



Culture1HofstedeNO.1国家文化5个维度:(吉尔特霍夫斯蒂德geert hofstede)Power distance:PDI 社会中相对无权的成员承认和语气权力不平等分配的程度。低权力差距指人们期望权力的平等性。低权力国:丹麦,澳大利亚,以色列。Uncertainty avoidance: UAI不确定性规避:社会成员对不确定性和模糊状态缺乏安全感,因此寻求肯定的承诺和确认。低不确定性规避指文化好沉思,认可相对主义,包容性强。高不确定性规避:相信绝对真理的存在。Long-term orientation: LTO长期倾向:高倾向的文化认为继续和坚持是十分重要的,期望能够获得长远利益而非眼前利益。如日本管理人员制定10年计划,美国人制定1季度计划。而若文化对未来关心程度低则强调对传统的尊重和履行社会义务。Individualism: IDV .个体主义:追求松散的社会交往结构的价值观,个体关系个人利益。主要关心自己的利益和直系亲属。Collectivism:偏好紧密交往的社会结构,个体相互照顾并依赖组织保护成员利益个人整合进团体的程度,从出生起所有人都被整合进团体Masculine/Feminine. MAS Are men expected to be assertive, competitive and concerned with material success or overlapping with women in terms of social roles?男性气质、女性气质。男性气质往往是自信果断,竞争性强,希望事业成功,女性角色是养育下一代女性气质表示社会中男女角色重叠,都不会表现得过度积极或竞争。NO.2 cultural typology and ads appeals例如中国属于高权力差距和集体主义,则更能吸引人的是社会品牌形象 美国属于个人主义文化则偏好于感官品牌形象(sensory brand image) 丹麦属于低权力差距则重视实用性品牌形象(因为要求平等了解产品信息)NO.3thought process 思维方式1)Individual & group 倾向于在组织中还是个人做事2)Categorization分门别类,将事物分类时的不同3)Attribution归因,归属4)Self-concept自我概念理解的不同2. Cultural Constructionist: 文化建构主义建构主义认为,知识不是通过教师传授得到,而是学习者在一定的情境即社会文化背景下,借助其他人(包括教师和学习伙伴)的帮助,利用必要的学习资料,通过意义建构的方式而获得。由于学习是在一定的情境即社会文化背景下,借助其他人的帮助即通过人际间的协作活动而实现的意义建构过程,因此建构主义学习理论认为“情境”、“协作”、“会话”和“意义建构”是学习环境中的四大要素或四大属性3. Similarities An Illusion文化相似性的幻想A common language does not guarantee a similar interpretation of word or phrases Just because something sells in one country doesnt mean it will sell in another 4 .Elements of Culture 文化因素Rituals 仪式 Marriage Funerals Symbols象征 Language Aesthetics as symbols 审美Beliefs and attitude (信念和态度) Cultural values (文化价值观) Thought processes(思维方式) 5.Social Institutions 社会制度 影响文化构建的社会成分Family Nepotism 裙带关系Role of extended family 大家庭中的角色Favoritism of boys in some cultures 重男轻女Religion 宗教First institution infants are exposed to outside the home Impact of values systems Misunderstanding of beliefs School Affects all aspects of the culture, from economic development to consumer behavior 影响文化的所有方面No country has been successful economically with less than 50% literacy 识字能力The media Media time has replaced family time TV Internet Government Influences the thinking and behaviors of adult citizens Propaganda Passage, promulgation, promotion, and enforce of laws Corporations 企业Most innovations are introduced to societies by companies Spread through media Change agents 6. Culture and Management StylesNO.1 举例说明Americans Individualists Japanese Consensus oriented & committed to the group Central & Southern Europeans Elitists and rank conscious NO.2 business customers Degree of Adaptation 文化适应程度The key to adaptation is to remain American but to develop an understanding of and willingness to accommodate the differences that exist. Cultural imperatives 文化强制成分Less obvious Business customs and expectations that must be met and conformed to or avoided if relationships are to be successful (Guanxi, Mianzi in China) 为了建立良好的关系而必须满足,遵守,适应的商业惯例与期望Cultural electives文化选择性成分 More visibleRelate to areas of behavior or to customs that cultural aliens may wish to conform to or participate in but that are not required (chopsticks in China) 或许愿意但并非必须遵守或参照的行为Cultural exclusives 文化排他性成分More criticalCustoms or behavior patterns reserved exclusively for the locals (curse own child in China) 当地特有的习俗或行为,外来者不能模仿。NO.3全世界管理风格的差异1)在权力和决策上的差异Influencers of the authority structure of business: High PDI Countries Mexico, Malaysia Low PDI Countries Denmark, Israel 在权力距离指数高的国家,下属一般不会表示与老板不同的意见,但是在权力距离指数低的国家,下属经常这样做。