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人教版七年级英语上册Unit2单元测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . in the city? About 1,000,000.AHow many populations are thereBWhats the populationCHow much population are there2 . _ is he? He is Toms father.AWhatBWhoCHowDWhat color3 . Tom and Jenny are in the same school. And _ like sports very much.AtheyBthemCtheirDtheirs4 . I have written to them twice to tell them the problem, but there is no_at all. Maybe they didnt get your letters.AreplyBcallCinformationDnews5 . -_do you like this book?-I like it because it can remind me_my childhood.AHow; withBWhy; ofCWhere; ofDWhat; of6 . Just search the Internet, you can get all the _ you need.AinformationsBinformationCpictureDstory7 . Can your mother help you?_. She is at work.ANo, she isntBYes, she isCYes, she canDNo, she cant8 . Tom looked _ and said nothing for a long time because he didnt pass the test.AhappyBcomfortableCdisappointedDproud9 . -Are these pens _?-Yes, _ are.Aher; theyBher; theseChers; theyDhers; these10 . I love my new school because the teachers _ very kind to me.Aall areBall looksClook allDare all11 . Please call Mike _ 578-4317 .AtoBinCatDof12 . youout the physics problem, Kathy? Not yet, but Im going to.ADo; workBWill; workCHad; workedDHave; worked13 . _name is Jim _is my brother.AHis; HeBHer;HeCHe;HisDHis; Him14 . (题文).Could you please pass me two _?Apieces paperBpiece paperCpieces of paperDpieces of papers15 . Are you a?Yes, I am.And these are my students.AstarBteacherCstudent二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hey, Peter!16 . B: At a school.A: Wow, she has a good job! 17 . B: At 7:00.A: So early?B: Yeah! 18 . A: Shes a good teacher. 19 . B: She gets up at 5:30.A: 20 . B: She usually does some exercise and then eats breakfast.三、完型填空Im a boy. My_ is Tom Green. _ is my family name. Whats_in English? Its a pen. It is_pen. It is blue. I like it very much. This is my jacket. It is very big(大的) .It is size _This is my sister._name is Linda. She_ seven. I have a _.The number is 654-3795. There are_people(人)in my family. It is a happy_. My parents love us. We love them, too.21 . AfamilyBEnglishCnameDlast22 . AGreenBTom GreenCTomDGreens23 . AhisBthisCyouDthey24 . AyouBheCsheDmy25 . ASBMCLDP26 . AHerBSheCItsDHis27 . AamBisCareDbe28 . ApenBrulerCkeyDphone29 . AoneBtwoCthreeDfour30 . AfamilyBschoolCmapDbook四、阅读单选Hi,Im Jim. Here are three photos of mine. In the first photo, there is an old man and a boy. The old man is my grandpa and the boy is me. My grandpa loves Beijing Opera(京剧).He always listens to the radio.In the next photo, there are two boys.They are my friends Timmy and Peter. We often play basketball together. What is in the last photo? Its my dog, Lele. Its a white dog. I like it very much.31 . Which is the first photo?ABCD32 . Jims grandpa always listens to_.Athe radioBtape playerCmusicDthe piano33 . What color is Jims dog?ABrown.BWhite.CBlack.DYellow.34 . Which of the following is TRUE?AJims parents are in the photos.BTimmy and Peter are cousins.CLele is the name of Jims dog.DThe last photo is Jims family photo.35 . The best title (题目) for the passage is”_”.AMy grandparentsBMy familyCMy friendsDMy photosDear Zhou Lan,Thank you very much for your email. I am glad I can know something about China from you. Your English is very good. But I dont know much Chinese. Now Im learning it from my parents. They know a lot about China.Im very happy that you want to know about my family. I have a big family. My grandparents and my parents are all very nice. My father has a brother. He is my uncle, John. He and my aunt have four children. Theyre Bill, Linda, Mary and Lily. My brother Nick is a boy of eighteen. I like my family very much.Ill go to China next year with my mother. She is going to teach English in a middle school in Beijing.Yours,Annie36 . Who teaches Annie Chinese?AZhou LanBAnnies parentsCAnnies grandparentsDAnnie herself37 . Who is John?AAnnies fatherBAnnies uncleCAnnies teacherDAnnies brother38 . How many people are there in Annies big family?A4B8C12D14五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和首字母或汉语提示,将单词的正确形式完整地写在答题卡相应的位置上。39 . My answer is wrong .Do you know the c_ answer to the question?40 . Steven was a_from the meeting again. That made the boss very angry.41 . Could you tell me where silk is p_in China?42 . _(四月)22nd is World Earth Day, a time for us to enjoy nature and learn howto protect our environment.43 . Our country has built the worlds fastest trains. Fuxing trains can travel at a top s_of 350 kilometers an hour.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空44 . You mustnt be a _ (care) driver.45 . The girl is old enough to look after _ (she)46 . She is really _ (understand), and everyone likes her.47 . Its five _ (mile) from my home to school.48 . After long work, I _ (certain) felt tired.七、完成句子V. 根据汉语提示完成句子。(每空0.5分,共7分)49 . 请帮我算出去泰山的费用。Please help me _ the cost to get to Mount Tai.50 . 他像往常一样走路去上学。He walks to school _.51 . 昨天他收到了他笔友的来信。He_ his pen pal yesterday.52 . 我认为你必须注意你的书写。I think you must _ your handwriting.53 . 在做重大决定之前,你必须要仔细考虑。Before _an important_, you should_.八、多任务混合问题阅读短文,并按要求完成各小题。My name is Jack. Iam English. And Im in Beijing now with my family. Let me tell you our life(生活) here. My parents are teachers. They like to work(工作) here very much. I have a sister and a brother. My sister and 1 are in the same middle school in Beijing. My brother is only three.We have a nice house(房子) in Beijing. My room is big and nice. You can see a bed, a desk, a chair and a sofa in it.I have a computer, too. My books and computer are on my desk. On Sundays, I like to play computer games. I love my room.54 . 完成句子Jack and his sister are in _middle school in Beijing.55 . 完成句子Jacks room is_.56 . 简略回答问题Whe


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