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-雅思分类词汇 - 依据词频 & 词率 十三. 肢体动作类相关词汇 1 与“工作、行为、从事”相关的词汇 词汇1. behave v.举动,表现;运转( behavior n.)2. deed n.行为,行动 do good ; to be rewarded for ones good ; misdeed n.3. engage v.雇用;从事;订婚;吸引;吻合 be d4. manner n.方式;态度;举止;(复数)礼貌 mannerism n.(说话;举止)习气;癖性 noticeable 5. profession n.职业;自由职业 al adj./n.职业的/职业人员;内行;专家6. task n.任务;工作7. work n./v.工作,劳动;职业;工作成果,产品;著作,作品;工厂;功,做功/ 工作,劳动/运转;起作用,有效 er n.劳动者; man 工匠; shop 车间,作坊;研讨会,讲习班a. Are you fond of challenging ?b. The s of famous painters may be seen in the museum.c. Will your plan ? 词汇1. excavate v.挖掘;挖出 a large hole2. hitchhike v.免费搭乘便车 词汇1. attendance n.到场;出席人数2. engagement n.订婚;约会;交战 break off Although it was only a short , a lot of men were killed.3. errand v.差使;差事 2 与“花费、节省、吃喝”相关的词汇 词汇1. bite v./n.咬;鱼上钩 Sometimes I sit for hours without getting a .2. blow v./n. 刮风;吹气/打,打击3. cost n./v.价格,成本,费用/价格为,使花费4. expense n.花费;费用 travel (expensive adj. an education)5. waste v./n./adj.消费,未充分利用/浪费,糟蹋;废料,弃物/废的,丢弃的,无用的;荒芜的 (wasteful adj.)Its wasteful to throw these away; we might be able to use them one day. 词汇1. bark n./v.树皮,狗叫 inner of bamboo; at; several fierce 2. consume v.消耗;消费;耗尽 on (consumer n.消费者;用户)3. consumption n.消费;结核病4. frugal adj.俭朴的;花钱少的 Although hes become rich, hes still very with his money.5. smoke v./n.烟;吸烟 There is no without fire.(无风不起浪)6. spend v.花费,用(钱);花(钱;时间);度过;消磨7. swallow v.吞咽;淹没;忍受 词汇1. chew v.咀嚼2. dip v./n. 蘸湿/斜坡3. expend v.消费,用尽 too much energy on (expenditure n.花费;支出;消费量)4. greedy adj.贪吃的,贪婪的 for power5. lick v./n.舔;(火焰)卷过;(波浪)轻拍/舔 The small waves ed the seashore.6. suck v./n.吸食,吮吸;使耗尽,使枯竭 词汇1. devour v. 狼吞虎咽地吃2. profuse adj. 毫不吝惜的,挥霍的;充沛的,过多的;大量的 be of money 3. nibble v.啃,一点一点咬4. thrifty adj.节俭 3 与“行走、跑步、跳跃、通过、锻炼”相关的词汇 词汇1. across prep./adv.横越,穿过;在对面,与交叉/宽,阔2. act v./n. 行动,做事;起作用;表演/动作;(一)幕;法令,条例 action n.(行动,行为;动作,活动;作用);activate v.(激活;开动;使活动);active adj.(有活力的,活跃的,敏捷的);activity n.(活性;活力;活动)a. An actors actions and words should agree.b. The national campaign is aimed at activating the labor movement.c. He is in his full time of activity.d. Although he is over seventy; he is still active.3. bounce v./n. 反跳,弹起,乱冲/弹4. bound v./n./adj. 跳跃前进,跳跃/跳动/一定的,必定的 An initial failure was to blight a later success.5. exercise v./n.锻炼,训练;练习,习题/锻炼,训练;运用,使用 physical ; ones right6. fly v./n.