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四级作文写作方法 四级和六级作文的要求基本是相同的. 1 篇幅:120-150字 达不到字数要求的,要酌情扣1-5分; 90-99 扣1分,80-90扣2分,70-79扣 3分,60-69扣5分; 2 布局:三段式 只写一段为0-4分,只写两段0-9分; 考生一般都希望作文达到字数而又不至于写得太多,因为写得太多一方面暴露自己语言上的弱点,另一方面又会占用过多的时间。写得太多还易跑题,一个有效的方法就是十二句作文法。 我们知道,四级作文都是三段式。我们算一下,如果我们在每一段中写上四句,即主题句加两三句扩展句和一个结论句就可以了。这样全篇在十二句左右,每一句十多个词,就又120-150个字。大家可以试图找一些作文题练一练。 “because”模块(问题对策型作文) 俗话说,有因必有果,有果必有因。四级考试的作文题中有不少题目要求我们说明导致某一现象或结果的原因,即我们所说的 Why or Because 模块。本模块立意在“原因”或“根源”,从当代社会的某一现象或变化出发,通过探究出该现象或变化的社会根源,得出关于该现象或变化的发展趋势或给人们何种启迪的结论。文章以因果和枚举两种方式展开。 本模块的统一提纲模式是: 第一段 提出话题,概述某社会现象。 第二段 分析话题,找出原因或根源。阐述导致该社会现象或发展变化的深层次原因。 第三段 解决问题,进行评论或得出结论。对该社会现象发展变化进行理性预测或利弊评述,也可阐述本人的看法或观点。 常用句型 引出话题 1.Recently, the problem of has aroused peoples concern. 最近,问题已引起人们的关注. 2. _ has bee a hot topic among people, especially among the young , and heated debates are right on their way. 已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。 3. Nowadays, (overpopulation) has bee a problem we have to face. 如今,(人口过剩)已成为我们不得不面对的问题了. 4. Nowadays/ At present, the phenomenon of calls for/deserves/merits peoples attention. 5. With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为 给出原因: 1. This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons. First, Second, Third, 这一现象的存在是有许多原因的.首先, 第二, 第三, 2. Why did/do ? For one thing For another 3. Three reasons could aount for it. Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, 历年作文真题及范文: 2000年6月四级作文题及范文 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a position on the topic Global Shortage of Fresh Water. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your position on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 人们以为淡水是取之不尽的 (提示:雨水、河水、井水) 2. 实际上淡水是非常紧缺的 (提示:人口增加,工业用水增加,污染) 3. 我们应该怎么办 Global Shortage of Fresh Water Many people believe that the worlds supply of fresh water will never be used up. They think that fresh water es from such a variety of sources as rain, river water and well water etc., so it is always sufficient for use. Such an opinion leads to a shocking waste of water. As a matter of fact, the earth is short of fresh water. Furthermore, with the rapid growth of the worlds population, the rising demand for waterby industry, and the serious pollution of oursurroundings, the world is facing the danger of running out of fresh water. Actually, in some big cities, fresh water cannot meet the daily needs. Therefore, to find new ways to save water is an urgent task. First, we should pass strict laws to control any waste of water. Second, scientists must work even harder to purify sea water and polluted water, and try to find substitutes to reduce the use of fresh water. xx年12月四级作文题及范文 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a position on the topic Elective courses to choose. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your position on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 各学校开了各种各样的选修课 2. 学生选课有不同的原因 3. 就我而言 Elective Courses to Choose With the remarkable educational reform and the increasing students demand, universities strive to offer a variety of elective courses for students to choose. Some higher institutes provide the optional course of cross-cultural munication, and some colleges have puter science on the curriculum of elective courses There are numerous reasons for students selection of the courses, and I would like to explore a few of the most significant ones here. In the first place, students tend to take personal interest into consideration when they opt for an elective course. Possibly, thats why cross-cultural munication course is so prevailing on campus. Additionally, some undergraduates attend certain optional courses for their career prospects and future development. Last but not least, to make up for their required credits is another universal reason as students select a course at random. As far as I am concerned, picking up an elective course, I am inclined to give priority to personal interest. I am taking geographic research and discovery course in that Ive been greatly keen on science since I was a kid. xx年6月四级作文题及范文 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a position on the topic Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your position on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写, 2. 出现这种现象的原因是 3. 