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多器官功能障碍综合征,Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome MODS,名称 作者 年份,Sequential system failure Tilney 1973 Multiple progressive or sequential systems failure Baue 1975Multiple organ failure Eiseman 1977Multiple systems organ failure Fry 1980Acute organ-system failure Knaus 1985Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome ACCP 1991,第一节、概 论(outline),定义(difinition): MODS是指急性疾病过程中同 时或序贯继发两个或更多的 重要器官的功能障碍。 acute disease process proceed two and more organ dysfunction and failure at the same time or sequence.,一、概述(General Considerations),MODS是目前外科最具挑战性、最重要的并发症(complication),是ICU(intensive care unit)常见的死亡原因。,1、病因(etiological factor) : 创伤(wound) 手术(operation) 感染(infection)(main factor) 休克(shock) 出血性坏死性胰腺炎 (necrotizing pancreatitis),2、发病机制(pathogenesis),etiological factor body defense reaction stable,cytokineinflammatory mediator pathological product,vasoconstriction ischemia-reperfusion injury,MODS,systemic inflammatory response syndrome,六种学说,炎症反应 微循环障碍 自由基 肠道动力 二次打击 代偿性抗炎反应,二、临床表现(Clinical Findings),1、Characteristic: Diversification Domino effect2、Typing: Quickly typing: emergency case after 24 hour appear two or more organ-system dysfunction Slowly typing : earlier one organ dysfunction, subsequently to take place more organ-system dysfunction,三、诊 断( Diagnosis),the following should be defined for diagnosis MODS high risk factor for MODS 。systemic inflammatory response syndrome SIRS:fever,palpitation,speed pulse,tachypnea,leukocytosis。 Certain organ dysfunction influence to other organearlier diagnosis and experiment treatmentCheck on:blood, urine, liver function, ECG,CVP Diagnostic criteria for MODS primary disease +SIRS+organ dysfunction(2),Preliminary assessment of MODS,Organ disease clinical situation test or detection Heart AHF arrhythmia tachycardia electrocardiogram Lung ARDS short breath cyanosis blood gas analysis taking oxygen Kidney ARF oliguria anuria urinalysis creatinine Liver AHF jaundice bilirubin Brain ACNSF conscious disturbance CT MRI Coagulation DIC bleeding petechia platelet count fibrigen,Diagnostic Criteria for Significant Organ Dysfunction Organ System Criteria Pulmonary need for mechanic ventilation;PaO2/FiO2 ratio 200mmHg for 24hCardiovascular Need for inotropic drugs to maintain adequate tissue perfusion; CI3mg/dL on 2 consecutived or need for renal replacement therapy Liver Bilirubin3mg/dL on 2 consectived or PT15 controlCNS Glasgow Coma Scale score 10 without sedationCoagulation Platelet count50,000/mm3; Fibrinogen 100mg/dL or need for factor replacement,CI:cardiac index;CNS:central nervous system;PT: prothrombin time; FiO2 : fraction of inspired oxygen ;PaO2: partial pressure oxygen,四、预防(Prevention ),high mortality for MODS, shoud be prevention。 