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初三语法易错题汇总(适合优质学员二模提高冲刺使用)1. When heretiredat 65, he _ painting in over 20 cities in Europe and Asia.A. teaches B. has taught C. had taught D. would teach解析:C. 时态的考查,teach是发生在retired之前,故是过去的过去,用过去完成时态。2. -_ did the winner of the bicycle race ride? At the speed of40km/h.A. How long B. How fast C. How much D. How far解析:B.根据答句可以得出是对速度的提问,故用how fast.3. Alice ,_her friends,always takes a long walk after supper.A. both B. as well as C. but also D. And解析:B.主谓一致问题。根据takes可以得出句子的主语是第三人称单数,故是就远原则,考生应清晰的掌握就近原则和就远原则.4. Hey,boy!would you like to show me your _hand?A. the othersB. the otherC. other D. Another解析:C. 考查不定代词。常考搭配:one.the other;some.others;考生要清楚one.the other(中the可以换成相应的形容词性物主代词)5. The manager is much better than other employees_dealing with the customers complaints.A. in B. at C. on D. Of解析:B. 词组be good at的固定搭配,此题为比较级。6 .I hear that you have been to Wenzhen. Did you like it ?How long _ you _there ?A. do.stayB. have .stayed C. did.stay D. had .stayed 解析:C. 动词时态的考查,此题没有侧重对现在造成的影响,故直接用一般过去时态。7. The sea wave reached 10 meters in the storm.(对划线部分提问)_ _was the sea wave in the storm?(对划线部分提问)解析:How high. 特殊疑问句的考查,学生需掌握how相关的特殊疑问句含义。8. Martine doesnt play for the school football team any longer.(保持句子意思不变)Martine is _ _ a member of the school football team .解析:not any longer=no longer.9. During the test,our teacher stopped us from talking with each other.(保持句子意思不变)Our teacher didnt _us _talk with each other during the test.解析:stop sb from doing sth=dont allow sb to do sth.10. The factory decided to increase production to meet the needs of more customers.(保持句子意思不变)The factory decided to increase production to _ the _ of more customers.解析:meet ones needs=satisfy ones demand.11. The thief finally said that he stole the valuable necklace from the lady.(保持句子意思不变)The thief finally _ _ the valuable necklace from the lady.(保持句子意思不变)解析:承认做过某事。Admit doing sth12. Did Maggie fly to New York on her own? He wondered.(合并成一句话)He wondered if Maggie _ _to New York on her own? 解析:宾语从句的考查。Had flown13. The baby pandas weigh about 150 grams on average.(对划线部分提问)_ _do the baby pandas weigh on average?_ _is the baby pandas on average?_ the _ of the baby pandas on average?解析:How weigh;How heavy;Whats weight 对重量的三种提问方式14. Helen returned the magazine to the library after reading it.(保持句子意思不变)Helen _ _the magazine to the library after reading it.(保持句子意思不变)解析:return=give back to, 同义词组的积累15. It is necessary for us to review what we have just learned in time .(保持句子意思不变)It is necessary for us to _ _what we have just learned in time .解析:review=go over,复习回顾。16. Mr.Smith selects his words very carefully when he speaks in public.(保持句子意思不变)Mr.Smith selects his words with_ _ when he speaks in public.解析:carefully=with great care, 仔细的小心的17. As it is said by Joyce,the link method is a basic way of improving our memory.(保持句子意思不变)_ _Joyce,the link method is a basic way of improving our memory.解析:As it is said by sb=According to sb. 根据某人的观点。18. You can pay the bill in cash. You can pay the bill by credit card.(保持句子意思不变)You can pay the bill_ in cash_by credit card.解析:either.or, 21. The boys like having sports better than chatting with their friends on QQ.(保持句子意思不变)The boys _ having sports_ chatting with their friends on QQ.解析: prefer doing sth to doing sth=like doing better than doing sth.22. Tim doesnt like collecting coins. Jack doesnt like collecting coins,either.(合并成一句话)_Tim _Jack likes collecting coins.解析:Neither nor23. He frightened me because he made a strange sound behind me suddenly. (保持句意基本不变) He_ me a_ because he made a strange sound behind me suddenly .解析:frighten sb=give sb a fright. 动词词意和名词之间的转换。24. I bought the English-Chinese dictionary two years ago. (保持句意不变) I _ _ the English-Chinese dictionary for two years. 解析:have kept。短暂性动词和延续性动词的转换。