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英语复习资料五年级上:Unit 1单词:国家单词: Britain 英国 Australia 澳大利亚 New Zealand 新西兰 France 法国 Germany 德国 Russia 俄罗斯 China 中国 Canada 加拿大 America 美国 Singapore新加坡四会句子: 三会句子:Im Bob. Im eleven. I come from Britain.Where are you from? Where do you come from?Im from China. I come from New Zealand. Whats your name? Where do you live?My name is Carl. I live on Shanghai Street.Unit 2描述人的形容词:clever 聪明的 quiet 安静的 pretty 漂亮的 smart 聪明的 cute 可爱的 lovely 可爱的 active 活泼的 beautiful 漂亮的 handsome 英俊的身体部位单词:Eye 眼睛 nose 鼻子 hair 头发 ear耳朵 arm胳膊 foot脚 face 脸 mouth 嘴 leg腿 hand手四会句子: 三会句子:Whats his name? Hes clever.His name is Peter. Shes pretty.Whats her name? How old is he?Her name is ZhouPei. He is eleven. Hes smart.How old are you? How old is she ?Im ten. She is twelve. She is cute.Shes beautiful. Whos that man? He is my uncle. He is handsome. Whos that woman? She is my aunt.Unit 3职业单词:Writer作家 singer歌手 dancer 舞蹈家 worker 工人 actor 演员 actress 女演员 policeman警察 policewoman女警察 reporter记者 police警察 driver 司机家庭成员单词:Father 爸爸 mother妈妈 uncle叔叔 aunt阿姨 sister姐妹 brother兄弟 grandfather爷爷 grandmother奶奶 cousin 表兄弟、姐妹 四会句子: 三会句子:This is my father. He is a writer.This is my mother. She is a dancer.He is an actor. What does your father do ?She is a worker. What does your mother do?Whos he? Whats his job?Hes my uncle. Hes a policeman.Whos she? Whats her job?Shes my aunt. Shes a policewoman.Unit 4 地点介词:In 在.里 on在.上 at在地点词语:Cinema电影院 bank银行 hotel宾馆 hospital医院 shopping mall 购物中心 restaurant饭馆 company公司 library图书馆 四会句子: 三会句子:Where do you work? Where do you study?I work in a cinema. I study at Sunny School.He works in Beijing Hospital. Where does your father work?She works at CCTV. Where does your mother work?My grandfather is a taxi driver. My mother is a teacher in a school. My father is a manager in a big company.Unit 5动物单词:Fish 鱼 hen母鸡 goose鹅 cow母牛 horse马 elephant 大象学习用品单词:Schoolbag 书包 ruler尺子 crayon蜡笔 dictionary字典 activity book 活动手册 生活用品单词:Sun cap 太阳帽 camera照相机 umbrella 雨伞 fan 扇子四会句子: 三会句子:Is this your schoolbag? Is this your ruler?Yes, it is. No, it isnt.Is that your elephant? Is that your fish?No, it isnt. Yes, it isnt. Whose umbrella is this? Its Peters umbrella. Unit 6 水果单词:Coconut 椰子 grapefruit西柚 hami melon 哈密瓜 watermelon西瓜 cherry樱桃 strawberry 草莓 star fruit 杨桃 peach 桃子 longan 龙眼、桂圆 grape葡萄饮料:Milk牛奶 water水 juice果汁 orange橙汁食物: Noodle 面条 Hamburger 汉堡 bread面包 chicken鸡肉 hot dog 热狗 rice米饭四会句子: 三会句子:Whats this ? Its a pear. Can I have one?Whats that? Its a watermelon. Yes, Ill buy one for you.Is this a cherry? Yes,it is.Is that a peach? No,it isnt.What are these? They are grapes.What are those? They are apples.五年级下:Unit 1学校功能室:Meeting room会议室 science lab科学实验室 language lab 语言试验室 art club 美术俱乐部 music club音乐俱乐部学科单词:Science lesson 科学课 English lesson英语课 music音乐课 art美术 PE体育 math数学 Chinese语文 动词短语:Borrow book借书 have a meeting 开会 paint a picture 绘画 play the piano 弹钢琴四会句子:Welcome to our school. 