Where is Sandy now? A. In America. B. In Japan. C. At home. 9. What does the man mean? A. He agrees to close the windows. B. He wants to leave the windows open. C. He wants to open the windows.10. What is the probable relationship(关系) between the speakers? A. Classmates. B. A teacher and a student. C. A teacher and a parent.II听对话和短文回答问题。你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。11. Why isnt Peters father coming home for dinner? A. Hes tired after working all the morning. B. He has to work for another eight hours. C. Hes busy helping the sick man now.12. What does Peters father do? A. A policeman. B. A doctor. C. A firefighter. 听一篇短文,回答第13-15题。请根据内容从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。 Title: 13 ChineseAmericansMeals 14 at dinnerPrefer a big dinner at home or restaurants Table MannersLike to talk and laugh while eating at the restaurantLike to eat 15 at the restaurant.13. A. Eating differently B. Eating manners C. Eating habits14. A. eat well B. eat more C. eat less15. A. noisily B. quietly C. comfortably听一篇短文,回答第16-20题。16. Why did the speaker go to a language school? A. To teach English. B. To learn some English. C. To see his friends from America.17. How many days a week did the speaker go to the language school? A. Five days. B. Six days. C. Seven days.18. What did the speaker do one day during the break? A. Asked for something to eat. B. Thanked Alice for the cake. C. Asked Alice a question.19. What did the speaker think after Alice answered the question? A. Alice was very helpful. B. Alice wanted something else except a piece of cake. C. America was really a “money” country.20. Why did Alice look at the speaker with a big smile? A. The speaker was very funny. B. The speaker understood her in the wrong way. C. Alice was very friendly to the speaker.2、 单项选择(共15分,每题1分)21. - We should take _ pity on the homeless people and help them. - Right. Its _ pity that they lost everything in the big fire. A. a, aB. a, /C. / , /D. /, a22. - Did you see any monkeys in the zoo? - I saw _. They were all sleeping then. A. nothingB. no oneC. noneD. nobody23. He made a fire _ himself _ warm. A. make, to keepB. to make, to keepC. to make, keepD. make, keep24. The students come to school early, but the teachers come _. A. more earlierB. much earlyC. earlierD. the earliest25. Would you please _ the children _ with snakes? A. to ask, not to playB. ask, not to playC. ask, not playD. ask, dont play26. We should spend _ money solving _ problems. A. more, moreB. less, moreC. fewer, moreD. fewer, less27. In order _ late, many students get up very early every morning. A. not beB. to beC. to not beD. not to be28. - Where is Mr. Lee at the moment - He _ chess with his neighbour, but Im not sure. A. maybe playB. may be playC. may be playingD. must be playing29. The doctor did what they could _ the dying man. A. saveB. to saveC. savedD. saving30. The rain forests in this area _ smaller. A. is becomingB. are becomeingC. is gettingD. are getting31. What is the correct structure of the sentence “Driving brings the young man happiness”?A. S+V+IO+DOB.S+V+DOC. S+V+DO+OCD. S+V+P32. China _ many foods _ Iraq during the war. A. provided, forB. provides, withC. provided, withD. provides, for33. I often see him _ uniforms. A. wearsB. wearingC. wearD. to wear34. Dont lose _ in the computer games, boys!A. yourselfB. yourselvesC. himselfD. themselves35. - Oops! I put in sugar _ salt. - Its OK. A. withoutB. withC. insteadD. instead of三、完形填空(共15分,每题1分)Iknow my brother better than anyone else in the world.Since the moment of his birth,Ive been part of his life.Ihad spent seven _36_ years in the world with the attention of those around me.But when Rohan was born, life _37_.SuddenlyIhad to _38_ my toys and there were no more bedtime stories or my own choice of food.Finally,Ifelt my _39_ at my mother.The poor baby had no idea what had made me so unhappy.Maybe he found me _40_, the only person in this house who did not like him.Whatever the reason was, he loved _41_ me around.However,Iseldom talked to him and _42_ asked him to leave me alone.Then all that changes.Ihardly remember everything of that day six years ago, _43_Ido remember thatIwas feeling very angry.Somehow my feet led me to my brothers bed.My hand, completely _44_ from my mind, reached through the bars (护栏). At once, he reached his small hand and softly touched _45_.And that was allIneeded.Through all the unhappiness of the day, that one moment changed _46_.Howcould Ihate someone who made me feel so important?For the _47_ time,Isaw my brother, not through the eyes of a child who was no longer favored (宠爱), but through the eyes of a _48_.To this day,Icant imagine life _49_ my brother.It is unbelievable how muchIhave _50_ about life from a seven-year-old boy.Above all, Rohan has taught me that one shouldnt care only for