飞行,乘飞机旅行;飞奔,飞跑7. jump v./n. 跳跃;跳过 8. leap v./n.扑向,欣然接受take a from9. lie v./n.躺,卧;说谎,撒谎10. rush adv./adj. 彻底地,完全地/直达的,直通的 the train11throughout prep.遍及 spread the country12via prep. 经由 fly Athens Paris13walk v./n.步行,散步14wander v./n.漫游;迷路,与同伴走散;离题 Dont from the subject; stick to the point. 词汇1. climb v.爬;攀登 up2. crawl v./n.爬行,缓慢行进;起鸡皮疙瘩/爬行;自由泳3. crouch v.蹲伏 词汇1. creep v. 爬行;缓慢移动;(时间,年纪)悄悄过去;蔓延 Ivy had crept over the ruined castle walls.(常春藤)2. glide v./n.滑动,滑翔3. kneel n./n.跪下4. transit n.运输,搬运5. trek v.长途跋涉;旅行 go ing 词汇1. hijack v.劫持;劫机;拦路抢劫2. hop n./v.单脚跳3. hover v.(鸟)盘旋;翱翔;(人)在附近徘徊4. tramp n. 长途旅行5. tread v./n.踩踏;行走/(轮胎)胎面;脚步声6. tumble v.跌倒,摔倒;摇摇欲坠 词汇1. jog n./v.轻推;轻撞;缓慢前进2. ramble n./v.闲逛;散步,漫步;蔓延;闲谈 Im fond of ing the forest.3. roam v.漫步;漫游;流浪 fields and river banks in fall4. trot n./v.小跑;疾走 4 与“看、听、说”相关的词汇 词汇1. audience n.听众;读者;接见(audible adj.听得见的)(audition n.试听;试演,面试) It is too silent that my heart-beat is almost .2. cry n./v.叫喊;哭泣3. exclaim v.呼叫;惊叫 at4. glance v.看一眼;扫视;一瞥 She d along the road to see if he was coming.5. hear v.听见;审讯,听政;听说,得知;收到的信(电话) ing n.听力(所及的距离);倾听;审讯6. listen v.倾听7. loud adj.大声的;响亮的8. noise n.喧哗声;噪音;响声9. sigh v./n. 痛惜;叹气10. sing v.歌唱11. speak v. 说话,讲话 (speaker n.演讲者;扬声器)12. stare v,凝视;盯13. talk n./v.交谈;商讨;谈话;讨论14utter v./adj.发出(声音);说/彻底的;完全的;绝对的15watch n./v.表/注视,观看;看守,监视16whisper v.低语;耳语 to sb. 词汇1. aloud adv. 出声地;大声地2. browse v./n. 放牧,吃草;浏览3. gape v./n. 张开;张口;裂开/目瞪口呆4. glimpse n./v. 一瞥;匆匆一看 I d him among the crowd just before she disappeared from the sight.5. invisible adj. 看不见的;无形的6. oral adj.口头的 an exam7. peer n./v.同等的人;同辈/凝视 Children are very susceptible to -group pressure.8. roar n./v.怒吼;轰鸣声;喧闹声;呼啸 Storm ed through the forest.9. scream n.尖叫;叫喊10. whistle n./v. 口哨声,汽笛声;口哨/吹哨 cheerfully11. yell v./n. 叫喊,号叫 词汇1. accent n. 腔调,口音;重音 with a strong 2. chat n./v. 闲谈 about3. reticent adj. 缄默的;沉默寡言的4. scan v.浏览;细看5. skim v. 浏览;略读/掠过 The book is worth ming through.6. visualize v.使形象化;想象 (visible adj.可见的)(visual adj.视觉的;看的) I cant myself ever getting married. 词汇1. gossip n./v.流言蛮语;报上的社会新闻;爱传流言的人/闲聊;传播流言 a. Many newspapers have a column, where the private lives of famous people are often reported. b. She can spend a whole day ing with her neighbours.2. growl n./v.嗥叫;轰鸣;咆哮着说 The thunder ed in the distance.3. howl n./v.