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山东省嘉祥县第二中学八年级英语《Unit 34》复习课件.ppt_第4页
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reviewunits3 unit31 假期你打算做什么 2 去野营3 去远足4 去观光5 去骑自行车6 听起来 7 那听起来很棒 8 休闲在家9 你将和谁一起去 10 在12号11 在 深 山里12 你将呆多长时间 四天 13 离开太长时间 gobikeriding rideabike goriding go v ing去 whatareyoudoingforvacation gocamping gohiking gosightseeing thatsoundsnice sound adj relaxathome whoareyougoingwith onthe12th inthemountains howlongareyoustaying forfourdays goawayfortoolong 14 把某物寄给某人15 把某物给某人看16 回到学校17 去渡假18 散步19 假期计划 20 租录像带21 以 而出名22 过长假23 今年夏天24 考虑某事 做某事25 决定做某事26 在欧洲 get comebackto returnto回来 sendsbsth sendsthtosb showsbsth showsthtosb get comebacktoschool goforvacation takewalks takeawalk haveawalk walk vacationplans rentvideos befamousfor take havealongvacation thissummer thinkaboutsth doingsth decidetodosth decideonsth doingsth ineurope 27 做一些不同的事28 计划做某事29 在乡村30 花时间 金钱于某物 做某事31 多睡32 迫不及待做某事33 做完某事34 需要做某事35 询问某人某事36 一个观光的好地方37 随身带上某物 dosomethingdifferent plantodosth inthecountryside spendtime moneyonsth in doing sleepalot can twaittodosth finishdoingsth needtodosth asksbaboutsth agoodplacetogosightseeing takesthwithsb 38 离开某地动身前往某地离开 去 leave from 地点 leavefor 地点 leave for vacationdreams imagineyourdreamvacation writewhatyouaredoingforvacation whenyouaregoing andhowlongyouarestaying i mgoingto forvacation i mgoingin on andi mstayingfor itisreallyagoodideatotravelwithyou iplantostartourtravelonjuly10th first wetakeabustonanjing wecangoboatingonxuanwulake thenwe llgotobeijingbytrainatnight inbeijing we llvisitthegreatwall tian anmensquareandthepalacemuseum wecantakephotosthere dosomeshoppingandeatsomefamousfoodlikebeijingduck wemayspendoneweekthere i msurewe llhaveagoodtime vacationdreams 语法 宾语从句 即在复合句中充当请宾语的从句 1 我想知道妮娜住在哪里 iwanttoknow 2 他问到学校坐车要多长时间 heasks whereninalives howlongittakestogettoschoolbybus 3 你能告诉我他是怎么上学的吗 canyoutellme howhegetstoschool 4 请告诉我他对交通是怎么看的 pleasetellme whatshethinksofthetransportation 句子大练兵 1 你打算寒假怎么过 我想去西藏过一个星期 whatareyoudoingforwintervacation i mgoingtotibetforaweek 2 你和谁一起去北京 whoareyougoingtobeijingwith 3 你将在夏威夷呆多久 howlongareyoustayinginhawaii 4 当我们回到学校的时候 给我看看你的照片 showmeyourphotoswhenwegetbacktoschool showyourphotostomewhenwegetbacktoschool 5 请在香港给我寄张明信片 6 我能问你一些关于你假期计划的问题吗 7 他将在六月的第一个星期离开而且一直呆到九月份 8 我打算在美丽的乡下度过时光 9 我迫不及待想骑自行车去临海旅行 pleasesendapostcardtomefromhongkong caniaskyousomequestionsaboutyourvacationplan heisleavingthefirstweekinjuneandstayinguntilseptember iplantospendtimeinthebeautifulcountryside ican twaittogobikeridingtolinhai 10 他刚刚完成他的家庭作业 hejustfinisheddoinghishomework 11 我爸爸下星期二动身去泰国 12 我听说香港是一个观光的好地方 myfatherisleavingforthailandnexttuesday ihearthathongkongisagoodplacetogosightseeing 13 ben曾想过去希腊或美国 但决定去法国 benthoughtaboutgoingtogreeceoramerica butdecidedonfrance 练习 1 wearegoing camp thissunday 2 liuhongisthe twelve onetocomehere 3 willyoupleaseshowallyour photo tome 4 let sgobike ride thisweekend 5 thechildrencouldn twait watch thematch 6 theyaregoing fish nextsunday 7 