



8B Unit5 期末复习讲义班级 姓名 一、词组默写1. 足够大去学习礼仪 _ be old enough to learn about manners2. 打断别人说话 _ cut in on others3. 与他人分享你的东西 _ share your things with others4. 活到老学到老 _ you are never too old to learn5. 到处乱扔垃圾 _ drop litter everywhere6. 把水龙头一直开着 _ leave the tap running7. 在公园里摘花 _ pick flowers in the park8. 遵守交通规则 _ obey the traffic rules9. 排队等候轮到你 _queue for your turn10. 在阅读书之后放回去 _ put books back after reading11. 邀请他谈论礼仪 _ invite her to talk about manners12. 和那里的人们打招呼的正确方式 _ the proper way to greet people there13. 与你握手 _shake your hand/shake hands with you14. 第一次会面 _meet for the first time15. 通过亲吻与亲密的朋友打招呼_ greet close friends with a kiss16. 开始谈话 _start a conversation17. 避免像体重的话题_ avoid the subjects like weight 18. 在公共场所举止文明_ behave politely in public19. 插队到别人面前是粗鲁的_ its rude to push in before others20. 撞到某人 _ bump into/ against someone21.挡住某人的路 _ in ones way22. 碰你或者从你身边挤过去 _ touch you or push past you23. 劳驾 _ excuse me24. 足够礼貌地等到你离开_be polite enough to wait till you move25.也 _ as well (as) 26. 一直 _ all the time27. 给我们一些其他的提示 _some other tips for us28. 压低声音 _ keep ones voice down29. 对我们有帮助_ be helpful to us30. 正如谚语所说_ just as the saying goes31. 入乡随俗 _when in Rome, do as the Romans do 32.偶然 _ by accident33. 像当地人一样做 _ do as the local people do34.注意到她周围的小变化 _ notice the small changes around her35.太害羞以至于不能加入讨论 _ be too shy to join the discussion36. 清晰地表达他自己 _ express himself clearly37. 写下所有的重点 _ write down all the main points38. 忙于她的舞蹈课 _ be busy with her dancing lessons39. 注意到公共标示 _notice public signs40. 在颜色上鲜明 _ be bright in colors41. 向我们解释事情 _ explain things to us42. 使我们远离危险 _ keep us safe from danger43. 警告我们不要做某事 _ warn us not to do something44. 禁止抽烟/拍照/停车/乱扔垃圾_ no smoking/photos/parking/littering45. 给它拍照片 _take a photo of it46. 在他们生活中某时成功 _ be successful sometime in their life47. 不久以后 _soon after48. 冒着一次失去一切的风险 _risk losing everything in their life49. 在几年努力工作后使他的梦想成真_ make his dream come true after years of hard work50. 举办一次关于良好餐桌礼仪的演讲的目的_the purpose of giving/holding a _talk on good table manners51. 教学生饮食规则 _teach students rules for eating52. 在学校礼堂进行 _take place at the school hall53. 许多关于餐桌礼仪的建议 _a lot of advice on table manners54. 首要的是 _above all55. 嘴张着吃东西 _eat with your mouth open56. 嘴里含着饭说话 _talk with food in your mouth57. 越过别人的盘子够东西 _reach over someones plate for sth.58. 确认餐桌上宾客尽欢 _make sure both guests and hosts _are comfortable at the table二、单项选择1. -Would you mind _ me to carry all the books? - _ . I will do it right now.A. to help; Yes, I do B. to help; Of course not C. helping; Of course D. helping; Not at all2. The small mouse lived in a _ hole _ , but it never felt _.A alone; alone; lonely B lonely; lonely; alone C lonely ; alone; lonely D alone; lonely; alone3. I have been in the famous city for _. I will go to another _ next month.A . sometime; sometime B sometimes; some time C some time; sometime D some times; some time4. _ to school, I found a very huge rock _.A In my way; on the way B on the way to; in my way C on the way; In my way D in my way to; on the way5. Simon is _ impatient _ listen carefully to my question.A so; that B too; to C / ; enough to D enough; to6. -Were going to _ a talk tomorrow. - But where will the talk _?A hold; hold B take place; take place C hold; take place D take place; hold7. It was raining heavily. Lucy felt cold, so she stood _ to her mother.A close B closely C closed D closing 8. Id like to buy a big and modern house. _ , I hope its in a quiet neighborhood.A. After all B. above all C As a result D at that moment9. - Where is Mr. Green? I havent seen him for a few days.- He has _ HK. He wont be back _ next week.A gone to; after B been to; until C gone to ; until D been to; after10. The flat is _ small for all of us _.A so; to live in B too; to live C to; to live in D so; to live 11. If you want to be _, youd better take _ .A healthy enough; enough exercise B enough healthy; exercise enough C healthy enough ; enough exercises D enough healthy; exercises enough12. Volunteers make the meeting _ by _ .A a success; hard-working B success; working hard C successful; working hard D a success; working hard13. If you go to Toms birthday party, I _ go _.A /; too B wont; either C do; as well as D will; as