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Madagascar scriptSurprise! Alex. Do not interrupt me when Im daydreaming. When a zebras in the zone, leave him alone. Come on, Marty. Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. Hey, man, thanks. Hey, I got something stuck in my teeth. Its driving me crazy. Can you help me? Please? You came to the right place, my friend. Dr. Marty, D.D.S., is in the house. Please hop on top of my sterilized examination table, if you may. - I dont see anything. - Its on the left. Oh, sorry. Okay, just dont talk with your mouth full. Right here. What the heck is this doing in there? Happy birthday! Aw, hey, thanks, man. You put it in behind the tooth. You all right. These arent even on the shelf yet. Here. Check it out. - Look at that. Ooh! Look at that. - Look at that. Its snowing. Ten years old, huh? A decade. Double digits. The big 1-0. You dont like it? - No, no, its great. - You hate it. I shouldve gotten you the Alex alarm clock. Thats the big seller. No, no, no. The presents great, really. Its just that another years come and gone and Im still doing the same old thing. Stand over here. Trot over there. Eat some grass. Walk back over here. - I see your problem. - Maybe I should go to law school. You just need to break out of that boring routine. - How? - Throw out the old act. Who knows what youll do. Make it up as you go along. Ad lib. Improvise. On the fly. Boom, boom, boom. - Really? - You know, make it fresh. Fresh, huh? Okay. I could do fresh. Works for me. Here come the people, Marty. I love the people. Its fun people fun time! Lets go, Gloria! Up and at em. Were open! What day is it? Its Friday. Field trip day. Yes, its field trip day. Lets get up and go. .in ten more minutes. Come on! Melman, Melman, Melman! Melman, Melman, Melman! Wake up! Rise and shine! Its another fabulous morning in the Big Apple. Lets go. - Not for me. Im calling in sick. - What? I found another brown spot on my shoulder. Right here. See? Right there. You see? Melman, you know its all in your head. Hm? Lets go! Come on! Phil! Wake up, you filthy monkey. Oh, Im going to be fresh. Straight out the ground. Tasty fresh! Freshalicious. Ziploc fresh. Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages, the Central Park Zoo proudly presents: Show them the cat. Whos the cat? The king of New York City. Alex the lion. Its showtime. Roar! Gather around, people. Big show about to start. Check out the zebra taking care of biz. Thats right. Just smile and wave, boys. Smile and wave. Kowalski, progress report. Were 500 feet from the main sewer line. - And the bad news? - Weve broken our last shovel. Right. Rico, youre on litter patrol. We need shovels. And find more Popsicle sticks. We dont want to risk another cave-in. And me, skipper? I want you to look cute and cuddly, private. Today were going to blow this dump. Come here. Come here. Come on, penguin. Yeah! You dont see that on Animal Planet. Ha-ha. Well, shows over, folks. Thanks for coming. I hope you thought it was fresh. Ill be here all week. In fact, Ill be here for my whole life. Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, including Christmas, Hanukkah, Halloween, Kwanzaa. Please dont forget to never spay or neuter your pets. And tip your cabbie, because hes broke. You, quadruped. Sprechen sie Englisch? I sprechen. - What continent is this? - Manhattan. Hoover Dam! Were still in New York. Abort. Dive! Dive! Dive. Hey. You in the tux. Wait a minute. What are you guys doing? Were digging to Antarctica. Ant-who-tica? Can you keep a secret, my monochromatic friend? Do you ever see any penguins running free around New York City? Of course not. We dont belong here. Its just not natural. This is all some kind of whacked-out conspiracy. Were going to the wide-open spaces of Antarctica. To the wild. The wild? You could actually go there? That sounds great. Hey, hold up. Where is this place? Tell me where it is. You didnt see anything. Right? Yes, sir. Im sorry. No, sir. For his final appearance of the day, the king of New York City. Alex the lion. Roar! Thank you. Thank you very much. You guys are great. Youre a great crowd. Give yourselves a hand. Thank you. Oh. Thank you. Oh! Well. Thank you. Oh, thats too kind. Too kind. Underpants! Everybody get home safe. Hey! Check out my Web site. Twenty-four hour Alex Cam. Watch me sleep. This is the life. Thats the spot. Oh! Im in heaven. - Ooh, its Martys birthday. - Just rip it open. - What is it? - Come on. Open it up. What you got? A thermometer. Thanks. I love it, Melman. I love it. I wanted to give you something personal. That was my first rectal thermometer. - Mother. - Ill miss that bad boy. Get the cake. Melman, come on. Happy birthday to you You live in a zoo You look like a monkey And you smell like one too I say. Aw, well, now, you guys are just embarrassing me. And yourselves. What? We worked on that all week. Lets go. Lets make a wish, babycakes. - Whatd you wish for? - Nope. Cant tell you that. Come on. Tell. No siree. Im telling you, its bad luck. You want some bad luck, Ill blab it out. But if you want to be safe, Ill keep my mouth shut. Would you just tell us? What could happen? Okay. I wished I could go to the wild! The wild?! I told you it was bad luck. The wild? Are you nuts? That is