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华中师大一附中2015年高中招生考试 文科综合测试考试时间:80分钟 卷面满分:150说明:1.本试卷为英语、语文综合试卷,其中英语75分,语文75分。2.所有答案一律书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。英语部分(共75分)一、完型填空。(本题共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)Do you know how to make a newspaper? Seven readers came to the Teens office two weeksago. They had a wonderful day learning how to make a newspaper. But what really made them was that they had their say.“ most impressed me was while I was saying something, I found all eyes were me,”said Tang Shining, one of the students. Her friend, Li ChunBei agreed, and felt very glad that when she was talking, the editors nodded and even Students are happy to see the editors listen to their neglected(忽略)by teachers and parents. But before complaining, please make sure that you have spoken about your sorry.in China, teachers at school and parents were at home were always the ones tellteenagers what they should and shouldnt do. The young are used to doing what they are told, rather then by themselves. But then their ideas would be in their brain and not be heard.A girl wrote to Teens about her family story. She used to be very sad her father seldomtalked and played with her. After year of telling him about her sadness. the father apologized, saying that he didnt realize his mistakes. From then on, he really changed.Now you see, we need to let our be heard, so others can understand our thoughts andfeelings. Dont be of being blamed for what you have done. You know it is your to speak your mind. Expressing your minds is a normal heathly part of life keeping all your just to yourself can be a very sad condition.Even if sometimes your suggestions are not not be left with any So, be confident and open-minded. Get close to others, open your mouth and your trouble may disappear quickly.1. A. interested B. crazy C. moved D. excited2. A. That B. White C. What D. Why3. A. around B. over C. for D. on4. A. took notes B. asked questions C. made reguests D. clpped hands5. A. sayings B. opinions C. advice D. experiences6. A. almost B. nearly C. already D. just7. A. Unluckily B. Disappoinntingly C. Surprisingly D. Traditionally8. A. who B. what C. which D. that9. A. doing B. telling C. thinking D. saying10. A. stored B. locked C. stopped D. prevented11. A. but B. fell C. got D. rode12. A. attention B. commmunication C. conclusion D. consideration13. A. Whats more B. How ever C. To her surprise D. Therefore14. A. see B. think C. find D. realize15. A. hears B. voice C. sounds D. wills16. A. sorry B. tried C. afraid D. worried17. A. right B. turn C. duty D. time18. A. while B. when C. and D. as19. A. agreed B. received C. accpted D. anwered20. A. loneliness B. regret C. sadness D. forgiveness二、阅读理解(共10小题;每小题3分。共30分)AWhen Tim longs father died, Tim inherited agreat deal of money. For a long time, he did notknow what spend it on, then one day he saw an advertisement for brains.The advertisement said, “Get a better brain and lead a more successful life.”The advertisement had been put in the newspaper by a doctor. Tim went to see him.“Please explain your advertisement to me,” he said.“Very well,” the doctor answered, “Have you heard of heart transplants?”“Yes,” Tim said. “A heart transplant is when you take a heart from one person and put it intothe body of another.”“That is correct,” the doctor said, “Well, I do Now ” He pointed to aprice list, “ We have several brains in stock. You can have a cleaners brain for 5,000.”Tim shook his head.“What about a university professors brain? You can have one of those for 20,000.”thedoctor said.This was interesting. Tim thought, but he wanted more information.“Is that the most expensive brain?” He said.“No. You can have a judges brain for 5,000.” the doctor told him.