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1 20142014 20152015 学年高三英语二模汇编学年高三英语二模汇编 写作写作 浦东新区浦东新区 II Guided Writing Directions Write an English composition in 120 150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese 父母的言传身教在孩子的成长过程中往往起到重要的作用 请结合自身的经历 描 述一件印象深刻的事例 并谈谈感受 It is often said that a family is like a harbour in which parents will give their children love support and comfort after ups and downs and my parents are one of them whose good words and behaviours are more than I can describe Today I want to share one thing impressing me so deeply that it seems it had happended yesterday That was several years ago My mum s boss put an end to their company She became a laid off worker which meant my father would be the only bread owner of our family My sister and I both felt somewhat worried and My parents sensed our anxiety immediately On one hand my mum was applying for other positions actively which left no trace of dismay at all encouraging and moving us greatly on the other hand my parents had a talk with us in which they expressed gently and confidently that feeding our family is their responsibility they hoped that we two could focus on our study as before Seeing our mum s persistence taking their advice we two returned to school life quickly and fortunately my mum found another job after a while we together experienced those days which helped us grow more From it we konw that members of a family should support and love each other with optimistic attitude no matter what conditons we are in We understand that parents are loving us so much that they re willing to shoulder all of the hardships to help us walk a smoothy way and we bear in mind that we must study hard to reward them and us ourselves who they love most At this moment I am writing down this article full of gratitude and love once more 范文范文 1 1 It sIt s widelywidely sharedshared thatthat thethe wordswords andand behaviorsbehaviors ofof parentsparents exertexert anan overwhelminglyoverwhelmingly dispensabledispensable influenceinfluence onon children schildren s develoment develoment I I can tcan t agreeagree more more forfor mymy mum smum s wordswords havehave leftleft a a deepdeep impressionimpression onon me me InIn 2 mymy childhood childhood I I waswas addictedaddicted toto thethe chinesechinese chess chess MyMy grandpa sgrandpa s chessingchessing skillskill waswas veryvery outstandingoutstanding butbut hehe nevernever helpedhelped meme win win SoSo wheneverwhenever mymy general general waswas inin a a dilemma dilemma I I alwaysalways burstburst intointo tears tears However However mymy mummum notnot onlyonly didn tdidn t relieverelieve me me butbut toldtold meme patientlypatiently thatthat successsuccess waswas waswas alwaysalways leftleft forfor thosethose whowho werewere willingwilling toto taketake pains pains TheThe wordswords areare soso powerfulpowerful thatthat itit constantlyconstantly remindsreminds meme ofof perseveranceperseverance wheneverwhenever andand whereverwherever I I am am AsAs a a sayingsaying goes goes failurefailure isis thethe mothermother ofof success success I I exceedlyexceedly realizerealize thethe significantsignificant impactimpact mymy parents parents wordswords havehave onon me me 范文范文 2 2 It sIt s widelywidely acknowledgedacknowledged thatthat childrenchildren naturallynaturally imitateimitate whatwhat theirtheir parentsparents dodo duringduring thethe processprocess ofof growth growth ThanksThanks toto mymy mom smom s kindness kindness I veI ve learnedlearned toto treattreat thethe worldworld friendly friendly InIn thethe deepdeep winter winter mymy mommom andand I I wentwent outout toto buybuy things things AtAt thethe cornercorner ofof thethe street street wewe discovereddiscovered anan oldold beggar beggar LyingLying onon thethe coldcold cementcement ground ground hehe lookedlooked soso helpless helpless EveryEvery peoplepeople passingpassing werewere soso indifferentindifferent thatthat theythey allall turnedturned blindblind eyeseyes toto him him MyMy mommom removedremoved herher warmwarm glovesgloves andand searchedsearched forfor a a minutes minutes FindingFinding severalseveral coins coins sheshe bendedbended andand carefullycarefully putput themthem intointo thethe bowlbowl inin frontfront ofof him him On On nono accountaccount doesdoes anyoneanyone wantwant toto beg beg throwingthrowing awayaway hishis dignity dignity unlessunless thosethose whowho trulytruly havehave nono wayway toto go Shego She worewore herher