七年级英语下册 Unit 7 The Birthday Topic 2 I can dance and play the guitar Section A教学课件 (新版)仁爱版.ppt_第1页
七年级英语下册 Unit 7 The Birthday Topic 2 I can dance and play the guitar Section A教学课件 (新版)仁爱版.ppt_第2页
七年级英语下册 Unit 7 The Birthday Topic 2 I can dance and play the guitar Section A教学课件 (新版)仁爱版.ppt_第3页
七年级英语下册 Unit 7 The Birthday Topic 2 I can dance and play the guitar Section A教学课件 (新版)仁爱版.ppt_第4页
七年级英语下册 Unit 7 The Birthday Topic 2 I can dance and play the guitar Section A教学课件 (新版)仁爱版.ppt_第5页
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section a game 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 canyousingachinesesong canyousingasongforus youarealuckydogbecauseyouhaveafree7daytourinhongkong 你是一个幸运儿因为 what sthedatetoday it smay2nd 2017 whatwasthedateyesterday itwas whenwereyouborn iwasbornon wherewereyouborn makeadailogewithyourpartner icanreadthewords piano p n else els disco d sk perform p f m ballet b le haveagoodtime singchinese englishsongs translation dancetodisco performballet playtheguitar playthepiano haveagoodtime 跳迪斯科 表演芭蕾舞 弹吉他 弹钢琴 过得愉快 唱中文 英文歌 canyoudancetodisco canyouborrowsomemoney guess s whatcolorisit t s whatshapeisit t s whatdoweuseitfor t it sorange it sround weuseittoplaywithothersontheplayground great you reright oh it sabasketball a canyouplaybasketball b yes ican a canyouplaysoccer x b no ican t x a canyouplaybasketballorsoccer b icanplaybasketball canyousing a canyousingchinesesongsorenglishsongs b chinesesongs x sing dance pairwork learnsomenewwordsorphrases thenaskandanswer ican butican t cook drawpictures takephotos whatcanyoudo learnsomenewwordsorphrases thenaskandanswer ican butican t dancetodisco performballet playthepiano whatcanyoudo singchinesesongssingenglishsongsdancetodiscoperformballetplaytheguitarplaythepiano jane maria lookatthepictureandpredictwhatjaneandmariacandoatkangkang sbirthdayparty thenlistento1aandcheckyouranswer singchinesesongssingenglishsongsdancetodiscoperformballetplaytheguitarplaythepiano jane maria 1b listento1aandmatchjaneandmariawithwhattheycandoatkangkang sbirthdayparty 1a listen lookandsay can意为 能够 这里用来谈论人的能力 否定形式 can t cannot不能够can是个情态动词 不能独立存在 必须与动词原形构成句子的谓语 can没有人称和数的变化 例如 1 can的用法 icanspeakenglishwell 我的英语说的很流利 jackcanswim butican t 杰克会游泳但我不会 shecan tplaysoccer 她不会踢足球 play后跟体育运动时 不用冠词 如 playsoccer踢足球playbasketball打篮球play后跟西洋乐器时 要加定冠词the 如 playtheguitar弹吉它playthepiano弹钢琴 2 play意为 玩 打 演奏 乐器 3 i msurewe llhaveagoodtimeattheparty i msure意为 我确信 如 i msureyouareright haveagoodtime意为 过得愉快 good还可以用great nice wonderful等词来代替 如 wehaveagoodtimeeveryday groupwork a icanswim butican tplaybasketball whatcanyoudo b icancook butican tdrawpictures whataboutyou c ican 3 workingroup talkaboutwhatyoucanorcan tdo 1 mr monkeycan tseethebreadatall 2 mr monkeycanseetherice 3 mr monkeycan tseetheapple 4 mr monkeywantstoeatthebananas 2 listentotheconversationandmarkt true orf false t f f t canyouplaythepianoordance doyouhavetimeontheweekend theschoolneedshelptoteachmusic itisnotdifficult pleasecallmiss yangat 0856 523 3721 musicteacherwanted completetheadwiththewordsinthebox guitarcancalldancemusicplay musicianswantedforschoolmusicfestivaldoyoulike canyousingand canyou thepianoortheviolin canyouplaythe orthedrums thenyou beinourschoolmusicfestival please mr zhangat622 6033 首先 应通读广告及所给选项单词 掌握大意 由本文的题目 为学校音乐节招聘音乐家 可知第一空格处应为 音乐 之意 第二 三及四空格处为与音乐相关活动 演奏某种乐器为 playthe 乐器 最后一句为学校的联系方式 可知为 call at 电话号码 结构 思路指导 guitarcancalldancemusicplay musicianwantedforschoolmusicfestivaldoyoulike canyousingand canyou thepianoortheviolin canyouplaythe orthedrums thenyou beinourschoolmusicfestival please mrzhangat622 6033 music dance play guitar can call answers 4a listenandreadthesoundsandwordsaloud 4b readandcompare thenlistenandrepeat u 与 u 我会记 房间正午食物凉发长 好脚k前不发长 roomnoonfoodcool u goodfoot发短 u 即在辅音字母k t d前一般读 welearn 1 newwords piano else perform ballet2 newphrases haveagoodtime dancetodisco besure performballet3 newsentences icandanceandplaytheguitar ican tsingchinesesongs wecan use can and can t forabilityandinability 1 icanswim butican tplaybasketball 2 a canyousingchinesesongsorenglishsongs b englishsongs summary 1 whatwouldyouliketoperform jane sbirthdayparty a atb inc with d for 2 canhe anenglishsong ofcourse hecan a singb singsc singingd tosing 3 doyouwanttoperformballetorplaythepiano a yes idob no ican tc performballetd i dlove 4 canyousingchinesesongs englishsongs englishsongs a andb inc ord wi


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