



徐州市钟吾卫生学校理论课程教师教案本( 2013 2014 学年 第 一 学期) 专业名称 13级农医(3,4)班 课程名称 英语 授课教师 朱瑞 课题序号3授课班级13级农医(3,4)班授课课时4授课形式New授课章节名称Unit 2 A Different School Reading and Writing使用教具Multi-media Paper sheet Recorder,教学目的1, To learn about the new school life .and get familiar with new school.2. To train the students reading skills.3. To learn to describe new school.教学重点1. To train the students reading skills.2. Understand the key points of speaker through listening.教学难点How to improve the students reading and writing abilities.更新、补充、删节内容课外作业Writing a passage教学后记授课板书设计 Unit 2 A Different School1 Look at the map in the book; choose the correct word for each picture Garden 花园 Classroom building 教学楼 Library 图书馆 Training center 实训中心 Dorm 宿舍 Teachers office 教师办公室 Dining hall 食堂 Computer lab 机房 2 How do you like your new school?3 Useful words and expressions: At the foot of Have a good view Whats more Hairdressing 课 堂 教 学 安 排主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤Step 1 Lead in Show some pictures about the school life on the screen. Introduce some information about school life.Step 2 Reading comprehension Activity1. Scan the passage and answer the questions:Who likes his/her new school?How do you know? Activity2: read the passage again and match the students with what theyre talking about.Check the answers with the students.Activity3: read the passage again and tick the typical descriptions of a vocational school.Step3: practice Show the table with their answers.Example:A: Wang Liangying , do you like your new school?B: yes, I like it very much,Step 4: Language study 1 My school is at the foot of a hill. 2 Whats more, there is a training center at the back of the school.3 There are many interesting subjects here, such as hairdressing, computer programming, cooking and tourism. 4 Hi, guess what? 5 My mum always says I was born to be a good dancer. 6 Now, Ive got the chance and Im taking the dancing course. 7 From this year on, our lessons are getting more and more interestingStep 5: Post-reading activities Pair work Make an interview of your partner and write down their answers on Page 26 activity 4Ste


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