golvesgolves againagain andand said said BeingBeing kindkind toto all all especiallyespecially thosethose trappedtrapped inin miserablemiserable situationssituations isis whatwhat mymy mommom taughttaught me me EveryoneEveryone maymay catchcatch troublestroubles andand everyoneeveryone needsneeds inspirationinspiration andand encouragement encouragement 范文范文 3 3 TheThe parents parents actionsactions andand wordswords cancan havehave greatgreat effectseffects onon theirtheir child child AccordingAccording toto mymy experience experience thatthat isis reallyreally true true WhenWhen I I waswas a a 5 year 5 year oldold child child oneone day day mymy fatherfather drovedrove meme toto a a parkpark toto seesee thethe beautifulbeautiful scenery scenery WhenWhen wewe arrivedarrived thethe parkingparking zone zone wewe foundfound thatthat itit waswas fullfull ofof differentdifferent cars cars WeWe couldcould hardlyhardly findfind a a placeplace toto parkpark ourour car car ThenThen I I foundfound thethe sidewalksidewalk outsideoutside thethe parkingparking zonezone waswas nearlynearly emptyempty andand therethere waswas a a SantanaSantana carcar withoutwithout passengerspassengers inin itit onon thethe sidewalk sidewalk SoSo I I askedasked mymy fatherfather toto parkpark thethe carcar onon thethe sidewalksidewalk likelike thethe SantanaSantana car car MyMy fatherfather refusedrefused toto dodo so so HeHe explained explained ifif wewe parkpark thethe carcar onon thethe sidewalk sidewalk I I willwill thethe likelylikely toto paypay forfor a a traffictraffic fine fine Besides Besides parkingparking thethe carcar onon thethe sidewalksidewalk maymay bringbring convenienceconvenience toto us us ButBut itit makesmakes thethe walkerswalkers unconvenientunconvenient toto walk walk WeWe mustmust considerconsider thethe effecteffect toto thethe otherother people people notnot onlyonly thinkthink forfor ourselves ourselves ThenThen I I knowknow whatwhat waswas wrongwrong withwith me me FromFrom thisthis matter matter I I learntlearnt toto bebe considerateconsiderate andand knowknow thethe importanceimportance ofof obeyobey traffictraffic laws laws AsAs youyou cancan see see thethe parents parents actionaction andand wordswords maymay impactimpact onon theirtheir childrenchildren a a lot lot 奉贤区奉贤区 3 Guided writing 25 分 分 教室是我们学生学习活动的最主要场所 简单描述你现在的教室 并发挥想象力 描述 你理想中的教室 My classroom with 33 desks and chairs and two blackboards is on the fifth floor Although the noise or the bad smell can be disturbing it s still a good place to study in However the present classroom is far from my ideal home First of all my ideal one should be large to hold more desks or shelves where books and papers can be stored And I want it to hold an entertainment corner in which to have a rest for a cup of tea or coffee Second there are just three oldfans and I feel very hot in summer so I want it to be equipped with an air conditioner Finally I wish I hope it can be a home where joys and sorrows can be shared This is my ideal classroom a seemingly unrealistic but extraordinarily beautiful place My Ideal Classroom I m now studying in a bright classroom on the fifth floor where I can have a bird s eye view of the school Although the loud noise after class or the bad smell in hot weather can sometimes be disturbing it s still a harmonious place to study in However the present classroom is far from my ideal home First of all my ideal one should be large enough to hold more desks or shelves where piles of books and papers can be stored And I want there to be an entertainment corner in which to have a good rest for a cup of tea or coffee after class Second I want it to be equipped with anenvironment friendly air conditioner instead of three old fans making much noise while working And with the approach of hot summer weather I cannot help sweating which makes me feel embarrassed and anxious causing my distraction from what the teachers are saying So an energy saving air conditioner is a must in my ideal classroom Finally I wish I can feel at home and feel close to nature in it surrounded by plants and flowers breathing out their sweet perfume This is my ideal classroom a seemingly unrealistic but extraordinarily beautiful wonderland 黄浦区黄浦区 4 II Guided Writing Directions Write an English composition in 120 150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese 近期 你就影响选择大学的考虑因素在高三学生中做了调研 结果如图所示 请结合 图表信息写一份调研报告 须包括以下内容 1 图表产生的背景和基本内容 2 就你个人而言 你会考虑哪些因素 请列出其中你认为相对重要的两项因素 并说明 原因 下面图表是对我省某校高三学生选择高考志愿时所考虑因素的调查结果 