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2012 年春季四校联考七年级年春季四校联考七年级 英语期中试卷英语期中试卷 考试时间 考试时间 120 分钟 分值 分钟 分值 120 分 分 第一部分第一部分 听力测试听力测试 25 分分 I I 听句子选择与图示意思相符的选项 听两遍 听句子选择与图示意思相符的选项 听两遍 每小题各每小题各 1 分 计分 计 5 分分 1 A B C 2 A B C 3 A B C 4 A B C 5 A B C IIII 情景反应情景反应 根据录音选择正确的应答语 听两遍 根据录音选择正确的应答语 听两遍 每小题每小题 1 分 计分 计 5 分分 6 A It s great B It s boring C It s cloudy 7 A She s writing B She s a nurse C She s fine 8 A He lives in Tokyo B He comes from Paris C I m from Toronto 9 A I like them very much B They re clever C They re dangerous 10 A I m a waiter B I m happy C I do my homework IIIIII 对话理解 对话理解 听录音内容及问题选择正确的答案 听两遍 听录音内容及问题选择正确的答案 听两遍 每小题每小题 1 分 计分 计 5 分分 11 A B C 12 A Playing basketball B Cleaning the classroom C Doing homework 13 A In the police station B In the TV station C In the bank 14 A Windy B Cloudy C Sunny 15 A A teacher B At school C He teaches Chinese IV 听长对话 回答问题 读二遍听长对话 回答问题 读二遍 5 分 分 听第一段长对话 回答第听第一段长对话 回答第 16 至第至第 17 两小题 两小题 16 What does Tom s pen pal do A She s a teacher B She s a doctor C She s a nurse 17 Where is Tom s pen pal from A England B China C France 听第二段长对话 回答第听第二段长对话 回答第 18 至第至第 20 三小题 三小题 18 Why does the girl like to see the dogs first A Dogs are friendly and clever B Dogs are fun C Dogs are cute 19 Where are the lions from A China B Africa C Canada 20 How many kinds of animals do they mention 提到提到 A 2 B 3 C 4 V 短文理解 短文理解 根据录音内容选择完成根据录音内容选择完成 21 25 小题 听两遍 小题 听两遍 5 分分 21 Today is A Saturday morning B Sunday morning C Sunday afternoon 22 There are many people from A England and Canada B America and Japan C Canada and Australia 23 The driver 司机司机 is A an American B a Chinese C a man 24 Chinese people are in the bus A One B Two C Three 25 People in the bus A are talking to each other 相互相互 B are visiting the Great Wall 长城长城 C are listening to a man 第二部分第二部分 语言知识运用 语言知识运用 95 分 分 单项选择 单项选择 每小题各每小题各 1 分 计分 计 15 分分 BankHotel PhoneShop New ST Bridge ST HotelBank PhoneShop New ST Bridge ST BankHotel PhoneShop New ST Bridge ST 26 He is Australia boy A an B a C the D 27 There is lots of in the basket A leaf B meat C apples D banana 28 They teach Japanese in this school A we B our C us D ours 29 He usually during the day and gets up night A relaxes to B sleeps in C relaxes in D sleeps at 30 Is there a pay phone the neighborhood Yes it s Center Street the right A in down on B on on in C in on in D on down on 31 Please be quiet My little child A go to bed B is sleeping C sleeps D going to school 32 People from Canada English and French A say B talk C tell D speak 33 Welcome to Disneyland It s a good place fun A having B to have C have D has 34 Anna a blue skirt today A puts on B wears C in D wear 35 Where you A do come B do from C are come D are from 36 Isn t it cute I like it very much A Yes it isn t B No it isC Yes it is D No it isn t 37 is the weather in Shanghai windy A What It s B How It s C How Its D What Its 38 The students games after class They volleyball over there now A play are playing B are playing play C play play D are playing are playing 39 What do you do A I m very well B I m a basketball player C I m in the library D I m doing my homework 40 Would you love to have dinner with me A Yes I d love to B Yes I d love C Yes I d love to have D No I d not love VII 完形填空 完形填空 15 分分 阅读下面短文 掌握其大意 然后从阅读下面短文 掌握其大意 然后从 A B C D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 Today is our first day in Central Middle School It is a large 41 beautiful school Mr Johnson is 42 to us But Ms Laurent is very 43 with us We have too many school rules 规则规则 We 44 wear bracelets 手镯手镯 sunglasses 45 earrings 耳环 耳环 But I can t live without 没有没有 my charm 护身符护身符 bracelet We have to wear school 46 on school days But I don t 47 the color of our uniform We have to 48 English and Chinese book every morning My favorite 49 is basketball I want 50 a basketball player 51 Yaoming But We have no time to 52 basketball 53 We have 54 homework to do after school We have to 55 hard 41 A or B and C with D but 42 A friend B fun C friendly D well 43 A strict B well C good D nice 44 A have B can t C don t D doesn t 45 A and B with C in D or 46 A hat B things C bag D uniform 47 A likes B stand C see D stands 48 A look B see C read D look at 49 A sports B sport C subject D color 50 A to do B be C am D to be 51 A like B as C look like D is like 52 A play the B play with C play D play a 53 A because B but C so D or 54 A too many B too much C much too D little 55 A talk B play C read D study 阅读理解 共阅读理解 共 20 小题 小题 40 分 分 阅读下面短文 从每题所给的阅读下面短文 从每题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中 选出能正确回答所提问题的最佳答案 四个选项中 选出能正确回答所提问题的最佳答案 A Do you like animals