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第 1 页 共 14 页 外研版外研版 20202020 年深圳小升初模拟试题 四 年深圳小升初模拟试题 四 A A 卷卷 姓名姓名 班级班级 成绩成绩 小小朋朋友友 带带上上你你一一段段时时间间的的学学习习成成果果 一一起起 来来做做个个自自我我检检测测 吧吧 相相信信你你一一定定是是最最棒棒的的 一 一 ReadRead andand choose choose 读单词 选择画线部分发音读单词 选择画线部分发音 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 1 5 分 判断以下句子中单词画线部分发音是 T 否 F 相同 The snow is falling down There is a yellow flower How about playing the guitar Wow look at the big cow It has a big brown mouth 二 二 ReadRead andand choose choose 选择合适的一项 选择合适的一项 共共 1010 题 共题 共 2020 分分 2 2 分 Let s play table tennis after school A a B the C 3 2 分 How much the pen Two dollars A is B are C be 4 2 分 Where did you last night 第 2 页 共 14 页 I went to the supermarket A go B went C do 5 2 分 He likes playing football A a B C the 6 2 分 comes after February A January B March C April 7 2 分 How it taste Is it sweet or sour A does B do C is 8 2 分 The teachers office is the library A on B in C next to 第 3 页 共 14 页 9 2 分 Wang Lin can many new things after school A makes B make C to make D making 10 2 分 I can t see apples But I can see oranges A some some B any any C some any D any some 11 2 分 A go to the park B go to the zoo 三 三 ReadRead andand choose choose 读对话 选出与对话相符的读对话 选出与对话相符的 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 2020 分分 12 20 分 选出下列问句对应的答语 A I often paint pictures B I like winter best C We go to the park at 7 00 a m D Because there are beautiful flowers 1 Which season do you like best 2 When do you go to the park 3 What do you often do on Sundays 4 Why do you like spring best 第 4 页 共 14 页 四 四 ChooseChoose andand fillfill inin thethe blanksblanks 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 13 5 分 读句子 选择适当的词组完成句子 more than having a barbecue in danger on foot keep quiet 1 Look The people are We must help them 2 There are fifty pupils in the classroom 3 I usually go to school 4 We must in the library 5 is my favourite outdoor activity 五 五 ReadRead andand fillfill inin thethe blanks blanks 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 1717 分分 14 5 分 把英文与相应的汉语意思连线 winter holiday A 离这儿很远 far from here B 去游泳了 went swimming C 拍了许多照片 Sounds great D 寒假 took lots of pictures E 听起来不错 15 1 分 It s cold I need a new sweater dress 16 5 分 看图 将图片与短语匹配 第 5 页 共 14 页 A make dinner B take a shower C dry the dishes D open the fridge E play with the dishes 17 1 分 I like playing basketball I m a basketball f 18 5 分 根据上下文提示填空 Last Sunday I go to the park with my mother We see a girl crying sad She couldn t find her mother We help her call the police The police arrived quick At last the police helped her find her mother 第 6 页 共 14 页 六 六 FillFill inin thethe blanks blanks 用所给词的适当形式用所给词的适当形式 共共 8 8 题 共题 共 3333 分分 19 1 分 I d like some 20 9 分 选词填空 because at don t favorite get go have lunch on teacher I up at 7 00 and to school at 8 00 I science at 9 00 and then I have math at 10 00 Math is my subject I like math it s interesting Mr Wang is my math I have at 12 00 and then I have music at 1 00 I have history 2 00 I like history But I really like my art class I have an art class at 2 00 Tuesday 21 10 分 选择正确的翻译 thank am hello goodbye how are morning yes you good A 是 B 你好 C 谢谢 D 怎样 E 我 是 F 再见 G 早晨 H 是 I 你 J 好的 22 1 分 What a cool wind day 23 5 分 把下面有关球类项目的短语和图片连线 第 7 页 共 14 页 A B C D E 24 1 分 h 25 1 分 Is this shirt your 26 5 分 按要求写单词 1 big 反义词 2 morning 对应词 3 we 宾格 4 shop 现在分词 5 potato 复数形式 第 8 页 共 14 页 七 七 Read Read choosechoose andand write write 读对话 选读对话 选 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 6 6 分分 27 6 分 在横线上填上他们的性别 年龄 体貌特征 Mary is my friend She is a girl She is nine She is fat Eddie is my friend He is a boy He is nine He is thin Mary Eddie 八 八 ReadRead andand choose choose 阅读短文 选择正确的选项阅读短文 选择正确的选项 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 28 10 分 阅读短文 判断正误 Nancy goes out after lunch She comes in a shop A salesman says to her Can I help you Yes please says Nancy I want a hat The salesman shows some hats to her She feels warm in the shop and puts her hat on the counter 柜台 She thinks some of them are expensive And she doesn t like the others colours She chooses and chooses At last she sees a red hat and says Well I ll take this one But it s yours says the salesman 1 Nancy comes into a hotel 2 Nancy puts her hat on the counter 3 She thinks some hats are expensive 4 The red hat is Nancy s 5 Nancy buys a hat 九 九 ReadRead andand write write 读表格信息 完成下列短文 读表格信息 完成下列短文 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 第 9 页 共 14 页 29 5 分 假设你是 Tom 上周六是你的生日 请以 My Birthday 为题 写一篇英语小短文来描述 一下你的生日吧 要求 1 短文开头已给出 请先将句子补全 2 你可以按照信息介绍家庭成员 也可以添加其他成员 3 短文字数要求 50 词左右 4 要求表达准确 语句通顺 行文连贯 参考词汇 have breakfast ride a bike horse At 9 o clock 10 a m fly kites go fishing swimming In the afternoon read a book go to the park cinema In the evening take pictures play football badminton My Birthday Hello everyone I m Tom Last weekend was my birthday I was so happy In the morning I got up early Then I What a happy day 第 10 页 共 14 页 参考答案参考答案 一 一 ReadRead andand choose choose 读单词 选择画线部分发音读单词 选择画线部分发音 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 1 1 二 二 ReadRead andand choose choose 选择合适的一项 选择合适的一项 共共 1010 题 共题 共 2020 分分 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 三 三 ReadRead andand choose choose 读对话 选出与对话相符的读对话 选出与对话相符的 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 2020 分分 12 1 第 11 页 共 14 页 12 2 12 3 12 4 四 四 ChooseChoose andand fillfill inin thethe blanksblanks 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 13 1 13 2 13 3 13 4 13 5 五 五 ReadRead andand fillfill inin thethe blanks blanks 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 1717 分分 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 1 第 12 页 共 14 页 18 1 六 六 FillFill inin thethe blanks blanks 用所给词的适当形式用所给词的适当形式 共共 8 8 题 共题 共 3333 分分 19 1 20 1 21 1 22 1 23 1 24 1 第 13 页 共 14 页 25 1 26 1 26 2 26 3 26 4 26 5 七 七


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