嚎叫;怒吼 ones displeasure His proposal caused s of protest from the public.4. hum n./v.嗡嗡声5. murmur n./adj.低沉连续的声音/抱怨6mutter n./v.低声低语;怨言7. shrill adj./adv. 尖锐的,刺耳的/尖叫8. sightseeing n.观光;游览 词汇1. buzz n./v.嗡嗡叫(bee)2. overhear v.无意中听到;偷听到3. pry v. 窥探;打听 into ; go ing4. scrutiny n.细查;调查 5 与“提及、陈述、读写、描述”相关的词汇 词汇1. describe v.描写;描述;形容(description n.) The words can not the beauty if the scene.2. detail n./v.细节,祥情;枝节,琐事/祥述;详细说明 the argument3. explain v. 解释,说明的理由 to4. illustrate v. 举例或以图表说明;配以插图5. mention v.提及;谈到 not to = without ing6. propose v.提议,建议;求婚;提议为干杯 (proposal n.) a. She d a new method to solve this tough problem. b. Please allow me to a toast to the bride.7. refer v.求教,查阅,参阅/提到,说到 (reference n.参照;出处;证明) to 词汇1. interpret v.解释,说明,口译2. specify v.明确说明;具体指定 词汇1. clich n.陈腐思想;陈词滥调2. dictate v. 听写;命令;支配(diction n.)3. endorse v.背书,签署;赞同 fully the governments proposal4. engrave v.刻上;铭记 The terrible scene was d on my memory.5. exposition n.阐述;讲述/展览会 at the Paris 6. narrative n. 故事;讲述 interesting 7. recorder n.记录员;录音机8. redeem v. 赎回,挽救;履行;补救 a mistake9. viewpoint n. from my 词汇1. depict v.描绘;描写 词汇1. exemplify v.举例说明;作为的理由(或原因) the use of the word2. interrogate v.审问;询问 the prisoner 6 与“说谎、哭笑”相关的词汇 词汇1. smile n./v.微笑 词汇1. amuse v.逗乐,逗笑;给提供娱乐(amusement n. winter ) I play the piano only for my own .2. nonsense n.胡说,废话3. weep v.哭泣,流泪;悲叹,哀悼 I lost control of my feelings and began to . 词汇1. distraction n.消遣;娱乐;精神涣散 Restrictions were many, and s were less.2. sob n./v.啜泣;呜咽 词汇1. din n./v.喧闹;嘈杂/吵闹 What she said about me was ning in my eyes all night.2. giggle v. 咯咯笑;傻笑 stop giggling3. groan n./v.呻吟(着表示)4. wail v.大声哀号,痛哭;呼啸 Stopping weeping and ing and do something about it. 7 与“睡梦、清醒、姿势”相关的词汇 词汇1. doze n./v.打盹 (nap n.小睡;打盹)2. dream n./v. 做梦;梦想;向往 about; of doing 3. sleep n./v.睡觉 (asleep adj. fall )(sleepy adj.) 词汇1. gesture n./v. 姿势;手势 / 表示 to sb.2. rouse v. 唤醒,唤起;激起;激励 His speech d the audiences enthusiasm.3. yawn v.打哈欠;张开 heavily 词汇1. awake adj.醒着的/唤醒;使醒悟 (wake v.)(waken n.唤醒) The incident d memories of his school-day.2. dormant adj.休眠的;暂时的3. posture n.姿势;姿态;仪态;态度 develop good 8 与“点头、耸肩、鼓掌、招手、眨眼”相关的词汇 词汇1. bow n./v.弓形物;鞠躬,点头;蝴蝶结2. frown n./v.皱眉 with displeasure3. nod n./v.点头 词汇1. applaud v.鼓掌欢迎;赞成(applause n.) her performance2. blink n./v.眨眼睛;一瞥3. shrug n./v.耸肩4. slap n./v.掌击;拍打 sb. on the shoulder5. spit v.