So come to Xinxin zoo to see the Australian koalas and lions from South Africa The American tigers are waiting for you Do you want to see penguins They are kind of interesting We also have very cute pandas but they are a little shy so please be very quiet You can play with the dolphins They are smart and cute Do you like the giraffes They are fun And there are many other animals too It s really exciting Tickets 票 票 Grown ups 成人 成人 2 00 Students of 6 12 1 00 Time Monday Friday 9 00 a m 4 00 p m Saturday Sunday 8 00 a m 5 00 p m Don t give food to the animals 56 Where are the tigers from A Australia B American C England D China 57 The dolphins are A cute and funny B lazy and cute C smart and cute D shy and clever 58 are a little shy A Tigers B Pandas C Dolphins D Giraffes 59 Today is Monday It s 8 00 a m now Can we see the animals now A Yes we do B No we don t C Yes we can D No we can t 60 If Tom is 12 years old he goes to the zoo with his parents How much do they need to buy the tickets A 2 yuan B 3 yuan C 4 yuan D 5 yuan B We are all learning English but how can we learn English well A student can know a lot about English but maybe 可能可能 he can t speak English If you want to know how to swim you must get into the river And if you want to be a football player you must play football So you see You can learn English only by using it You must listen to your teacher in class You must read your lessons every day You must speak English to your classmates and also you must write something sometimes Then one day you may find your English very good 61 You know a lot about English but maybe you A can speak B can study it C can t study it D can t use it 62 If you want to learn to swim you should A get into the river B read books about swimming C learn from other people first D play football well first 63 If you want to be a football player you should A buy a good football B practice football C watch others play football D put your football away 64 The story of learning swimming and playing football tells us A we learn English by using it B swimming needs water B playing football is easy D learning English is difficult 65 If you want to study English well you must often A speak English B write in English C listen to English D All of the above C One day an old man is selling a big elephant A young man comes to the elephant and begins to look at it slowly The old man goes up to him and says in his ear Don t say anything about the elephant before I sell it Then I will give you twenty dollars All right says the young man After the old man sells the elephant he gives the young man twenty dollars and says Now can you tell me how you found the elephant s bad ears I didn t find the bad ears says the young man Then why are you looking at the elephant slowly asks the old man The young man answers Because I have never seen 从没见过从没见过 an elephant before and I want to know what it looks like 66 the elephant A The young man sells B The old man sells C The two men sell D The old man buys 67 The young man is looking at the elephant slowly He wants to find out A which foot of the elephant is bad B how heavy it is C which ear of the elephant is bad D what it looks like 68 The young man A knows the elephant has bad ears B wants to buy the elephant C looks after the elephant D gets some money from the old man 69 The young man A is not interested in elephants be interested in 对对 感兴趣感兴趣 B knows what an elephant looks like C has seen some elephants before D has never seen an elephant before 70 Hearing what the young man said the old man will probably 可能可能 be A angry B happy C dangerous D hungry D SUNNY SCHOOL We are a bilingual 双语双语 school for children of 6 15 We want a cook a library assistant a sports coach and a language teacher JobAgeLanguageSkill 技能技能 Other term 其它 其它 条件 条件 cook25 40ChineseCooking both Chinese food and western food Healthy 健康 健康 Library assistant 20 35 Chinese English Having the knowledge 知识 知识 of different kinds of books Careful 细心 细心 Sports Coach20 40Chinese English Majoring in 主修 主修 physical education Healthy strong teacher Chinese English Majoring in English 根据招聘启事 选择最佳答案 根据招聘启事 选择最佳答案 71 Which of the following can t go to Sunny School A A four year old child B A ten year old child C An eleven year old child D A fifteen year old child 72 Who is not wanted by Sunny School A A cook B A headmaster C A library assistant D A sports coach 73 Which of the following may not be able to 能能 speak English A The language teacher B The library assistant C The cook D The sports coach 74 The coach must majo


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