河南省中考英语 形容词和副词比较等级课件.ppt_第1页
河南省中考英语 形容词和副词比较等级课件.ppt_第2页
河南省中考英语 形容词和副词比较等级课件.ppt_第3页
河南省中考英语 形容词和副词比较等级课件.ppt_第4页
河南省中考英语 形容词和副词比较等级课件.ppt_第5页
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welcometoourschool threedegreesofadjectivesandadverbs taskone grammarroom tall taller tallest shorter shortest higher highest cleverer cleverest brighter brightest late later latest finer finest nicer nicest larger largest safer safest fat fatter fattest bigger biggest thinner thinnest hotter hottest redder reddest happy happier happiest heavier heaviest prettier prettiest easier easiest thirstier thirstiest difficult moredifficult themostdifficult moreinteresting themostinteresting moredelicious themostdelicious morebeautiful themostbeautiful picture1 goodtom well picture2 betterjim picture3 bestbill first badgina badly second worselucy third worstanna little less least much more most many more most 1 whichcityhasthemostpeople 2 whichcityhasthefewestpeople 3 whichcityhasthesecondmostpeople 4 whichcitieshavemorepeoplethanwuhan 5 whichdoyouthinkisthebestcity why doyouknow population far farther farthest better best worse worst less more most farther further older elder least farthest furthest oldest eldest 不规则变化 巧记 特殊形式比较级共有三对二合一坏病两多并两好little意思不是小一分为二有两个一是老来二是远 tasktwo chattingroom lucy lily as adj adv原级 as 和 一样 age 10height 高度 1 30m lucyisaslovelyaslily let stalkaboutthefollowingpictures lucy seyesareasbigaslily seyes hers lucyisverylovely lilyisverylovely too short tall yaomingisnot panchangjiang panchangjiangisnot yaoming so asshortas so astallas notas so adj adv 原级 as adj adv 比较级 than zhangziyiisthinnerthanhanhong hanhongisfatterthanzhangziyi thin fat the 比较级 the 比较级 越 就越 themoretrees thebetter theseyears theyhaveplantedsometrees 比较级 比较级 越来越 tenyearsago now ourcityisbecomingmoreandmorebeautiful theweatherisgettingwarmerandwarmer wonderful heisbecomingfatterandfatter 序数词 最高级 theyangtzeriver theyellowriver theheilongjiangriver theyangtzeriveristhelongestriverinchina theyellowriveristhesecondlongestriverinchina theheilongjiangriveristhethirdlongestriverinchina 最高级 of in atvsetismoreexpensivethanacamera acaristhemostexpensiveofall acameraisveryexpensive taskthree discussionroom summary rememberthefollowingsentencepatterns 1 very so quite too 原级 非常 相当 太 2 as 原级 as 和 一样 3 notso as 原级 as 和 不一样 不如 4 比较级 than 比 更 5 the 比较级 the 比较级 越 就越 6 比较级 and 比较级 或 moreandmore 原级 越来越 7 the 最高级 of in 8 oneofthe 最高级 名词复数 9 序数词 最高级 10 表示三者之间的选择可使用 whichis the 最高级 a borc attentions 1 修饰形容词和副词比较级的短语有 much alot alittle abit far even 2 在进行比较时 必须是同类事物相比较 1 hisrulerislongerthani 2 hisrulerislongerthanmine heismuchtallerthani 3 maryspeaksenglishbetterthananystudentintheclass 4 maryspeaksenglishbetterthananyotherstudentintheclass taskfour writingroom bath 1980 3 27high 172cm bath 1976 5 17high 178cm 参考句型1 be not as soold tall heavyas 2 beolder taller heavierthan 3 betheoldest tallest heaviestofthethree 王力宏 林俊杰 周杰伦 bath 1979 1 18high 173cm task1 