“That sounds very interesting,” Tim said. “And is that the most expensive brain?”The doctor shook his head. “Oh no,” he said. The most expensive brain is apoliticians. ThatWill cost you 100, 000.”Tim was surprised, “Why is a policians so expensive?” He asked.“Because its never been used,” the doctor said. “Its as good as new.”21. Whats the meaning of the underlined partA. replacing and old brain with a better new oneB. replacing a brain with a plantC. using a plant-shaped brain to help peopleD. planting a new brain in ones head22. A university professors brain is much more expensive than a cleanrs probably because _.A. a professor is more more than a cleanerB. a professor does more work than a cleanerC. a professors work has something more to do with thinkingD. a professors work allows him to have more free time23. Tim asked for more infoemation about expensive brains because ?A. he was not satisfied with his own brainB. he believed a more expensive brain was betterC. he was advised to choose the most expensive brainD. he had much money and he was not sure what to spend it on24. What do we learn from what the doctor said at last?A. The politician has the best brain.B. The politician has the newest brain.C. The politician intelligent and he is the most successful.D. The politician is unable and he is the laziest.25. The best title dor this passage is ?A. The best brain B. Apliticians brainC. As good as new D. Brain transplantsBHey friends! I am now in Malayaia, in a hotel located in the center of tropic rainforest. The view is so beautiful, I cant see the end of the rainforest. Also there are mant different kinds of plants and animals in the rainforest. Its like all those I read about in books.The rainforest now is well-developed with different kinds is tourism factlities like hotels,restaurants, highways and broadband connections.However, the urban edvepoment in the tropic rainforest brings a lot of problems, Trees are cut down for construction is highways and facilities. The habit is wildlife is damaged. Also, urban development disturbs the life of native people. They are forced to move to other parts of the forest. What happens to the rainforests? Here are the following opininons of different people about the tropic rainforest and the crisis it is facing.A scientist says green plants absorb carbon dioxide through the peocess of photosynthesis(光合作用)and release oxygen into the atmosphere in return. This is why rainforests are regarded as “the lungs of the Earth.”Jody, a native young man, thinks that apart from wood and paperpulp, tropic rainforesets alsoprovide food such as fruit, nuts and meat for us. Rubber, medicinal and cosmetic products can also beA forest keeper says the tropic rainforests only cover 5% of the Earths total surface. It isbelieved that the rainforest will disappear in the next 30 to 40 years due to continuous deforestation.“When rainforests are being burned, carbon is released into the atmosphere in the from iscarbon diocide. The continous loss of rainforeste will contribute to climate change.” Says a politician.One clerk who works in an Australian medicine company declares that they have identified apromising anti-cancer substance in acertain tree. An amazing present in another plant has also been found to effectively stop the reproduction of HIV cells in the human body.An environmentalist says that in the mid 1980s, rainforests covered 75% of land in Borneo,but have recently dropped to 50%. More forest destruction could well refuse scientists the opportuninty to discover and develop further potential sources of life-saving drugs.26. You can probably read this article in A. a newspaper B. a guidebook C. a magazine D. a storybook27. How much of the Earths surface is covered by rainforests at present?A. 75% B. 5% C. 50% D. 30%28. According to Jodys oponions, what does the underlined word A. 发现 B. 提供 C. 看到 D. 