已阅读5页,还剩26页未读 继续免费阅读




1 Let s get ready for class 准备上课 2 I m sorry I m late Excuse me for coming late 对不起 我迟到了 3 Please come earlier next time 下次请早点到 4 Class begins 上课 5 Who s on duty today 今天谁值日 6 Is everyone here 都到齐了吗 7 Who s absent today 今天谁没来 8 What day is today 今天是星期几 9 What s the date today 今天是几号 10 Li Hong have you collected all the exercise books 李红 作业本都收 齐了吗 11 Here are your exercise books Please hand them out 这是练习本 请发 下去 12 Monitor would you please fetch some chalk for me 班长能帮我去 拿些粉笔来吗 13 Open your books please 请翻开书 14 Please turn to Page 12 请翻开书本十二页 15 Please take out your notebooks exercise books 请拿出笔记本 练习本 16 No more talking please 请安静 17 Attention please 请注意 18 Let s have a dictation 让我们来听写 19 We re going to have a new lesson today 今天我们要上新课 20 First let s have a revision 首先我们复习一下 21 Who can answer this question 谁能回答这个问题 22 Do you have any questions 你们有问题吗 24 Let me see 让我看看 想想 25 Put up your hands if you have any questions 如果有问题请举手 26 Raise your hands please 请举手 27 Hands down 把手放下 28 Repeat after me Follow me 跟我读 29 Listen to me please 请听我说 30 Look at the blackboard screen please 请看黑板 屏幕 31 All eyes on me please 请都看着我 32 Can you solve this problem 能做出这道题吗 33 Let s read it together Ready go 大家齐声朗读 预备 起 34 Read slowly and clearly 读慢一点 清楚一点 35 Who wants to try 谁想试一试 36 Who wants to do it on the blackboard 谁愿意到黑板上来做 37 Are you through 做完了吗 38 Have you finished 做完了吗 39 You did a very good job 做得不错 40 Very good Good try Well done 完成得不错 41 Terrific Wonderful Excellent 很棒 42 Please give him her a big hand 请给他 她一些掌声 43 Can you follow me 能跟上吗 44 Do you understand 你听懂了吗 45 Don t be nervous 不要紧张 46 Any one can help him her 谁来帮他 她一下 47 Any volunteers 谁自愿回答 48 I beg your pardon 对不起 能再说一遍吗 49 Take it easy 请放心 别紧张 50 Be brave active please 请勇敢 主动些 51 Who wants to try 谁来试试 52 Come up to the front please 请到前面来 53 Go back to your seat please 请回座位 54 Come on You can do it 来吧 你能做到的 55 Come on you re almost there 来吧 你快 做 答 对了 56 I ll give you a clue hint 我给你一些提示 57 You can do it this way 你可以这样来做 58 Let s play a game 让我们玩个游戏 59 Are you tired Let s take a break 累了吗 休息一下 60 Look up the word in the dictionary 在字典里查这个词 61 Take notes please 请作笔记 62 Are you clear 明白了吗 63 Is that right correct 那个正确吗 64 Can you find the mistakes 你能找出错误吗 65 Do you know how to correct the mistakes 你知道怎么改错吗 66 Are you ready 准备好了吗 67 Can you guess it 能猜猜吗 68 Yes You re right 对 你对了 69 I m sorry Can you say that again 对不起 能再说一遍吗 70 Take your time 慢慢来 71 Use your head 动动脑筋 72 Good idea That makes sense 好主意 有道理 73 Whose turn is it 轮到谁了 74 Now you re going to read one by one 现在你们依次朗读 75 Who s next 接下来是谁 76 You re next 接下来是你 77 It s your turn 轮到你了 78 Just hands No voices 不要说 请举手 79 Do it on your own 自己做 80 From the very beginning 从头开始 81 Please read it to the end 请读到结尾 82 Stop here please 请停下来 83 Hands up before you answer 回答问题前 请举手 84 Here s your homework for today 这是今天的家庭作业 85 Hand in your homework tomorrow 家庭作业明天交 86 Please pass the exercise books to the front 请将练习本递到前面来 87 Who wants to come to the front 谁愿意到前面来 88 Come to my office after class 下课后到办公室找我 89 Come and see me after class 课后找我 90 Watch me and I ll show you 看着我 我来演示 91 I want all of you to answer this question 我请大家一齐来回答这个问 题 92 That s all for the new lesson revision 新课 复习就到这儿 93 I want you to work in pairs groups 请大家做对子 小组练习 94 I m sorry to have kept you so long 对不起耽搁大家了 95 That s all for today 今天就到这 96 We stop here for today 今天就到这 97 Let s call it a day 今天就到这 98 Don t copy others work 不要抄别人的作业 99 Class is over Thank you class 下课 谢谢 100 Good bye See you tomorrow 再见 明天 实用课堂教学用语 一 1 上课 Class begin It s time for class Let s have start the lesson Let s begin our lesson 2 起立 Stand up 3 同学们好 Good morning afternoon everyone everybody boys and girls 4 请坐 Sit down please Please be seated 5 今天谁值日 Who is on duty today 6 大家都来了吗 Is anyone absent 7 出席多少人 How many students are