



Module 5 unit1 I was two then. 集体备课教案 一、教学内容:本节课课文情景是Amy到Lingling家看到一些以前的照片,谈论当时的年龄性格等特征,“I was two then .”“They were young .”。主要学习怎样使用“was/were”谈论过去的事情和情况,并能与现在的情况进行对比描述。二、教学目标:1、知识目标:全体学生能理解掌握单词was、then、grandparent 、were、 old、hair、so、short、long 。全体学生能理解运用一般过去时句型“I was two .”/“They were young.”2.技能目标:全体学生能听懂会说认读单词及句型,并能正确书写。能运用“was 、were”谈论过去的事情和情况。3、情感目标:通过与朋友谈论家人及自己过去的事情增进同学之间的互相了解,增进同学之间的友谊。三、重难点:1.教学重点:掌握重点单词was、then、grandparent 、were、 old、hair、so、short、long 及重点句型“I was / They were ”2.教学难点:能正确理解运用一般过去时,尤其是be的正确形式。四、教具五、教学过程Step 1、Warm up 1、 GreetingStep 2、Review and lead in1.Try to sayT: Now ,boys and girls 。Lets say and do some actions. I say “long” and you say “short” Are you ready? (利用单词闪现的的方式帮助学生复习学过的形容词tall-shortfat-thin old-young long-short big-smallbeautiful cute clever naughty)2、Do a chant. (通过chant,活跃气氛。)Step 3、presentation1、Learn new words and new sentences()T: Great ! You all know how to describe pictures for now well. But if there is a old picture here how can we describe it .Now lets learn it together .(多媒体展示自己现在照片)T: Guess,who is she ? 让学生猜,然后展示自己小时候的照片再让学生猜。:Yes,Its me .Guess ,how old was I then and how old am I now ?学习单词“”“”向学生展示单词意思,然后利用领读、大小音等方式反复练读。然后展示答案:I was 2,then. I am 30 now.(练读句子“I was 2,then.”并帮助学生理解语义及用法。)T: Now look at these two pictures carefully ,and find the differences .(让学生找出两幅图片中自己的不同点并回答)I was short then. Im tall now.My hair was short then. My hair is long now.(练读单词“hair”及句型,进一步帮助学生理解“一般过去时”及其句型结构。)T: Now look at this picture and guess who are they .(展示姚明,孙俪,大象现在的照片,然后在展示以前的照片让学生猜测。)Now look at the picture carefully and find the differences .(多媒体展示He/She/It .then.”He/She/It is . Now)(展示祖父母现在照片,然后在展示以前的照片让学生猜测。)T:Yes ,you are so clever ! They are my grandparents.(教授单词“grandparent”帮助学生理解语义并练读)T: Now look at the picture carefully and find the differences.让学生发表意见T:Yes ,you all watchedcarefullyo w look at the screen .(多媒体展示“They were young,then” “ Now,they are old.”)() :OK,now do you know howto describe old pictures and new pictures? Lets practice.(让学生拿出自己带来的照片进行联系。让学生巩固所学内容。)2、 learn new text ()观看课文动画,了解课文情景T: Now lets learn our new text .First , please watch the movie carefully and find “What are Amy and Lingling doing ?” (让学生通过观看动画了解课文故事背景“Amy 在 Lingling 家看旧照片”)(2)Listen and answer the questions .a .Who are they in the pictures on the wall ?b .Who is the little girl ? How old was she then ?c. Whats Lingling like then?(3)Listen and read after it.Step 4 、Practice1、 口语练习(1) Read in roles with your desk mate(同桌分角色阅读)(2) Act and lead (请三组分角色扮演并领读)(3) Read in roles in class (全班分角色阅读)(4) Listen,point and retell the text 听录音并指向相应图片然后复述课文,帮助学生记忆课文。2. 让学生拿出袋来的照片进行对话练习。Step 5 Summary利用句型“I was/ They were”写一句话来描述自己或家人以前的情况。Step 6、Homework1、 根据课文向家人介绍Lingling一家以前的情况。2、 仿照课文写两句话来介


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