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精品精品 作文范文作文范文 大学英语四级作文范文 一 环境 健康范文1Lucky NumberMy friend Mary wasborn onJune13th 1977 She is always dissatisfiedwith herbirthday because 13 is an evil number There arelots of people whoare convincedthat goodnumbers bringgood luckand badnumbers bringdisasters Hence 13 4and otherso calledevil numbers are wipedoff fromcards list menus etc Even in some cities there isno busNo 13or No 13Street I don t thinknumbers have anything to do withluck Numbers werecreated forcounting There isno relationshipbetween acertain numberand one s fate There are many peoplewho sueedin spiteof close relationship with badnumbers There arealso a lot ofpeople who should have beenblessed by lucky numbers involved inaidents Take myfriendMaryfor example She achieveda goodstudy atthe nation s mostprestigious universityand latergained goodreputation inher career Her luckis nota bitdamaged byher bad birthday In aword numbersarenumbers They stand for nothingbut quantity Numbers havenothing todo withluck 范文2Bicycle AnImportant Meansof Transportin ChinaChina iscalled the kingdom of bicycles because thereare thousandsof millionsof bicyclesin Chinaand bicycles are the most importantmeans oftransport in China Why arebicycles sopopular in our country On theone hand its pricefits formon people s ine For example we onlypay threehundred yuanfor aquite goodbicycle On the other hand lots ofpeople goout bybicycles toavoid trafficjam So bicyclessave time and moneyfor Chinese people Furthermore riding bicyclesremends aneffective way to keep fit forthose whowork inoffices andare lackof exercises Many believethat cars are muchbetter than bicycles becausecarsarefar morefortable and carstravel muchfaster andquite a longer distancethanbicycles But carscause seriouspollution as well Aording to the presenttraffic condition cars oftenslow downin crowdedcities Owning acar meansspending a lot ofmoney not only inbuying itbut alsoin keepingit Sometimes we cannot evenafford expensivegasoline At night we have to findplaces topark ourcars Compared withcars bicyclesareclean andcheap convenient andeasy topark Following thehigh speedof the development ofChina s economy I thinkthe numberofbicyclesmay reduce and thatof carsmay increase But we must admitthat abicycle willstill remainits important role inChinesepeople s dailylife because of itsown advantagesas wellas China s specialnational condition 范文3Which Partof theNewspaper DoYou Prefer I likereading newspapers Each dayafter supper I spendhalf anhour scanningthe contentof eachpage including information about theweather national andinternational newsand advertisementsof variouskinds But thepage I read most often is the sportspage First I likereading the sports news I ama sportsfan but sincelife isbusy andI cannotafford alot of time watchingvarious games the newspaperhas bee an importantway forme to get informationabout sports I can know whatmatches arebeing heldin the world and whoare thewinners orlosers byreading sportsnews What attractsme mostis whatthe Chinesesportsmen andsportswomen aredoing But sinceparticipating ina gameis more important thanwinning orlosing thegame I amalways delightedto know that theChinese aregetting more and moreinvolved in the internationalsports events Second I alsoenjoy readingthe criticalarticles writtenabout certaingames If I have watcheda footballgame for instance I will have myown opinionon whyand howone teamhad defeatedtheother When readingthe experts explanation andments on the samematch I canlearn alot In summary thesportspage is a placewhere Ican findentertainment and learn moreabout sports For thesereasons Ireadthis pageof thenewspaper veryoften 范文4Men and the EnvironmentThe worldwe livein isbeing moreand moreintolerable because of environmentaldestruction For example deforestation resultsin unpleasantweather In addition man isfaced withproblems ofwater pollution and airpollution Many remedialmeasures have been taken Planting treeshelps improveand beautifythe environment Forbidding factoriesfrom pouringdirty waterinto rivershelp purifyand savethe preciouswater resources Some otherplans concerningenvironment have already beenput intopractice and they have achieved goodresults However the problemof environmentalpollution anddestruction aregetting worseand worsein the world To certainextent the lackof knowledgeabout the importance ofprotecting theenvironment hindersthe solvingof the problem We musteducate people to know theimportanceof environmentalprotection In aword