提取29. What can we infer from the article?A. The rainforests all over the world are disappearing at a faster rate in recent years.B. Green plants not only release oxygen into the atmosphere but also get dioxide.C. People can surf the Internet in the rainforest at any time nowadays.D. The continuous deforestation will lead to climate change.30. This artcle mainly tells us A. This artcle rainforests effect the environmentB. urban deveopment can improve peoples life in the rainforestC. People on the Earth can not live without rainforestsD. the rainforests are important to human三、阅读理解填词。(本题共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)A Bite of China(舌尖上的中国)is a seven-episode documentary series about traditionalChinese food. It has become a hot of discussion on the Internet in since Its first shown on China Central Television(CCTV).over 100, 000, 000 Chinese audiences.Most of them donan ordinary food show, because it shows the value the Chinese food.A Bite of China makes Chinese people think to their cooking traditions. Thesetraditions have been forgotten in todays busy life. Chen Xiaoqing, the lead director of the series, says that the program is not about , but also about traditional habits and historicalheritage(遗产). His friend, Liu Wen, says, “We also wanted to show international audience what .”As the documentary says, “Nowadays, when we have the power to be far away from natureto be people who make so much delicious food with hands and all their heart. They really have a hard time working in the field all year round.”语文部分(共75分)四、将下面文段中引用的古诗文补充完整。(10分)41中国古典诗文中有许多充满正能量的名句。“但愿人长久,流露出对亲人美好的祝愿和永久的思念:“受任于败军之际, ”,刻画了一个义不容辞,敢于担当的忠臣形象:“安得广厦千万间, ”,让我们感慨杜甫忧国忧民的博大胸怀。一个自信的中学生应该铭记李白的“ , ”的豪言壮语,乘风破浪,扬起希望的风帆。五、阅读下面的文言文选段,完成42-45题。(15分)于成龙智破盗窃案于中丞成龙按部至高邮。适巨绅家将嫁女,装奁甚富,夜被穿窬席卷而去。刺史无术。公令诸门尽闭,止留一门放行人出入,吏目守之,严搜装载。又出示谕阖城户口各归第宅,候次日查点搜掘,务得赃物所在。乃阴嘱吏目:“设有城门中出入至再者捉之。”过午得二人,一身之外,并无行装。公曰:“此真盗也。”二人诡辩不已。公令解衣搜之,见袍服内着女衣二袭,皆奁中物也。盖恐次日大搜,急于移置,而物多难携,故密着而屡出之也。?注释?【按】巡视,巡行。【窬】y,洞,窟窿。【吏目】差役的头目。(选自聊斋志异)42下面句子中“而”的用法和例句中的“而”相同的一项是( )(2分)例句:急于移置,而物多难携 A. 呼尔而与之 B. 邹忌修八尺有余,而形貌丽 C. 太守归而宾客从也 D. 先帝创业未半而中道崩组 43解释下列句中加点词语的意思。(4分)适巨绅家将嫁女 刺史无术 又出示谕闺城户口各得第宅 故密着而屡出之也 44把文言文中加横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。(4分)乃阴嘱吏目:“没有城门中出入至再者捉之。”45于成龙是如何“智破”盗窃案的?请用简洁的语;六、阅读下面文段,完成46-18题;互联网正在改变我们的大脑;毫无疑问,电脑网络给我们的工作和生活带来便捷,;脑科学专家斯茅与他的研究团队曾做过一个实验:让;现在很多人不喜欢阅读书籍或长篇文章了,以快餐式;电脑和互联网正在改变人们的记忆方式;互联网为个人记忆提供了一个非常便利的补充,这种;人类的大45于成龙是如何“智破”盗窃案的?请用简洁的语言分析作答。(5分)六、阅读下面文段,完成46-18题。(10分)互联网正在改变我们的大脑毫无疑问,电脑网络给我们的工作和生活带来便捷,但它在改变我们生活的同时,也悄悄地改变了我们的大脑。脑科学专家斯茅与他的研究团队曾做过一个实验:让12名互联网老用户和12名互联网新手开始使用谷歌,同时对他们进行大脑扫描。结果显示,两组研究对象大脑之间的显著区别在于大脑皮层一片被称为背側前額叶皮质的区域,它的功能是处理短期记忆和决策制定,新手的扫描结果显示这片区域活动微弱,而老手的则非常活跃。斯茅要求12名互联网新手在以后的5天每天使用互联网。第6天,他们重新扫描了各组的大脑两组大脑扫描图片显示,代表大脑活跃程度的亮斑图案几乎一模一样。这说明总共5天的互联网使用就重塑了他们的大脑回路。科学家认为,互联网已经改变人类思维方式,降低大脑集中精力的能力,减少深度思考的频率。现在很多人不喜欢阅读书籍或长篇文章了,以快餐式、跳跃性、碎片化为特征的“浅阅读”正成为一种阅读新趋势。网络促使我们匆忙地阅读,草率并浅层次地进行思考。即使我们不在电脑前时,上网养成的阅读习惯也会继续回荡在我们的脑细胞中。上网使我们的神经集中在略读和多任务同时处理。虽然扫瞄和浏览的能力与认真阅读和思考同样重要,但是问題在于,一目十行的略读正在成为我们阅读的主导模式。以这种方式阅读时,我们充其量只是一台“信息解码器”,而我们专注地进行深度阅读时所形成的那种理解力、那种丰富的精神联想,在很大程度上都流失掉了。电脑和互联网正在改变人们的记忆方式。科学家做了一个实验,让受试者阅读一些信息,他们告诉一半受试者,过一会儿可以在电脑文件夹里找到这些信息,同时告诉另一半受试者,这些信息将会被刪除。接着,研究人员让受试者记住这些信息。研究人员发现,那些以为信息会遭删除的受试者记得更牢,以为信息会存储在电脑中的受试者对储存信息的文件夹名记得更清楚。实验表明,受试者不是记住信息本身,而是更倾向于记住信息的存储地。互联网的知识储存和查找功能助长了我们的惰性,有了问题就“百度”或“谷歌”一下,我们不必记忆什么,因为任何知识都可以通过“复制”加“粘贴”来完成。互联网为个人记忆提供了一个非常便利的补充,这种便利让人难以抗拒,但是,当我们开始利用网络代替个人记忆,从而绕过巩固记忆的内部过程时,我们就会面临掏空大脑记忆的风险。人类的大脑是高塑性的,神经元和突触会随着环境的变化而变化。当我们适应新的文化现象,包括使用一个新的媒介,最后我们就会有个不同的大脑。当我们依赖电脑作为理解世界的媒介时,也许有一天它就会成为我们自己的思想。(选自百科知识,有删改)46互联网正从哪几个方面改变我们的大脑?请简要概括。(3分)(1) (2) (3) 47“当我们开始利用网络代替个人记忆,从而绕过巩固记忆的内部过程时,我们就会面临掏空大脑记忆的风险。”请理解加点词语的含义。(3分) 48选文第段认为“当我们依赖电脑作为理解世界的媒介时,也许有一天会成为我们的思想。”你是否赞成作者的观点呢?请联系生活实际谈谈看法。(4分) 六、小作文(请考生在49、50题中选定一题,写一篇小作文。)(40分) 48阅读下面的文字,根据要求写作文。忽然教堂的钟敲了十二下。起到的钟声也响了。窗外又传来普鲁士兵的号声他们已经收操了。韩麦先生站起来,脸色惨白,我觉得他从来没有这


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