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英语兴趣与信心的培养湖北省麻城市第三中学 尹继友对于大多数由初中升入高中的学生来说,高中英语相对初中英语而言知识容量急速扩张,解题的难度、广度、深度大大增加,五花八门的方法、技巧扑面而来。如果再加上几次不理想的考试成绩,顿使学生失去了学习英语的兴趣与信心,开始怀疑自己的能力、智力,认为自己不是学习的料,和一些优秀的同学没法比,从惧怕到厌恶直至放弃学习英语。高中英语的教育目标就是:人人学“有用”的英语;人人掌握“必需”的英语。为此教师既要准确把握课标与教材的内容与程度,又要精心设计教学活动的各个环节,时时注意调动学生的学习兴趣,促使学生主动参与到各项英语活动中来,在活动中获得成功的快乐,保护他们学习的积极性,提高学会英语的自信心。一、 抓住学生的好奇心理,帮助学生进入学习情境我们常说良好的开端是成功的一半,在新课的导入上精心设计教学情境,引起学生的注意力和兴趣,是学生进行学习和掌握知识的前提条件。上课铃响以后,学生尽管已经坐在教室里,但心情难以一下子平静下来,注意力也难以集中,一时还难以进入学习状态。此时,教师如果创设一种问题情境,就能把学生带入学习情境中来,有效提高教学效率。例如:中考或调考中有一种设题称为“动词短语的“逆向” 设题即:对于结构为“动词+宾语+介词+介词宾语”之类的动词短语,诸如“makeuseofsomething,havetrouble/difficulty(in)doingsomething”等等,相信绝大部分学生都很熟悉它们的常规用法。所谓“常规”用法就是把此类短语中的介词之前(包括介词)部分看作固定不变的整体,进行变化的只是介词后面的部分。如: 1)Hemadeuseofwasteplasticinthisarticleofhandiwork. 2)Youcanmakeuseofyourdictionarywhendoingthisspellingexercise. 3)Didyouhaveanydifficultyingettingtothetopofthehillyesterday? 4)Hewassuretohavegreatdifficultygivingupsmoking. 但是,在下面这样的题目面前有的学生可能会感到无从下手。比如, 1)The_thatourbodymakes_foodliesmainlyinourdigestion. A.advantage;of B.use;in C.use;of D.advantage;over 2)Thankyouforallthetroubleyou_mybabyyesterday. A.hadtolookafter B.hadlookingafter C.hadlookedafter D.havehadlookedafter 正确答案分别是1)C和2)B。在上面两个题目中,我们发现对此类动词短语的考查角度共有一个显著特点,即,不把介词及其以前的部分看作固定不变的整体,而是恰恰就把考查重点放在了我们本以为是整体的那一部分;并且,考查的方式是把该动词短语中的动词宾语前置为先行词,其余部分作为一个定语从句。这样,就把此类短语的考查放在一个比较复杂的句子结构里。本文就把对此类短语的这种“反常规”用法称作“逆向”用法。请继续看如下例子: 3)Weappreciate_you_inorganizingthiscontest. A.apart;tookB.apart;played C.thepart;tookD.thepart;played 4)Dontyourealizethedamagethesechem-icals_ourenvironment? A.aredoingtoB.isresultingin C.aremakingforD.isleadingto 5)Heisdoingresearchintotheadverseeffectthatmodernfarmingmethodsmay_theen-vironment. A.makeB.haveon C.bringonD.damage 6)Finally,theyagreedonthedatehe_thenextmeeting. A.setaboutB.setout C.setoffD.setfor 7)Ithinkthe_you_herwastoomuch. A.jokes;playedon B.role;playedin C.joke;playedon D.part;playedin 8)Hewascitedforthegreatcontributionshe_promotingawarenessofenvironmentalissues. A.wasB.hadmadetowards C.hadbeenD.madein 以上6题分别用到这样几个此类动词短语:playapartindoingsth.;dodamagetosth.;haveaneffectonsth.;setadateforsth.;playajokeonsb.;makecontributionstowardsdoingsth.。正确答案是:3)D4)A5)B6)D7)C8)B 具有这种“逆向”用法的类似的动词短语还有很多,比如,doharmto;payattentionto;setarecordforsth.;takepainstodosth/over/withsth.;taketroubleover / withsth;taketroubledoingsth;takeapicture/photoofsb.sth.。二. 降低难度是激发培养学习兴趣的法宝学生对学习英语失去兴趣和信心,有一个最重要的原因是在学习中没有尝到甜头。而让学生品尝到甜头的唯一有效办法是减少知识总量,降低学习难度。基于此,我总是把一个大的教学目标细分成若干个学生容易达到的小目标,学生在不断获得小成功的过程中,渐渐产生了学习英语的兴趣和信心。在得到一次次激励和表扬中,一步一步迈向成功。三. 让学生在操作、演示的实践中,自主体会学习兴趣丰富多样的问题导入是提高课堂教学效益的前提,但光有这一点还是不够的。有些知识内容,即使是老师做了详细的讲解学生也不能真正理解,短时间记住了,过段时间还是全遗忘。英语中的很多概念、定义在老师看来很简单,学生往往理解起来很困难。这就要求教师切实抓好由感性认识到理性认识这一教学环节,让学生亲自操作、演示,经历知识获得的过程。例如:高考考查非谓语动词的一般规律是:在题干中给定句子的主体结构,要求学生根据句意从A, B, C和D四个选项中选一个正确的非谓语动词形式。但不可忽视的是:各地高考中也有一种特例_一种“颠倒”的考法,即:在题干中给定非谓语动词形式,要求考生据此从下面四个选项中选出一个正确的句子。请看下面的实例:1. While watching television, _. ( 09上海市高考卷 )A. the doorbell rang B.the doorbell rings C. we heard the doorbell ring D. we heard the doorbell rings解析:答案选C。句子的主语we也是现在分词短语watching television的逻辑主语,While watching television是While we were watching television的省略形式。此外,根据“hear sb. do sth.”结构,可以判断句后用原形动词ring作heard的宾语补足语。2. Having been attacked by the terrorists, _. ( 09湖北高考卷 )A. doctors came to their rescues B. the tall building collapsedB. an emergency measure was taken D. warnings were given to tourists解析:答案选B。句子的主语the tall building也是句首现在分词短语的逻辑主语,Having been ayyacked by teerorisys作时间状语,相当于时间状语从句After it ( = the tall buiolding ) had been attacked by terrorists。