湖南省醴陵二中高一英语精品课件:unit1 tales of the unexplained word power(牛津译林版必修2)( 2013高考)_第1页
湖南省醴陵二中高一英语精品课件:unit1 tales of the unexplained word power(牛津译林版必修2)( 2013高考)_第2页
湖南省醴陵二中高一英语精品课件:unit1 tales of the unexplained word power(牛津译林版必修2)( 2013高考)_第3页
湖南省醴陵二中高一英语精品课件:unit1 tales of the unexplained word power(牛津译林版必修2)( 2013高考)_第4页
湖南省醴陵二中高一英语精品课件:unit1 tales of the unexplained word power(牛津译林版必修2)( 2013高考)_第5页
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,Word power,Unit 1,Space exploration,Who is she ?,A beauty named Change on the moon.,The story about Change told us that we human beings had been dreaming of traveling to space for thousands of years!,Read the first part of the speech on P6 and complete the time line of the main events mentioned.,The first man-made satellite went around the Earth.,Spaceships have been sent up into space.,Yuri Gagarin from Soviet UnionWas the first person to travel in space.,American astronaut Neil Armstrong landed on the Moon.,space station,A base for people working and travelling in space,two rockets,space shuttle,A spacecraft for travelling between the earth and a space station,launch tower.,launch pad,a platform from which a space shuttle is sent into space,astronauts,People whose job is travelling and working in a space shuttle,spacesuit,spacewalk,A special suit allowing sb. to survive and move around in space.,A period of time that an astronaut spends in space outside a space shuttle,tracking ship,A ship which is used to pick up the two rockes in the sea seperated from the space shuttle,Do you remember?,spacesuit,astronaut,spacewalk,space station,space shuttle,spaceship,a person who is trained to work in a spaceship,a pressure suit worn by astronauts while in outer space,Action of moving about in space outside a spacecraft,Manned spaceship designed for repeated use, e.g. between Earth and a space station or the moon ,Vehicle manned or unmanned for traveling in space,Large manned artificial satellite used as a base for operations in space, e.g. for scientific research ,What happens to the two rockets after they separate from the space shuttle?,tracking ship,They fall into the sea and a ship will pick them up.,Word powerGo through Part C and fill in the blanks using words from page 6.,Answers 1. astronaut 2. outer space 3. space shuttle 4. rockets 5. tracking ship 6. space station 7. spacewalk 8. space


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