2019-2020学年外研版英语七年级上册Module 8 Unit 3课时练习B卷_第1页
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2019-2020学年外研版英语七年级上册Module 8 Unit 3课时练习B卷_第4页
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第 1 页 共 6 页 2019 20202019 2020 学年外研版英语七年级上册学年外研版英语七年级上册 ModuleModule 8 8 UnitUnit 3 3 课时练习课时练习 B B 卷卷 姓名姓名 班级班级 成绩成绩 一 一 根据括号内所给词语提示用一般现在时完成句子 根据括号内所给词语提示用一般现在时完成句子 共共 6 6 题 共题 共 6 6 分分 1 1 分 What does Ellen usually do after school She usually watch TV 2 1 分 The tree I planted last year grow higher than I imagine 3 1 分 The students often draw some pictures in the art room 4 1 分 Li Ming not speak English 5 1 分 He cross the river to school every day 6 1 分 We not have classes on Sundays 二 二 根据括号内所给英文提示语将下列句子翻译成英语 根据括号内所给英文提示语将下列句子翻译成英语 共共 6 6 题 共题 共 3131 分分 7 1 分 请你不要拒绝我的邀请好吗 turn Could you please my invitation 8 4 分 Tom 是如此的兴奋 早就把作业抛在脑后了 Tom was excited he had already his homework 9 5 分 我一准备好就离开 as soon as 10 17 分 默写 1 伤害 使受伤 v 受伤的 受损害的 adj 2 方法 措施 n 同义词 3 记忆力 记性 n 第 2 页 共 6 页 4 有趣的 丰富多彩的 adj 5 理由 借口 n 6 发生故障 出毛病 7 联想法 8 对 极其重要 9 对 很生气 10 提高记忆力 11 激动人心的事 12 开幕式 13 出故障 抛锚 14 最好 不要 做某事 15 与 有关 11 1 分 我很少吃糖果因为糖分太多 对牙齿有害 12 3 分 春天 天变得越来越暖和了 In spring the weather is becoming 三 三 根据短文内容从方框中选择恰当的单词填空 使短文完整 通顺 有根据短文内容从方框中选择恰当的单词填空 使短文完整 通顺 有 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 13 10 分 阅读短文 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 使短文意思通顺 完整 每空限填一词 其中 有两个词是多余的 century remember we show think understand serious but quick with happy month March 5 is Lei Feng Day It started fifty years ago Now half a has passed Is the spirit of Lei Feng outdated Some people have us that it is not But people have 第 3 页 共 6 页 also changed the ways in which they help others Zhao has been a volunteer for 18 years She still her experience at an old people s home several years ago An old man held her hand and said You don t need to anything for Seeing young people here is all we need Those words made Zhao in what ways can we better help people Besides Zhao other people have shown their of the spirit of Lei Feng Last January noodle fever swept Zhengzhou Henan One local man Li Gang said in his post that he had a illness and needed lots of money for an operation However what he asked for wasn t charity for more people to come to eat noodles at his restaurant Li s post spread Soon his restaurant was filled customers 顾客 every day and Li was able to afford to have his operation on February 2 In this way people could help Li without hurting his dignity 自尊 第 4 页 共 6 页 参考答案参考答案 一 一 根据括号内所给词语提示用一般现在时完成句子 根据括号内所给词语提示用一般现在时完成句子 共共 6 6 题 共题 共 6 6 分分 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 二 二 根据括号内所给英文提示语将下列句子翻译成英语 根据括号内所给英文提示语将下列句子翻译成英语 共共 6 6 题 共题 共 3131 分分 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 第 5 页 共 6 页 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10 10 11 10 12 1


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