present 8 班级共有多少人 How many students are there in your class 9 谁没来 Who is not here Who isn t at school today Who doesn t come to school today 10 你知道他为什么没来吗 What s the matter with him Do you know 11 今天几月几日 What s the date today 12 今天星期几 What day is it today 13 今天天气怎么样 What s the weather like today How is the weather 14 今天很冷是吧 It s very cold isn t it It s a cold day isn t it 15 李雷 去看看是谁 Go and see Li Lei 16 请进 Come in please 17 请回 下次早点来 Go to your seat please But don t be late next time Go and sit down Come earlier next time 18 坐好了 请脱帽 Sit straight please Take off your cap please 19 讲讲你星期天都做了些什么事好吗 What did you do last Sunday Can you tell us Would you please tell us what you did last Sunday 20 那么 你能给我们讲一个故事吗 Well could you tell us a story 21 谁愿意到这儿来给大家讲一个故事 Who d like to tell us a story here 22 到谁的了 Whose turn is it 23 小张 到你的了 到这来给大家讲个故事 Xiao Zhang it s your turn Come here and tell us a story 24 大家注意听 然后就他讲的故事进行问答 Listen to him carefully then ask and answer about the story 25 就你所喜欢的话题进行对话 Make a dialogue in pairs about any topics you like 26 好了 该学第八课了 Well it s time to learn Lesson 8 Well let s learn the 8th lesson 27 今天这节课 我们学习新课 第八课 Today in this class we ll learn a new lesson Lesson 8 28 学习新课前 我们复习一下第七课的生词和短语 Before the new lesson Let s revise go over the new words and phrases in Lesson 7 29 拿出练习本来 我们来听写 Take out your exercise books Let s have a dictation 30 我叫两个学生到黑板上来写 I ask two students to write on the blackboard 31 谁愿来写 Any volunteers Who would like to do it here Who would like to come here and write on the blackboard 32 准备好了吗 开始 Are you ready Let s Begin 33 就听写到这 把你们写的交上来 So much for the dictation Please hand them in 34 现在看图 两人一组进行问答 Now look at the pictures then ask and answer in pairs 35 谈论这幅图 可多可少 Talk about the picture You can say more or less Say something about the picture more or less 36 表演第七课的对话 Act out the dialogue in Lesson 7 37 看教学挂图 回答我的问题 Look at the wall charts and answer my the questions 38 在图上你能看到什么 What can you see in the picture 39 还有吗 还有什么吗 Anything else more Any other things 40 看图一 猜一猜发生了什么事 Look at Picture 1 and guess what has happened 来源 实用课 堂教学用语 一 藏北 新浪博客 实用课堂教学用语 二 1 谁能回答这个问题 Who would like to answer this question Who can answer it 2 会的举手 Hands up if you can Put up Raise your hands if you know the answer 3 好 你来答 OK you please 4 下一个 你请来 答 做 Next The next one you please 5 小李 你能回答这个问题吗 Can you answer this one Xiao Li 6 小林 你呢 你能回答吗 What How about you Xiao Lin 7 你来回答这个题好吗 Would you like to please answer this one 8 试一试 错了没关系 Just have a try It doesn t matter if you make any mistake 9 是否正确 Is he that it Right or wrong Yes or no 10 正确 错误 Right Yes Wrong No 11 正确吗 Is it that he Right 12 是的 正确 Yes it he is right 13 不 不正确 No it he is wrong 14 谁来再做一次 Who would like wants to do it again 15 16 谁能用另一种方式来做 Who can do say it in a different other way 17 谁有不同观点 看法 Who has a different idea opinion 18 你是什么观点 你的看法如何 What s your opinion 19 没听清 请你再说一遍 I beg your pardon I didn t hear clearly Please say it again repeat it 20 请大声点 A little Louder please 21 稍慢点读 Read a bit slower 22 肃静 你们最好不要在课堂上说话 来源 实用课 堂教学用语 二 藏北 新浪博客 Be quiet Keep silent You d better not talk in class 23 管好自已的事 别管闲事 Mind your own business 24 不要朝窗外看 Don t look out of the window 25 下面学习生词 Now word study 26 注意发音 Pay attention to your pronunciation 27 注意听我说 并观察我的动作 然后猜词意 Listen to me carefully and watch my actions then guess the meaning of the word 28 你们听明白 懂了吗 Are you clear Do you catch my idea 29 这个词是什么意思 What s the meaning of the word 30 汉语意思是什么 The Chinese meaning Give the Chinese for it 31 好了 我们学习第二部分对话 Well let s come to Part II the dialogue Well let s come to the dialogue in Part II 32 下面听录音 听前快速看一下黑板上的问题 Now listen to the tape Before listening read through the questions on the blackboard 33 听音时合上书 Close Shut your books while listening Books closed shut while listening to the tape Listen to the tape with your