the worst idea Ive ever heard. Its unsanitary. The penguins are going. So why cant I? The penguins are psychotic. Come on. Just imagine going back to nature. Back to your roots. Clean air, wide-open spaces! I hear theres wide-open spaces in Connecticut. - Connecticut? - You got to go over to Grand Central. Then you got to take the Metro-North train. north? So one could take the train? Just hypothetically. Come on. What would Connecticut have to offer us? - Lyme disease. - Thank you, Melman. No, I just want. Theres none of this in the wild. This is a highly refined type of food thing that you do not find in the wild. You ever thought there might be more to life than steak, Alex? He didnt mean that, baby. No, no, no. Doesnt it bother you guys that you dont know anything about life outside this zoo? - Nuh-uh. Nope. - Mm-mm. Well, I mean, come on. Thats just one subject. You got a little schmutz right there on your. Thanks, guys. Thanks for the party. It was great. Really. Whats eating him? Maybe you should talk to him. Go over and give him a little pep talk. Hey, I already gave him a snow globe. I cant top that. I can see where this is going. It is getting late. I guess Im going to. Come on. Hes your best friend. All right, all right. Okay. - Night, Marty. - Night, Glo. What a day. I mean, I tell you, it just doesnt get any better than this, you know? Ooh! It just did. Even the stars out. Not going to find a star like that in the wild. Helicopter. Marty. Buddy. Listen. Everybody has days when they think the grass might be greener somewhere else. Alex. Look at me. Im ten years old. My life is half over. And I dont even know if Im black with white stripes. .or white with black stripes. Marty. Im thinking of a song. Alex. Please. Not now. Oh, yes. Its a wonderful song. I think youre familiar with it. Oh, no. Oh, no, you dont. No, no, no. Im not listening. Start spreadin the news I dont know you. Im leaving today - We are a great big part of it - Hes funny. Who is that? Come on. You know you know the words. Two little words. New York. New York Shut up, shut up, shut up! Hey, Im sleeping here! Were not all nocturnal, you know! Ill knock your turnal right off, pal. Yeah, you and what army, stripes? You mess with him, you mess with me, Howard. - Youre a bigmouth lion. - See? Mr. Grumpy Stripes. We make a great team, the two of us. We sure do. No doubt about it. So, what are you going to do? Go running off to the wild by yourself? - No. - Good. You and me. Lets go. - What? - The wild. Come on. You and me together. Its a straight shot down Fifth Avenue to Grand Central. Well grab a train, well head north. We can be back by morning. No one will ever know. Youre joking. Right? Yeah. Im joking. Of course Im joking. Give me a break. Like were going to get a train. Dont do that. You really had me worried there. Oh, well. I guess Ill hit the sack. Yeah, me too. Ill need to rest my voice for tomorrow. Its Seniors Day, you know. Have to roar extra loud. Give them a little jolt. You know? Good night, Ally Al. They forgot to turn off the ambience again. Dont worry. Its cool. You know, I got it. Much better. Come on, now, baby. My little filet. My little filet mignon with a little fat around the edges. I like that. I like a little fat on my steak. My sweet, juicy steak. You are a rare delicacy. Alex. Alex. Alex! What? What? You suck your thumb? What is it, Melman? You know how I have that bladder infection and I have to get up every two hours? I got up to pee and looked over at Martys pen, which I usually dont do. I dont know why, but I did. And. What? Whats going on? Its Marty. Hes gone. Gone! What do you mean, gone? How long has he been working on this? Marty! Marty! He wouldnt fit down there. Marty? Marty! Marty! This doesnt make any sense. Where would he go? - Connecticut! - He wouldnt. Oh, no! What are we going to do? I mean, we got to call somebody! Hello? Get me Missing Animals. And hurry. Weve got a lost zebra probably on the way to Connecticut, and we need. - Hello? Hello? - Wait a second. - We cant call the people. - What the.? Theyll be really mad. Itll get Marty transferred for good. Dont bite the hand that feeds you. Mm-hm, I know thats right. We got to go after him. Hes not thinking straight. Lets stop him from making the biggest mistake of his life. Hes probably out there lost and cold, confused. Poor little guy. Come on. One of us should wait here in case he comes back. Not now. This is an intervention. We all got to go. Whats the fastest way to Grand Central? - You should take Lexington. - Melman! - Okay. We. We should take Lexington. - What about Park? No, Park goes two ways. You cant time the lights. I heard Tom Wolfe is speaking at Lincoln Center. Well, of course were going to throw poo at him. We shouldve taken Park. You sure this is the fastest way to Grand Central Station? I dont know! Thats what Melman said. Hey. Hey, you, guys. That room has some nifty little sinks you can wash up in, and look! Free mints! This isnt a field trip. This is an urgent mission to save Marty from throwing his life away. Now, wheres the train? Here it comes. What did Marty say to you? I asked you to talk to him. I did! I did! I dont understand. He said, Lets go. I said, Are you crazy? He says, Im ten years old. And he has black-and-white stripes, and