myparentswanttoaskmeaboutplaces visit inengland 8 afterifinish clean theroom i llhavearest 9 iforgot close thedoor infact iclosedit camping twelfth photos riding towatch fishing tovisit cleaning closing 10 lucyspendsanhour do herhomeworkeveryday 11 iplan study englishnextyear 12 iwanttodosomething difference thistime 13 mikeis stay forfivedays 14 tellhim be quietinthereadingroom 15 thatisagoodplace watch birds 16 howabout camp withustothemuseum 17 myfamily go sightseeingnextweek 18 iam plan myvacationtoitalythisweekend doing tostudy different staying tobe towatch camping aregoing panning 句型 how stheweatherthere 同义 theweather there 2 showmeyournewwatch please 同义 yournewwatch please 3 i mvisitingmygrandmotherforvacation 画线提问 forvacation 4 heisgoingtohongkongonthe12th 画线提问 5 hermotherhastogetupearlyeverymorning 画线提问 what s like show to me what are you doing whenishegoingtohangkang whatdoeshermotherhavetodoeverymorning 6 i mnotgoingwithyou 画线提问 7 pleasecallmewhenyougetbacktoschool 同义 pleasecallmewhenyou toschool 8 didyouhaveagoodtimeyesterday 同义 didyou yesterday 9 thatsongsoundsverynice 画线提问 thatsong 10 hedecidedtobuyanewcar 同义 hedecided newcar 11 wehopethatwecanvisitthisplaceagain 同义 wehope thisplaceagain whoaren tyougoingwith return enjoy yourself ves have fun how does sound on a to visit 一 根据句意和首字母完成单词1 thisstorysinteresting 2 what syourpforyoursummervacation 3 yesterdaymyfatherftolockthedoor 4 imetanamericantinthesummerpalace 5 theyrtheroomfrommrs white 6 weshouldlovenandprotect 保护 it 7 classesbeginat7 40a mandfat5 00p m 8 sheislshanghaiforbeijingnextmonth 9 luxunwasafwriter 10 somepeopleliketoliveinthecities butothersliketoliveinthec sounds plan forgot tourist rent nature finish leaving famous countryside 二 用所给词的正确形式填空1 whynotgo boat ontheriverwithme 2 areyou go hike thissunday 3 i mlearninghow drive acar 4 she s babysit hersisterthissunday 5 whenyou go awaylastnight 6 weplan visit tibetnextyear 7 howabout stay athomethisevening 8 afterifinished wash myclothes icooked 9 hurryup jack yourbrother wait foryou 10 let s relax here 11 you llbe relax whenyougetbackfromthevacation 12 mike think aboutforamomentanddecided take it going boating hiking todrive babysitting did go tovisit staying washing iswaiting relax relaxed thought totake 13 thestorysounds iam interest init 14 i hear hecamebackfromwuhanyesterday 15 mymotheroftenfeelstiredafter walk interesting interested heard walking 句型转换 1 they restayingfortwoweeks 画线提问 2 she sgoingfishingforvacation 画线提问 3 theygoforawalkaftersuppereveryday 同义句 4 ihopeyouwillhaveagoodtime 同义句 howlongaretheystaying whatisshedoingforvacation theytakewalksaftersuppereveryday ihopeyouwillenjoyyourself 5 howistheweatherthere 改为同义句 6 we regoingshoppingonsunday 改为同义句 7 whatareyoudoingforvacation relaxathome 根据提示写答语 8 weoftenhavesportscamponsundays 用nextsunday替换 9 we regoingcampingwithourteacher 画线提问 10 i mleavingforshanghaitomorrow 画线提问 what stheweatherlikethere we regoingtodosomeshoppingonsunday iamrelaxingathome wearehavingsportscampnextsunday