there isa long wayto go beforewe enjoya cleanand fortableworld 范文5Good HealthThe desirefor goodhealth isuniversal It is the basisof happiness wealth andsuess A personcan hardlyalways beenergetic andenjoy his life Those whoare poorin healthoften feelsad A weaksick mancan hardlyachieve muchsuess inhis careerno matterwhat levelof educationhe hasreceived What shouldwe doto maintain our health First of all we shouldkeep abalanced diet We shouldeat plentyof vegetablesand fruits not toomuch meatand littleanimal fat Secondly regular physical exercise isessential fora healthymind andbody One cankeepfitby takingpart insports activitiesthat fithim Jogging running and swimmingare allgood exercises Finally enough sleepis alsoimportant A tiredperson willrecover soonafter asleep As forme one ofmy waysto keepfit is to keep a regularlifestyle I getup earlyin themorning andgo to bed before11o clock I alsotake anap atnoon 二 科技 文化 体育范文1Computers Theputer isa wonderfulmachine It is the mostimportant inventionin our modern time Today it is useda greatdeal inmany ways In the future theputer willprobably touchthe lifeof everyone even peoplein remotevillages Computers can do manykinds ofwork For example in bigshops informationabout the saleis put into a puter During thenight theputer workson theinformation fromall thesales thatday The nextmorning the managerhas areport oneverything that will soonbe soldout In scientificresearches a scientistcan ask aputersome questions This isalmost liketalking toanother scientist In thepast fewyears therehavebeengreat changes in puters They nowcan domost of the thingsthat peopledo though mostscientists haveno ideaabout whatputers of tomorrow will be like Will theymake lifebetter or willthey bringsuffering topeople People todayhave to decide howto usethe putersoftomorrow 范文2Science andTechnology inModern LifeHuman lifecannot continuewithout science and technology For manycenturies human societydevelops withthe advanceof science and technology So thelife we are livingnow ismore civilizedthan thatof ourforefathers The developmentof science and technologyhas broughtabout manychangesinpeople slife For example the inventionof televisionandthespace rockethas openeda newera formankind Through theuse ofTV people can hearand seethe events which happenedor are stillhappening thousandsof milesaway Owing tospaceship andthe rocket the dreamof man s landingon themoon hasnow etrue Science and technology alsoplay animportantroleinour social construction We maysay thatoursocialconstruction islike askyscraper thatcannot bebuilt upwithout thehelp of scienceandtechnology Therefore we shouldtry ourbest tocontribute to the developmentofscienceandtechnologyso as to providea moresolid baseto buildour country 范文3What WouldHappen ifThere WereNo PowerEver sinceearly thiscentury electricity hasbee anessential partof our modern life It hasplayed adecisive rolein modernindustry agriculture scienceandtechnology national defenseand education Nobody candeny thatthe developmentof ourcivilization depends on electricity If therewere noelectric power our modernworld wouldbe ingreat trouble For ohing all thewheels would stop because the motorsthat powerthe machineswouldstop For another many ofour industrieswould ceaseproduction And all the electricalequipment such as washingmachines refrigerators TVs wouldstop working In short ourmodernlife wouldbe impossiblewithout electricity Therefore we shouldmake betteruseofelectric power On theone hand we shouldeducate peopleto economicallyuse electricityand notto wastethe energyresources for the future On theother hand wemust do ourbest toexploit moreelectric resourcesto meetthe requirementsof thehuman beingsand toavoid energycrisis in thefuture 范文4Jogging Isan IdealSport Thatjogging is an ideal sport liesin thefact that it isa mildsport Unlike somesports such asfootball andcricket during whichone mayeasily gethurt jogging isvery safeand especiallysuitable forthose whoare notso robust you mayfeel exhaustedafter runningbecausetheenergy inyour bodyis releasedtoo fast but afterjogging youwill justfeel OK Another reasonfor joggingbeing anideal sportis thatit hasno limitoftimeor space You canjog wheneverand whereveryou want If it is rainingoutside jogging caneven bedone ina spaciousroom How longit lastsdependson your will So you are lesslike tobe influencedby suchfactors as time weather andspace whenyouarejogging Last butnot least jogging isa cheapand convenientsport It ischeap becauseno extraapparatus isneeded so you can getexercise