so then we sang and. What you got to do is go straight back down West 42nd. Its on your left after Vanderbilt. If you hit the Chrysler Building, youve gone too far. Thanks a lot, officer. Hey! Wait for the light. Freak. - Did you say zebra? - Thats right. A zebra. Right in front of me. - Can I shoot it? - Negative. Then Im going to need some backup. - Aw! Knicks lost again. - What are you going to do. Did that say Grand Central Station or my aunts constipation? This is it. Grand Central Station. Its grand and its central. Move aside. We have an emergency here. This is an emergency situation. Hey, hey. Just chill out. Its not that big of an emergency. Upstairs, downstairs. How do you like that? Lady! What is wrong with you? Ow! Get a grip on yourselves, people. Youre a bad kitty. Dagnabbit! I missed the express. Looks like Ill have to take the Stamford local. I got him! Ive got him! Hes got him! Hes got him! Hes got him! Hes got. I got something for you! Im okay. Im okay. Whoa! What are you guys doing here? - I am so glad we found you. - We were so worried about you. Dont worry, Im fine, Im fine. Look at me. Im fine. Youre fine? Oh, hes fine. Oh, great. You hear that? Martys fine. Thats good to know. Because I was wondering. How could you do this to us? I thought we were your friends! Whats the big deal? I was coming back. Dont ever do this again. Do you hear me? - Do you hear him? - Guys, were running out of time. Oh, Melman, you broke their clock? .do this again! Dont you ever, ever do this again! Come here. Weve been ratted out, boys. Hold your fire! Cute and cuddly, boys. Cute and cuddly. If you have any poo, fling it now. Its the Man. Good evening, officers. No. No. No. You dont talk now. Okay? Youre not good with the putting words together and their coming out good thing. You keep it shh. Hey! How you doing? You know what? Everythings cool. We just had a little situation here. Little internal situation. My friend went a little crazy. Happens to everybody. The city gets to us all. Went a little cuckoo in the head. Dont be calling me cuckoo in the head. Just shush! I will handle this. Oh! I got him! Go, go, go! Right here, please. Would you give a guy a break? Well take my little friend home and forget this ever happened. All right? No harm, no foul, right? Hey, its cool. Its me, Alex the lion. From the zoo. Whats the matter with them? I feel really, really weird. I love you guys. I love you so much. Last nights dramatic incident in Grand Central is an example of what animal rights wackos have been shouting for years: Animals clearly dont belong in captivity. They are to be sent back to their natural habitat, where they will live their lives in the freedom they desire. - Hey. Little help? - Hes awake! Hes awake! Do something! Oh, man. Oh, my head. What the.? Wait. Where? What? Im in a box! Oh, no. No, no! Not the box. Oh, no, they cant transfer me. Not me! Oh, I cant breathe. I cant breathe. Darkness creeping in. I cant breathe. I cant breathe. Walls closing in around me. So alone. So alone. - Alex! Alex, are you there? - Marty? - Yeah! Talk to me, buddy. - Oh, Marty! Youre here! - Whats going on? You okay? - This doesnt look good. - Alex, Marty, is that you? - Gloria! - Youre here too! - I am loving the sound of your voice. - What is going on? - Were all in crates. Oh, no! - Sleeping just knocks me out. - Melman! Is that Melman? - Are you okay? - Yeah. No, Im fine. I often doze off while Im getting an MRI. - Youre not getting an MRI. - CAT scan? No CAT scan. Its a transfer. Its a zoo transfer. Zoo transfer?! Oh, no. No, no, I cant be transferred. I have an appointment with Dr. Goldberg at 5:00. There are prescriptions that have to be filled. No other zoo could afford my medical care. And I am not going HMO. Take it easy, Melman. Its going to be okay. - We are going to be okizay. - No, were not going to be okizay. Now, because of you, were ruined! Because of me? I fail to see how this is my fault. - Youre kidding, right, Marty? - You. You ticked off the people. You bit the hand, Marty. You bit the hand. I dont know who I am. I got to go find myself in the wild. Oh, please. I did not ask you to come after me, did I? He does have a point. I did say we should stay at the zoo, but you guys. Melman, just shut it. You suggested this idea to him in the first place. - Leave Melman out of this. - Thank you, Gloria. Besides, its not my fault that we were transferred. Melman, shut it. Does anybody feel nauseous? - I feel nauseous. - Melman, you always feel nauseous. Progress report. Its an older code, skipper. I cant make it out. You, higher mammal. Can you read? No. Phil can read, though. Phil. Ship to Kenya. Wildlife preserve. Africa! Africa? That aint going to fly. Rico. I was the star in the greatest city on Earth. - Guys, listen. - A king. Loved by my people. - Lets be civil. - And youve ruined everything! Loved? If the people loved you, its only because they didnt know the real you! Dont make me come up there. Ill whoop both of yall. I thought I knew the real you! Your black-and-white stripes, they cancel each other out. Youre nothing! Stop it, stop it, stop it! Youre not helping the situation. Status. Its no good. I dont know the codes. Dont give me excuses. Give me results!


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