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Reading & Writing,更多资源,书面表达检测的能力,审题能力:明确写作目的、要传递什么信 息、要说明什么问题、思想性等; 组织能力:处理信息的能力、组织文章的逻 辑性; 修改能力:发现问题、纠正错误、提高文章 档次; 发挥能力:表达简洁、地道、流畅、语言形 式多样、词汇丰富、有自己的见 解等.,第四档:很好地完成了试题规定地任务。能写明全部或绝大部分内容要点;语言基本无误;行文连贯,表达清楚;语言结构和词汇选用恰当、丰富;有效采用不同连接手段,层次清楚,格式和语域恰当。,英语写作要诀Theme:文章一定要切题,主题突出。 Development: 主题的发挥充分合理,词汇、句子、段落分配使用得当。内容要符合逻辑。 Coherence: 文理通顺,前后连贯。 Key: 用适当的关键词突出主题,每段都应有主题句。Brief: 文章“简为贵”,要抓住要点,简明扼要。合理删除多余的不必要部分。Straight: 开门见山,直来直去。Sentence pattern: 句型要尽量多样化。Punctuation: 正确适时使用标点符号。 Style: 文体恰切,适合内容要求。 Agreement: 主语和谓语在人称、数上的一致,关系代词与先行词的一致。动词时态要正确、一致、变化合理。,阅读中重视英语句子的表达,培养学生英语思维学生的作文主要有以下几个方面的问题:第一、英语底子太薄。第二、词汇量太小,且对已学词汇记忆不清。第三、表达思想不清楚。表达思想不清楚的主要原因是考生作文中严重的中文思维和汉化的英语。此外,语言错误的普遍性和严重性十分惊人,比如,主谓不一致,名词单复数不分,动词时态语态滥用,常用词拼写错误比比皆是。这些严重地影响了思想的表达。多数考生在写作上的主要欠缺系统的写作理论和方法,以及最基本的单句写作能力。好多考生写作成绩长期得不到明显提高的主要原因是欠缺写好单句的能力。,阅读中注意英汉表达差异一、首先,英美人的思维方式是直线式,他们在遣词造句谋篇上遵循着从一般(general)到具体(specific),从概括(summarize)到举例(exemplify),从整体(whole)到个体(respective)的原则。先有主题句(main idea sentence),后面再用说明主题。 在单句中也是先中心,将主要思想、结果放在句首。二、英语结构紧凑,语言学家以“竹节句法”来比喻英语句子,即英语句子是由断不可缺的各种连词衔接而成;英语重形和,句子中如果少了连接词所要表达的意思就支离破碎了。三、就是因为英语中各种连接词与替代词的广泛使用,使得英语中出现“多枝共干”式的长句,复合句。四、英语的另一个显著特点是被动句多。五、时态丰富。六、词组或短语丰富多彩,有名词短语、动词短语、形容词短语、介词短语、分词短语、不定式短语与独立结构等,它们的语法功能不一而足,可做主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语与表语等。,写作的初步训练分为以下三个步骤:1.仿写,仿写即仿照有关内容写一篇类似的短文,内容与课本一致。在熟练背记句型和段落的基础上能举一反三。2、改写,改写的方法很多,可以是将对话改写成短文,也可以是缩写课文等。3、扩写,扩写即用同一题材通过数次扩展、补充从而完成短文的写作练习。一篇短文分次扩写,每次的写作量不大,让学生将课文中的词语和句型变成英语技能并保证较高的正确率,一周练习扩写两次完成一篇短文。,1、控制性写作。为学生写作提供较详细的内容,要求学生将它们包含在写作中。从文章结构(分几个段落、每段的要点)到动词的时态,必须包括的单词、短句和句型。引导和帮助他们学会基本的写作方法。 2、引导性写作。允许学生在内容与语言形式上作必要发挥。如给出第一段,继写;或给出第一段与最后一段,要学生写中间几段。给出的段落内容可以灵活多样,学生的写作方法和观点可完全不同。有时可以通过提供图片,给出提纲或以提问的形式,要求学生按图、提纲或回答问题的顺序进行写作。3、自由写作。放手让学生表达自己的思想。要求学生掌握根据不同的写作目的,阅读作文的对象,选择确切的表达方式等语用规则。,互动读写1、扩展句子。2、分头阅读,合作完稿。让学生在阅读过程收集材料,是解决学生无话可说的一条有效途径。老师先给学生出一题目,让学生分头查阅资料,然后在写作课上进行小组讨论,整理材料,最后合作完成文章。老师可摘录学生习作中的精彩部分让学生传阅。在此基础上,可要求学生阅读一篇短文后,以小组为单位,合作写出一篇一百多字的摘要,以锻炼学生的阅读、概括和表达能力。 3话题写作。以教材为中心,围绕所学的课文进行练习,就课文内容写出一连串的问题,再进行笔头回答,或写出课文的中心句,从不同角度、用不同的人称转述课文大意,或概括出课文的主要故事情节。另外结合此单元的内容,写出相应的符合实际的小短文。,怎样才能写好作文呢?阅读优秀范文首先要搞好阅读。阅读是写作的基础,教科书要读透,因为教科书中的文章都是一些很好的范文,文笔流畅,语言规范,精彩的一些课文段落要背诵。再就是要进行大量课外阅读,并记住一些好文章的篇章结构。写阅读笔记其次,在大量阅读的基础上要加强练词造句的训练。词句对作文相当于造房的材料,无好材料就造不出好房子。平时在学习阅读时要注意收集积累,把好的词语、短语、句型做好笔记。平时在练习中的错误也要做好记录,再对照正确句子,使地道的英语句子如同条件反射,落笔就对。用英语写日记经常用英语记日记,等于天天在练笔,在记日记时,要有意识地用一些好的词组、句型、关联词和复合句等。可按书上题目或所给情景练笔,写好后对照书上范文,找出差距,然后再练习,这对提高英语作文也很有帮助,在游泳中学会游泳,只有多练习才能练好。,任务型阅读 填表格,提问 任务型写作 阅读 提纲,重点词 写作写作任务 阅读,找材料 写作头脑风暴 阅读体验 学习写作阅读 头脑风暴 开放写作,读写结合的五种尝试,教学模式,任务型阅读 填表格,答问 任务型写作,Dave is a student. He likes clothes that are cool. He likes to listen to the music. His favorite band is Guns and Roses because he likes music that is loud and energetic. He cant stand the music that makes him want to sleep. He likes reading books and watching movies. Titanic is his favorite movie. He thinks it is very romantic. He likes books that are interesting and exciting, so he likes reading Harry Potter.,Daves favorite Name ReasonBandBooksMovies,Daves favorite Name ReasonBand Guns and Roses loud, energeticBooks Harry Potter interesting, excitingMovies Titanic romantic,Dave is a student. He has many interests. He likes to listen to the music. His favorite band is Guns and Roses because he likes music that is loud and energetic. He cant stand the music that makes him want to sleep. He likes reading books and watching movies. Titanic is his favorite movie. He thinks it is very romantic. He likes books that are interesting and exciting, so he likes reading Harry Potter.,阅读提纲,重点词 写作,How I learned to learn English,Last year my English class was difficult for me . First of all , it wasnt easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked to the class . To begin with , she spoke too quickly , and I couldnt understand every word . Later on , I realized that it doesnt matter if you dont understand every word . Also I was afraid to speak in class , because I thought my classmate might laugh at me . I couldnt always make complete sentences , either . Then I started to English language TV. It helped me a lot. I think doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner . Another thing that I found very difficult was English grammar . So I decided to take lots of grammar notes in every class. Then I started to write my own original sentences using the grammar I was learning. Its amazing how much this helped . Now I am enjoying learning English and I got an A this term. My