3. In order to improve English, _.( 09北京市高考 )A. Jennys father bought her a lot of tapes B. Jenny bought a lot of tapes for herselfC. A lot of tapes were bought by Jenny D. A lot of tapes were bought by Jennys father解析:答案选B。句子的主语Jenny应是动词不定式短语to improve English的逻辑主语,而这个不等式短语又是boughtfor herself的目的状语。4. Given more attention, _. ( 09河北高考卷 )A. we could have grown the tree better B. the tree could have grown betterC.and the tree could have grown better D. and we could have grown the tree better解析:答案选B。在分词短语和句子主体结构之间不用任何连词,所以应首先排除C和D项。句子的主语the tree 也是句首过去分词短语Given more attention的逻辑主语。从句中could have grown看,句子含虚拟语气,Given more attention可转化为假设条件从句If it ( = the tree ) had given more attention。5. When completed, _. ( 09山西高考卷 )A. people will go and visit the museum next year B. the city will have a new museum next yearC.the museum will be open to the public next year D. many things will be on display in the museum next year解析:答案选C。句子的主语the museum也是过去分词completed 的逻辑主语,When completed是被动式时间状语从句When the museum is completed的省略形式。6. Not having received her answer, _. ( 09江苏高考卷 )A. he decided to write to her again B. her letter must have been lostC.the postman could not have given him her letter D. another letter was sent to her解析:答案选A。句子的主语he也是否定式现在分词短语Not having received her letter的逻辑主语。综上分析,考生做这类单选试题时应该注意的是:所选正确项句子的主语必须能充当句首非谓语动词(短语)的逻辑主语。学生在动手操作中兴趣盎然,结论是学生自己争论得到的,所以印象深刻,顺利地完成了教学任务。在教学中凡是学生可以亲自动手体验的内容,我都会不失时机地让学生亲身体验一下。教师只有从感觉上引导,在难度上降低,在过程中鼓励,才能激发出学生的学习兴趣,调动起他们学习的主动性,这样的学习才能持久和有效。高中英语重点知识变相测试及强化训练一、词组have some difficulty / trouble (in) doing sth 的变化考法1.You dont know about the difficulty I had _the work then at all.A. done B. to do C. for doing D. doing2. You can never imagine what great difficulty I have had _ the patient who received a serious wound. A. treat B. to treat C. treating D. treated二、most of the +名词及 the majority of 的考法3. The_of words in Modern English come from foreign languages not Old English roots. A. mostB. totalC. large numberD. majority三、并列句及定语从句的考法(注意标点符号)4. The young mother saw her baby fall to the ground, _ brought her heart to her mouth.A. it B. and which C. and that D. this5. He worked seven days a week, and six of _ until one oclock at night. A. that B. whom C. which D. them 6. Eco-travel is not only to enjoy the pleasure of travel but also to protect the environment;_is very popular at home and abroad.A. itB. whichC. whatD. this四、by doing sth 的考法7._hiking in the mountain with my parents last Sunday, Ive learned how they love me.A. By B. With C. On D. Besides五、被动语态及时态的结构8. I have to use Yang Lis computer because mine_at the store. A. has repaired B. has been repaired C. is repairing D. is being repaired9. We dont live here; we_.A. just visit B .are just visiting C. just visited D. have just visited六、what 结构及all that的用法10. The boy handed all_ he found in the street to the teacher.A. thatB. whatC. whichD. who11. After Yang Li Wei succeeded in circling the earth, _ our astronauts desire to do is to walk in space. A. where B. what C. that D. how七、关系词在定语从句中的句子成分12. There was _ time _ Chinese used foreign oil.A. a; whenB. a; whileC. /; whenD. /; while13. It turned out that the man was an excellent policeman working in Yunnan,_had contributed a lot to the case. A. thatB. whichC. whoD. when14. The surface(表面)of the moon is dust_cannot keep heat from the sun as the rocks do on the earth.A. 