英语《高考专题辅导》专题检测卷(三十一) 阅读理解 第二节_第1页
英语《高考专题辅导》专题检测卷(三十一) 阅读理解 第二节_第2页
英语《高考专题辅导》专题检测卷(三十一) 阅读理解 第二节_第3页
英语《高考专题辅导》专题检测卷(三十一) 阅读理解 第二节_第4页
英语《高考专题辅导》专题检测卷(三十一) 阅读理解 第二节_第5页




1 温馨提示 温馨提示 此套题为此套题为 Word 版 请按住版 请按住 Ctrl 滑动鼠标滚轴 调节合适的观滑动鼠标滚轴 调节合适的观 看比例 答案解析附后 关闭看比例 答案解析附后 关闭 Word 文档返回原板块 文档返回原板块 专题检测卷专题检测卷 三十一三十一 阅读理解阅读理解 第二节第二节 建议用时建议用时 20 分钟分钟 A You ve washed the blinds put away the winter coats and organized a yard sale Now it s time to do some internal spring cleaning Follow these steps and you ll be ready for a healthy and happy season 1 That means throwing out store bought cookies sugared cereals and anything with a lot of sodium Only keep foods in the house you d feel comfortable having your kids eat all the time Go outside If you hit the gym for an hour you ll probably burn between 200 and 400 calories But do a fun activity outside and you ll never notice the time flying by Go for a hike at a state park 2 They ll be active for longer and sleep later the next morning Redesign your meal plan 3 Sweet cherries Snow peas Find recipes online or in your favorite cookbook and write down a meal plan for the week Get your children involved and they ll be more likely to try what s on their dinner plate Kill kitchen bacteria The marks on your baseboards might drive you crazy but they re unlikely to make you ill 4 Did you know that there s probably more E coli in your kitchen sink or on your 2 cutting board than in your toilet Or that sponges and dishcloths are like breeding grounds for germs Refresh your workout You ve been hitting the treadmill all winter Switching up your exercise routine will get you out of the rut and increase your overall fitness 5 Ask a friend to go with you to a Sumba class or join a boot camp program Need a new challenge Whatever you do your muscles will thank you A Are you tired of flying solo B Reorganize your food cupboard C But the bacteria may be a different story D So bacteria affect you much more in kitchen E Or take your kids outside to play a team sport F Make full use of your cupboard to store more food G Springtime means the arrival of fresh fruit and vegetables B To drive out Your Back Pain Is your back bothering you and are you wondering how to get rid of your back pain If the phrase Ouch my back is a regular part of your life you re not alone 65 million Americans suffer from back pain 1 1 Stand Better Standing for long periods can be stressful on your lower back If you have to stand for work try placing one foot on a stool or other low objects 2 This will help take the pressure off your lower 3 back Wearing cushioned shoes or standing on a thick rubber mat can also help relieve pressure when you have to stand for long hours 2 Start Exercise Gradually 3 But if you ve been inactive for a while start slowly Begin with a low impact exercise such as walking stationary biking or swimming for about 30 minutes a day Adding gentle stretching or yoga may also help your muscles 3 Sit Comfortably If your job requires you to sit for long periods make sure your chair has a straight back an adjustable seat and armrests 4 If you need extra support place a rolled towel behind the lower part of your back Resting your feet on a low stool can also help ease back pain when sitting 4 Choose the Best Sleep Position Sleeping on your side is the most common sleeping position Placing a small pillow between your knees helps keep the back in a good position If you must sleep on your back try using a pillow under your knees Avoid sleeping on your stomach as this can make back pain worse 5 5 Carrying extra weight on your body means more work for your lower back muscles This is especially true if the extra pounds are around your waist The heavier you are the more impact there is on your back with each step Losing weight can also help protect the muscles and joints in your knees and hips A Then change feet every so often B Don t push with straight arms 4 C Your work station can affect your back s health D Keep Your Weight Down E Some people prefer more support than others F Here are some ideas for you to prevent the pain G Exercise is a great way to keep your back healthy 答案解析答案解析 A 文章大意 本文主要介绍了春天到了 应该对家里进行一次彻底的改变 从 而防止疾病的情况 1 解析 选 B 段落大意题 这个选项的内容 需要概括后面段落的意义 从 后面的核心词 throwing out keep 等 可知与 B 中的 Reorganize 信息一致 2 解析 选 E 上下文逻辑联系题 根据同一词 outside 和空格后面的代词 They 与 E 中的 your kids 复数名词指代一致等确定答案 3 解析 选 G 上下文逻辑联系题 结合前面的小标题中的 meal 和空格后面 的 Sweet cherries 及 Snow peas 是水果和蔬菜 与 G 中的 fresh fruit and vegetables 信息一致 4 解析 选 C 上下文逻辑联系题 结合空格前面的 they re unlikely to make you ill 指那些脚板上的痕迹不会对你有所影响 而细菌就不一样了 同时根据后 面提到的具体的 E coli 等 可知与 C 意义一致 5 解析 选 A 上下文逻辑联系题 结合本段的小标题中的 Refresh 和空格 5 后面的 Ask a friend to go with you to a Sumba class or join a boot camp program 可知 与 A 的意义一致 B 文章大意 本文主要介绍了怎样防止背疼的方法 比如站着的时候站好 坐 着的时候要坐舒服 注意睡的姿势 坚持锻炼和减肥 1 解析 选 F 上下文逻辑联系题 根据前面谈到了背疼的情况非常普遍 以及下文列举的几个防止背疼的具体做法 可知这里的选项需要起到承上启下 的作用 因此 F 符合题意 2 解析 选 A 上下文逻辑联系题 结合空格前面的 try placing one foot on a stool or other low objects 可知把双脚放到不同的位置上 与 A 中的 change feet 信息一致 3 解析 选 G 上下文逻辑联系题 结合本段小标题中的 Exercise 可知与 G 项 Exercise is a great way to keep your back healthy 中的


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