



Lesson 48EnglishSpeaking Countries 一、单项选择1I learn English _ my second language.Ain Bat Con Das2Australia is _ country.Aan Englishspeaking Ba speakingEnglishCa speaking Englishs Dan English3Eight of _ are from the US.Awe Bthey Chim Dthem4To plan your time better, you can make a _ of the things you need to do first.Alist Bproject Cnumber Dlot5Mr. Smith is English, but he can _ Chinese. Aspeak Bsay Ctalk Dtell6Which country is not an Englishspeaking country?ANew Zealand. BAustralia.CRussia. DSingapore.7Is the museum _ our school?Yes, so we have to take a bus there.Afar Baway from Cfar from Dfar away8Some of the pears _ bad.Ais Bare Cam Dbe 9My house is close to the park.Abehind Bin front ofCnear Dbeside10Would you like _ to drink?Yes, Id like a cup of tea.Asomething else Belse somethingCnothing else Delse anything二、用所给词的适当形式填空11Chinese is our _ (one) language. 12These _ (country) are in the west.13Here _ (be) a map of the world.14Can you _ (mark) your country on the map?15Jenny _ (speak) Chinese very well.三、连词成句16far away, our, is, school_.17a list of, is, books, this_.18all, he, the world, travels, over_.19comes, directions, in, the wind, all_.20countries, to, are, what, China, close_?四、阅读理解(词数:约110;建议用时:4分钟)Sports are important in English life.The people of England are sports lovers.Some of the worlds famous sports began here such as football.Football is a fast game played in winter and early spring.Lots of people play football in parks or playgrounds just for fun.With hundreds of years history, it is one of the most popular sports in England.The English love football very much and they turn most of their main players into famous persons.David Beckham and Bobby Charlton became heroes for many children.The most interesting part of the English football year is the FA (Football Association)Cup Final each May.21Sports are _ in English life.Aimportant Bnot importantCunpopular Dimpossible22Football is a fast game played _Ain winter Bin early springCin summer DA and B23. A lot of people in England play football in _Afields Bschool halls Cparks or playgrounds Dgyms 24David Beckham and Bobby Charlton became heroes for many _Ateachers Bchildren Cworkers Dfarmers 25According to the passage, the FA (Football Association)Cup Final is in _Aeach April Beach June Ceach May Deach August 答 案一、1.D2.A3.D4.A5.A6.C7.C8.B9.C10.A二、11.first12.countries13.is14.mark15.speaks三、16.Our school is far away17This is a list of


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