PEP五年级下册英语期末试卷带答案 (2)_第1页
PEP五年级下册英语期末试卷带答案 (2)_第2页
PEP五年级下册英语期末试卷带答案 (2)_第3页
PEP五年级下册英语期末试卷带答案 (2)_第4页
PEP五年级下册英语期末试卷带答案 (2)_第5页
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1 PEP 英语五年级下册期末试卷英语五年级下册期末试卷 听力部分听力部分 一 听句子 选择相应的图片 并将序号填入括号中 一 听句子 选择相应的图片 并将序号填入括号中 1 ABC 2 ABC 3 ABC 4 ABC 5 ABC 二 听问句 选择答语 二 听问句 选择答语 1 A He watches TV every evening B He helped his friend with her English C He is watching TV 2 A Yes I did B Yes I am C Yes I do 3 2 A I came back from Shanghai B I came back with my parents C I came back the day before yesterday 4 A You re welcome B Yes you are right C Thanks mum 5 A Sorry I don t know B Great That s a good idea C Yes what is it 三 听对话 选择正确答案 三 听对话 选择正确答案 1 Q What are they going to do after school A They are ill and they are going to the hospital B They are going to see Jean C They are going to see a film 2 Q Can Dick go to the park A Yes he can B No he can t C Sorry I don t know 3 Q Where are they A They are in a cinema B They are in a post office C They are in a restaurant 4 Q How can A get to the park A On foot B By bus C By subway 5 Q Is Tom happy today A Yes he is He is very happy B No he isn t He is not happy C No he didn t sleep well last night 四 听短文 判断正误 用四 听短文 判断正误 用 T F 表示 表示 1 Jack is going to visit his grandparents 2 Jack is going there by bus 3 Mike is going to buy a book in the Science Bookshop 4 Jack s grandparents live near the Science Museum 5 Mike and Jack are going after lunch 笔试部分笔试部分 一 仿照例子 把相同类别的词用线连起来 一 仿照例子 把相同类别的词用线连起来 1 English swimg Math min 2 tooth mouth cock3 blue monkey brown 3 4 bread Book hot dog 5 cook mother driver 6 headache fever dinner7 Canada the USA running 8 they here she9 first fifth June 10 dress TV shoes11 factory doctor cinema 二 选择填空 二 选择填空 1 eat too much candy It s bad your teeth A Do toB Don t for C Do atD Don t from 2 Hi John write on the wall the wall clean A Don t KeepB Not Keep C No PutD Not Let 3 Can you these exercise books to the teacher s office please Sure A passB carryC lendD to carry 4 The chair is Can you repair it Let me try A breakB brokeC wrongD broken 5 Hi Tom Can you me the way to Beihai Park I don t know A tell SorryB say Sorry C speak to NoD tell Excuse me 6 Dad can I get to the Museum Take Bus No 111 and get at Beijing Zoo A how toB how off C how onD where off 7 Jean got a high fever Please ask her to have a rest A is wellB does good C has goodD was well 8 I feel very well I have a cold A am badB am not C do worseD don t bad 9 Miss Li is ill we go and see A Shall himB Will herC Would himD Shall her 10 We to the cinema evening A went lastB go today s C go nextD went yesterday 三 三 根据所给情景 选出正确的表达 根据所给情景 选出正确的表达 1 当你需要别人帮你照张相时 你会说 A Would you please take a rest B Could you please take a picture for me C Can you take pictures 4 2 当你想知道电影院离你家远不远 你会说 A Is the cinema far from our home B Where is the cinema C How can I get to the cinema 3 当你去看望生病的好朋友时 你会说 A What would you like B Have a good time C Stay in bed and have a good rest 4 当你想邀请你的朋友一起去踢球时 你会说 A Do you like playing football B Will you join us C Would you like to play football with us 5 当你看到有的同学在图书馆大声说话 你会说 A Don t speak loudly in the classroom B Keep quiet in the library C Don t talk in the library 6 当你的朋友遇到了困难 你想鼓励他 会说 A Don t worry cheer up B You are welcome C I am sorry to hear that 四 从四 从 II 栏中选出能对栏中选出能对 I 栏中句子做出正确反应的答语 栏中句子做出正确反应的答语 I II 1 Don t read in bed A That s a good idea 2 Could you pass me the water please B I saw an interesting film 3 Where is the nearest the bank C I see I won t do it again 4 Shall we go to the show together D All right Here you are 5 What did you do yesterday E It s over there Near the shop 6 Are you free this evening F Yes what is it 五 从五 从 word bank 八个单词里找出六个合适的单词 抄写在横线上 八个单词里找出六个合适的单词 抄写在横线上 将对话补充完整 将对话补充完整 see played saw did last clean do help washed A What did you do weekend B I football How about you C I my grandpa with my parents D Did you your grandpa clean his room A Yes I I also clothes for him 六 阅读理解 六 阅读理解 一 根据短文内容将下列图画排序 一 根据短文内容将下列图画排序 5 Seasons in Canada Hi my name is Mike I come from Canada Now I am studying in Beijing Here is a report on the seasons of mine I love summer In summer the weather is usually very hot and I can swim in the sea Spring is beautiful but in Canada it often rains And it is hard to plant flowers in the rain I love my garden It is so nice to watch the flowers grow In autumn I can pick apples They are so delicious in the autumn I also love to watch the leaves fall Is that why we can call autumn fall It usually snows in winter in Canada Sometimes it snows here in Beijing too When it snows I can ski I love all the seasons They are all beautiful and I can find many things to do 二 根据文章内容选择正确答案 二 根据文章内容选择正确答案 1 Which season does Mike like A He likes spring B He likes summer C He likes autumn D He likes all the seasons 2 What can Mike do in winter A He can swim B He can pick apples C He can