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2019年人教PEP版6年生下卷小升初全真模拟考试英语答案(12)b卷名称: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _班级: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _孩子们,带着你学习的成果,一起做自我检查吧。 我相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择问题1.11000000000000652 () Its ten oclockA.Whatb.whatsthisC.When2.therearare _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ day ina week.()A.sixB.fivec.EIIGht德国七人3.-arethathorses? 一个a是的b是的C.No.it isnt4.ilike vegetables _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not carrots.()A.butb .与C.with5.John is 140 centimeters tall.Peter is 130 centimeters tall.sojohnis _ _ _ _ _ _ than Peter .A.the tallestb.shortterC.taller6.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ()-我去了书店A.WhereB.WhatC.How7.lets look _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ theingredientsofpiapizza.()A.atB.toC.afterD.with8.- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )- 40A.How manyB.How oldC.How bigD.How much9 .读单词,选择不同种类的项目。(_ _ _ _ )1. a.light b.floor c.walld.classroom(_ _ _ _ )2. a.egab.englishc.math MD.Chinese(_ _ _ )3. a.nurseb.parentsc.doctord.cook(_ _ _ )4. a.noodlesb.chopsticks c.spool nd.knfe(_ _ _ )5. a.strongb.thinc.candyd.quiet10.this is limei.Her B. It C. She二、读书选择读短文选出正确的答案。Imnen.therearefrefrorperformyfremyfremyfremyfremyfremyfremyfremyfremyfremyfremyfremyfremyfremyfremyfremyfremy 22222222222222222222222211 . Ben likes eating _ ()A.chocolateb .甜点C.bananas12.Bensmotherlikeseating _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ()A.noodlesB.fishC.bread13 .本sfarereliceseating _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ()A.cakesB.pearsC.fish14.Benslittlesisterlikeseating _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ()A.cakesB.pearsC.fish15.therearare _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ peopleinbenfamily.()a .三井B.fourC.five16 .misswangwillbetwenty-3年前为下一个周期儿童提供的ol和hassclassesforstudents.shedoesnotofwork.after that 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222226天some tity shegoestovisitherfriends.shecomesbacktoschoolonsundayandnouron.she licing、dancing swimming、playingtennis和watcingmovies.sheisavers从wecanknofthereading_ .a.miss Wang is an old and kind teacher .B.Miss Wang is a young P.E teacher .C.Miss Wang is a young,kind English teachermissingwangis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ now。A.twenty-twoB.twenty-threeC.twenty-foursheplaysgameswithstudents _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a .因为什么都没有b.ontheplaygroundc.itsherworkmisswangstaysatschool _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _A.on weekendsB.on FridayC.from Monday to Fridaywhatdoesnmisswanglike在做什么?A.She likes playing computer gamesb.shelikesplayingtennisandswimmingC.She likes eating vegetables .三、填写内容补充对话17 .补充对话。A: Hello,Wang jun.b: _hospitala : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ didytheddoctorsay?是b:哦A: Oh. How are you now?b : Imwellnow.a : thatsok.Imgoingtothezoothisafternoon .b:真的吗? can I go _ _ _ _ _ _5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you?A: OK1._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _四、选择内容补充对话18 .选择适当的句子补充对话。a.heboughtabaskettballB.Lets goC.Who bought it for you?D.Its about space .a:这是b :战斗机a :1.b :2.a : mymumboughtitforme.itsapresentB: Great! 为了你?a :3.b:都在一起a :超时空要塞.4.五、看主题数数填写。19 . -How many girls can you see?I can see _ _ _ _ _ _ _ girls .20 . -How many pencils do you have?-Ihave_pencils。21 . -How many apples can you see?- Ican see _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _苹果。22 . -How many cats can you see?I can see _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cats。艾米,how many ballons do you have?- have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _24.-howmanybookstoyousee?我是Ican s
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