不填B. whereC. thatD. in which15. The firefighters rescued a boy from the building on fire_had badly been hurt.A. that B. whichC. whereD. whom八、分析句子结构,现在分词作定语及定语从句的转化16. The pictures remind us of the disasters_ last year.A. to take place B. taken place C. took placeD. taking place九、重点连词before的考法及中文翻译17. Scientists say it may be five or six years _it is possible to test the medicine on human patients. A. whileB. afterC. before D. when18. Miss Yang had her mobile phone stolen_ she realized it.A. beforeB. even ifC. whenD. after十、定语从句所属关系的考法(注意名词前的定冠词很关键)19. It was a meeting_ the importance I didnt realize at the time.A. whichB. of which C. itsD. whose20 That tree, the branches_are almost bare ,is a very old one.A whose B in which C on which D of which十一、注意先行词前面的修饰语21. As far as I know, this is the best ad._has been designed by Mr Li.A. that B. which C. whatD. who十二、重点动词strike的各种用法22. The clock has just _ four oclock. A. struckB. beatC. hitD. stuck23. It suddenly_ me how we could improve the situation.A. seizedB. fearedC. shookD. struck十三、各种代词的区分24. He was a strict but good teacher,_who cares for the students studies and life.A. itB. whichC. whatD. one25. How do you like the cake? Its quite different from_I had last month.A.that B. which C. the one D. whose十四、The reason why+句子is/was that(因为)26.Do you know the reason of her absence(缺席)?Yes, sir. The reason_he was absent was_his father was in hospital.A. that; thatB. that; whyC. why; thatD. why; because十五、形容词作伴随状语27. I walked out of the cinema,_to return to see the wonderful film next Sunday.A. determineB. determiningC. determined D. to determined十六、 alive,live,lively,lovely的辨析28. Joan, put the_ fish in the water. OK. Ill see how many days they will live.A. living B. liveC. alive D. lively29. What will you do after taking part in the college entrance examination, XiaoMing? I will stay at home, watching the_ World Cup matches.A. aliveB. liveC. livelyD. lovely十七、oweto.的考法30. What is the secret of your success?I_my success_ the support and encouragement of my parents. A. pay; forB. thank; toC. put; inD. owe; to十八、play a role/part in 的考法31. He will never forget the role Gong Li_in the film Red Sorghum(红高粱)in 1994, directed by Zhang Yimou. A. tookB. playedC. hadD. worked32. As we can see, the role China_in the world today is of great importance. A. actsB. makesC. speedsD. plays十九、specially,almost,mostly,especially辨析33. He came here _ to discuss it with you. A. especially B. specially C. particularly D. extremely33. After the war, there was_ no leadership at all in this area and everything was in disorder. A. specially B. almostC. mostlyD. especially二十、主句和从句前后主语一致时,从句代词及助动词be的省略的考法34. Sir, please keep in mind that this kind of computer, if properly, will work at least ten years.Thank you, I will. A. use B. usingC. usedD. being used35. When _ my homework, I heard my name _, but I just couldnt recognize the voice. A. did; called B. doing; calling C. did; to call D. doing; called二十一、have no choice but to do 的考法36. Weve missed the last flight. Im afraid we have no_but to stay here for another night.A. choice B. wayC. touchD. award二十二、动词replace的用法37. Sue broke her leg during a match, so Im_ her on the team. A. replacingB. equalingC. combiningD. sharing二十三、强调句式的考法及变化38. It was not until she got on the bus_ Lucy realized she had left her key in the office. A. whenB. thatC. whereD. before39. It was in this factory _ he worked for ten years. A. which B. that C. whereD. in which 40. It was not until then _ I came to know that knowledge comes from practice. A. that B. when C. since D. as 41. I really dont know _ I had my money stolen. A. when was it that B. that it was then C. where it was that D. it was where that二十四、注意下面句子的结构42. Jenny look


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