ski D He can watch the flowers grow 3 How many seasons are there in a year in Canada A 1B 2C 3D 4 4 Is it usually hot in spring in Canada A Yes it is It s usually hot B No it isn t It s usually windy C No it isn t It s usually rainy D No it isn t It s usually fine 5 What does fall mean A Spring B Summer C Autumn D Winter 七 连词组句 七 连词组句 1 going a for walk about what 2 box you carry upstairs can this please 3 right crossing at turn it and the will see you 4 are we to going party have this a weekend 5 a you have good weekend last did time 6 试题答案试题答案 听力部分听力部分 一 听句子 选择相应的图片 并将序号填入括号中 A 1 ABC C 2 ABC A 3 ABC B 4 ABC A 5 ABC 二 听问句 选择答语 B 1 A He watches TV every evening B He helped his friend with her English C He is watching TV 7 A 2 A Yes I did B Yes I am C Yes I do C 3 A I came back from Shanghai B I came back with my parents C I came back the day before yesterday C 4 A You re welcome B Yes you are right C Thanks mum C 5 A Sorry I don t know B Great That s a good idea C Yes what is it 三 听对话 选择正确答案 B 1 Q What are they going to do after school A They are ill and they are going to the hospital B They are going to see Jean C They are going to see a film B 2 Q Can Dick go to the park A Yes he can B No he can t C Sorry I don t know C 3 Q Where are they A They are in a cinema B They are in a post office C They are in a restaurant A 4 Q How can A get to the park A On foot B By bus C By subway B 5 Q Is Tom happy today A Yes he is He is very happy B No he isn t He is not happy C No he didn t sleep well last night 四 听短文 判断正误 用 T F 表示 T 1 Jack is going to visit his grandparents F 2 Jack is going there by bus T 3 Mike is going to buy a book in the Science Bookshop F 4 Jack s grandparents live near the Science Museum T 5 Mike and Jack are going after lunch 笔试部分笔试部分 一 仿照例子 把相同类别的词用线连起来 1 English swimg Math min 2 tooth mouth cock3 blue monkey brown 8 4 bread Book hot dog 5 cook mother driver 6 headache fever dinner7 Canada the USA running 8 they here she9 first fifth June 10 dress TV shoes11 factory doctor cinema 此题略 二 选择填空 B 1 eat too much candy It s bad your teeth A Do toB Don t forC Do atD Don t from A 2 Hi John write on the wall the wall clean A Don t KeepB Not Keep C No PutD Not Let B 3 Can you these exercise books to the teacher s office please Sure A passB carryC lendD to carry D 4 The chair is Can you repair it Let me try A breakB brokeC wrongD broken A 5 Hi Tom Can you me the way to Beihai Park I don t know A tell SorryB say Sorry C speak to NoD tell Excuse me B 6 Dad can I get to the Museum Take Bus No 111 and get at Beijing Zoo A how toB how off C how onD where off C 7 Jean got a high fever Please ask her to have a rest A is wellB does goodC has goodD was well D 8 I feel very well I have a cold A am badB am not C do worseD don t bad D 9 Miss Li is ill we go and see A Shall himB Will herC Would himD Shall her D 10 We to the cinema evening A went lastB go today sC go nextD went yesterday 三 根据所给情景 选出正确的表达 B 1 当你需要别人帮你照张相时 你会说 A Would you please take a rest B Could you please take a picture for me 9 C Can you take pictures A 2 当你想知道电影院离你家远不远 你会说 A Is the cinema far from our home B Where is the cinema C How can I get to the cinema C 3 当你去看望生病的好朋友时 你会说 A What would you like B Have a good time C Stay in bed and have a good rest C 4 当你想邀请你的朋友一起去踢球时 你会说 A Do you like playing football B Will you join us C Would you like to play football with us B 5 当你看到有的同学在图书馆大声说话 你会说 A Don t speak loudly in the classroom B Keep quiet in the library C Don t talk in the library A 6 当你的朋友遇到了困难 你想鼓励他 会说 A Don t worry cheer up B You are welcome C I am sorry to hear that 四 从 II 栏中选出能对 I 栏中句子做出正确反应的答语 III C 1 Don t read in bed A That s a good idea D 2 Could you pass me the water please B I saw an interesting film E 3 Where is the nearest the bank C I see I won t do it again A 4 Shall we go to the show together D All right Here you are B 5 What did you do yesterday E It s over there Near the shop F 6 Are you free this evening F Yes what is it 五 从 word bank 八个单词里找出六个合适的单词 抄写在横线上 将对话补充完 整 see played saw did last clean do help washed A What did you do last weekend B I played football How about you C I saw my grandpa with my parents D Did you help your grandpa clean his room A Yes I did I also washed clothes for him 六 阅读理解 一 根据短文内容将下列图画排序 10 2 4 1 3 Seasons in Canada Hi my name is Mike I come from Canada Now I am studying in Beijing Here is a report on the seasons of mine I love summer In summer the weather is usually very hot and I can swim in the sea Spring is beautiful but in Canada it often rains And it is hard to plant flowers in the rain I love my garden It is so nice to watch the flowers grow In autumn I can pick apples They are so delicious in the autumn I also love to watch the leaves fall Is that why we can call autumn fall It usually snows in winter in Canada Sometimes it snow


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