



介词和介词短语1The train leaves at 6:00 pm.So I have to be at the station _ 5:40 pm at the latest.Auntil Bafter Cby Daround解析:句意:火车将在下午六点出发。因此,我最迟应该在下午5:40前到达车站。根据语意可知,本题应填介词by意为“不迟于,在(某时)之前”。until意为“直到”;after意为“在之后”;around表示“大概,大约”都不符合题意。答案:C2Do you go there _ bus?No, we go there _ a train.Ain;on Bon;on Cby;in Dby;with解析介词与表示乘坐交通工具的名词连用时,若交通工具名词前无冠词,用介词by;若有冠词、物主代词修饰交通工具名词时,则用介词in或on。句意:你们乘公共汽车去那里吗?不,我们乘火车去。答案:C3A good advertisement often uses words _ which people attach positive meaning to attract people to buy a product or service.Ato BofCfor Dwith解析:“_ which people attach positive meaning”可理解为“people attach positive meaning to which”。attach.to.意为“把附在上”;to attract people to buy a product or service 作目的状语。答案:A4_ your timely help, I couldnt have finished the work on time. I cant thank you too much.ARauter than BExcept forCIn addition to DBut for解析:考查介词词组。语意:要不是你及时的帮助,我就不能按时完成这项工作。我对你感激不尽。根据语意可知but for “要不是”正确,经常用在含有虚拟语气的含蓄条件句中。前三项分别意为“而不是”“除之外”“除之外还”。答案:D5How dangerous it is to put the poisons _the reach of young children!Aby BuponCbeyond Dwithin解析:考查介词用法。语意:把有毒的东西放在小孩够得着的地方多危险啊!within the reach of sb.within ones reach “某人力所能及(够得着、承受得了等)”,是固定用法,符合语意。答案:A6Our teacher keeps _ touch _ telephone _ us students.Ain;with;with Bin;by;withCon;by;with Don;with;by解析:考查介词词组。语意:我们老师通过电话和我们保持联系。本题考查了词组keep in touch with “与保持联系”和by telephone “通过电话”。答案:B7My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was _ it.Ain favour of Bin memory ofCin honour of Din search of解析句意:我的姐姐反对我的建议,然而我哥哥却赞成。in favour of意为“同意,赞成”;in memory of意为“为纪念”;in honour of意为“为纪念”;in search of意为“寻找”。根据句意可知,选A项。答案A8A grand ceremony was held _ the queens birthday.Aby means of Bin honour ofCtogether with Din need of解析:考查介词词组。语意:为了庆祝女王的生日人们举行了一次盛大的庆典。in honour of “向表示敬意”,符合语意。by means of “借助于”;together with “连同”;in need of “需要”。答案:B9We felt greatly sorry _ those who died or got injured in the accident that occurred near the city of Wenzhou in Zhejiang when bullet train D301 rearended D3115.Aat BwithCfor Din解析:考查介词用法。语意:我们对那些在发生在浙江温州的动车D301次列车与D3115次列车追尾事故中死亡或者受伤的人们深表同情。feel sorry for “为感到可惜,对表示同情”,是固定短语,符合语意。答案:C10Peoples attitude _ life varies widely. Some are positive and some are negative.Aabout BofCtowards Don解析:考查介词用法。语意:人们对待生活的态度大不相同。有些人的态度是积极的,有些人的态度是消极的。attitude towards. “对待的态度”,故C项正确。答案:C11As the sun sank in late afternoon, the mountain looked magnificent _ the color of the sky.Ain BbelowCbeside Dagainst解析:考查介词用法。语意:夕阳西下,在天空的衬托下,这座山显得雄伟壮丽。本题考查against 的特殊用法,against 有“以为背景;衬托”之意。答案:D12You cant expect to succeed if you attempt tasks _ your ability.Aabove BbelowCin Dout解析:考查介词。语意:如果你要做自身能力达不到的事,就别指望成功。above 有“超过,在之上”之意,符合语意。答案:A13Because of her teaching experience, she had a big advantage _ the other applicants for the job.Aover BaboveCagainst Dbeyond解析:考查介词用法。语意:她的教学经验使她比其他求职者更有优势。have an advantage over “比有优势”,是固定短语。答案:A14Located _ the eastern coast of the sea, the village is fairly new _ only a small population of less than 3,000.Aon;with Boff;with Cin;of Don;in解析:句意:这个村庄位于东海岸,人口不足3 000,是个相当新的村庄。表示“在河流或道路等的一边”用on,例如:a house on the river,而off则表示“距不远处”,例如:an island off the coast of France,所以第一个空填介词on。第二个空填介词with,表示“具有,带有”。答案:A1


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