books closed shut Listen to the tape without your books 34 回答黑板上的问题 Answer the questions on the blackboard 35 我们来核对答案 Let s check the answers 36 一题 哪个正确 No 1 which one is right 37 下一个 哪个正确 Next which is the right answer 38 最后一题最难 正确答案是 C 选对的举手 The last one is the most difficult hardest The right answer is C Put up your hands if you choose right 39 再听一遍 并跟着读 Listen to the tape again and read after it Now once again more over read after it this time 40 注意语调 Pay attention to your intonation 来源 实用课 堂教学用语 二 藏北 新浪博客 语课堂用语大全 三 1 好啦 就听到这 OK stop here 2 打开书 两人一组读对话 Open your books and read the dialogue in pairs 3 口答练习册上的习题一 Do Exercise One in the workbook orally Now workbook Exercise 1 do it orally Answer the questions of Exercise 1 in your workbooks orally 4 谁能帮他指出来 Who can point it out Who can correct the mistakes for him 5 注意 不要再犯同样的错误 Be careful Take care Don t make the same mistake again 6 好了 接着来 Well let s go on with it 7 接下去做习题 Let s go on to do the exercises 8 看动作猜猜他们在干什么 Look at them their actions and guess what they are doing 9 下面进行书面作业 Now written work 10 用下列词语写一篇150字的短文 十分钟完成 Write a 150 word passage with using the following expressions in ten minutes 11 写一段对话尽可能使用列词语 Make a dialogue using the following expressions as much as you can possible 12 写完了吗 Have you finished it the writing Finish up 13 我找两名同学 把你们写的对话读出来 I ask 2 students to read out their dialogues 14 下面学习课文 Now we study learn the text 15 你知道某人或某事吗 你听说过 吗 你能谈一谈他的情况 Do you know sb sth Have you heard of sb sth 16 今天 我们学习一篇关于 的文章 来源 英语课堂用语 大全 三 藏北 新浪博客 Today we ll learn a passage an article about sb sth 17 首先 我给大家介绍课文大意 First I tell you the main general idea about it 18 快速读课文 并找到这个问题的答案 OK Now read the text quickly and find out the answer to this question 19 谁找到答案了 Who find know the answer 20 再细读一遍课文 然后回答练习册24页上的问题 Read it in detail more carefully for the second time then answer the answer questions on Page 24 of your workbooks 21 找出疑难点 Find out the difficulties and what you don t understand 22 谁能帮他解答这个问题 Who can help him with the question Who can help him out 23 你最好用英语说 You d better say it in English 24 如果你用英语说有困难 可以用汉语 You may say it in Chinese if you have difficulty in speaking English can t speak it in English 25 好 我告诉你们这两个句子的区别 OK I tell you the differences between the two sentences 26 这两个词有什么不同 What s the difference between the two words 27 请举例说明 Give us An example please 英语课堂用语 四 一 打招呼 Greetings Good morning class Good afternoon class 4 Good morning everybody Good afternoon everyone Good morning boys and girls Good afternoon children How are you all today Are you all well this morning 打招呼之后 可以增加一两句 Beginning a chat Well did you have a good weekend Well did you enjoy the holiday Well what did you do yesterday evening Tell me what you did at the weekend 谈谈学生衣着发型也可以 Oh you ve got a new dress on It s very nice Oh you ve got a new hair style 二 考勤 Checking attendance 1 点名 Right I m going to call the row OK Listen while I call your names Now I ll take the register Quiet f now please Listen while I see if you re all here 2 问缺席情况 Now Let s see who s absent Right Let s see if anyone s away Is anybody absent Is everybody here 3 关照新生 Oh are you new OK are you a pupil You have just come to this class school haven t you Where do you come from What s your name Do you like the school Welcome to our class 4 谈缺勤原因 Where s Wang Hai Does anyone know where Li is Can anyone tell me where Liu has gone Who knows when he will be back Han Meimei is ill today isn t she 5 关照病愈者 You were absent for three lessons last week Did you catch a cold Oh I m sorry You ll catch up l won t you Don t worry You ve been absent for days haven t you You were away last lesson weren t you What was the matter Why were you away Are you better How are you feeling now Do you feel better Well Jane ask your friends to help you OK you d better ask your neighbour to tell you