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第 1 页 共 14 页 人教版人教版 2019 20202019 2020 学年八年级上学期英语第三次月考试卷学年八年级上学期英语第三次月考试卷 A A 卷卷 姓名姓名 班级班级 成绩成绩 一 一 完形填空完形填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1 1 分分 1 1 分 根据句短文内容 从 A B C D 四个选项中选择正确答案 Once a man and his wife worked for an old man There was a big box in the man s living room The old man pointed to the box and said There s only one thing you 1 do Don t open the box 2 saying this he left his home The woman said to her husband There must be 3 expensive in the box Let s open it shall we Her husband said 4 to her but the woman didn t give 5 her idea One day she decided to find out 6 was in it Her husband didn t stop her She opened the box and looked inside 7 her surprise she found nothing in the box She tried hard to close it but she 8 That evening the old man came home and found the box was 9 He was very angry and asked them to leave his home But there was nothing in the box the woman said We haven t taken anything at all The old man 10 them The box is not important but I cannot believe you That s important 1 A dare not B needn t C mustn t D may not 2 A After B Before C From 第 2 页 共 14 页 D By 3 A nothing B something C anything D everything 4 A yes B goodbye C hurry up D no 5 A away B up C to D back 6 A how B what C which D that 7 第 3 页 共 14 页 A At B In C On D To 8 A failed B did C refused D succeeded 9 A broken B empty C open D lost 10 A turned to B listened to C shouted at D smiled at 二 二 阅读理解阅读理解 共共 4 4 题 共题 共 1717 分分 2 4 分 阅读理解 To most of us home is the safest and warmest place in the world But eighth graders at 第 4 页 共 14 页 Shenzhen Sunshine Middle School are trying to figure out ways to escape their homes as quickly as possible in case of an emergency Teachers asked students to draw emergency evacuation 紧急撤离 maps of their homes to learn about how to escape in the event of a fire The project meant a lot to Shen Wei When he was younger the 10 year old once played with fire and almost burned his family s house down Since then the possibility of another fire has always been on his mind By drawing the map he said he was able to surmount his fear Now he is feeling relaxed On his map Shen marked possible sources of fire at home including the fridge computer and bookshelves He said these areas should be avoided in the event of a fire While most students only mapped out one evacuation route Yan Jun 13 made three Yan and his parents live on the third floor of their building At first he thought his family could only escape by going down the stairs But later he got the idea from the way his family laundry Usually Yan s family hang clothes on their balcony Sometimes their clothes fall to the second floor because of the wind Instead of walking down the stairs Yan s father sometimes climbs down outdoor air conditioner units to get the clothes Does this sound like a good evacuation route Yan also suggested using a rope to climb out the window With so many ways to evacuate I won t be scared even if there is a real fire said Yan 1 What does the underlined word surmount mean A reuse B keep C produce D control 2 According to Shen which of the following may not cause a fire A Fridge 第 5 页 共 14 页 B Water tank C Comp D Bookshelves 3 How did Yan get inspiration 灵感 for his second evacuation route A From his homework B From the internet C From his family s laundry D From his father s job 4 Which of the following is a suitable title for this passage A Escaping your home during a fire B Safety rules during a fire C Emergency situations in public D Don t be afraid of fire 3 4 分 阅读理解 Hello my name is Peter I study at a secondary school in England School clays usually start at 9 am in England So I usually go to school at 8 45 am School is over at 3 30 pm So I have much time to go to different clubs 俱乐部 I am good at all my lessons My favourite lesson is cooking All my teachers arc very friendly and helpful I never 从不 go home for lunch l have lunch at school with my classmates After lunch we often go to the school field Sometimes we play hall games Sometimes we just sit under the trees reading or talking Sometimes we also go to the Computer Centre 1o listen to music or send emails to our friends I like my school and have a good time at school every day 1 School days in England start at 第 6 页 共 14 页 A 8 45 am B 9 00 am C 3 30 pm D 8 30 am 2 Peter s teachers are all very A beautiful B busy C nice D friendly and helpful 3 Peter goes home for lunch A usually B often C never D sometimes 4 After lunch the students can A listen to music B write emails C play ball games D A B and C 5 Which of the following is NOT right A School is over at 3 30 pm B Peter does different things after lunch 第 7 页 共 14 页 C Peter has no time to go to clubs every day D Peter has a good time at school 4 4 分 阅读下面短文 从下面每小题的 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 I heard that Lijiang was a very famous place for its beautiful sightseeing