attention to the high risk factor prevention and cure infection earlier period diagnosis treatment in time,100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5,死亡率,衰竭器官数,Prevention Currently, other than supportive therapy for individual-organ failure, no effective therapy exists for established MODS. Therefore, the only treatment for MODS is prevention. the preven-tion of MODS is summarized in the old axiom “Avoid hypotension and hypo- xemia ”, and “drain pus and debride dead tissue ” .,五、治疗(Treatment),therapeutic principle:1、treatment the primary disease2、to maintain breath and circulation3、to control infection 4、improve general body state,including nutrition,六、小结(briefly summary),MODS is the result of the inflammatory response at multiple level. Organ-based supportive therapy have a significant reduction in mortality from MODS. But the mortality is still significant. At present the best treatment for MODS is prevention.,第二节、急性肾功能衰竭,Acute Renal Failure ARF,一、概 述( General Considerations ),定义(definition): 各种原因肾功能损害氮质代谢产物积聚水、电解质及酸碱失衡ARF 少尿oliguria: 24h尿量400ml 无尿anuria : 24h尿量800ml,肌酐(Cr)升高, 水、电解质及酸碱紊乱少见。,三、诊 断( Diagnosis ),病史+尿量、尿液检查+血液检查=诊断诊断要点(essentials of diagnosis):少尿期:少尿、无尿、高血钾、酸中毒、 氮质血症。多尿期:多尿、低血钾。鉴别诊断differential diagnosis:脱水,休克 。 1、补液试验和利尿剂试验 2、血液和尿液检查 3、B超、CT、MIR、造影等鉴别肾后性衰竭。,肾前性ARF与肾性ARF的鉴别,项目 肾前性ARF 肾性ARF,尿比重 1.020 1.0101.040尿渗透压(mmol/L) 500 30:1 20:1FENa(%) 1RFI 1血细胞比容 升高 下降滤过钠排泄指数( FENa ) 肾衰指数( RFI ),四、预防( Prevention ),注意高危因素积极补充血容量严重挤压伤、误输异型血 5%碳酸氢钠250ml输入硷化尿液 甘露醇输入利尿防止Hb等堵塞肾小管出现少尿应行补液试验和利尿试验,腹膜透析术在先心术后急性肾衰中的应用,新华医院上海儿童医学中心胸外科,术后急性肾衰 发生率1.6-5% (ARF) 死亡率50-67% ARF诊断标准 分析探讨 腹透指征 腹透方法,五、治疗( Treatment ),监护:记出入量,防止高钾,维持营养, 维持热量,控制感染。少尿期治疗: 1、补液量=显性失水+非显性失水-内生水 原则:宁少勿多 2、 预防治疗高血钾(少尿期最主要死亡原因) 控制钾摄入,补钙,胰岛素, 血液净化(K+ 6.5mmol/L)。,3、纠正酸中毒: 补碳酸氢钠,血液净化。4、控制感染: 避免使用肾毒性及含钾药物5、血液净化: 血液透析,腹膜透析,单纯和序贯超滤, 连续性动静脉血液滤过(CAVH)等。 血液透析缺点:建立血管通路,需抗凝, 心功能不全者不宜使用。,多尿期治疗: 原则:保持水、电解质平衡 加强营养,适当补充蛋白 预防感染,处理并发症,小结(briefly summary),acute oliguric or anuric failure in the context of MODS is a highly lethal event with a mortality of 50% to 90%. In the absence of normal urine ou-tput, fluid overload develops rapidly, leading to acute increases in extravascular lung water that further impair pulmonary gas exchange. Worse-ning hypoxemia further compromises oxygen d-elivery, which exacerbates peripheral ischemia and organ ingury. Three primary forms of renal replacement therapy are available: intermittent hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and continuous hemofiltration.,第三节、急性呼吸窘迫综合征,Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome ARDS,一、概述(General Considerations),急性呼吸衰竭 (acute respiratory failure ARF): 各种疾病(disease)、损伤(trauma)累及呼吸系统(respiratory system)造成的低氧血症 (hypoxemia)。