吐 9 与“放弃、撤退、逃跑”相关的词汇 词汇1. escape n./v.逃跑;逃脱2. flee v.逃走3. retire v.退休;退出,退下;就寝 词汇1. quit v.离开;放弃2. resign v. 放弃;辞去 seat to ; as chairman (resignation n.听从;顺从;辞呈)3. retreat n./v. 撤退 from4. setback n. 挫折;倒退5. withdraw v.收回,取回;撤回;撤退 词汇1. banish v.驱逐;消除2. discard v.抛弃;遗弃3. recede v.变得模糊;后退,远去;向后倾斜;(经济)衰退 out of sight (recession n.) a. Memories of children are gradually receding. b. After the terrorists attack this country will suffer an economic recession.4. relinquish v.放弃;撤回 词汇1. exile n./v. 流放 10 与“进、出、放置、堆积”相关的词汇 词汇1. export n./v.出口;输出2. import n./v.进口,输入;进口商品,输入额;要旨,含意 grasp of your remark3. join v.连接,结合;参加,加入 in; up4. stack n.堆,垛;大量;书架 I have s of works to get through. 词汇1. heap n./v. 堆,一堆;许多,大量/使成堆;堆起 of time2. input n.输入;投入的资金(或物资)3. plunge v./n. 投入,插入;跳水 词汇1. dump n./v. 堆垃圾的地方;仓库/倾销 surplus goods2. overlap v.与互搭,与重叠;与部分相同3. repel v.击退;使厌恶 sb.4. unload v.卸,从卸下货物;卸货 11 与“努力、勤奋、准备”相关的词汇 词汇1. effort n.努力;尽力;奋力 It requires a great deal of of will to give up smoking.2. prepare v. 准备 be to/for3. struggle v./n. 斗争,搏斗,奋斗 词汇1. elaborate adj./v.复杂的,详尽的/做详细说明 chemical reaction2. toil n./v.辛勤工作;艰难地行动/劳力,苦工 another half hour 词汇1. diligent adj. 勤奋的 pretty 2. endeavor n./v.努力,力图 I will to pay the bill as soon as possible. 3. inclination n.倾向,意愿 be against ones to do 4. strenuous adj. 紧张的,艰苦的;劲头十足的,发奋的;费劲的,费力的 man To think deeply is a task.5. strive v. 努力;奋斗;力争 to do 12 与“刺、包、捆、栓、卷、垫”相关的词汇 词汇1. chain n./v.链条;项圈/用链条栓住2. pack v./n.捆扎,把打包;使挤在一起,塞满/小包,小盒 (package n.包裹);(packet n.小包;小盒) The moment the door open, people began to the hall.3. tie n./v.领带,绳,束缚/绑,捆,系 词汇1. bundle n./v.包裹,包袱/把乱堆在一起2. burrow n./v.(打)地洞3. embed v.把嵌入;使扎根于社会;使深留脑中4. insert v./n. 插入,嵌入/插页 the key in the lock5. lash n./v. 鞭打;责骂6. penetrate v. 穿过;透过 the darkness7. pierce v.刺穿,戳入;寒冷刺骨 The freezing wind d us to the bone.8. rope n.绳索9. sack n./v. 麻袋,解雇/解雇,掠夺 a. He got the for laziness. b. The invader pulled all to .10. shed n./v. 棚,车库/脱落;发出 a. Trees their leaves an flowers their petals. b. She s happiness all around her.11. strip v./n.剥去,除去;脱光(衣服);抢劫,掠夺/狭条,带状物 Thieves ped the house of everything of value.12. stripe n.条纹13. thrust n.冲锋,突击;推力 make a sudden 14. twist n./v. 捻,搓;扭转15. wind v. 迂回前进;卷曲,缠绕16wrap v.包裹 词汇1. bunch v./n.束,串,簇/聚成群2. chop n./v.被取消/砍,劈3. coil n./v.盘绕,缠绕/一卷,一圈4. puncture n.刺孔,穿孔5. squeeze v.榨,挤压;紧捏,紧抱;使负担沉重6. sting n./v.