what we ve done Come and see me after the lesson OK 三 介绍 Now let me introduce myself I ll just tell you a bit about myself My name is spelt I ve been teaching in the school for 1O years I come from Shanghai I worked for a newspaper until last year And what about you Will you introduce yourselves 四 开始谈话 T I went to the Summer Palace 引出话题 Yesterday Did any of you go No Well 无人回答 问某一学生 What did you do er Zhang Hong Zhang er I er in home 学生响应断断续续 T Oh you stayed at home 搭救 说话的学生 Zhang Yes I stay at home T OK you stayed at home 暗中纠正时态 What did you do then Zhang TV T Oh you watched television 9 didn t you Which programme 继续问下去困难 可就此打住 有关用语还有 Tell me what you did 1ast night Will you te11 me a bit about your weekend Could you tell us more about the programme How did you like yesterday s party 五 建议 Suggesting Let s go through the text Could you open your textbook and find Ex 5 on page 45 Could you take out the cards Will you all think of some questions to ask each other Will you get together in groups and discuss the idea Try to think it out for yourself Let s work out how you could plan your piece of writing Now you ve answered all the questions in full You need to say a bit more about that You d better get that right 六 提起注意 Directing students attention Quiet now please Let s work in pairs Will you face the people in front of you Fine Look again carefully Are you ready to listen Are you all listening OK then Now then something new Let s change the topic That was quite good let s do it once more 七 请求 Making polite requests Could you possibly plug the cassette player in for me Can you check thetch is on Will you go and fetch some chalk Will you find the wall charts Has anybody seen the stick tape drawing pins Please could you put it up here Please would you mind cleaning the board 八 指导 Giving instructions 1 纠正语音 You d better listen again Will you listen carefully Now listen to the sound a Not a like this you try Don t forget it s not a in and Now listen There s something different What s different Listen 2 启发思路 Suppose a friend needs advice on the subject You could agree with the other person and say something else You may ask the reason Shal1 1 demonstrate Keep to the same pattern OK What do you think the author will say next I ll give you a cue It s something to do with Let me give you some help When did the man use the word 3 介绍方法 You d better put them together Ask each other questions to find out what is different Look at the sentence before and see if you can guess You sort out these sentences then copy them taking care with capital letters You fill the blanks in these sentences then write them neatly 4 示范动作 Look at what I m doing You may do as I do Please look at my mouth like this 九 宣告 Announcements 1 宣布教学计划 Today we re going to do three main things First I m going to introduce a few new words about weather Then you re going to write a dialogue and act it out After that we are going to learn a new song 2 宣布某些事项 I have something to tell you before you go There s a club meeting on Saturday If you want to attend it please write your name on thispiece of paper 3 宣布教学项目 Well now we re going to practise a short dialogue l want to introduce to you a new programme now 十 解释 Explaining Listen to me and I ll explain the meaning of the word Let me use the picture to show its meaning The word ends in tion so it must be a noun Let s see if you can guess I ll give you an example We can use this sentence to express What does it mean in the context It s clear that the man used it to blame the boy Look at the picture here The man is standing by the window Perhaps he is interested in What is happening in the street What might happen in a few minutes The boy is getting angry with Mary There are three people sitting by the river They are looking at the ship


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