第三人称单数 超详细带练习题.ppt_第1页
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第三人称单数 超详细带练习题.ppt_第3页
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第三人称单数 含义 在一般现在时或进行时的情况下 当主语是第三人称单数的时候 谓语动词要有所改变 一般是加 s 也有特殊情况 eg Shelikesapples Heishappytoattendthemeeting Maryplanstoswimthisafternoon Mymotherasksmetohelpher 我们一起来回忆 人称代词 I you you he she it they me us you you him her it them We 第三人称的单数 IlikeEnglish He ShelikesEnglish AnglelikesEnglish 这里有一个严肃的问题 当主语为第三人称单数时 谁要变成单三 观察下图 看看你是否有答案 HeiswatchingTVnow TheyarewatchingTVnow 当然是我百变的动词大咖啦 你就说还有谁 给你点小颜色看看 将以下句子的主语改成 He 1 Iambusy Heisbusy 2 Ihaveanewbook Hehasanewbook 3 Ialwaysenjoyagoodfilm Healwaysenjoysagoodfilm am have enjoy 到底什么在什么情况下要把动词变成单三呢 第三人称单数动词变化的运用条件 1 一般现在时或是现在进行时eg Heisplayingbasketballnow shewalksaftersuppereveryday 2 主语为第三人称单数 单数名词当主语时eg She he it Lucy Kate LiMing 3 主语是不可数名词时eg Meatisinthatplate 肉在那个盘子里面 4 不定代词someone somebody nobody everything something及this that作主语时eg Everyoneishere Thatismine 请问这位动词打次先生你每次换装的规律是什么呢 read reads bring brings cook cooks uses use 动词的第三人称单数构成 1一般直接在动词后面加s 2以sh ch th s x和o结尾的动词加es miss watch go teach misses watches goes teaches 5 不规则动词 have 3 以辅音字母加y结尾的 把y改成ies 4 以元音字母加y结尾的动词 直接加s fly study say play flies studies says plays has 一 he she it是第三人称单数 HewatchingTV like likes likes Guessinggames HeTVeveryday Sheexerciseeverymorning doexercise Mycatfisheveryday eatfish playbasketball Hethebasketballeveryday surftheinternet Myfathertheinterneteveryday doexercise Theratexerciseeveryday Sheafterschool swim swims Hebookseveryday read reads Hefootballverywell playfootball playsfootball Lucyshopping 二 单个人名 地名或称呼单数作主语 是第三人称单数 人名 like likes Mybrothertheguitarafterschool plays playtheguitar playstheguitar 称呼单数 SeasonsClass12students BeijinginChina 地名 称呼 be have 三 单数可数名词作主语时 是第三人称单数 Apigfourlegs have has Atreemanyleaves have has Therabbitfast run runs 四 this that或者this that 可数名词单数作主语时 用第三人称单数 Thisapen be is Thataneraser be is Thisgirlbeautiful look looks 五 someone somebody nobody everything something等作主语时 是第三人称单数 Nobodyintheclassroom be is Theresomethingwrongwiththewatch 这块手表有毛病 六 不可数名词作主语时为第三人称单数 Themilkintheglass Thebreadbig 七 当数字或字母作主语时 看作第三人称单数 6 aluckynumber 6 是个吉利数字 I aletter I 是个字母 练习 I 写出第三人称单数 washwashesmatchmatchesguessguessesStudystudiesFinishfinishesGogoesSnowsnowsCarrycarries fly TV tobed myhomework study watchTV gotobed domyhomework lunch havelunch up coffee backhome food getup drinkcoffee comebackhome buyfood Exercise 一 用所给单词的适当形式填空Iusually go runningforhalfanhourattheweekend 2 Mymom like watchingTV 3 This be mycat It love me 4 be yoursisteramemberoftheReadingClub 5 Sheoften finish herhomeworkat9 00 6 Catslike eat fish 7 We nothave aMusiclesson 8 Hisuncle notget upearlyeveryday Exercise 1 Ben anewbicycle A haveB hasC areD were2 Kitty herbicycletothepark A rideB ridingC ridesD ridden3 Aman infrontofhiscar A walkB walksC walkingD work4 Sam sbicycle abell A haveBhasC havingD ishaving5 Thegirl Excuseme A sayB sayingC saysD sayes 6 How itfeel A doesB doC areD is7 Mike notlikehisbike A doB isC doesD are8 He apples A likesB likeC doesD are9 He withhisnose A smellingB smellsC smellD issmell10 Lucy withherhands A touchB touchingC touchesD touchs 1 She do homeworkbyherself 2 Jack go homebybikeeveryday 3 Themanoften climb upthehill 4 Hermum run inthemorning 5 He donot likeapple Exercise2 6 Sam put itunderhisarm 7 Theboy chase it 8 Kitty watch TVeveryday 9 He feed themat8 00inthemorning 10 When do hegetup Jack love hismotherverymuch MaryandLily come fromthesamecountry Thejuice 果汁 be inthefridge 冰箱 2 sound like t


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