well14. There are no _ for behavior like that. Hes very rude.A way B why C excuses D excuse15. The local people warned them _ in such bad conditions.A not risk travelling B not to risk travelling C not risking to travel D not to risk to travel16. - What do you think of summer in Nanjing? - Well, its sometimes _ hot and sometimes there is _ rain.A too much; much too B too much; too much C much too ; much too D much too; too much17. John was too excited to _ us what happened _ him.A talk; on B say; on C tell; to D speak; to18. This is the best way I could think of _ him _ computer games.A to stop; playing B stopping; playing C to stop; to play D stopping; to play 19. _ . You should work hard to enter a good college.A Burn the candle at both sides B Actions speak louder than words.C No pain, no gain D Every dog has its day20. - Did you bring any books here? -Yes, I bought _ here, but I cant find _ now.A one; one B it; it C one; it D it; one三、单词填空1. Tom works so _ (close) with Jerry that they can get along well with each other.2. Everyone knows that he is one of my _ (close) friends.3. My mom was angry with me because I behaved so _ (proper) that day.4. Can you speak a little more _ (loud) to make everyone hear you clearly?5. You cant judge a book by its cover, as the old _ (say) goes.6. Dont forget to send my _ (greet) to your parents, will you?7. She _ (礼貌地) asked the boys to go away when they were in her way.8. Many people are _ (排队等候) at the supermarket gate. What are they going to buy?9. The teacher told us not to leave _ (垃圾) in the classroom.10. He usually _ (乱扔杂物) when he was in primary school.11. _ (摘) flowers in the garden makes others angry.12. There is no _ (借口) for breaking the traffic rules, I think.13. Its our _ (顺序) to clean the classroom today.14. Soldiers are expected to _ (服从) orders without questioning.15. You should thank the _ (罗马) for their help. It made us _ (成功) hold the meeting.16. British people like to start _ (会话) by talking about the weather.17. After a 20-minute _ (讨论), they agreed to set out tomorrow.18. The little boy is more polite than any other _ (宾客) at the wedding.19. Have you _ (告诫) your teammates not to break the rules in this challenging task?20. You need to pay attention to your _ (表达) when you make a speech in the public.21. You are _ (冒险) your health by smoking.22. How many _ (蜡烛) are there in the birthday cake?23. _ (解释) in some ways means you want to hide the truth.24. In fact, his strange _ (表现) at the party yesterday evening made us surprised.25. The _ (目的) of the show are to raise money and to help the elderly.26. The _ (结论) he made just now are unbelievable. 四、动词填空1. -_ you _ (return) the book to the library?-Yes, I _ it two days ago.2. _ (pull) his hand free, he tried many different way.3. When _ (visit) a natural park, you should follow the rules.4. Yesterday we continued _ (work) until it was dark.5. He went past quickly to avoid _ (meet) her.6. Last week, winners of the music awards _ (choose) through online voting.7. - _ you _ (print) the test paper yet?-Yes, it _ (print) two hours ago.8. Andy was too frightened at that moment _(express) him clearly.9. The workers are discussing which color _ (paint) the test paper yet?10. Yesterday, the 8-year-old girl was made _ (run) around the playground.11. Do you think the housework _ (finish) in 30 minutes?12. They _ (not allow) to play computer games because they didnt finish the work.13. A class meeting _ (not hold) by our math teacher next Friday.14. The Chinese government has done everything it can _ (improve) peoples lives.15. - Could you tell me when the meeting _ (end)? - In ten minutes.16. The students _ (help) _ (finish) the work in hours by the teacher.17. How comfortable the wind _ (feel)! Its soft and warm.18. The boy hopes he _(not ask) about his study by anyone , because he doesnt do well in any subject.19. The family _ (chat) on the balcony this time yesterday.20. Students bikes must _ (not put) here in the daytime.五、句子翻译1. 他礼貌地排队等待轮到他,而没有像其他人一样生气。He was _instead of_.2. 在德国,用亲吻与他人问候是正确的吗?Is _?3. 为了避免浪费水,刷牙时别让水龙头里的水一直流。To _, dont _ while _.4. 因为公共场所不允许吸烟,我相信越来越多的人将会戒烟。I believe


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