himself.36. A. happyB. hardC. lonelyD. busy37. A. beganB. continuedC. changedD. saved38. A. collectB. chooseC. hideD. share39. A. funB. angerC. fearD. worry40. A. friendlyB. quietC. strangeD. outgoing41. A. showingB. carryingC. meetingD. following42. A. alwaysB. alreadyC. hardlyD. almost43. A. butB. soC. orD. for44. A. farB. sickC. differentD. free45. A. oneB. bothC. mineD. them46. A. nothingB. everythingC. somethingD. anything47. A. firstB. secondC. lastD. next48. A. studentB. parentC. teacherD. sister49. A. exceptB. besidesC. withoutD. through50. A. caredB. learnedC. talkedD. heard四、阅读理解(共30分,每题2分) AFilms in Grand Movie Theater This weekHAPPY POTTER()American filmDirector(导演): Alfonso CuaronStars: Daniel Redcliffe, Rupert Grint.Emma WastonTime: From Monday to Wednesday. At 6:00 p.mTicket Price: $ 4.5KUNGFUHUSTLEChinese Hong Kong filmDirector: Zhou XingchiStars: Zhou Xingchi, Yuan Hua.Liang XiaolongTime: From Wednesday to Friday, at 9:00p.m.Ticket Price: $ 5AWORLD WITHOUT THIEVESChinese filmDirector: Feng XiaogangStars: Liu Dehua, Liu Ruoying, Ge You,Li BingbingTime: From Friday to Sunday, at 6:30 p.m.Ticket Price: $ 6(Half on Sunday for children)TROYAmerican filmDirector: Wolfgang PetersonStars: Julian Glover, Brian Cox,Nathan Jones, AdoniMaropisTime: From Tuesday to Saturday, at 9:30 a.m.Ticket Price: $5.551.There will be in Grand Movie Theater this week.A.one Chinese film B.two Chinese filmsC.three American films D.a lot of foreign films52.If a man withachild goes to Grand Movie Theater on Sunday, they will pay for the film.A. $12B. $9C. $6D. $553.If you are free on Friday morning, you can see the film in Grand Movie Theater.A.KUNGFU HUSTLEB.A WORLD WTTHOUT THIEVESC.TROYD.HAPPY POTTER()BAdvice on Doing Your Homework Never try to work when you are very hungryIf you want to do your homework right after school,you may want to eat something before getting to workAlways do your homework before you get too tiredDont wait until late in the evening,or theassignmentwill seem much harder than it really is Divide your time into a few parts if you have more than an hours workRelax yourself after an hourHowever, dont divide it up so much that you cant get anything doneYou should be able to work at least half an hour at a time without stopping Dont put off(推迟)until the last minuteIf you put off doing your homework,you will have it on your mind and you wont enjoy your free timeIf you put off until the end of the week oruntil right before a testyou will have too much to doA little bit each night,enough to keep up with what is happening each day in school,will take the fear out of tests and keep you on top of it Do your homework at the same time every dayThis will help you make it a habit-part of your daily workIt will make it easier to do, and it will make your free time more enjoyable as well54. When someone is hungry,hed better A. not work at all B. work harder C. not work too hard D. work as usual55. The underlined word “assignment” in the article may mean “ ” A. time B. test C. homework D. school56. If you put off doing your homework, A. it will be kept on your mind B. it will be much easier to do C. it will make you happy D. it doesnt matter much57. To do your homework at the same time every day A. will make it more difficult B. will make your free time less pleasant C. will help you have a good habit D.will help you live longer CThe American alligator (短吻鳄) is the largest reptile (爬行动物) in North America. Some of them can be over 5 metres long. In North America, the bison (野牛) is the largest animal on land. If they are frightened, the American bison will run away and can reach a speed of 52 km per hour.The white-tailed deer can run up to 58 km per hour. This North American deer can also jump as high as 2.6 metres and jump as far as 9 metres.There is a frog that barks just like a dog. This barking frog is found in the southwestern part of the United States.The polar bear is a great swimmer and can swim as fast as 10 km per hour using only its front feet. The wild turkey nearly died out in the early 1900s, because people hunted many of them. This wild bird is making a comeback now.58. The _ is the largest animal on land in North America. A. polar bear B. bison C. alligator D. white-tailed deer59. In the _ of the United States, there lives a kind of frog that can bark like a dog. A. southwest B. southeast C. northwest D. northeast 60. The polar bear _. A. is good at running B. is good at swimming C. swims with its back legs D. can jump as far as 9 metres 61. Which of the following is NOT true? A. The alligator is the largest reptile in North America. B. The white-tailed deer can jump as high as 2.6 metres. C. Six kinds of animals are mentioned in the passage. D. The wild turkey died out about 1000 years ago. D Su Su is a 16-year-old Beijinger. She studies at the High School Affiliated to Renmin University. She has just published(发表) her first book,The Enigma of the Universe.The Enigma of the Universe tells a story of a girl called April. One day she meets an alien(外星人) boy