,ARDS: 是因肺实质发生急性弥漫性损伤 (acute diffuse lesion) 而导致的急性缺氧性呼吸衰竭,临床表现以进行性呼吸困难(progress dyspnea)和顽固性低氧血症(refractoriness hypo-xemia)为特征.,There are nine causes of severe pulmonary failure in the surgical patient: the acute respiratory distress syndrome, inability to effectively expand the lungs because of mechanical abnormalities, atelectasis, aspiration, pulmonary contusion (肺挫伤), pneumonia, pulmonary embolus, cardiogenic pulmonary edema, and, rarely, neurogenic pulmonary edema.,1994国际会议推荐使用的统一标准急性肺损伤(ALI)与急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)的关系: 两个阶段: ALI为早期阶段, ARDS为严重阶段ALI和ARDS的统一诊断标准: ALI的诊断标准1. 急性起病 2. 氧和指数 PaO2/FiO2300mmHg 3. 胸部X线片:双肺弥散性浸润. 4. 肺毛楔压(PCWP) 18mmHg 5. 存在诱发ARDS的危险因素ARDS的诊断标准: ALI + PaO2/FiO2200mmHg = ARDS,1、致病因素(etiological factor) 分直接损伤和间接损伤两种类型 直接损伤(coup injury) 误吸综合征 (aspiration syndrome) 肺挫伤(pulmonary contusion), 溺水(drowning) 呼吸道烧伤(respiratory tract burn) 肺炎(pneumonia),间接损伤(indirect injury): 感染(infection) 脓毒症(sepsis) 休克 (shock) 体外循环(extracorporeal circulation) 急性胰腺炎(acute pancreatitis) 脂肪栓塞(oil embolism),2、病理生理( pathophysiology ),Mediators of inflammation 、Toxic substancefor instance:TNF、IL-1、IL-2补体addiment、激肽kinin、色胺tryptamine,血管通透性增高to increase vasopermeability,肺间质水肿,表面物质,肺不张,感染,ARDS,二、临床表现( Clinical Findings ),ARDS在原发病12-72小时发生主要表现为: 严重的呼吸困难(dyspnea) 顽固性低氧血症(hypoxemia)2-4周死亡率最高.死亡原因:难控制的感染和MODS.间接原因导致的ARDS临床分四期: 期: 原发病 + 呼吸频率+ Pco2 X-Ray,Po2正常,期: 24-48h,呼吸急促,浅快,发绀,呼吸困难. 听诊(auscultation): normal或细小罗音. 胸片(X-Ray): normal或纹理增多,间质水肿. 血气分析: Po2 Pco2正常.期: 进行性呼吸困难,发绀明显, 听诊(auscultation):干湿罗音. 胸片(X-Ray):弥散性小斑点及片状浸润. 血气分析(blood gas analysis): Po2(60-40mmHg); Pco2 (35mmHg),期: 极度呼吸困难( dyspnea ), 烦躁(restlessness)或昏迷( coma ) 听诊(auscultation): 罗音( rales )+管状呼吸音( tubular sound ) 胸片(X-Ray): 大片阴影(shadow ) 血气分析(blood gas analysis): Po2( 40mmHg); Pco2 ; 呼吸性酸中毒(respiratory acidosis ) 代谢性酸中毒(metabolic acidosis ),三、诊断( Diagnosis ),ALI + PaO2/FiO2200mmHg = ARDS 1、胸部 X 线(chest x-ray) : 肺纹理增粗, 两肺点、片状阴影.2、血气分析(blood gas analysis): PaO2(80mmHg) Pco2(3545mmHg) PaO2 /FiO2200mmHg可诊断ARDS,诊断要点(essentials of diagnosis): 急性起病+原发疾病呼吸窘迫(distress of respiratory).胸部X线片:双肺弥散性浸润.低氧血征(PaO2/FiO2200mmHg ),四、治疗( Treatment ),治疗原则(treatment principle): 控制原发病(to control the primary disease)纠正低氧(treatment hypoxemia);防治并发症(prevention complication)。 、一般措施(common measures) : 首先是控制原发感染(primary infection) 血培养hemoculture, 药敏试验susceptibility test, 合理应用抗菌素。,2、维持循环(maintain circulation): 晶体(主)+适量胶体(蛋白、血浆)+利尿 减轻肺水肿 维持血压、心输出量: 多巴胺dopamine,多巴酚丁胺dobutamine 西地兰cedilanid,地高辛digoxin 米力农milrinone,氨力农Amrinone 硝普钠nitroprusside-Na 肾上腺素adrenaline 去甲肾 noradrenaline,3、呼吸治疗(respiratory therapy) :戴面罩的持续气道正压通气(CPAP)机械通气: Types of intubation 经鼻,经口,气管切开插管。 