请根据图表 用 英语写一篇简要的报告 并说说你自己的观点 注意 1 文章的开头已经写好 2 词数 120 左右 3 可以适当发挥 Some senior middle school graduates have different opinions on how to choose their majors and universities 答案 5 One possible version Some senior middle school graduates have different opinions on how to choose their majors and universities About 35 of the students insist that the choice should be based on their own interest They say interest is the way leading to success They think it a miserable thing to be obliged to study what they have no interest in About 45 of the students however consider it is the need of the society that matters a lot for they say it will help them find the job they like best In addition interest can be developed and changed Interestingly there are about 20 of the students who find it so difficult to make a choice that they prefer to follow the advice offered by their parents or teachers In my opinion interest is the most important of all Without interest you can t study the subject very well and may have more difficult with your career 虹口区虹口区 II Guided Writing Directions Write an English composition in 120 150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese 学生会正在评选新一届学生会主席 假设你是该校的学生李青 有意参加竞选 写一 份自荐材料 材料必须包括以下内容 1 简述个人信息及你所具备的竞选条件 能力 性格 爱好等 2 如果当选 请你用具体事例阐述你将会为本校学生做些什么 6 注意 自荐材料中不得使用你所在学校和你的真实名字 Dear Sir Madam I am a student named Li Qing from Grade 3 Class 1 writing this letter to campaign for the president of the Student Union From my point of view I am the right one you want I ve been in the Student Union for two years serving as a key member in the Publicity Department Moreover I am outgoing and capable of having effective talks with others When in charge of the Publicity Department I always helped the former president to organize large scale activities In addition I am fond of making friends and taking new challenges which will facilitate my future role as a president If given this position I will do my utmost On one hand I will hold more interesting and meaningful activities such as culture festivals singing competitions debates and so forth so as to enrich campus life On the other hand what I will do is to call for students to protect our campus environment for I firmly believe that a pleasant environment is of vital importance to every student and teacher I will appreciate your kindness if you choose me as the new president And your prompt reply is warmly welcomed Best regards Li Qing 字数 202 内容分析 内容分析 此作文题对考生来说并不陌生 因为 2014 年虹口区的二模作文 图书馆招 聘一名图书管理员助理 the Assistant Librarian 请以 Simon Johnson 为名写一封 求职信 也采用了该形式 除此之外 该作文与 2014 年普陀区二模作文 竞 7 选学校的好班长称号 Mr Mrs Monitor 与 2015 年静安区一模作文 写一封信 给学校图书馆负责老师 自荐做课余学生图书馆员 也类似 在审题中需思考以下问题 作为学生会主席候选人需要具备的竞选条件 能力 性格 爱好等 以及如果当选 如何为本校学生做贡献 尤其是如 何为本校学生做贡献是需要考生好好考虑的问题 精彩亮点分析 精彩亮点分析 亮点一 首句使用非谓语做状语 writing this letter to campaign for the president of the Student Union 亮点二 短语 From my point of view 亮点三 定语从句 I am the right one that who you want 亮点四 现在分词做伴随状语 serving as a key member in the Publicity Department 亮点五 非限制性定语从句 which will facilitate my future role as a president 表 明我爱好交朋友以及挑战自我 这有助于我未来当好学生会主席 亮点六 过去分词做条件状语 If given this position 亮点七 连接词 On one hand on the other hand 使文章更有逻辑性 亮点八 主语从句 what I will do is 表明自己想法 亮点九 原因状语从句 宾语从句 for I firmly believe that a pleasant environment is of vital importance to every student and teacher 亮点十 条件状语从句 if you choose me as the new president 写作小贴士 写作小贴士 书信类作文是近年来高考以及一模二模常考的题型 考生需要注意格式 并积 累一些好的词组与句型来抓阅卷老师的眼球 从而脱颖而出 8 崇明县崇明县 II Guided Writing Directions Write an English composition in 120 150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese 高三学生在高考结束后将迎来很长的一个暑假 很多学生已在为这个假期制定计划 假设你是林敏 你的网友王华今年也将高中毕业 前几天他通过邮件跟你讲述了他的三个 暑假计划 分别是 参加一些学习班 做一份兼职工作 外出旅游 但由于时间安 排的问题 只能做其中的两件事情 至于如何选择 王华犹豫不决 请你给王华回一封电 子邮件 内容需包括 比较分析王华的三个计划 谈谈你的建议 并陈述理由 注 邮件中不得出现真实校名 姓名等信息 Dear Tom I am so glad to receive your email I knew you had made three plans for the ho liday but you only have time to choose two from them Now I am writing to giv e you some suggestions You plan to take a course after the exam and you want to find a part time job More importantly you would like to travel to some places of interest I think it is a good idea to take a course because you can learn more knowledge throu gh it What s more I hope you can pay a visit to some scenic spots The reas on is that you can broaden your horizon and relax yourself after the tough exa m As for finding a part time job it is not necessary for you can have more chances to take a job Are you satisfied with it I wish you could agree with my suggestions 解析 试题分析 