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华中师范大学汉口分校本科毕业论文(设计)开题报告表院(系)名称 外语学院 专业名称 英语 年 级 2006级 学生姓名 郭亚莉 学 号 2006932030 指导教师姓名 刘荷清 填表时间: 年 月 日填表说明:1、本科生原则上应于第七学期结束之前完成毕业论文(设计)的选题和开题工作。2、本表由学生在开题报告经指导教师指导和指导教师小组集中开题指导并修改后填写。指导教师和指导教师小组在学生填写后,应在本表相应栏目里填写确认性意见。本表最后由院(系)盖章备案保存。3.学生应执行本表撰写毕业论文(设计),不得作实质性改变。学生须在所在院(系)规定的时间内完成毕业论文(设计)并参加答辩。4.毕业论文(设计)的具体要求请参阅华中师范大学教学管理规章制度(2005年版)之华中师范大学本科毕业论文(设计)工作条例及其附件1华中师范大学本科毕业论文(设计)写作与排版打印规范。 5、学生可用蓝色或黑色水笔认真填写,做到填写整洁、正确。拟选题目 Humor and Satire in Mark Twains The Million Pound Note选题依据及研究意义Mark Twains The Million Pound Note is a short story which is very humorous and tends to reflect the current society ironically with a number of humorous plots. On one hand, the humorous plots and Mark Twines writing style or skill make readers impressed and make the novel well-known all around the world especially in the literary field, becoming a hot topic among researchers who make study on it. One the other hand, with the humorous way of description and the story content, the story reflects the current social background that people all went after money with cold face to the poor. If youre penniless, people dont really want to know you, let alone help you; but if you have money, then people will bend over backwards for you, even making it their business to seek you out. Mark Twain in American literature occupies a very unique and important position. Ambiguity of his work and personality has attracted many sides of generations of researchers. As writer and literary critic William Dean Howells, said, Mark Twain, the Lincoln of our literature. He called the Frontier Trail Blazers to our great literature, Jackson democrats also correct. He conquered The east, the first time that our literature is no longer limited to the scope of New England.” This thesis briefly focuses on the combination of humor and satire in Mark Twains The Million Pound Note with the analysis of the humorous plots and the reality and truth it reflects. 选题的研究现状 Mark Twains The Million Pound Note is a short story which takes place in Edwardian London, where two very rich, eccentric brothers, Oliver and Roderick Montpelier, give the penniless story protagonist, Henry Adams, one million pound money in form of a single peerless bank note. Henry would not be easily able to exchange that note in the bank without being questioned about how he had come to it, charged with theft and arrested. He would also not be able to spend it since no ordinary person would be able to change it. Without knowing, Henry is the subject of a bet: Oliver believes that the mere possession of this symbol of wealth will enable anyone to have anything he wants, without actually cashing the note. Roderick, on the other hand, feels that the prohibition against exchanging the note for cash will render it totally useless. The story causes the readers to reflect upon the mad irony that people are willing to do things basically for free in order to toady to those who have money, rather than for those who actually need their charity. If youre penniless, people dont really want to know you, let alone help you; but if you have money, then people will bend over backwards for you, even making it their business to seek you out. Mark Twain is American literature of the founder of critical realism, the worlds famous short story master. He experienced the United States from the free capitalism to imperialism, the development process, the performance of their ideas and creations also make fun of from the light to the bitter irony of pessimism, then stage of development. His early works, such as the short story actually elected governor(1870), Goldsmiths friends once again go abroad(1870), so as to humor, humorous strokes laugh at American democratic elections absurd and democratic paradise Nature Medium -term work, such as the novel The Gilded Age(1874, Warner co-wrote), the representative of the novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(1886) and Puddehead Wilson(1893), etc., places deep , spicy style satire and expose as popular as the plague in the United States of speculation, worships money and fanaticism, and the dark and brutal social reality of racial discrimination. