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贵州省2019-2020年度八年级上学期期末英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全短文5选5Washing machines make housework easier than before. Some parents think children should play and do things they like and housework seems to a hard job for them. 1 . .First of all, doing housework makes the children feel they are useful and an important part of the family.2 . This is not right.Second, , children know the value(价值)of a job only when they do it. 3 . the Third, housework helps children to get their life skills. At a small age,parents can teach children to do small chores. 4 . 5 . Things would be much easier if they taught to do housework at an early age. Parents cannot live with the children forever and teaching them to do housework is an important step for their future life.阅读短文, 把AE五个句子填入文中空缺处, 使短文内容完整. ABut letting children do small chores is important and useful. BMany students have trouble when they start living far from family. CBy letting the children do chores at home, they will understand the value of the job people do.DBut many parents are ready to say NO if their child touches something or wants to do something. EBy and by(递渐地), doing chores becomes a good when they grow and life skills help them a lot when they grow up.二、完型填空Long ago, in a small village of Wakefield lived two farmers, Harry and Peter. Harry was very hardworking while Peter was _. Every day Harry got up early and came home late, but Peter walked around for fun.One summer there was no _ and the crops were dying. Harry thought, “I must do something to save these crops, or they will die.” With this thought in mind, he went out to find a river so that he could dig a canal(沟渠)to his field. He walked on and on, feeling tired and thirsty. After a _ search, he found a river full of blue water. He was very happy. He started digging a canal to his field. When it was noon his wife sent their daughter to bring Harry home for lunch. But Harry did not go. He did not want to leave his work unfinished. He completed his work _ at night. He was very satisfied. He went home, had a good and _ into a sound sleep.Peter did the same. But he was not at all determined(有决心的). He also _ digging a canal to his field but he didnt have his work completed. His field did not get _ water and all his crops died.Harrys field would be watered when needed. He had a good harvest because of his hard work.6 . AcruelBlazyCcarelessDsilly7 . ArainBwindCcloudDriver8 . AquickBlongCslowDspecial9 . AearlyBfarClateDdeep10 . AfellBlookedCturnedDwalked11 . AstoppedBlovedCforgotDstarted12 . AcleanBenoughClittleDfresh三、阅读单选Have you ever wanted to stop eating something sweet but you just couldnt ? Is the first thing you do when you get home from school to look in the biscuit tin ? Can you eat a huge bar of chocolate all by yourself ? Can you say “no” to sweets at parties ? If you cant , then there is a reasonperhaps youre sugar addict (有瘾的人)! Does that sound funny ? Well, doctors say that people who eat sweets regularly can easily become addicted (成瘾的) to sugar .Whats more, most sugar addicts dont even realize that theyre addicted! Sugar addiction is serious because it can reallydamageyour health .Doctors say that we should eat food which is healthy such as fresh fruits and vegetables, and that we shouldnt eat a lot of sugar ,fat or fast food .But sugar addicts cant follow this advice.They know they must stop eating sweet food, but they cant .So what can you do if you think youre addicted to the taste of sugar ?Well, here is some advice:Eat some fresh fruits when you really want something sweet to eat .Cut down on sweet food slowly. Dont try to stop eating it all at once.You have to tell your parents, If they know, they will help you.13 . Who can become addicted to sugar easily?APeople who eat sweet regularly.BPeople who eat lots of fat and fast food.CPeople who dont have a balanced diet.DPeople who eat lots of fruits and vegetables.14 . What does the underlined word “damage” mean?Abe kind toBbe good forCbe harmful toDbe sorry for15 . What can we infer (推断) from the passage?AFresh fruits are the best food for us.BWe shouldnt eat sugar to keep healthy.CParents may help you give up bad eating habits.DIts very necessary to stop eating sweet food at once.16 . Whats the main idea of the passage ?ASome advice to stop eating sweet food.BThe importance of have good eating habits.CThe reasons why people become addicted to sugar.DSomething about sugar addiction and how to give it up.Usually,there are a lot of school rules for students to follow.However,in New Zealand,there is an unusual school called Deep Green Bush School set up by Moncarz.In this school,there are no lessons,no homework and no tests.“We dont do things like telling kids it is time to write or learn.When they get interested in doing it,they do it,”says Moncarz. Read on to see what people think of this school.Wang Qiang,13,ChinaThe school sounds wonderful,but I dont its a good idea for students to study in it.The society is developing so fast.If we study at such schools,we may not catch up with others one day.Jackie Green,14,EnglandWhat a great school!If my parents allow me to study in it,I will certainly go.However,they always tell me that I should follow rules at school and that if I break school rules,they will punish me by making me do housework.Bob Smith,15.AmericaHow exciting the school sounds!If there is a school like Deep Green Bush School in the neighborhood,I will go.And I believe my parents will support me.In their opinion,Im old enough to make my own decisions.Amy Fisher,12,CanadaIll never ever go to study in such schools.We go to school to have knowledge,not to play.And theres no doubt that my parents wont allow me to go to schools like Deep Green Bush School.17 . What do we know about Deep Green Bush School?AIts classrooms are green.BThere are a lot of rules in it.CIts the best school in New Zealand.DIts quite different from common schools.18 . Who can make his or her own decisions at home?AWang QiangBJackie GreenCBob SmithDAmy Fisher19 . What does Amy Fisher think of Deep Green Bush School?ATerribleBExcitingCWonderfulDUnusualWhen I was four, one day I was playing outside our house. I saw my grandfathers truck. It was black and looked very old. I thought, “Grandpa doesnt have to drive such an ugly truck. Maybe I can make it look better.”I got some paint and a brush which were left in the kitchen by my father. I painted the truck white and blue all over. I was finishing the job when my mum walked up and stopped me. She was worried that my grandfather would be angry. However, when my grandfather looked at my paintings on the truck, he laughed loudly, “Angela, thats the prettiest truck Ive ever seen! I love it! ”Sometimes adults(成年人) dont stop to see things through childrens eyes. They missed so much beauty in the world. Luckily, my grandfather saw things in another way.20 . At the age of ,Angela painted her grandfathers truck white and blue.AfourBfiveCsixDseven21 . Angela found some paint and a brush .Ain the truckBoutside the houseCin the kitchenDoutside the park22 . Angelas grandfather when he saw her paintings.Awas worriedBshouted angrilyCbecame sadDlaughed loudly四、根据首字母、中文提示填空23 . Simons _(毛衣) is yellow.24 . I _(通常) go to school at eight oclock.25 . Robert bought two _(双) of skates yesterday.26 . I like that red _(毛衣).27 . I dont like the colour of the _(裤子).五、语法填空Joes grandchildren visited him during the holidays. Before the vacation time, Joe cleaned the house. Unluckily, he lost his favorite watch.When Joes grandchildren arrived, they asked him 28 . he was so upset. Joe said, “I lost the most valuable watch that was 29 . (give) by your grandma.” His grandchildren promised him that they would find the watch for him.One of Joes 30 . (granddaughter) asked, “Grandpa, do you remember when you last saw the watch before it was missing?”Joe replied, “Maybe when I was cleaning the barn(仓房).”The children went to the barn, which was full 31 . old books, broken f


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