刺,叮;(感到)灼痛,痛苦 of defeat7. strap n./v. 带子;皮带,皮鞭,鞭打/用带束住,捆扎8. trim adj./v./n. 整洁的,整齐的/修剪,整修9. undo v.解开,拨开;败坏(名声,成果)10. wreathe v.盘绕,缠绕 arms around sb. 词汇1. clip n./v.区别针;夹子/剪毛2. reel n./v. 卷,轴;(胶片)一盘/卷3. tangle n./v.缠结 词汇1. poke n./v.捅,戳刺 sb. with sth.2. stab v. 刺,戳 13 与“应得、偷盗、抢劫”相关的词汇 词汇1. due adj./n.应支付的,正当的,预定得到的(to)/应得之物,会费 The wages to him will be paid tomorrow. 词汇1. theft n.偷盗 词汇1. undue adj. 过分的,过度的 14 与“堆拉、拿取、投掷、抚摸”相关的词汇 词汇1. bring v.带来,使来到;提出 forward(提出); up(养育); about(带来,造成)2. cast n./v.铸造/投,掷,抛;铸成 aside(抛弃,废除); off(解缆放船;抛弃)3. finger n.手指4. hang v.悬挂;吊死;贴,糊5. heave v. 用力举起;起伏;掷,扔/举,拉,扔 a stone to 6. lock n./v.锁(住)er(公共场所寸衣物的小橱柜)7. pull v.拉,拖,拨8. push v.推,挤9. throw v.扔,投,抛 up(扔掉,抛弃); away(呕吐) 词汇1. dash n./v. 冲;破折号/撞击,猛冲 across street2dig v.挖土,挖掘,挖沟3. drag v. 拉,拖,拽 out4. fetch v.拿来5. strain n./v.拉紧,拉力,努力,尽力/尽力使用;使损伤(坏);过滤,滤掉 词汇1. fling v. 掷,抛 sth. to2. haul v./n.用力拉,拖/捕获量,拖运的距离 It was a long home and we arrived exhausted.3. hurl v.,猛投,猛掷 sth. away4. jerk n./v.急动,急停/猛拉5. toss n./v.抛掷,扔6. traction n.拖,牵引(力)7. tug v.用力拉,猛拉,拖拉 词汇1. clamp n./v.夹,钳2. extract v./n.拔出,榨取;摘录/抽出物,选录 3. propulsion n.推进,推进力4. rip v./n. 撕破;裂开,绽开/裂口,裂缝,破洞5. tow n./v.拖,拉6. wrench n./v. 猛扭,猛拉 15 与“清扫、洗涤、擦拭、切割、弄脏”相关的词汇 词汇1. brush n./v. 刷子;画刷/擦,刷,抹2. sweep n./v. 打扫,连绵的一片/扫除;掠过;延伸,连绵;在迅速传播 a. The coast s north. b. The disease is ing the country. 词汇1. immerse v. 沉浸(于) I d myself in work so as to stop thinking of her.2. polish v./n. 擦;擦光,磨光;使完善,改进/擦光剂;完美,优雅 If you the article, we will print it in the newspaper.3. rub n./v. 摩擦,按摩 (rubber n.橡胶;橡皮)4. stain n./v. 污点,污剂;着色,染色/玷污 be ed with5. wipe n./v.擦,抹,揩 词汇1. bathe v./n. 浸到水中/游泳 bathroom n.浴室2. delete v. 删除(文字);擦去(字迹)3. pollute v. 污染 be d with4. scrape n./v. 擦痕/剖,擦5. shave v./n. 剃,刮6. shear v. 剪 All her beautiful tresses have been ed. 词汇1. abrasion n.磨损;擦伤处2. clearance n.清除,清理,净空3. contaminate v.弄脏;污染4. detergent n.去垢剂;清洁剂5. purge v.使净化;清除;清洗 词汇1. eradicate v.根除;消灭 Cancer is never going to be d as long as life exists as we know it today.2. erase v.擦掉;抹掉 Nothing can from her mind the memory of that terrible day.3. indelible adj.去不掉的;擦不掉的 There is an experience printed on my memory forever. 16 与“预防、避免、掩饰、遮盖”相关的词汇 词汇1. avoid v.避免;逃避 You should being late for your class.2. conceal v. 隐藏;隐蔽3. cover v./n.覆盖;包括,涉及/(书的)封面,盖子,套子 His studies ed a wide field.4. hide v. 