高中英语:Module 5《A Lesson in a Lab》单元测试 外研版必修1_第1页
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高中英语:Module 5《A Lesson in a Lab》单元测试 外研版必修1_第4页
高中英语:Module 5《A Lesson in a Lab》单元测试 外研版必修1_第5页
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Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab同步测试I. 听力(每小题1.5分,共30分)第一节:听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅听一遍。现在你有5秒钟的时间阅读第一小题的有关内容。1. What are the speakers talking about?A. A film. B. A book. C. A record.2. What are the two speakers doing?A. Playing a ball game.B. Cheering for Oxford.C. Watching a football match.3. Why will the man go to Edinburgh?A. To drive the woman there.B. To have a meeting in Glasgow.C. To meet some important people.4. What did the woman do yesterday evening?A. She ate out.B. She saw a film.C. She visited a friend.5. When is the pop show?A. At 7:30. B. At 8:20. C. At 8:30.第二节:听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白后,你都有时间阅读各小题。每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料回答6-7小题。6. What is the man having trouble with?A. money. B. Driving. C. Memory.7. How will the woman help the man?A. Shell give him some advice.B. Shell drive him to the bank.C. Shell remind him of money.听第7段材料回答8-10小题。8. Where does this conversation take place?A. At a restaurant.B. At an airport.C. At a cinema.9. When does the woman plan to leave?A. On Wednesday morning.B. On Friday afternoon.C. On Saturday night.10. What does the woman think about the cost?A. Its cheap. B. Its reasonable. C. Its expensive.听第8段材料回答11-13小题。11. Why does the woman want to move out her present flat?A. It cost her too much.B. Its too far from the school.C. Its shared by so many roommates.12. What kind of flat is the woman looking for?A. One with furniture in it.B. One having enough space.C. One where she can live alone.13. How is the man going to help the woman?A. To share his own flat with her.B. To seek a flat in the school.C. To visit a flat building himself.听第9段材料回答14-17小题。14. Where was the man when he saw the strange machine?A. On his way home.B. Behind a hill.C. At an airport.15. What did the animal do to the man?A. It landed on his car.B. It damaged his car.C. It took him out of his car.16. What does the woman think of what the man said?A. Its terrible.B. Its unbelievable.C. Its valuable.17. Whats the relationship between the woman and the man?A. Wife and husband.B. Boss and assistant.C. Policewoman and driver.听第10段材料回答18-20小题。18. When did the company decide to do the export business?A. Yesterday morning.B. Yesterday.C. Yesterday evening.19. Why did the speaker go to Australia?A. To meet an important person.B. To place an order for goods.C. To market their own products.20. What measure will the company probably take in near future?A. To open up new markets.B. To develop new products.C. To move abroad.II. 单项填空 (每小题1分,共15分)21. -Did you see the new movie directed by that famous director? Its said to be _ great fun.-No. I have been busy repairing all the broken office _ these days.A. a; equipment B. the; equipmentsC. ; equipment D. ; equipments22. -Hi, Wang Ling, cant you recognize me?-Oh, Ma Yan!I _ you _ your sister. Its so nice to meet you here!A. thought; were B. thought; are C. think; are D. think; were23. -Are you feeling _ now?-Yes, and I feel much happier than ever.A. any good B. quite better C. more better D. any better24. Thanks to the computer, I got several times _ information _ they did.A. as more; as B. as much; than C. as much; as D. as many; as25. Look! Tony, your books are everywhere. Please put them _ .A. on order B. in order C. at order D. out of order26. In the last ten years, they _ three great scientific experiments.A. finished B. have finished C. had finished D. have been finished27. He is always _ his excellent spoken English; while his sister takes _ her beauty.A. proud of; pride of B. proud in, pride inC. proud in; pride of D. proud of; pride in28. -I have driven for so long, and now I want to have a rest.- _ . _ to drive.A. No; Its my turn B. Yes; Its your turnC. Go ahead; Its your turn D. Go ahead; Its my turn29. There was no good news still, and as time went by, he got _ .A. disappointed and disappointed B. disappointing and disappointingC. more and more disappointed D. more and more disappointing30. Almost _ of the students in this class wear glasses, that is, _ of them.A. two thirds; 60 percent B. two thirds; 60 percentsC. two third; 60 percent D. two third; 60 percents31. Cleaning women in big cities usually get _ by the hour.A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay32. -Peter!Hurry up! You _ on the phone.-Oh, I _ . Thank you.A. are being wanted; come B. are wanted; am comingC. want; come D. will want; should come33. -Tom, why didnt you go to the flower show?-I think its something _ pleasant.A. far less B. far more C. too much D. much too34. Its impossible for all the people to get jobs because _ of them are not fit for them.A. none of B. all C. not all D. every one35. -Do you think the bad weather will _ ?-I hope not.A. keep on B. go on C. take up D. keep upIII. 完形填空 (每小题1.5 分,共30分)Americans are36about an international sporting event now taking place in the United States. It is the biggest womens soccer37 in the world, the World Cup. The game Americans call soccer, is known around the world as38 . And more and more Americans are learning to39 it. Only in the last 35 years, large numbers of young Americans have become40 in soccer. Baseball and basketball are still popular professional sports,41 American boys and girls love to play soccer.The United States Soccer Federation is the major soccer42 in the country. It says more than eighteen million people play soccer in the United States. This means that43 Americans play soccer than any other sport.44 , more people in the United States are watching soccer, too. They are attending the 3rd Womens World Cup games that are45 in several American cities. 