teacher is very impressed .,How I learned to learn EnglishBeginning (1) Last year (tense)Body (12) Problems Solutions Listening (3) First of all Later on To begin with Speaking (5) Also Then (supporting) either I think (gains) Grammar (4) Another thing So Then (supporting)3. Ending (2) Now (supporting),168,Outline,Sequencing: first of all, to begin with, first, second, third ,next, then, later on, at last, the following day, Exemplifying: thus, for example, such as,Focusing: generally speaking, in my opinion, as for me, I think, I agreeSummarizing: to sum up, in short, in a word, in briefAdditive: besides, also, whats more, moreover, furthermore, on the other hand, Adversative: but, yet, though, however, on the contrary, Causal: so, therefore, because, for this reason, in that case,Key words,It wasnt easy for me to understand The writer found learning English difficult because I think doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner.,Key words and sentence structures,Today Im so happy to stand here to introduce my ways of learning English. Maybe you cant believe that I got 70 points in an English test last year. So I was very worried about my English. To begin with, I couldnt understand people when they talked to me in English, because they always spoke very fast. Later on I began to talk to my oral English teacher. She was very happy when I talked to her. Its a good way to improve my speaking skill. I also found my vocabulary very poor, so I decided to memorize the English words every day to expand my vocabulary. Its amazing hour much this helped! I could always come up with good sentences when I did writing exercises. But another thing I found very difficult was the English grammar, because Ive made a lot mistakes in grammar. Then I began to read grammar books and wrote my own original sentence using the grammar I was learning. I also summarized the sentence structures after leaning a unit. I felt I improved a lot! I got 90 in the recent test. Ill keep trying to come top in English. Thank you.,How I learn to learn English,English is so important and useful that most people speak English as a second language nowadays. Its especially popular around the world for computer and science . If you are good at English, you can understand many new books and movies . So, we should study English hard. However, some students dont like English, because they have some problems learning English. Here are some suggestions for you. First, if you cant get the pronunciation right, you should listen to the cassettes. Second, if you always forget new words, you can memorize them by making a vocabulary list. Third, if you have some difficulties in learning grammar, you can take grammar notes in every class and try to make sentences by using the grammar you have learned. Also you can write to your pen pal to practice writing. What s more , why dont you join an English club to study English? In short, where there is a will , there is a way .Im sure that you will get an A this term if you study English that way .,Lets enjoy learning English,理由型议论文1. Topic Thesis: My attitude2. Thesis (more specific) Reason 1 Supporting detail Reason 2 Supporting detail Reason 3 Supporting detail3. Conclusion,Outline,随着人们的生活水平的提高,越来越多的人拥有私家汽车。请从下面表格中所给两个题目中选择其中一个题目,写一篇议论文,简述你的观点。字数100字左右。,The car-a useful toolConvenient, comfortable, quick, get around freely, save time,Stop using cars!Expensive, hard to find a parking place, need repairing, slow in rush hour, cause pollution and accidents,As the standard of living is getting higher, more and more people are buying cars. _,比较型议论文1. The subjects to be compared Thesis: your preference for B over A2. Concede As advantages But As disadvantage 1 2 3 Illustrate Bs advantage 1 2 33. Conclusion,Outline,As the standard of living is getting higher, more and more people are buying cars. Cars are becoming part of our life. First, its very convenient. You dont have to wait a long time for buses and you neednt suffer from standing on a crowded bus. Second, we can get around freely by car. Third, its very comfortable. You can get the air condition turned on in summer and you can protect yourself from rain and wind. However, some people think cars cause pollution or accidents. But do you believe there would be no pollution or accidents without cars? In my opinion, cars have brought us more advantages than disadvantages. I like cars.,As the standard of living is getting higher, more and more people