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英语考试作文写作技巧 i. 大总体结构 Introduction(开篇):第一段 Body(论证):第二到第四段(或第二,第三段) Conclusion(总结):第五段(或第四段) 第一段写法(Introduction) 完整版:背景句(介绍题目)+A观点+转折词+B观点+个人观点+过渡 简化版:背景句(介绍题目)+个人观点 推荐使用:背景句(介绍题目)+个人观点+过渡句 Step One: Useful Expression: 优缺点类型的关键词 Advantages and disadvantages Benefits and dangers Strengths and weakness Merits and drawbacks Positive and negative Pros and cons blessing and curse Step Two : Transitional Words Body部分的段落衔接词 若干层次: To begin with / Firstly / First and foremost Secondly / In addition / What is more In the third place / Furthermore / Last but not least Body部分的段落衔接词二 第一段不用连接词: 第二段使用also, moreover, besides, 或者it also might be noted that, 第三段:another vital evidence which should be illustrated to verify my opinion is thatBody段落的衔接词三 Proponents, opponents From one side , from the other side People who support the former idea hold that On the contrary, there are still many opponents arguing that 多样性论证方式之举例 Useful Expressions 1.for example, for instance, take sth as example, 2.sth is a vivid a case in point, a case in point is that 举例: A case in point is that a great number of American youth across the continent when they just plete their school jobs. 3.We could find numerous examples to cite: We could find numerous examples,such as 4.symbolize,symbolic,signify, is an excellent metaphor for, 论证方式之引用 A popular/old/saying/proverb/slang goes like this: 练习:英格兰有句俗语,大卫.贝克汉姆的黄金右脚. There is a prevalent saying in England that David Beckham has golden right foot. A popular saying in England goes like this:David beckhams right foot. 论证方式之引用 A widely/powerfully/tremendously 副词 aepted / authorized/undeniable/ 形容词 survey/theory/statistics/argument 名词 conducted/exposed/led by some 后置定语 experts/media/newspaper/institute 名词 indicates/displays/exposes/illustrates/reveal 动词 that 简化:A widely aepted survey conducted by some experts indicates that 论证方式之因果 Lead to, contribute to / result from, derive from, arise from Due to, owing to, thanks to , on aount of As a result of, consequence of, consequently, in consequence Therefore, hence, thus, thereby (副词不能跟从句) 举例:and therefore 结尾段写法 结尾段由结论句+口号/建议/说明句构成。 不要太短,两句或三句为适宜。 1.结论句=结论词+题目观点(再次转述题目,可以部分引用题目,很容易和开头段观点写法重复) 结论句与结论词 1.From what has been discussed above, we can strongly draw the conclusion that 2.Weighing all the pros and cons of this issue/Taking into all the factors of this issue,we may relatively/paratively get the conclusion that 3.to sum up, in a summary, in a word, in a sentence, as a conclusion, I think, I hold, I regard,. 结尾段模板口号句与展望句 1.It is high time that we should do 举例:it is high time that we should carry out deeper methods to avoid this disastrous circulation. 结尾段其他模板 In conclusion, I hold we should never+驳斥的观点 On the contrary,肯定的观点 The result will be My experience tells me that to _needs a thorough and persevering process, and in this process you had better abide by the principles mentioned above. 结尾段其他模板 In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of _. Only in this way can _ in the future. In my opinion, _ is just as mon as _. If _, it may be very useful. Whatever _, the key point lies in _. All in all, we cannot live without _ . But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with problems that would arise. On the whole, it is high time that we recognized the significance of _. Although it is affected by many factors, still there are certain ways that can make the situation better. The most import is _. Another way is _. Still another one is _. Many solutions are offered here, all of them make some sense, but none is adequate enough. The problem should be studied in depth. We may have a long way to go before we reach the final goal. But once we are on the way, the chance to reach it is greater. As far as I am concerned, I trust the advantages mentioned above exceed the disadvantages. ii. 观点句 观点句由观点词+观点来完成 As for me, I side with the former / latter. From my view, I approve As far as I am concerned, In my opinion, In view of these points, 特殊的观点表示方式 动词:1.agree, believe 2. consider, regard, treat 3. hold, argue, claim, insist, persist, maintain, approve, advocate, assert, 其他词性用法: I am a believer in, I am so convinced that, As a truthful advocate in 一边讨论型过渡句 In the following paragraphs, I would present some reasons. A few explanations would be presented as follows. Thus essential and persuasive evidences would be provided in the subsequent paragraphs to verify my perspective. 两边讨论型过渡句 People could rarely reach a consensus without a fierce debate on this issue. All the blessings and curses will be fully exposed in the following paragraphs. Consequently, I will discuss this issue from both two sides respectively. iii. 背景句 As one of the most significant invention/phenomenon in the 20th century,_ has a great application/influence in many aspects of our lives.科技发明类 Along with the increasing development of science and economy, a great number of issues are brought to our attentions, one of which is that_. 社会类 No one could have failed to notice the fact that _ is a noticeable/grave/severe issue with which _ are confronted. 社会类 Recently the issue of whether or not_(讨论话题) has been in the arguments and has aroused wide concern in the public.社会类 The past decades have witnessed the great popularity of 科技/社会 Being a controversial issue, has aroused a great deal of attention in society during the past decades. 社会类 No issue in recent years has drawn as much attention as the debate concerning科技/社会一切主题都适用 There has long been puzzled/ confused /aepted that. It is universally puzzled/ confused/ aepted /established/ acknowledged that It is obviously true/controversial that There is no denying/ agreement/ consensus that It is an undeniable fact that When concerning/arguing/talking/ing to the issue of_ , peoples ideas vary from one to another. Some people consider that( is significant), while others deny it totally, claiming that(is more reasonable).I side with the former/latter one. No issue in recent years has drawn as much attention as the debate concerning. Some people advocate that, while others claim that 关于一些人的其他说法 Traditional/ conventional /conservative ideas, some authorized media, a famous institution, some experts/ scholars iv. 求职信 求职信信头 I am writing to apply for the job which was advertised in . Further to your advertisement in China Daily on Nov 29, xx for a , I would like to be considered for this vacancy very much. 求职信信尾 Thank you for your attention.I look forward to your reply and you can reach me by I do hope that I may be considered for the job and that you may invite me for interview in the near future.You can reach me by E-mail liminghotmail. v. 看图作文 描述图画 The picture shows that Alternatives of show同义替换 demonstrate / display / depict / reveal / present / illustrate / indicate / unveil Alternatives of picture同义替换photo / cartoon / drawing 修饰副词:vividly / clearly As we can see from the cartoon As can be clearly seen from the above picture As is displayed in the drawing As it is displayed in the drawing The cartoon vividly depicts 加以评论(现象 原因 后果) It is clear that the picture implies a mon phenomenon in our society today: By drawing the picture, the painter intends to inform us that Apparently, the purpose of this picture is to convey a message: The key message conveyed in the picture is that This kind of situation can be seen in The cartoon conveys a signal: The picture delivers a message: The drawing is a symbol that What the picture reflects may be a mon / new phenomenon in China / in our daily life / in the younger generation. 具体讲述What is the phenomenon? This picture / cartoon conveys a clear message. 具体讲述What is the message? There are at least reasons for this phenomenon. What may aount for this social phenomenon? Many factors contribute to / lead to / bring about this problem. A number of factors are responsible for this social phenomenon. The causes for the problem are plicated. The effects could be adverse / serious / negative. It will have a negative / undesirable impact on This will bring some serious consequences. The negative consequences can be expected. 首先 其次


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