whoareyougoingcampingwith whenandwhereareyouleavingfor composition 你喜欢旅游吗 你的上一次暑假旅游去了哪里 都看到了什么 你们玩得愉快吗 用所学知识谈谈你的想法 句式 1 ilike andthinkaboutgoingto 2 idecidetogosightseeing with 3 goto bybus train car bike 4 setoffat place at time 5 ittakessb sttogetthere6 takealotofphotos goboating therearealotofinterestingplacessuchas friendlyandhelpful beautifulcity parksandgardens 7 haveagoodtimethere enjoyourselvesverymuch 8 it sagoodplaceto it ssucha an thatiwillneverforgetit 写作指导 七 reviewunit4 transportation ship plane car taxi bicycle bus subway motorcycle train boat kindsof unit4howdoyougettoschool takethesubway乘地铁takethebus乘公交车takethetrain乘火车takethecar坐小汽车takeataxito 乘出租车去 takeaplane乘飞机takeaship乘轮船rideabike骑自行车walk走路 bysubwaybybusbytrainbycargo cometo bytaxibyplane airbyship seabybikeonfoot 3 1054 某人花 时间做某事5 要花多长时间 6 从他家到学校有多远 离学校10公里远7 远离某地8 离某地很近9 快速地吃早餐10 在大约6 3011 带 到 去 2 46 haveaquickbreakfast havebreakfastquickly forty six onehundredandfive howlongdoesittake ittakes tooksbsometimetodosth howfarisitfromhishometoschool 10kilometers away fromschool befar away from benear ataround aboutsixthirty take to do getto arrivein at reach 12 到达 13 公交车行程通常要花费25分钟 14 公交车站点汽车站 火车站 地铁站15 全世界16 在北美洲17 在世界的其他地区18 那肯定比坐公交车更有趣得多 what thinkof how like 20 朝 看 看 moststudents mostofthestudents mustbe一定 thebusrideusuallytakesabout25minutes thebusstop thebus train subwaystation aroundtheworld allovertheworld innorthamerica gotoschoolontheschoolbus乘校车上学 inotherpartsoftheworld thatmustbealotmorefunthantakingabus 19 大多数学生 lookat havealookat 21 怎么样 22 视 而定 决定于23 不是所有的学生24 做某事的方式交通方式做某事的最流行方式25 一定数量的 少量的 大量的 的数量26 生病住院27 别担心 为 而担忧28 有困难 themostpopularwaysofdoingsth dependon notallstudents theway meansofdoingsth themeans waysoftransportation anumberof alotof asmall largenumberof don tworry beillinhospital worryabout beworriedabout haveaproblem problems thenumberof is 1 doyougettoschool i walkbutsometimesi thebus 主要句型 how usually take 2 doesittake it about30minutes and10minutes takes towalk bybus 走路分钟坐公交10分钟 3 isit yourhometoschool it sthreemiles howfar from 4 doesittakeyou fromhometoschool it twentyminutes howlong toget takes howlong 词语辩析 1 quick quickly a hehasa breakfasteverymorning b whorunsthemost inyourclass quick quickly 2 takev 乘 坐 搭 车 船 byprep 以 方式 a mymother thesubwaytowork b mymothergoestowork subway takes by 3 worry worried worryabout beworriedabout a shelooks aftertheenglishexam b theteacherwill ifyouarelate c iam mymathexam d don t her shewillbebettersoon worried worry worriedabout worryabout 句子大练兵 1 jim的家离学校有10千米远 jim shomeis10kilometersfromschool it s10kilometersfromjim shometoschool 2 他乘早班车去上学 hetakestheearlybustoschool 3 从地铁站到学校要花费30分钟时间 ittakes30minutesfromthesubwaystationtoschool 4 他住的离地铁站有多远 howfardoeshelivefromthesubwaystation 5 在我们班 并不是所有的学生都骑自行车去上学 6 那肯定比乘火车要有趣得多 7 在中国 自行车和公共汽车是最受欢迎的交通工具 8 这取决与你喜欢什么 9 如果你有什么困难 你可以找警察帮忙 notallstudentsridebikestoschoolinourclass thatmustbealotmorefunthantakingatrain inchina bikesandbusesarethemostpopularmeansoftransportation