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck told to flee through the white boy black Nu Jimu together the story of wandering in the Mississippi River, not only criticize the brutal feudal family feud fights to expose the senseless lynching, and the satire of religious hypocrisy Ignorance, condemned the slavery of sin, and praised the excellent quality of slaves, regardless of ethnic status information right to freedom of everyone to enjoy the progress of claims. Fresh and powerful works of the text, examine the natural and unique point of view, be regarded as a landmark in the history of American literary realism works. The late 19th century, as the U.S. entered the imperialist stage of development, some of Mark Twain travel, essays, political commentary, such as equatorial ring in mind(1897), novella corrupt hadleyburg (1900), Mystery guest(1916) revealed the critical significance of such gradually weakened, while the mood is somewhat mysterious stretch of despair. To sum up, Superficial fiction but deep truth with writing out the reality from the grotesque is the main feature of Humor and Satire in The Million Pound Note. And Mark Twain combines humor and satire in an organic way, revealing and mocking all kinds of hideous things. The storyline piercing into those humorous plots is the philosophy of worship money. In this way, Mark Twine composed the well-conceived plots to satire the people who regarded money as everything and went after it by all means.拟研究的主要内容和思路 Million pounds reproduces the real life with tools of humor and satire and attacks the dark side of society. Although the story is fictitious, it embraces deep truth. Mark Twains composed the story with humorous satire, ridicule vulgar, hypocritical characters, money worship and so on to form a comedy. His satirical humor and witty remarks, writing freely and well makes reader involved the fun and feel so impassioned and forceful. This thesis mainly involves in following topics: Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Object of the Research1.2 Rationale and Significance1. 4 Organization of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2. 1 Introduction to Mark Twain2. l. 1 Features of Mark Twains Works2. 1. 2 Influence of Mark Twain on American Literature2. 1. 3 Stages of Twains Works and Changes of His Features2. 2 General Humor & Satire2. 2. 1 Definition of Humor2. 2. 2 Definition of Satire Chapter 3 Humor and Satire in “The Million Pound Bank Note”3.1 Humor in “The Million Pound Bank Note”3.2 Satire in “The Million Pound Bank Note”Chapter 4 ConclusionBibliography研究的创新点及重、难点 A discussion of Humor and Satire in Mark Twains The Million Pound Note, no doubt, the focus is to study Mark Twains humor and satire. As Mark Twains living environment and background of the times, he works shows the American humor, in this paper, for the understanding and interpretation of American humor is also a priority.Mark Twain in his short stories in the creation of a large number of narrative strategies used to achieve the dramatic effect, so the fragments for the article describes what is exaggerated or realistic in my thesis writing experience is a difficult. Only works when in a deep understanding of reading the content in order to better carry out thesis writing. This part of the study, spent a lot of time, and I found a large number of Americans social background information and documentationDue to personal level and time limit, this paper is mainly the innovation points in a large collection of reading and analyzing various literature materials to imitate and incremental innovation, in the existing material make my own summary. 研究进程安排1. January 3, 2011 - January 20, 2011 Accessing to information arrangements and prepareing opening report2. January 20,2011_March 3,2011 prepared under the guidance of teachers and students writing an outline, opening report.3. March 7, 2011 - March 25, 2011 Students to submit the paper for proofs, review the instructor to modify4. March 28, 2011 - April 8, 2011 5. Students complete the first draft and submitted to the instructor, the teacher reviewed the changes and proposed changes to the program detailed feedback to students5. April 11, 2011 - April 29, 2011 Under the guidance of teachers, the students, modify the first draft, writing the second draft, submitted to the teacher reviewed the marking, and ultimately the formation of final.主要参考文献1杨丰收.透过含泪的笑再现人生析契诃夫短篇小说幽默与讽刺的和谐J.时代文学,2009,(23)2刘帆,张弛.结与解小概率事件讽刺性幽默近年国产黑色喜剧的叙事分析J.北京电影学院学报,2010,(2)3陈炬.阿Q正传与百万英镑中的幽默讽刺比较J.洛阳理工学院学报(社会科学版),2009,24(2)4陈佳雷.从幽默到讽刺小论马克吐温文学作品里的幽默与讽刺J.科技信息,2009,(17)5黄立安.品味那隐藏在笑声背后的世间沧桑浅析马克吐温的黑色幽默J.时代文学,2009,(6)6梁福江.浅论马克吐温小说艺术J.科教


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