460,00046 have been sold for the three-week contest that will end July tenth.Womens soccer teams from 16 nations are47 . Americans are closely48 the progress of the United States Womens World Cup team. And the team is already setting49 . On June 19, the American team50 Denmark in the opening game. Almost 79,000 people watched the game at Giant Stadium near New York City. That is a world record.One of the most popular players51 the American team is 27-year-old Mia Hamm. She became well known in 1996 when the United States women won the soccer52 medal at the Olympic Games, defeating other teams. Experts say Mia Hamm can play soccer better than53 woman in the world. She has scored more goals than any man or woman ever to play international soccer. Mia Hamm is a54 to many young American girls. Television55 say that at present thousand million people around the world are watching the game on television.36. A. careless B. worried C. excited D. anxious37. A. happiness B. event C. team D. incident38. A. baseball B. football C. volleyball D. basketball39. A. hate B. love C. give up D. played40. A. interested B. disappointed C. satisfied D. surprised41. A. and B. although C. so D. but42. A. player B. event C. game D. organization43. A. more B. less C. many D. fewer44. A. In the past B. In the future C. just now D. At present45. A. played B. to be played C. being played D. playing46. A. tickets B. teams C. records D. players47. A. taking place B. taking off C. taking part D. taking in48. A. seeing B. watching C. thinking D. hoping49. A. marks B. records C. points D. scores50. A. beat B. hit C. won D. lose51. A. in B. from C. on D. at52. A. gold B. silver C. copper D. 53. A. others B. the other C. other D. any other54. A. player B. writer C. hero D. singer55. A. broadcasters B. directors C. players D. spokesmanIV. 阅读理解 (每小题2分,共20分)(A)Pottery is the name given to all kinds of useful or artistic objects made from clay. Pottery can be plates or water pots or baskets. Pottery can be large or small, fancy or plain. Pottery is part of the large family of ceramics(陶器).Ceramics are synthetic materials. For example, bricks and tiles (瓦片) are both ceramics.How is pottery made? First, a potter takes some clay. Clay is a soft, red material from the earth. It looks a little like red dirt, but its very different. Clay is thick and rich. Wet clay can be worked into any shape. When the clay dries, it will keep that shape. The potters takes some clay and pushes and squeezes(挤压)it until it is soft and smooth. After that, the clay can be shaped into anything. There are several ways to shape clay. Sometimes potters use their hands. Sometimes they use a special wheel. They place the clay in the center of a round, flat wheel. The wheel moves very fast, and the potter shapes the clay.After the potter has shaped the clay, it can be decorated(装饰). Potters use glaze, which is a kind of paint, to decorate their work. Some glazes are very simple. Other glazes have beautiful colors and designs. The glaze is not just beautiful. It is also useful. The glaze makes the pottery smooth and waterproof. Potters also make some decorative lines and designs on the surface. After it is decorated, the clay must be baked, or fired, in a special oven.Baking the clay at very high temperature makes it hard and strong. Firing also makes the glaze stick to the pottery. When the firing is over, the potter carefully removes the pottery from the oven and lets it cool slowly. If it cools too quickly, it could crack and break.Since pottery is waterproof, it is very popular for dishes. You can find examples of pottery in almost any home. But pottery can also be found in museums. Some pieces of pottery are valuable and beautiful pieces of art.56. It is possible that ceramics are materials of _ .A. metal B. plastic C. wood D. earth57. The word waterproof means _ .A. 能盛水的 B. 防水的 C. 溶解于水的 D.吸水性强的58. Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?A. Plates, water pots and bowls are all examples of pottery.B. Wet clay can be made into anything of different shapes by the hands or a special wheel.C. The clay becomes smooth and waterproof because of the glaze.D. After the firing in high temperature, pottery is easy to break.(B)People in cities all over the world shop in supermarkets. When you enter the supermarket, you see shelves full of food. You walk in the aisles, pushing your shopping cart. You probably hear soft, slow music in the supermarket. This kind of music is playing to relax you and make you walk slowly. Thus, you will probably stay longer and buy more food.Where do you go in the supermarket when you first arrive? Many people go to the meat section first. This area of the store has many different kinds of meat. Some kinds are expensive and others are not. Usually, some kinds of meat are on sale. So it has a special low price. The manager of the store knows where the customers usually enter the meat section. The meat on sale is usually at the other end of the section, away from where the customers enter. If you want to buy this specially priced meat, you have to walk by the more expensive meat first. Maybe you will see something that you want to buy before you reach the cheaper, inexpensive meat. Then you will spend more money in the meat section.The diary section