错题整理1. People all think the cartoon Zoopia is interesting and wonderful. (对划线的部分提问)_ do people _ the cartoon? (How, like)解析:容易误写成What like.2. There _ an aple and some bananas in the black bag just now.A. is B, were C. was D. are (C)解析:there be 就近原则,此外还考察just now是过去时的重要标志。3. - Dont worry. Your bag _ here until you come back. So enjoy shopping in our supermarket.- Thanks.A. will keep B. was kept C. has been kept D. will be kept (D)解析:根据语言情景可得出超市店员在向顾客说明包会被保存好,是将要发生的事情。4. - Excuse me. Can you tell me _?- Sorry, I dont know.A. that where is a train B. which train can I take C. when the train leavesD. where does the train goes (C)解析:复合疑问句的从句是陈述语序,火车是在固定时刻出发的,所以是客观事实,用一般现在时表将来。5. Middle school students usually have _ one-day visiting in the countryside in spring.A. a B. an C. the D. / (A)解析:one的发音是wn,首字母并不是元音,故不能用an。6. Anns got a chance to go abroad as an exchange student ,_she?A. doesnt B. isnt C. hasnt D. wasnt (C)解析: 根据题目中的has got得知此题为现在完成时,所以选择C。7. Jim will take up drawing as his hobby when he _ the age of five.A. reduced B. reached C. with reach D. has reached (B)解析:判断后半句的动词时态关键在于the age of five,已经是过去时态,所以选择B。8. Dont let such a thing _ again, or you will probably lose your job.A. happen B. happens C. to happen D. happening (A)解析:整个句子是祈使句,意在警告他人该如何做,故动词用原型。9. Hans is the second _ boy in his class.A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest (C)解析:表达第几“高/大/瘦”要用最高级,且最高级前不加冠词the。10. Miss Brown would like to know _.A. when will she get a new computer from her father.B. when she would get a new computer from her fatherC. when would she get a new computer from her fatherD. when she will get a new computer from her father (D)解析:从句遵从陈述语序,疑问词+主语+动词,故选D。历年基础易错题1. Hans is _honest. He is often praised by his teachers and friends.A) a B) an C) the D /解析:B. 冠词的考查。A/an/the 三者之间的区别, honest/hour/honor这三个单词中的h是不发音的,故第一个音标是元音。2. The library of our neighbourhood _ ten hours a day.A. opens B. is open C. has opened D. is opened解析:B. Open这个词的词性有两个,一是动词,二是形容词,这里be open表示一种开放的状态。3. How glad they were _ each other again in Beijing!A. to see B. see C. seeing D. Seen解析:A. Be+adj +to do, 动词不定式的特殊用法4. Please help _ to cook some chicken, Jack. Our guests are coming soon.A) yourselfB) youC) meD) yourselves解析:代词。反身代词的考查,注意后面Jack是单数。5. We will make laws _ our environment.A) to protectB) protectC) protectingD) protected解析:B. 三个使役动词make/let/have+动词原形。6. Dont eat _ food in the evening. Its bad _ you.A) too much, withB) much too, forC) too much, forD0 much, with解析:C. Too much加不可数名词,表示太多;much too 修饰程度。be bad for固定搭配。7. Would you like some coffee? Yes, please. By the way, do you have any milk? I prefer coffee _ milk.A) fromB) withC) to D) for 解析;B. 此题容易误选C选项,学生只看到prefer故直接选to,这题意思为更喜欢咖啡里面加一些牛奶,应该是with。8. May I _ your dictionary for a while? Sorry, Ive left in at home.A) borrowB) lendC) keep D) take解析:C。根据后面for a while可知应该是延续性动词。9. When you leave the room, make sure _ all the lights are turned off.A) ifB) whenC) whetherD) that解析:D。宾语从句的考查。10. Jack is _ of the twins, though he looks a little old.A) youngerB) the youngestC) the youngerD) young解析:C.the younger是特指年轻的那一个。11. I feel my heart _ fast.A) to beatB) beatC) beatingD) beats解析:C.考查非谓语doing,侧重动作。12. We stand in the yard and look up _ the stars in the sky.A) inB) /C) atD) on解析:D.look up on词组固定搭配,仰视13. She prefers _ at home rather than _ out for a walk,A) to watch TV, to goB) watch TV, goC) to watch TV, goD) watch TV, to go解析:C.prefer to do rather than do sth。14. He wrote _ 800-word letter to his father, talking about his life in Shanghai.A) aB) anC) theD) /解析:B.冠词的考查。15. I think Suzhou is one of the most beautiful tourist cities in China and Ill come for _ second time.A) theB) aC) anD) /解析:冠词特殊用法,a second/a third time指再一次,又一次16. The town government set up a new modern hospital for the farmers, _?A) does itB) doesnt itC) did itD) didnt it解析:D.反义疑问句的考查,原则前肯后否前否后肯。18.- I wont have a trip to Yellow Mountian unless my best friend Mary _, too.