Volume ventilator(定容) 辅助性或控制性通气(assist control ventilation) 间歇性强制通气(IMV) 同步间歇性强制通气(SIMV) Pressure ventilator(定压) 压力支持通气 (Pressure support ventilation) 压力控制转换节律通气(IRV),呼吸机常用的四个基本指标: 频率( 呼吸次数,吸呼比 I:E=1:2 ) 潮气量(VT):46ml/kg 吸入氧浓度:FiO2 呼气末正压(PEEP):515cmH2O other method: 高频射流通气(HFJV) 体外循环膜式氧合(ECMO),机械通气原则,压力控制通气模式(35 cmH2O)选用小VT.确定及最佳VTPAP(气道压)PEEP.通气始终在高-低位反折点之间进行, 即肺功能残气量(FRC)最大.,4、药物(drug treatment) 及其他治疗: 激素类(hormone),低右,前列腺素E1 (prostaglandin E1 PGE1),TNF- 抗体,NO (nitric oxide )吸入,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD),肝素(heparin),尿激酶(urokinase) 体位治疗.营养支持.,小结(briefly summary): ARDS is a secondary lung injury that occurs in association with a variety of diverse condition.These conditions incl-ude sepsis, multiple trauma, burns, car-diopulmonary bypass, and any cause. The primary gas exchange abnormality in ARDS is profound hypoxemia. Therapy measures include to supple oxygen, to take mechanical ventilation, to manage infection, and to treat the primary disease.,第四节、应激性溃疡,Stress Ulcer定义: Stress ulcer是机体在严重应激状态下发生的一种急性上消化道黏膜病变,表现为急性炎症、糜烂、溃疡,严重时发生大出血或穿孔。此病可单发,也可属于MODS.,一、病因与发病机制,病因(etiological factor ): 中、重度烧伤柯林(Curling)溃疡. 颅脑损伤,脑手术库欣(Cushing)溃疡 重度创伤,大手术。 重度休克,严重感染。发病机制(pathogenesis): 各种因素 神经内分泌系统应激反应腹腔动脉收缩胃肠缺血损伤再灌注损伤 , 缺氧,胃酸降低应激性溃疡。,二、临床表现与诊断(clinical finding and diagnosis),临床表现(clinical finding ):早期(earlier period): 原发病+呕血(hematemesis)、柏油样便(tarry stools)显著表现:大出血(hematorrhea),休克,贫血(anaemia) 诊断(dagnosis) :原发病+消化道出血(穿孔) + 胃镜 = 诊断,诊断要点(essentials of diagnosis): 多发生于感染、烧伤、手术后。 呕血、柏油样便。 胃镜见胃粘膜浅表溃疡。,三、治 疗,治疗原则(treatment principle): 补充血容量;保护胃粘膜;止血治疗。 1、治疗原发病: 控制烧伤、创伤、休克及感染等2、保护胃黏膜: 胃肠减压,冰盐水+药物等。 抗酸药:氢氧化铝凝胶,甘珀酸钠 H2受体阻滞剂:雷尼替丁,法莫替丁 抑制H+/K+泵 :奥美拉唑,3、止血治疗 : 非手术治疗: 置入胃管冰盐水或加药物洗胃 持续滴入要素饮食 静脉滴入抗酸药法莫替丁等。 胃镜止血喷止血剂,高频电凝止血 介入治疗导管造影栓塞止血 手术治疗: 适应症:保守无效 持续出血 穿孔、腹膜炎者,手术方式: 1、 选择性迷走神经切断+胃窦切除 2、 次全胃切除,四、小结(briefly summary):,stress ulcer is a result of the response of neuroendocrine system for etiological factor. Main clinical situation is digestive tract bleeding (hematemesis, tarry stoo-ls, anaemia,) and perforation. Therapy measures include to control primary dis-ease, to protect gastric mucosa, to utili-ze hemostatic drug, and to perform op-eration.,第五节、急性肝衰竭,Acute Hepatic Failure AHF,AHF可在急性或慢性肝病、中毒症、其他器官衰竭等过程中发生,预后凶险,病死率高。一、发病基础: 病毒性肝炎:甲、乙、丙型肝炎 (viral hepatitis) 乙肝最常见。 化学物中毒:甲基多巴,吡嗪酰 胺,氟烷等。,严重创伤、休克、感染: 可引起AHF,原有肝功能障碍者更易并发AHF,广泛性肝切除术、门体静脉分流术者易并发AHF。 其他: 妊娠期,肝外伤,Wilson病等。,二、临床表现与诊断 (clinical finding and diagnosis),1、意识障碍:肝性脑病 游离脂肪酸、硫醇、酚、胆酸影响脑 低血糖、酸碱失衡影响脑 DIC、缺氧影响脑 最终引起肝性脑病(hepatic encephalopathy ): 度情绪改变 度-瞌睡、行为不自主 度-嗜睡、浅昏迷 度-深昏迷、瞳孔散大,2、黄疸:血胆红素增高所致。3、肝臭:特殊的甜酸气味(烂水果味), 为血中硫醇增高引起。4、出血: 凝血因子减少,纤维蛋白原减少, 血小板减少。表现为皮肤出血点, 注射处出血,胃肠出血。5、并发其他器官系统功能障碍: 肺水肿呼吸深快,呼硷 脑水肿深昏迷,抽搐,脑疝等。 肾衰竭尿少,氮质血症。 感染加重,细菌性腹膜炎。,诊断(diagnosis): 原发病+临床表现+检查=诊断 诊断要点(essentials
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