sells milk that is low in fat. Some supermarkets sell three different containers(包装盒)of low-fat milk. Each container looks different, but each contains the same product. One says 1% fat, one says 99% fat free and one says low-fat in big letters and 1%in very small letters. If you look carefully you can see that all the milk has the same amount of fat, and each container is the same size. The prices of all these three should be the same. However, in many stores these three containers of milk would each have a different price. The store will make more money if a customer chooses the milk that costs the most.Most of the food in supermarkets is very attractive. People often stop to look at the products in attractive containers. But remember, many products will say, Buy me!. Stop and think which ones are the best value for your money.59. The word aisles in the first paragraph means _ .A. the entrance of a supermarketB. the place where you pay for your goodsC. the way between the shelvesD. the place where the special priced meat is on sale.60. When you walk by the expensive meat, _ .A. maybe you will buy someB. you will not look at itC. you will buy diary productsD. maybe it is on sale61. The three different kinds of low-fat milk _ .A. contain three different amount of milkB. contain three different kinds of milkC. each have the same amount of fatD. are all the same price62. Supermarket managers make the food attractive so _ .A. it is cheapB. the customers will buy moreC. it is expensiveD. it is in the diary section(C)American parents usually think that their child should not have more pocket money than the children with whom he regularly connects no matter they are wealthier or not than he.Whatever the pocket money is, its entire use is not controlled by the parents, because a child learns to use money correctly only through dealing with it himself. If a seven-year-old child gets a quarter as a week pocket money and is made to put it all in his piggy bank to save it up, he gets no idea what the real use for the money is. He gets the shiny coins and they soon disappear. The idea of a bank account(在银行开户) is too early for so small a child, although he can be made understand and enjoy saving his coins-not all of them, only a part of what he receives-to buy something he especially wants. By the time he is eight, he is old enough to take part in the opening of his own savings account, parents may take him to the bank, open a saving account for him, and encourage him to put a certain quantity(数量) of money he receives as gifts into the bank and watch his bank saving grow as entry by entry(存入)is made. He will be saving, earning, and spending suitable quantities all along in order to learn how to manage money and to keep him in a favorable position with his friends. The boy is a sorry child who cant join his fellows in a sweet shop once in a while because he has to save every cent he gets or earns for some big unknown projects his parents have chosen for him.63. What does the underlined word piggy bank refer to?A. Something in the shape of a pig for saving coins.B. A kind of bank run by the children.C. A bank whose building looks like a pig.D. A bank for childrens saving.64. Which of the following statement is NOT true?A. Whatever the pocket money is, its entire use is not controlled by American parents.B. If an eight-year-old child receive 10 dollars as his birthday gift, he probably have most of it saved in the bank.C. American parents never interfere(干涉) with their childrens use of their pocket money.D. American parents dont usually give their children much pocket money.65. Why does the author think the boy is a sorry one if he saves every cent he gets or earns?A. Because he can not manage his money and it keeps him in an unfavorable position.B. Because he can not learn the use of money through spending it himself.C. Because he can not have any other choice but to save, earn or spend money.D. Because he can not join the fellow in a sweet shop once in while.V. 短文改错 (每小题1分,共10分)It was time for breakfast. Mr. and Mrs. Beer were 66. _sitting at the table and waiting their daughter Jennet 67. _to return back from work. It was late. The parents were 68. _worrying about her. At last she came home and told 69. _them what was happened. While she was shopping in a 70. _crowded shop after work, a thief picked up her pocket, 71. _pushing the crowd, and ran away. What could she do? 72. _She had to ask a policeman in duty for help and he got back 73. _her money. Hearing this, Mrs. Beer insisted that Jennet 74. _should not go shopping alone any more, so Jennet said 75. _laughingly, April Fool!VI. 书面表达 (满分15分)根据下面的提示,写一篇观察水的沸腾的实验报告 (100词左右)实验目的:1.观察水沸腾时的温度。2. 观察水沸腾过程中的现象。器材:烧杯(beaker),水,温度计(thermometer),酒精灯(ethanol light),火柴。步骤:1.在烧杯里盛100g左右的水。2. 在水中放入温度计。3. 加热杯中的水,并观察温度计的示数和水的情况。结果:当温度达到一百摄氏度时,水面出现大量气泡。结论:1. 水在一百摄氏度时开始沸腾。2. 水在沸腾过程中有大量气泡产生。听力录音原文及参考答案听力录音原文1. M: Have you ever read Harry Potter?W: Im afraid I havent.M: What a pity! You really should. Its very interesting, you know. I have a copy here. If you like, Ill lend it to you.2. M: Look! Jack has got the ball. Oh, go on Jack.W: That Oxford full back is trying to stop him.3. W: Alan, have you got a meeting in Edinburgh?M: Yes, Im going to see some important people. Why?W: Im going to visit Glasgow on Wednesday and its quite near Edinburgh.M: Ah.Im going to drive there tomorrow, so you can go with me.4. M: Did you watch the football match on TV yesterday evening?W: No, I didnt. I had dinner with a friend and didnt go back home until 8


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