When I was young So I travelled there with my parents during the last winter holiday We went there by plane I saw there were many mountains when I got out of the plane The air was fresh On the first day we went to the old of lie bought some interesting things and had a good meal there On the second day we went to Yulong Snow Mountain It was beautiful and the land was covered by the white snow It was my first time to see snow I played with the snow happily My father told me that it was a famous place in China Many people came here every year I seldom go travelling but this time I was very happy during this trip I also met some foreigners here and I even tried to talk with them Though it was not easy for me to talk in English fluently 流利地 I was still glad to make a try We took many beautiful photos about the scenery and my family 1 Where did the writer go during the last winter holiday A Guilin B Dali C Lijiang D Kunming 2 How did the writer go for his trip A By bus B By ship C By air D By bike 3 What does the underlined word scenery mean in Chinese 第 8 页 共 14 页 A 人物 B 景物 C 照相 D 道具 4 How often did the writer see snow EXCEPT this time A Always B Seldom C Once D Never 5 We can learn from the passage A they bought some interesting things and had a good meal in Yulong B the writer saw many rivers when he got out of the plane C the writer s English was very good and he could talk with D they went to the Yulong Snow Mountain on the second day 5 5 分 根据内容 判断句子正误 Mr Johnson had never been up in an airplane before and he had read a lot about air accidents so one day when a friend offered to take him for a ride in his own small plane Mr Johnson was very worried about accepting Finally however his friend persuaded 说服 him that it was very safe and Mr Johnson boarded 登上 the plane His friend started the engine and began to taxi onto the runway of the airport Mr Johnson had heard that the most dangerous part of a flight was the take off and the landing so he was extremely 非常 frightened and closed his eyes After a minute or two he opened his eyes Looking out of the window of the plane he said to his friend Look at those people down there They look as small as ants don t they Those are 第 9 页 共 14 页 ants answered his friend We re still on the ground 1 Mr Johnson had been up in an airplane before 2 Mr Johnson felt happy after he accepted his friend invitation to take the plane 3 Mr Johnson had heard that the most dangerous part of a flight was the take off and the landing 4 Mr Johnson closed his eyes when his friend started the engine and began to taxi onto the runway of the airport 5 Mr Johnson closed his eyes for three minutes 三 三 任务型阅读任务型阅读 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1 1 分分 6 1 分 请从以下选项中选出符合各段意思的小标题 Teaching your child to read can be one of the most rewarding 值得的 experiences you have as a parent Nothing can replace the head start 起步时的优势 that a child receives from becoming familiar 熟悉的 with books and the way that the written word sounds when reading aloud If your child sees that reading is important to you then he will be much more likely to want to learn how to read himself If your child shows interest in learning letters and looking through books he may be ready to begin learning to read Learning how to read cannot be rushed If your child has no interest in learning his letters then wait a month or so and try again You can make this fun such as saying I see a k t cat whenever you see a cat The sound of a letter is much more important than a letter s name because the child will need to combine the letter sounds to make words 第 10 页 共 14 页 Some children learn their letters faster by seeing or hearing them while other children learn letters by using their bodies Encourage your child to draw the letter and then paste pictures of something that begins with that sound onto the letter Sing songs about the letter Read your child a story that repeatedly uses that letter sound Rather than try to teach a child 26 new letters at one time focus on one letter a day or a week This enables the child to master each letter sound and feel proud of himself herself for doing so A Show your child your love for reading B Make sure your child is ready to begin learning how to read C Focus on one letter at a time D Teach your child the sound of each letter E Use sight sound and touch as you teach each letter 四 四 单词拼写单词拼写 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1 1 分分 7 1 分 I have not heard from him 最近 五 五 语法填空语法填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1 1 分分 8 1 分 阅读短文 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求 在空白处填入一个适当的词或用括号中 词语的正确形式填空 Dear Anna Thanks for your letter I m happy you like your new school I go to school Monday to Friday We five classes in the morning and two in the afternoon And we have many to learn like Chinese math English P E geography music history and so


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