withoutspending apenny It isconvenient for joggingcan bedone wheneverand whereveryou want and it can bedone byoneself In aword jogging issuch anidealsportthat Iwould like to remendit to everyone 三 日常话题范文1Job InterviewYou mayhaveajob interviewfirst if you want to geta goodjob beforegraduation For aninterview he mayhavealot ofinterviewees to choose andforan interviewee he mayalso havemany jobs tochoose Therefore both the interviewee andinterviewer should be carefulabout theirdecision Through theface to face talk either the interviewer orthe intervieweecan knowa littleabout eachother On theone hand the interviewerwill make the intervieweeknow somethingaboutthe job such as theproperty the workingconditions salary welfare etc He mayalso askhim thereasons ofapplying for the jobin order to knowwhat heis All thesewill helpthe interviewerto decidewhether heis fitfor the job ornot On theother hand theintervieweewill try to introducehimself in order togive the interviewer a good impression He will maketheinterviewer getsome ideaof hiseducational background ability character interest andviewpoint of thejob Remember you shouldhaveconfidence inyourself All thesewill helptheinterviewertodecidewhether youare fitfor thejob ornot In short thejobinterview hasgreat advantagesfor boththeinterviewerand interviewee 范文2Wealth andHappiness Everybodywants toget wealth In today s materialworld making moneyor beingwealthy symbolizesa person s suessand capability Many peoplejust makeevery effortand payany priceto attaingreater wealth With money they canbuy nice large apartmentsin niceneighborhood With moneythey canown luxuriouscars Wealth seemsto bringall happinessin life But iswealth theonly roadto happiness Not really There aremany thingsin theworld which arebeyond themeans ofmoney such asfriendship love health and knowledge Money peopleare sopreoupied withstruggling formoney thatthey haveno timeor wouldnot takethe timeto formor maintainfriendship What happinesscan theyfeel livingas lonelymiserable creatureswithout loveor friendsin theworld evenif theyaumulate tremendouswealth In myopinion peoplecan tdoanything withoutmoney but money is noteverything What moneywill bringyou dependsonyourpersonal beliefand goalin life If youare kindenough tohelp others especially thepoor moneyisa goodthing toyou With it you cando muchmore forthe benefitofpeopleand yourcountry and it will addto your own happiness If youwant moneyjust foryourownneeds you ll neverbe satisfiedor happy In aword youshouldhave moneyspent formore people only thencan moneybe thesource ofyour happiness 范文3Problems Broughtabout byAutomobiles Althoughthe automobilehas broughtconvenience tous many peoplehave begunto realizethatitisthesource oftrouble as well Because oftoo manyautomobiles traffic aidentshappen againand againall overtheworld Worst of all gases sentout bythe automobilesgive riseto airpollutionanddo greatharm topeople In orderto solvetheproblemof airpollution some automobilemanufacturers are trying tobuild acar thatdoes notpollute environment and someinventors areworking oncars poweredby steamand electricity But nowthis is only adream forpeople The governmentsinsomecountries for example in theUnited States aretryingto reducethe numberof privatelyowned carsand askthe peopleto usepublic transportation But thisis alsofar from being perfect so nowitisvery difficultto makesome dramatihanges We stillhavealongwaytogoinorderto solvethe problemsbrought byautomobiles 范文4Hobbies Almosteveryone hassome kindsof hobbies It mightbe collectingstamps orcoins growing flowers keeping petbirds fishing hunting orpainting etc He doeswhat helikes todo inhis sparetime forenjoyment Some hobbiesare valuableand beneficialwhile othersnot For example ifyou like swimming thatwilldo yougood It willmake youhealthier bothphysically andmentally You strongerheart stronger lungsand you llhaveyour mindrefreshed But ifyoulikeplaying mahjong you justsit there playing everyday sometimes evenuntil midnight That willbe verybad Bad habitsoften leadto unpleasantresults For example a friendof minelikes drinkingalcohol toomuch his wifequarrels withhim almostevery day At last he exhaustedall thesavings in the familyand itled tothe familybreak up Let s keepgood habitsand getrid ofbad ones will havea 四 生活范文1Examination There aremanyarguments aboutthe advantagesand disadvantagesof examination Some peoplethink examinationistheonly wayto testhow examineeshave masteredwhat they have studiedand itistheonly measurementfor examinersto selectwhich personsthey need