欢迎来我们学校。How many English lessons do you have a week? 你们一周有几节英语课。We have three. 我们有三节。How many music lessons do you have a week? 你们一周有几节音乐课。We have two. 我们有两节。三会句子:We often borrow books from the library. 我们经常从图书馆借书。How many science lessons do you have a week?你们一周有几节科学课?We have one science lessons in the science lab. 我们一周在科学实验室里上一节科学课。We often draw pictures in our art club. 我们经常在美术俱乐部里画画。Unit2玩具单词: Toy train玩具火车 toy boat玩具小船 toy plane玩具飞机 toy ship玩具轮船 车辆单词 motorbike摩托车 jeep吉普车 coach长途旅游车 bike自行车 car小汽车bus公交车 taxi出租车衣物单词:Trousers裤子 short pants 短裤 coat外套 clothes衣服三会句子:How much is it? 多少钱。Its fifty-six yuan. 56元What can I do for you ? 我能为你做什么吗?I want to buy a motorbike.我想买一个摩托车。Would you show me that pair of short pants? 你能把那条短裤给我看看吗?Sure.Here you are.好的,给你。四会句子:Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?Yes, I want a toy train.是的,我想买一个玩具火车How much is it?多少钱。Its eight-five yuan.85元。How much are these short pants? 这些短裤多少钱。Theyre sixty-five yuan.65元。Unit3动词短语:make noise喧闹 be quiet安静 ask questions提问 keep your room clean保持房间整洁 read in bed在床上看书 go home回家 help old people帮助老人 play on the street在街道上玩耍 pick flowers摘花 keep off the grass 不要进入草地 take good care of young children照顾好小孩 go to bed去睡觉 watch TV看电视 get up起床 do housework做家务 wait for等待三会句子:Listen to the teacher carefully. 上课认真听讲。Dont be late for class/school. 不要迟到。You should go to bed early. 你应该早睡。You shouldnt read in bed. 你不应该在床上看书。You must wait for the green light.你必须等绿灯。You mustnt cross the street when the light is red.红灯亮时,不要横穿马路。Dont make noise.不要喧哗。Dont eat in class. 不要在上课吃东西。Unit 4病名: Have a bad cold重感冒 have a fever发烧 have a headache头疼 have a toothache牙疼 have a stomachache 胃疼 医生的建议:Take some medicine吃药 take a good rest好好休息 drink more water多喝水 stay in bed卧床休息看望病人的物品:Chocolate巧克力 dragon fruit火龙果 get-well card康复卡 flower花 kiwi fruit猕猴桃三会句子:Dont worry about your lessons. 不要担心你的课程。Ill help you with your lessons. 我将帮你补习功课。Can I go to school tomorrow? 明天我能去学校吗?No,You should take a good rest.不行,你应该好好休息。How are you feeling today?你今天感觉怎样?I feel much better. 我感觉好多了。四会句子:Im ill today. 我今天生病了。I have a bad cold.我得了重感冒。Whats wrong with you.你怎么了。I have a headache.我头疼。Heres a get-well card for you.这有张康复卡给你。Unit5 动词短语:make a call打电话 write an email写电子邮件 wash the clothes 洗衣服 clean the room打扫房间 tell a story讲故事 sing a song唱歌 play the guitar弹吉他 play the violin弹钢琴 look at the picture看图片 talk about谈论 三会句子:Dad is writing an email. 爸爸正在写电子邮件。Mum is washing the clothes.妈妈正在洗衣服。Whats LiYan doing? 李艳正在做什么。Shes singing a song. 她正在唱歌。Is he looking at the moon? 他正在看月亮吗?No,he isnt . He is looking at the sun. 不,他正在看太阳。四会句子:Im cleaning the room. 我正在打扫房间。What are you doing,Peter? 你正在做什么?Im telling a story. 我正在讲故事。Are you looking at this picture? 你正在看图片吗?Yes,I am.No,I am not.是,是的不,不是。Unit 6运动短语:play football踢足球 play volleyb


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