隐藏;隐瞒 词汇1. avert v.避开;防止 Many traffic accidents can be ed by courtesy.2. mask v./n. 遮蔽;伪装/面具,口罩3. evade v.躲避;回避 The thief d the police by dodging into a alley.4. precaution n.预防 词汇1. beforehand adv. 预先;事先 prepare sth. 2. dodge v. 躲闪;躲开3. flaunt v. 夸耀 success 17 与“坐、站、休息”相关的词汇 词汇1. rest n./v.休息/放,搁 less adj.焦躁不安的 take/have a (休息); with(取决于); on(依赖,依靠)2. seat n./v. 座位/使就座3. sit v. 就座 up(不睡)4. stand v.站立,起立;处于特定状态;忍受,容忍 by(袖手旁观;准备行动;支持;坚持,遵守);for(代表,象征);in (充当替身演员) off (远离,疏远); out(伸出;杰出,出色;坚持/反对); up for(支持) I can not her, with her affected ways. 词汇1. stoop v.俯身,弯腰;降尊;堕落 I would not to borrowing money. / He ed to such meanness. 18 与“调查、审查”相关的词汇 词汇1check v./n. 核对/控制 词汇1. census n. 人口调查 词汇1. censor v./n.审查/检察员 19 与“追、捉、拍打”相关的词汇 词汇1. knock n./v. 敲,击,打 at2. pounce v./n. 猛扑,突然袭击;抓住/突袭,猛扑 He is ready to at the phone when it rings.3. seize v.抓住;夺取;占领 on/upon(采纳,利用); up(机器停止转动)4. touch n./v.接触,轻碰,妨碍/触觉 词汇1. capture v./n. 捕获;俘虏;夺得/捕集 captive adj./n. 被捕获的/俘虏2. grasp v. 抓紧;理解,领会 ones meaning3. grip v./n.紧握,抓紧,握力/柄 The president keeps a firm on his countrys foreign policy.4. kick v. 踢 at/against ( 反抗,抗议); up (足球开赛) The baby was lying on his back, ing its legs in the air.5. pat n./v. 轻拍;轻打 a ball6. pinch v. 拧,捏,掐,夹痛,紧压 give sb. a 7. pursuit n. 追赶,追求;从事;消遣 take up literary Surfing is a favorite of the youths in Australia. 词汇1. grab n./v. 抓取;抓住;夺取 He jumped up, bed his hat and ran to the bus-stop.2. overtake v. 超过;赶上 He slowly the lead runner.3. scratch n./v.抓痕,擦伤/抓,搔,挖4. tap n./v. 水龙头/轻拍,轻敲 ones fingers 词汇1. catching adj.传染性的;感染性的 Her laughter was the most I ever heard.2. clutch v.抓住,攫住/离合器3. flutter v./n.振翼;(心脏)不规则跳动/振翼 My heart ed with excitement.4. snatch v.夺走,夺得;一把抓住 The thief ed her bag and ran away. 词汇1. flap n./v. 垂下物/摆动,拍动 the wings2. flip v.把往上抛;掷;抽打 They ped a coin to decide who go first. 20 与“保卫、抵抗、报复”相关的词汇 词汇1. fend v. 抵挡 off (挡开); for oneself (照料自己)2. guard v./n. 保卫,保护,看守/看守人,警卫,守卫 be on/off the (戒备/未戒备) guardian n.保护人;监护人3. preserve v. 保护;保存(使之不腐烂)4. protect v. 保护 from 词汇1. conserve v. 保存,保藏 conservation n.保存,保护 conservative adj./n.守旧的,保守的/保守主义;保守党人 We must our forests for future generations.2. shield n./v.保护者,保护物;盾牌/保护,庇护 词汇1. react v. 反应,起作用;反对,起反作用 against2. revenge v.报仇;报复 21 与“计划、设计”相关的词汇 词汇1. design n./v.设计;构想


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