山东省枣庄市2019年中考英语总复习 语法八 副词语法随堂演练.doc_第1页
山东省枣庄市2019年中考英语总复习 语法八 副词语法随堂演练.doc_第2页
山东省枣庄市2019年中考英语总复习 语法八 副词语法随堂演练.doc_第3页




语法八 副词语法随堂演练(一)请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词(短语),并用其适当形式填空,使句子完整正确,每个单词(短语)只用一次truequietslowyetwidehow oftenlonegeneralcorrectpoliteheavycertaincompleteluck1. (xx四川成都中考改编)I am wrong for sure. I have to do the research from the very beginning. 2(xx安徽中考改编)Yuan Longping is regarded as the greatest scientist in rice planting.3(xx甘肃白银中考改编)Is dinner ready?Not 4(xx湖北襄阳中考改编)Listen! Its raining outside.Wow, look! The yard is full of rainwater now! 5(xx上海中考改编) Old Mr. Green doesnt feel because some students visit him regularly. 6.“What can I do for you?” she asked 7Could you please speak a little more ? I cant follow you.8I fell off the bike on my way to school. , I wasnt hurt.9 does he come here?Once a week.10The movie covers all of Chinese history. It is worth seeing again.11(xx浙江杭州中考改编)Do you think more money should be given to education? , I couldnt agree more.12(xx四川乐山中考改编)To sing an English song , I listen to the CD again and again, and check every word in the dictionary.13(xx贵州安顺中考改编)Chinese is used in the world these days.14(xx山东莱芜中考改编)We are supposed to read in the library.(二)用括号内单词的适当形式填空1Who does homework more (careful), Jack or Bill?2Emma runs most (quick) among her friends.3How does Bob (usual) go to work?4Its dark. I cant see the words on the blackboard (clear)5John speaks English as (good) as Mike.6Will Evans (enough, fit) to play?7Did John get Number 1 in the math exam?Yes, no one did so (good) as him.8(xx甘肃白银中考)I havent seen them (recent)9(xx江苏宿迁中考)Deep in his heart, Nelson Mandela wanted to help the black people to live (free). 10(xx江苏盐城中考)The world is changing (rapid), and we should keep up with the pace of change. 11(xx上海中考)Fortunately, no one was (serious) hurt in the earthquake several weeks ago.12(xx江苏徐州中考)I bought the computer (simple) because it was cheap.13. How was your interview for the work?Oh, I couldnt feel any (bad). I hardly understood most of the questions they asked. 14Bob sings (good) in our class.15(xx江苏无锡中考)Its (high) possible that humans have to move to Mars in the future.参考答案(一)1.completely2.generally3.yet4heavily5.lonely6.politely7.slowly8Luckily9.How often10.truly11Certainly12.correctly13.widely14quietly(二)1.carefully2.quickl


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