- You mean you will go if Mary goes?A) will inviteB) invitesC) is invitedD) will be invited解析:C. Unless引导条件状语从句,遵循主将从现的原则,此题为被动语态,故选C。19. _ deer are drinking from the pond. Take a photograph of them quickly!A) AB) AnC) TheD) /解析:C.20. I refused to buy the second-hand book as it had _ missing pages.A) fewB) noC) littleD) many解析:D. 本题考查名词的单复数问题,后面pages是复数,此题表示肯定概念,故选D。21. Kitty _ every Saturday afternoon volunteering in an old peoples home.A) costsB) takesC) paysD) spends解析:D.此题考查几种花费的表达形式,主语为Kitty第三人称单数,故选D。22. With the help of the Internet, its _ to send an e-mail than a regular letter.A) quickB) quicklyC) much quickerD) much more quickly解析:D.形容词的比较级,quickly和slowly这两个是双音节里面特殊的,需要借助more一起构成其比较级形式,much用来修饰比较级,所以选择D。23. His successful experience _ an interesting topic to discuss.A) raisedB) roseC) was raisedD) was risen解析:A. Raise和rise的区别,此题需要一个及物动词引起这个意思,故选A。24. Peter asked me _ I was busy with those days.A) whereB) whyC)whatD) which解析:C。宾语从句,此题考查词意,be busy withwhat25. Many kids want to know _.A) what is the spaceship likeB) what the spaceship looks likeC) how the spaceship looks likeD) how does the spaceship look like解析:B。What look like/How like26. The traditional medicine _ to be effective in treating the old mans headache.A) turned overB) turned outC) turned onD) turned into解析:B. 动词词组词意辨析,turn out to be结果是,证明是27. This kind of mushrooms look _ but you should never eat them.A)gentlyB)lovelyC) softlyD) beautifully解析:B。Look系动词+形容词构成系表结构,考生要熟悉常考系动词有哪些28. Oh, Shoot! My computer doesnt work again! _ must be something wrong with the CPU.A) ThereB) ItC) This D) That解析:A。There be句型的考查29. The 16th Asian Games were held in Guangzhou _ November 12th to 27th.A) onB) inC) fromD) for解析:A。时间介词的考查,on+具体某一天30. Albert, if you _ carefully, you will understand the report well.A) listenB) listenedC) will listenD) are listening解析:A。If引导条件状语从句,时态遵循主将从现的原则。31. Kate and her sister went to holiday with a cousin of _.A) theirB) theirsC) herD) hers解析:B。名词性物主代词32. _ exciting the opening ceremony of the 16th Guangzhou Asian Games was!A) What anB) What aC) What D) How解析:D。感叹句的考查;what+n/how+adj.33. - _ has Danny been to Europe? - Twice.A) How longB) How soonC) How oftenD) How many times解析:C.根据答句可以得出是对频率的回答34. One of my friends has already been to the Great Wall seven times. He is looking forward to visiting it _ eighth time.A) theB) aC) anD) /解析:B。不定冠词a+序数词表示再一次又一次的概念。35. This ruler isnt very long. She wants a _ one.A) longB) shortC) shorterD) longer解析:D。比较级36. Nowadays people usually get _ information from TV, newspaper and the Internet.A) quite a fewB) a number ofC) a lot ofD) a pair of解析:C。考查名词的数。Information是不可数名词,只有C选择既可以跟可数又可以加不可数37. _ wonderful news report they wrote! All of us are proud of them.A) What aB) WhatC) How aD) How解析:B。感叹句中常考不可数名词:fun/information/weather/advice/news38. The reading room in our neighbourhood is _ from 9 a.m. on weekdays.A) openB) opensC) openedD) opening解析:A. Open两个词性,动词和形容词,be+open表示开放的状态。39. Could you _ me your dictionary? I want to find the meaning of this new word.A) bringB) borrowC) lendD) keep解析:C。动词词意的辨析。外借lend,借入borrow40. - Would you like me to help you with the housework? - _.A) Yes, Id like to.B) Youre welcome.C) No, Id like to walk in the garden.D) Thats very kind of you.解析:D。情景交际题41. Tom is very _ his new car, a wonderful Audi A8. his desire to have his own car has come true.A) proud ofB) good atC) interested in D) famous for解析:A。词组辨析45. Go on a diet, _ you will not grow overweight.A) orB) butC) andD) so解析:C。祈使句:or/and46. Many Chinese workers _ Libya soon after the civil war broke out.A) had leftB) leftC) were leavingD) have left解析:B。一般过去式47. This bakery _ outdated bread to make new products in the past three years.A) was usingB) has usedC) had usedD) used解析:C。过去完成时态。48. The World Bank has warned that rising food prices are pushing another thirty-four _ people below poverty line.A) million ofB) millions ofC) millionD) millions解析:C. 