七年级英语上册 Unit 1《This is me》grammar课件 牛津译林版.ppt_第1页
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simplepresenttenseof be 一般现在时中be动词的用法 unit1grammar 语法 学习目标 理解并掌握be动词在一般现在时中的用法掌握一般现在时的肯定句 否定句 疑问句的构成与基本用法 be动词 be动词也叫系动词 表示 是 具体体现形式有am is are was were willbe等 一般现在时 能与不同的主语 subjects 连用 1 am is are与人称代词连用 人称代词 iweyouhesheitthey am i iam 我是 我是一个女生 iamagirl iamtall 我是高的 i m i magirl i mtall is he she it heisaboy sheisagirl itisadog 他是一个男生 她是一个女生 它是一只小狗 heis he s sheis she s itis it s he s she s it s are you they youareaboy youareboys we wearefriends 你是一个男生 你们是男生 theyareclassmates 他们是同班同学 我们是朋友 you re we re they re youare you re weare we re theyare they re 用 be 的正确形式填空1 i atallgirl 2 you lily right 3 she mytwinsister 4 we goodfriends 5 you allgoodstudents 6 they sandy sparents am are is are are are 2 与普通名词连用 1 单数名词 is 2 复数名词 are thestudents veryhappy are thegirl tallandslim is be动词的否定句 主语 be not am is are not amnot isn t aren t 将下列句子改为否定句thisisabox i mastudent theyaremyclassmates thisabox isnot isn t i astudent theymyclassmates arenot aren t amnot 1 thesearemybooks 2 sheissandy ssister 3 weareintheclassroom 4 theyarefromtheuk 5 youareinclass6 grade7 thesearenot aren tmybooks sheisnot isn tsandy ssister wearenot aren tintheclassroom theyarenot aren tfromtheuk youarenot aren tinclass6 grade7 将下列句子改为否定句 be动词的疑问句 heisateacher be动词提句首 isheateacher theyareclassmates be动词提句首 aretheyclassmates 肯定 yes heis 否定 no heisn t 肯定 yes theyare 否定 no theyaren t 在一般疑问句的肯定回答中不能用缩写形式 把下列句子改成一般疑问句并做肯定和否定回答 1 thisisareadingroom 2 theyareclassmates 3 eddieishobo smaster isthisareadingroom yes itis no itisn t aretheyclassmates yes theyare no theyaren t iseddiehobo smaster yes itis no itisn t 我用am 你用are is都是他 她 它 单数名词用is 复数名词全用are 变疑问 往前提 句末问号莫丢弃 变否定 更容易 be后not莫忘记 疑问否定任你变 句首大写莫迟疑 be动词用法口诀 workinpairs a hello what syourname b iam a howoldareyou b i


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