named Kaka. Kaka takes April on a journey into the universe(宇宙). Later April finds out a big secret about Kaka.Whats special about this book? Its a book written in both Chinese and English.Su wrote the book when she was 14 years old. She was influenced(影响) by the bookSophies World and the movieThe Truman Show. Sophie is a girl who is interested in philosophy(哲学). Trumans life is run by television.These stories gave Su an idea for her own book. She decided to write it in English. “My English teacher asked us to write something,” says Su, “I thought Id write about my idea.”Su spent a whole summer vacation writing the story. “Sometimes I had to stop because I couldnt find the right words,” says Su. “I used the dictionary all the time.”After finishing the English novel, Su had another idea. She decided to turn it into Chinese. The job took her just a few days. “It was easy because Chinese is mynative language(母语),” she says.Su says her story is “a mixture ofphilosophy anddetective(侦探) story and science fiction”. “My classmates and I have turned it into a DV play,” says Su. “I wrote the play and I played April. We will show it in our school soon!”62. What did Su Su write?A. Harry Potter.B. Sophies World.C. The Truman Show. D. The Enigma of the Universe.63. In Which language did Su Su write this book?A. Chinese.B. English.C. French. D. Both Chinese and English.64. What does her book talk about?A. It talks about how to learn English well.B. It is a mixture ofphilosophyanddetectivestory and science fiction.C. It talks about how to learn English grammar well.D. It is a mixture oflove.65. Whats the best title of this passage? A. A clever girl. B. An interesting book.C. Su Su and her first book. D. A young writer.5、 词汇(共10分,每题1分)66. _ (行动) speak louder than words.67. The old man _ (咳嗽) a lot last night. Wed better take him to the hospital. 68. Please write down those _(渔民)names.69. He is good at _(描述) birds in English.70. The more careful you are, the fewer _ (错误) youll make. 71. His father looked _(angry) at him because he lied to him again.72. I went to bed too late last night. I feel so _ (sleep) now.73. The temperature _(rise) to 12 degrees the day before yesterday.74. I didnt do well in the exam but he did even _ (badly).75. It is _( terrible)coldthese days.六、任务型阅读(每空一词)(共10分,每空1分) What is DIY? Why do many people like it? Yang Chen works for a computer business in Beijing. He enjoys his work, but it is not easy for him to relax after work. One day when he saw many toy dogs in a toy shop, he had an idea. “Why not make them myself?” Then he began to make model planes, model ships and something else. He has great interest in it because it brings him lots of fun and makes life colourful. So what is DIY? Yes, it is making or creating (创造) things on your own, with your own hands.It may take much time, but some people, now known as DIYersdo-it-yourselfers, enjoy doing it very much. They enjoy it because it is fun. And they also say it helps them save money, too. Whats more, they think it is a good way to protect the environment (环境). It is a kind of green life. In fact, DIY is not a modern thing in China. Many people remember when it was once a way of life in the past. During the 1960s and 1970s, when there were not enough living things for people to live on, they had to use their own hands to do many things. If you wanted something, you had to do it yourself, and if you needed something, you made it yourself.Times have changed and DIY also has different meanings.Yang Chens storyIt is_76_for him to relax after work. He had the idea of DIY and soon was _77_ in it.DIY brings him fun and makes life_78_.What is DIYIt is making or creating things by_79_.Why DIY is popularIt is fun. It helps people _80_ money. And it is a kind of_81_life.DIY in the_82_It was once a_83_ of life. People had to choose DIY_84_there were not enough living things. They had to do many things 85 their hands.76._ 77._ 78._ 79._ 80._81._ 82._ 83._ 84._ 85._七、首字母填空(共10分,每题1分)Australia is located in the southern p 86 of the earth. So when it is a hot summer there, we have a cold w 87 here. The weather in Australia is neither too hot nor too cold. In many places of this beautiful land, you can either t 88 a walk in the rain forests or have a s 89 in its warm seas.Canberra is the c 90 of Australia. But to visit the world-famous Opera House, you must go to Sydney. Sydney is the l 91 city of this country.Australia is always a farming country. People usually call it “a country on sheeps back”. There, you can find lots of s 92 and kangaroos(袋鼠). Alice Spring and Ayers Rock are two interesting p 93 in the center of the country to many foreign visitors. Ayers Rock is the biggest rock in the world. The rock rises 348 metres above the ground, and you may not believe that it changes its colour in the s 94 if you do not see it for yourself.So, when you go t 95 around Aus


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