Three typical authority patterns: 三种权力模式 Top-level management decisions高层管理人员决策 Decentralized decisions分散决策 Committee or group decisions 委员会/集体决策 2)Management Objectives & Aspirations在管理目标和志向上的差异有Security and mobility安全,尤其指终身的就业Relate directly to basic human motivation and therefore have widespread economic and social implications Personal life个人/家庭生活相对于工作和盈利的重要性Worldwide study of individual aspirations, (David McClelland) Affiliation and social acceptance邻里与同事的认可及被社会所接受In some countries, acceptance by neighbors and fellow workers appears to be a predominant goal within business Power and achievement管理人员追求权利和成就导向 South American countries 3)Communication Styles沟通方式上的差异Face-to-face communication Much business communication depends on implicit messages that are not verbalized Internet communications Nothing about the Web will change the extent to which people identify with their own language and cultures Web site should be examined for any symbols, icons, and other nonverbal impressions that could convey and unwanted message 时间,空间,情形,友谊和赞同的表达方式在不同文化中不同。高语境文化:沟通主要依靠语境(本身语言信息不多,判断谁说的等)和非语言方式;低语境文化:更多依赖明确的沟通4)Formality and Tempo礼仪与工作节奏对商务客户、对老板直呼其名的礼仪问题;工作节奏或快速切入正题Higher on Hofstedes Power Distance Index (PDI) May lead to business misunderstandings Haste and impatience most common mistakes Middle East For maximum success marketers must deal with foreign executives in acceptable ways Developing friendships 5)P-Time versus M-Time 单一时间观与多钟时间观:大部分文化是两种时间观的混合单一时间观(低语境文化)一段时间集中精力做一件事多种时间观(高语境文化)同时做很多事Monochronic time 单一时间观Tend to concentrate on one thing at a time Divide time into small units and are concerned with promptness Most low-context cultures operate on M-Time Polychronic time多种时间观Dominant in high-context cultures Characterized by the simultaneous occurrence of many things Allows for relationships to build and context to be absorbed as parts of high-context cultures Have a tendency to be either more P-time or M-time in regard to the role time plays As global markets expand more businesspeople from P-time cultures are adapting to M-time. 6)Negotiations Emphasis 在谈判重点上的差异谈判重点随产品、价格和付款条件、产品所需服务及卖方和顾客间关系而异。Business negotiations are perhaps the most fundamental business rituals The basic elements of business negotiations are the same in any country They relate to the product, its price and terms, services associated with the product, and finally, friendship between vendors and customers One standard rule in negotiating is “know thyself” first, and second, “know your counterpart” 7)Gender Bias in International Business 许多国家管理人员存在着对妇女的歧视 在亚洲中东拉美,妇女不进入高级管理层7.Business Ethics商业伦理What is right or appropriate.在国际市场上企业伦理问题很复杂,因为不同文化群体的价值判断大相径庭。不同文化对腐败的定义不同;对腐败、贿赂存在不同标准;贿赂引发恪守伦理与追求利润间的矛盾。 8. Cultures Influence on Strategic Thinking文化对战略思维的影响文化影响管理者对经营战略的思维英美推崇个人主义的资本主义观本质上具有劳方、管理方和政府间相互对立的特征;日德推崇“员工是企业的一员:在本质上有相互合作的特征; 中国对关系(某人的人际网络)强调一种文化上的资本主义。Capitalism in China: more entrepreneurial approach and an emphasis on guanxi (network of personal connections) Individualistic capitalism: British-American Communitarian capitalism: Japan & Germany Evidences: 1.Hofstedes IDV scores 2.Firm Performance: stable vs. unstable A Synthesis Relationship-Oriented vs. Information-Oriented Cultures Studies are noting a strong relationship between Halls high/low context and Hofstedes Individualism/Collective and Power Distance indexes (r0.61) 信息导向:低语境,个人主义,低权力距离,贿赂较不普遍,与英语的距离短,语言直率,单一事件利用方式,互联网,前景,竞争关系导向:高语境,集体主义,高权力距离(包括性别),贿赂较普遍,与英语的距离原,语言含蓄,多种时间利用方式,面对面,背景,减少交易成本。9.sum1.Some cultures appear to emphasize the importance of information and competition while others focus more on relationships and transaction cost reductions 2.Businesspersons working in another country must be sensitive to the business environment and must be willing to adapt when necessary 3Understanding the culture you are entering is the only sound basis for planning 4.Environmental considerations significantl


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