itdependsonwhatyoulike ifyouhaveproblems youcanaskthepolicemenforhelp 10 我不知道他怎么看待我的英语 idon tknowwhathethinksofmyenglish 11 别着急 还有点时间 12 他看起来很焦急 因为他妈妈生病住院了 don tworry thereisalittletime helooksworried becausehismotherisillinhospital 练习 1 wewillvisitunclewang unclewangwillbefree 用if连接两个句子 2 heworriesabouthissickmother 同义句 he hissickmother 3 whatdoyouthinkofthetransportation 同义句 doyou thetransportation 4 anumberofboysareplayingfootballoverthere 同义句 boysareplayingfootballoverthere 5 hegoestoschoolbybike 同义句 hegoestoschool 6 thestudentsinthemountainsgotoschoolonfoot 画线提问 gotoschoolonfoot ifunclewangisfree wewillvisithim is worried about how like a lot of on the his bike which students 适当形式 1 ihavetwosisters oneislucy other islily 2 moststudents ride theirbiketoschool 3 asmallnumberof student take thesubway 4 iwilltakeataxiwhenit rain 5 don tbe worry aboutmother 6 her ill makeshermothersad 7 lookatyourbookand read it 8 ineed see myfriend 9 letme look afteryourson 10 iwillgohomeifit notrain tomorrow theother ride students take rains worried illness read tosee look doesn train 15 otherpartsoftheworldare difference fromtheunitedstates16 therearethreemostpopularwaysof get toschool 17 iwanttoknowhow get toschool18 studentsinhongshanhuhaveto take aboat get toschool 11 hismother buy himabeautifulwatchlastweek 12 let s have alookatourphotosonthegreatwall 13 look thegirls play gamesthere 14 takingaboatmustbealotmorefunthan take abus have areplaying taking bought different getting toget take toget a excuseme iamgoingtotheshoppingcenter how i there b oh well walkalongthisroadandtakethesecondturningontheright a isitfromhere b it saboutsevenoreightminutes walk a thankyouverymuch b that sallright tenminuteslater c what i foryou a i ashirt wouldyoushowmesome c certainly thelightblueoneisverynice whynottryit a that sfine whereisthechangingroom c overthere thisway please a oh itlookssonice thepriceofit c it s240yuan a it stoo ionlyhave200yuan can get how far can do want on what s expensive dear 一 根据句意和首字母完成单词1 thereareaboutnteachersinourschool 2 thirtymishalfanhour 3 itusuallytme20minutestowalktoschool 4 fiftyandfiftyisoneh 5 canyouwaitformeatthesubways 6 childrendontheirparentsforfood 7 pleasehelpmewiththismathp 8 englishnamesaredfromchinesenames 9 don tw letmehelpyou 10 ithinkbikesarethemostpopularmeansoftinchina 11 beijingisinthenofchina 12 beq orwe llbelate 13 therearesomeboatsonther ninety minutes takes hundred station depend problem different worry transportation north quick river 二 用所给词的正确形式填空1 heusually ride abiketoschool 2 hehasabreakfastandgoestoschool quick 3 read inthesunisbadforyoureyes 4 there be alotofpeopleinthemuseum 5 howlongdoesittake walk toschool 6 takingaboatmustbealot much funthantakingabus 7 heisillandheneeds see adoctor 8 it snecessaryforme wash myclothes 9 pleasetellhim come tothehospital 10 howbob get toschooleveryday quick rides quickly reading are towash towalk more tosee tocom


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