let shaveacontestandfindoutwhichgroupmakethemostsentences model zhoujielunisolderthanlinjunjie butheisyoungerthanwanglihong sowanglihongistheoldestofthethree andlinjunjieisyoungerthanzhoujielun soheistheyoungestofthethree zhoujielunistallerthanlinjunjie butheisshorterthanwanglihong sowanglihongisthetallestofthethree andlinjunjieisshorterthanzhoujielun soheistheshortestofthethree writing 要求 小组讨论未来的生活将是怎样的 与现在对比 可包含城市的外观 人们的生活条件 收入 教育和环境卫生 和交通等内容 把讨论结果写成一篇短文 lifeinthefuture task2 参考词汇 beautiful clean school money robot sparetime convenient interesting inthefuture ourlifewillbegreatdifferentfromnow ithinkthecitywillbe thepeoplewillhave therewillbe andeverychildcangotoschoolwithoutmoney robotswillworkinsteadofpeople sopeoplewillhave andtheycangoonvacationaroundtheworld computerswillcomeintoeveryfamily andpeoplecandosomeshoppingathome maybetherewillbesomesubwaysinourcity soourlifewillbe taskfive competitionroom choosethebestanswer 1 it sgetting a warmandwarmerb warmerandwarmerc morewarmer2 whichonedoyoulikebetter the one a moreniceb bigerc cheaper3 ourcountryisbecoming a muchandmuchbeautifulb manyandmanybeautifulc moreandmorebeautiful b c c 4 tomspeakschinese betterthanwe a littleb alotofc much5 ofthetenbooks ilikethisone a veryb betterc best6 the wegettogether the we llbe a more happierb many happierc more happy7 geographyisn t thanhistory butit sas ashistory a difficult importantb moredifficult importantc difficult moreimportant c c a b 8 myteacherhelpsusas asshecan a manyb muchc more9 whichoneis thewatch thebikeorthetvset a moreexpensiveb mostexpensivec themostexpensive10 basketballis thanping pongball a moreinterestingb muchinterestingc veryinteresting b c a thebusierthehappier 1 他越忙越开心 heis hewillbe 2 天气越来越冷了 theweatherisgetting colderandcolder 3 我们的城市越来越美丽 ourcityisgetting moreandmorebeautiful finishthefollowingsentences 4 赵磊是他班里最小的男孩 zhaoleiisoneof boysinhisschool theyoungest 5 太阳 地球和月亮 哪个最大 whichis thesun theearthorthemoon thebiggest 练习填如正确的替代词 4 篮子里的苹果比箱子里的苹果更好吃 theapplesinthebasketaremoredeliciousthan inthebox 5 李先生讲的故事比王先生讲的更有趣thestorymrlitoldusismoreinterestingthan mrwangtoldus 6 瓶子里的水比杯子里的水干净 thewaterinthebottleiscleanerthan intheglass those theone that 改错 1 lesson9ismoreeasierthanlesson10 2 mymotherisyoungerthanyour 3 heisoneoflongestboysinhisclass 4 theboydoesn tdrawmuchwell 5 thereisfewerbreadinthefridge 6 motheristhebusiestofmyfamily 7 youcanjumpveryhigheronthemoonthanontheearth yours thelongest very less in much findoutthefollowingmistakes 比较 出来的英语 1 afriendiseasierlostthanfound 朋友易失不易得 2 enoughisasgoodasafeast 知足常乐 3 bettertodowellthantosaywell 说得好不如干得好 4 betterthelastsmilethanthefirstlaughter 宁可最后微笑 不可首先狂喜 5 doingisbetterthansaying 会说不如会做 6 twoheadsarebetterthanone 两人智慧胜一人 7 goodtobeginwell bettertoendwell 善始好 善终更佳 8 aneyefindsmoretruththantwoears 百闻不如一见 thanksforyourattention 比较时 为避免重复 可用哪些词代替 有什么规律 one代替可数名词单数those代替可数名词复数that代替不可数名


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