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鲁教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语期中A卷B卷一、 语音 (共1题;共5分)1. (5分)找出读音不同的项_A. what B. map C. jacket_A. fine B. white C. English_A. pen B. red C. evening_A. how B. brown C. yellow_A. blue B. ruler C. cup 二、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)2. (2分)_ he English?No,_. _ Chinese.A . Is;he is;He isntB . Is;he isnt;He isC . Are;he isnt;He isD . Are;he is;He is3. (2分)Will you join us for lunch?_.A . No, I dontB . Yes, with pleasureC . No, help yourselfD . Yes, please4. (2分)Is she your aunt?Yes, she is my mothers _A . sisterB . grandmaC . brotherD . daughter5. (2分)- Where is the school reading room?A . Yes, it isB . No, I dont knowC . This way, pleaseD . Dont ask me. Im new here.6. (2分)This pair of shoes _ me well, but the shoes _ expensive. A . fit, areB . fits, areC . fits, isD . fit, is7. (2分)Its time to save our planet. .We are facing a lot of environmental problems.A . Youre welcomeB . Youre rightC . Lucky youD . Its up to you8. (2分)Is this _ car?Yes, Its_ car.A . your, youB . your, myC . his, heD . her,she9. (2分) I missed the beginning of _ cartoon The Lion King. What a pity! You should have left school half _ hour earlier.A . a; anB . the; aC . the; anD . an; the10. (2分)The table is inexpensive but well-made.A . cheapB . comfortableC . wonderfulD . colourful11. (2分)Can you come to my birthday party tomorrow?_. I have a lot of homework to do.A . I think soB . Im afraid notC . Id likeD . Yes, I can12. (2分)-Dad, I won the first place in math exam.-_!A . Good workB . Good luckC . No problemD . Of course13. (2分) _ does your father go to bed? He usually goes to bed at ten oclock.A . What timeB . WhereC . HowD . What color14. (2分)Tom and Jim _ good friends. A . isB . amC . areD . Be15. (2分)- You come to school early every day. _ is it from your home to school?- Its only about one kilometer.A . How longB . How muchC . How manyD . How far16. (2分) What does your friend look like? _.A . She likes musicB . She is a kind girlC . She has a little dogD . She is tall and thin三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)17. (10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。Edison began to make a talking machine in 1877. At first he 1paper with holes to make a sound. He worked for months on this 2, at last he 3how to record a persons voice. But the first machine was very4and the voice was only one type and not clear enough. Then he 5another long time on it. He 6some parts and he put some new 7on the talking machine. This time the voice could be played(被播放) and the voice was also very 8. After the Second World War others used his 9to record music and songs. Then came the tape recorder. it is much easier to record voice. How 10Edison was!(1)A . followed B . drew C . used (2)A . idea B . name C . paper (3)A . fried B . found C . flew (4)A . simple B . complicated C . hard (5)A . took B . spent C . paid (6)A . changed B . wrote C . made (7)A . ones B . records C . parts (8)A . clean B . tidy C . clear (9)A . machine B . method C . memory (10)A . great B . beautiful C . Stupid 四、 阅读理解 (共1题;共10分)18. (10分)My name is Helen. Im seven. Dale is my brother. Hes eleven. We are in the same school.My mother is a teacher. She teaches English. She is a teacher in our school.My father is a doctor in a big hospital. I have a dog. Its name is Ben. We are good friends.(1)Dale and Helen are _.A . brother and sisterB . friendsC . studentsD . both A and C (both and 两者都)(2)Dales mother is _.A . an English teacherB . a doctorC . a studentD . eleven(3)Ben is the name of (的名字)_.A . Dales sisterB . Helens dogC . Helens motherD . Dales father(4)Helen is _.A . an English teacherB . a doctorC . a studentD . eleven(5)Dale, Helen and their mother are _.A . in the same schoolB . studentsC . at homeD . friends五、 其他 (共1题;共1分)19. (1分)写出五个元音字母。_六、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)20. (1分)Excuse me, could you tell me where the bookshop is?Sorry, I dont know, e_.七、 口语应用 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)补全对话,每空一词A: Welcome to our show, Sam! Can I ask you some questions _your vacation_?B: Sure.A: So, _are you going on vacation this summer?B: Im going to Beidaihe.A: _are you going with?B: Im going with my sister.A: Arent your parents going _you?B: My father _a cold and my mother had to look _him at home.A: Oh, Im sorry to _that. And I hope he can feel _soon.B: Thanks a _.八、 选词填空 (共2题;共35分)22. (10分)阅读短文,从方框中选择合适的单词填入空白处。方框中有2个多余选项。because make enough to older in younger unusual beautiful party shop mostBirthday is an important day in ones life, especially(尤其)for children. For 365 days the child waits for that_day because he will become_on that day.Birthday is also the best time to have a_with your friends and family members. To have a different birthday party, you need to prepare lots of things. You should have_time to get everything ready. You may want_of your friends to come to the party _you spend much time preparing it. The best way is to send some beautiful birthday party invitations_them. The birthday party invitations can tell them your birthday party plans.You can buy some birthday invitations in the_. And you can choose birthday invitations on the Internet and send them to all your friends. If you have time, you can_birthday invitations by yourself. You can draw some pictures to make your birthday invitations more_. And you can write your birthday plans on it.23. (25分)连词成句。 (1)she, ill, become, disease, a, with, terrible (2)it, how, she, do, do (3)She, just, can, it, say, by, answer, hello (4)her, like, daughter, to the, play, piano (5)do, know, who, really, you, is, disable 第 11 页 共 11 页参考


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