本篇书面表达属于提纲式作文 写作时注意以下几点 1 仔细阅读有关提示 弄清试题提供的所有信息 明确有哪些要点 2 提纲是文章的总体框架 要在提纲的 范围内进行分析 构思和想象 3 根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态 语态 就本文而 言应该用一般现在时态 4 注意使用高级词汇和句式 以增加文章的亮点 9 亮点说明 本文结构紧凑 层次分明 而且使用了多种句式和结构 比如 I wish you could agree with my suggestions 是虚拟语气 The reason is that you can broaden your horizon and relax yourself after the tough exam 这句话是表语从句 此外 文章还使用了大量短语 plan to would like to do be satisfied with as for 等 插入语 what s more 以及副词 besides 的使用使文章内容更具有层次感 也使语言更 加连贯 静安 青浦 宝山区静安 青浦 宝山区 II Guided Writing Directions Write an English composition in 120 150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese 87 下面两幅图反映的是部分城乡孩子所面临的窘境 请就此图谈谈你的想法 你的文章应 包括 具体描述两幅图 简要分析造成这两种现象的原因 提出解决问题的建议 注 请勿出现真实姓名和学校 10 范文 范文 AsAs isis symbolicallysymbolically demonstrateddemonstrated fromfrom thethe drawings drawings on the children s back lay two heavy things school bag for the city boy while match bunch for the countryside boy making both of them exhausted HoweverHowever it is a vivid reflection of our society that we children are struggling between the life and study AfterAfter a a carefulcareful considerationconsideration I find two different reasons to explain that For the city boy whose living condition is pretty good his trouble is the heavy study burden ToTo bebe moremore detaileddetailed every minute has been occupied by the endless extra courses and tests Whereas Whereas for the countryside one whose priority is working to raise the family study seems to be a luxury thing AfterAfter realizingrealizing thethe causescauses I have some constructive suggestions FirstlyFirstly city parents should encourage their child to explore the world as well as acquiring more living skills which seems easy to be achieved ThenThen forfor thethe troubletrouble oneone while the things we can do is so little it is high time that we donated our old books and clothes to the rural mountain areas to better their living condition thus making some possibilities for them to go to the classroom InIn brief brief I sincerely hope everything will be all right with my suggestions We should do sth toto dodo sth sth I strongly recommend that It is high time that we did sth Doing sth seemsaccessible We should do sth through which sth can be easily done 11 闵行区闵行区 II Guided Writing Directions Write an English composition in 120 150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese 假设你校将为学生开设以下课程 野外拓展野外拓展 Outward bound training 口才训练口才训练 Eloquence training 礼仪培训礼仪培训 Etiquette training 职业培训职业培训 Vocational training 请根据 你的自身特点和需求选择其中的一个课程 并简要谈谈你选择这个课程的理由 I am so excited to learn that there will be four new training courses availabl e for students this semester Concerning Outward bound Eloquence Etiquette a nd Vocation I won t hesitate to choose Outward bound training Not only is i t because I am active and lively but also that it can effectively improve phy sical ability perseverance wisdom communication and other aspects of the qu ality First and foremost students psychological quality education is more and mor e highly valued by the community because this issue has become a prominent fa ctor affecting health and stability of talent Most projects of Outward Bound are designed to improve the quality of people s psychology to improve self c ontrol ability of students to continually overcome the psychological fear to challenge themselves overcome themselves and shape the good will quality of c alm resolute indomitable In addition Outward Bound can cultivate students sense of team work In mod ern society the era of relying on one person to conquer the world has passed Success requires cooperation needs every member of the team in a positive und erstanding of each other Outward Bound has a lot of teamwork needed to comple te the project such as survival canned shoes A person s power is l imited but when integrated into the team if everyone can play their strength s them the whole team can complete the task that individual can t complete Obviously Outward Bound can achieve educational goals of psychological and so cial adaptation which for the long run pays off and benefits us for a life long term 12 徐汇区 松江区 金山区徐汇区 松江区 金山区 II Guided Writing Directions Write an English composition in 120 150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese 假设今年暑假 你准备去某地做一次故地重游的旅行 并准备带上你的朋友们一 起去 请写一篇文章介绍你的旅行计划 主要包括以下内容 准备去什么地方 故地重游的原因 本次计划如何开展 希望做些什么准备 I m going to take advantage of my summer holiday to revisit Beijing with my friends for
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