are buying cars. It seems that the car has become an important part of our life. Some people even think that they cant live without it. But I think the car is a great burden rather than a tool for us. Its very expensive to buy a car. Besides, youll spend lots of money repairing the cars. And youll find it hard to find a parking place because more and more people buy cars. Whats more, cares can cause air pollution and accidents. Indeed it is quick. But do you think it can save your time in rush hour? In my opinion, cars bring us more trouble than convenience. Stop using cars, and well have a better life.,记叙文说明文议论文书信,演讲,发言,留言,招聘,Outline,写作任务 阅读,找材料 写作,请填写下列表格,写一篇关于穿校服的文章,并简述你的观点。,Although in many countries school uniforms have been abolished , school children in Britain and other countries still have to wear them. This shows that on one can agree on wearing school uniform . It is clear then, that there are both advantages and disadvantages to wearing one . There are many good reasons for wearing a school uniform. Firstly , students do not need to concern themselves with what they are going to wear to school every day . Secondly , uniforms cost less than if students had to buy a variety of clothes . In addition , when students wear a uniform, they feel that they belong to a group and are proud to present their school . However , not everyone likes the idea of wearing a school uniform. One reason why students dislike uniforms is that they are not considered fashionable . What is more, sometimes uniforms may not be comfortable or even appropriate in extreme weather conditions . They may be too hot to wear in summer or not warm enough in winter . On the whole , there are advantages and disadvantages to wearing a School uniform. In my opinion ,each school should have the right to choose whether its students should have to wear a uniform or not .,Believe or not , there are good reasons for wearing a school uniform. It makes students feel proud of their school . It builds a common spirit of unity among students and reminds them of the value and history of their school. But for most of the students , school uniforms are not something to be proud at all . They dont like school uniforms because of their simple colors , boring designs and bad quality . I think the quality of school uniforms should be improved . I wish to wear colorful and good looking uniforms.,作文提纲和所需词组,Although . This shows , it is clear then , there are both advantages and disadvantages to doing sth; There are many good reasons for wearing a school uniform Firstly , Secondly , In addition , .However , like the idea of doing sth., One reason why . Whats more , tooto . Warm enough On the whole , there are advantages and disadvantages to doing sth. In my opinion,.,The mobile phone is more and more popular, many teenagers have their own phones. Now my mobile phone is Philips 535. I think having a mobile phone is very fashionable. And since mobile phones are getting cheaper, most people can buy one. Your mobile phone is like a status symbol-it says if you are cool or not. What phone you have says a lot about you to some people these days. If your mobile phone is old-fashioned, behind the times, and outdated, you will be ashamed for your old phone. But mobile phones will harm peoples physical health. In a word, I am glad to be like my friends who all have mobile phone. My mobile phone helps me a lot.,Dear Helen, (优) I am writing this letter in response to your advertisement. I am a girl of the same age with you. And I come from a happy and warm family, which includes my father, my mother, my sister and I. I am studying in a key school far from my hometown, but I never regretted for my own choice, for the life here is very colorful and challenging. I am interested in stamp collection and I have colleted more than three thousand stamps. I also like swimming, playing tennis and some other sports. I wish that one day we could be good friends. Yours Truly, Wang Lin,头脑风暴 阅读体验 学习写作,PAST & PRESENT & FUTURE,PAST,When I was a little girl, I used to be outgoing and lovely. Also, I used to be very happy, Do you think so?,When I was in the kindergarten,When I was in the kindergarten, I was taller than before, but I was still shy.,I used to like to listen to pop music. I used to like to play some games that were very exciting. And I really wanted to be a pathfinder at that time.,AND THEN I WENT TO ELEMENTA


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