数词的表达,数字后要加具体的数字49. Ferries will reappear on the Huangpu River soon. Look, _ excited children are when they hear the news!A) whatB) what anC) howD) what a解析:C。感叹句50. In my opinion, the harder you study, the better _ youll get in your school work.A) gradesB) notesC) answersD) lessons解析:A。Grade表示分数51. He took up a language course while staying in Paris last summer. The underlined part means _.A) began to carryB) began to learn C) began to select D) began to hold解析:B。动词词组词意辨析52. To make sure the food we eat every day is safe, the government should do more. - _.A) That sounds nice. B) Thats not true. C) I cant agree more.D) You are welcome.解析:C。我本能同意的更多,就是非常同意53. The bowl of fish smells _. It has probably gone bad.A) strangeB) wellC) niceD) terribly解析:A。Smell系动词+adj,根据句意应该是变坏了54. You _ worry about your study. We will help you if necessary.A) dont needB) needntC) neednt toD) need to解析:B。Need两种用法55. Mary plans to take _ presents to her friends in New York when she goes there at Christmas.A) plenty ofB) huge amounts ofC) a great deal ofD) an amount of解析:A。名词的数,presents是可数名词复数。B/C/D都是修饰不可数名词。56. I really dont know _ your question.A) which to doB) which to answerC) what to doD) how to answer解析:D。57. Mike failed in yesterdays test. _.A) Either did John.B) So did John.C) Neither did John.D) So John did.解析:B。So/neither两个倒装句的用法58. They formed an English study group last week. The underlined part means _.A) organizedB) put upC) startedD) built解析:A。表示组织成立59. Its _ pleasure for me to be invited to play the piano at eh concert.A) a B) anC) theD)/解析:D. 抽象名词前不需要加冠词60. Linda doesnt swim as _ as Ken.A) quickB) quickly C) quickerD) more quickly解析:B。As.as加形容词副词原级。61. We are told that the journalist _ a speech on teenage problems next Monday.A) makesB) will makeC) is makingD) has made解析:B。一般将来时态62. Pollution in 2020 will probably be worse than today. - _.A) I dont agree with you. Perhaps its nice news.B) Im sorry, but I think I want to be a volunteer.C) Maybe youre right, and youve done a wonderful job.D) You may be right, but I think it wont be a problem then.解析:B。64. This film ticket is no longer _.A) availableB) appreciateC) affordD) accurate解析:C。动词词义辨析,表示负担得起65. After the severe destruction, the houses in the earthquake-stricken area needed _ as soon as possible.A) rebuildB) rebuiltC) rebuildingD) to rebuild解析:C。Need/want/require这三个词用主动形式表达被动概念,need doing sth66. _ interesting work it is to put up a wall newspaper!A) HowB) How anC) WhatD) What an解析:C。感叹句67. Do you know _ the population of China _?A) what, isB) how much, isC) whats, /D) how many is, /解析:C。问人口的表达方式68. Mr. Brown, may I ask you some questions? - _.A) What is itB) Never mind.C) Please go ahead.D) Yes, you may.解析:C。词性转换1. Football fans like to enjoy _ about the result of the football matches. (argue) 2. Nobody wants to make friends with him, because he is _ (honest).3. Even some police _ were killed during the 2-hour fight. (chief) 4. The public got very angry when they knew _ food was fed to children at school . (health) 5. The cat looked _ at the fish in the bow. (hungry) 6.I dont think Tom can swim _ the river at this point. Its too wide.(cross)7. Dad said that if I made it clear why I _ with him, he wouldnt be angry. (agree) 8. _ is a kind of good quality. (honest) Key:argument/dishonest/chiefs/unhealthy/hungrily/across/disagree/Honesty句型转换1. Its fun to go skating on the real ice in winter. (感叹句) _ _ it is to go skating on the real ice in winter! Keys:What fun2. Johnson started too late to catch his train to Nanjing. (句意不变) Johnson started _ late that he _ his train to Nanjing. Key:so;miss3. The government has made some plans to improve our world. (被动) Some plans _ _ made to improve our world by the government.Key:have been 4. The farmer asked


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