While ontheother hand some objectthat examinationcan t measurehow the students havereally studied They sayit cando nothingbut burdenthe students As forme I thinkfor both examiners and examinees the examinationcan showwhat andhow muchthe examineeshave mastered The resultsof examinations are justlike mirrorsfor both examiners and examinees Through examinationthe examinerscanknowwhether they have donewell so thatthey llmakemuch improvementin theirwork As faras examineesare concerned they cannot onlyknow howtheyhavestudied but also findout what they arestill unknownor whatthey haven t masteredwell Thus they willbe inspiredto make greater effortsto improve their studyingmethod soasto makegreaterprogress Of course too manyexaminationsareburdens tobothexaminersandexaminees In sum the examinationdoes moregood thanharm forbothexaminersandexaminees We musttake acorrect attitudetowards examination We shouldtake fulladvantage ofit andavoid itsdisadvantage 范文2Getting toKnow theWorld Outsidethe CampusIt s necessary for college students to know theworld outside the campus For ohing itcanmake studentsknow themselvesso thatthey canmodify theirways instudies For another itwilllay foundation for theirfuture career Finally they canpractice theirabilities inmanagement organization andso on Therearemany waysfor students togetto know the outsideworld First they canknowtheworld frommass media such asnewspapers TV radios magazines andadvertisements whichprovide informationabout politicalevents social news the latestdevelopment inscienceandtechnology andso forth Second they canknowtheworld fromsocial services suchasjob hunting privateteaching whichoffer studentsthe opportunities to knowthe society Third students canalso makesome investigationsin factoriesand villages talking withthe workersor farmersto learn their experiences As astudent I thinkthe firstthing Ishould do is tostudy hardto laya goodfoundationformy futurejob The otherthing Icandois todo somepart timejobstogain personalexperience abouttheworldoutsidethecampus 范文3Suessful LanguageLearners Somepeople seemto havetalents forlearning languages They canpick upnew vocabulary master rolesof grammar andlearnto writein thenew languagemore quicklythan others Now let s takea closelook atthese suessful language learnersto seewhat we can getfrom them First ofall suessful languagelearners areindependent learners Instead ofwaiting forthe teacherto explain they tryto findthe patternsandtheroles for themselves They aregood guesserswho lookfor cluesand formtheir ownconclusions When theyguess wrongly they tryagain They attemptto learn from theirmistakes Suessful language learning isactive learning Therefore suessful learnersdo notwait fora chance to usethe language they lookfor sucha chance They arenot afraidto repeatwhattheyhear orto saystrange things they arewilling tomake mistakesand tryagain When municationis difficult they canaept informationthat isinexact orinplete It ismoreimportantforthem to thinkin the language thantoknowthe meaningfor everyword Finally suessfullanguagelearners arelearners witha purpose They wantto learnthelanguagebecause theyare interestedin thelanguage andthe peoplewho speakit It isnecessaryforthemtolearnthelanguage inordertomunicate withthese peopleand tolearnfromthem What kindof languagelearners areyou If youare suessful you haveprobably beenlearning independently actively and purposefully On theother hand if yourlanguagelearninghas beenless thansuessful you mightdo wellto trysome of the techniquesoutlined above 范文4Life inthe UniversityLife inthe universityis notas satisfactoryas whatwe hadexpected First ofall we aretightly boundby continualclasses excessive homeworkand exams some studentsplain thatwe arebeing exam machines Secondly the teachingmethod isboring instead oflecturing Some teachersjust read lessons Finally living conditionsneed tobe improved and foodinthedining hallis farfrombeingattractive andtasteful In spiteofallthese adversitieswe stillenjoy ourlife inthe university During the four yearuniversity study we cannotonly acquirealotof booklearning but alsovarious activities suchasspeech contests Different socialgatherings anddancing partiescan provideopportunitiestomake friends many of these friendshipsmay lastalongtime In short we shouldvalue ourlife inthe university Four yearsisonlya shortperiod whenpared withour whole lifetime In the university webee mature and weprepare ourselvesforthereal world although thereis somethingunsat
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