为了改变这种状况,我认为 Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling Now we are entering a brand new era full of opportunities and innovations, and great changes have taken place in peoples attitude towards some traditional practice, especially in the area of English learning , one of which is less attention has been given to spelling by college students . This issue has been brought into public focus and called for further concern. A number of factors could aount for the problem, but the following are the most critical ones. First, information is expanding at such an increasing rate that our society is called the one of information. The information is so immense that students haven t ample energy and time to deal deeply with spelling, and some puter programs, such as word ,have done the spelling checking work for us . Second, the standardized-test oriented way of English learning, in which the high score can be achieved without spelling, put students to the position in which they have the quite reason to ignore spelling. This issue may lead to a number of unfavorable consequences, with the following two the most serious. For one thing, the information would be incorrect when conveyed by hand- writing way and cause some bad effects. For another, we may indulge ourselves in this way of inauracy which may influence our attitude of learning or research. The awareness of the importance of this issue should be enhanced and some proper measures should be taken. It is reasonable for us to believe that the situation will be improved in the near future. 演讲致辞型 的写法: 表明你的演讲的目的,你具有的优势(能力、性格、爱好、经验等);如果当选你会怎么做。 历年作文真题及范文: xx年1月四级作文真题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a campaign speech in support of your election to the post of chairman of the student union. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. A Campaign Speech 1. 你认为自己具备是什么条件(能力,性格,爱好)可以胜任学生会主席工作, 2. 如果当选你将会为本校同学做什么? A Campaign Speech Today I am very glad to run for the president of the students union. I am junior in Chemical Department. Since I came into the university, I have always been the monitor of my class. I have done a very good job for my classmates, and my classmates and my teacher all give me a good praise. I am good at munication and organizing. And I like to help others. Moreover, I have a variety of hobbies, for example, basketball, football, ping pong, etc. I am sure that I am qualified for this position. If I bee the president, I will try my best to do well. I will organize some suitable activities for you. I will do many things for you to reach your demands as well. I am sincerely hope you will give me a chance, and please believe me that I will be a good president. Thank you. Directions: xx年6月四级作文真题及范文 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Wele to our club. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given bellow:欢迎辞,欢迎加入俱乐部。 标题:Wele to our club 书写提纲: 1. 表达你的欢迎; 2. 对你们俱乐部作一个简要介绍。 Wele to our club June 23, xx Wele to our club! We New Oasis club aims at advocating environment protection and wildlife conservation. We quite appreciate your concern about our environment and we will organize such activities as follows. Firstly, we have regular meetings and lectures focused on different issues every Friday; you may choose whatever and whichever you like. Sometimes we will invite some well-known professors, whose speeches are very inspiring and exciting. Secondly, we will organize a major activity every year. Last year we went hiking, which was refreshing and unforgettable for all of us. We hiked on the beach for a whole day, and spent our night in the camp. Although we were all exhausted, we were spiritually relaxed. After you join our club, you can participate in any activities at a much lower price. Besides, you may get some documents from us free. You can fill in a written application to our staff office or email us via(by) lovesina. The deadline for entries is Sept. 25th. Come on, join us. Advantage and Disadvantage”模块 我们知道,事物总是一分为二的,四级考试的写作题目中有许多要求我们就某一事物的正反两方面发表我们的看法。 这种题型主要有两种出题形式: 形式1:说明X的利弊 题目特点:Advantages And Disadvantages of X 或 Positive And Negative Aspects of X 1. X(带来)的好处 2. X可能(给)带来的问题/弊端 3. 我对X的体会或我怎样对待X 形式2:说明X的利或弊 题目特点: Advantages/Disadvantages/Harmfulness of X 1. X的现状 2. 产生这一现状的原因 3. X的好处或弊端 说明利弊型作文的篇章结构 第一段:引言优点。简述标题中涉及的某一事物或现象并列举该事物/现象的优点或积极因素; 第二段:说明X可能带来的问题/弊端。以对比关联词引出该该事物/ 现象的另一面缺点或积极因素; 第三段:我的体会。权衡利弊,谈谈自己的体会或如何扬长避短的方法。 常用句型 表示好处 1) It has the following advantages 2) It does us a lot of good 3) It benefits us quite a lot 4) It is beneficial to us 5) It is of great benefit to us 例如: Books are like friendsThey can help us know the world better, and they can open our minds and widen our horizonsTherefore, reading extensively is of great benefit to us衔接: But every thing has two aspects. However, every coin has two sides. However, everything divides into two There is no doubt that has its drawbacks as well as merits. 毫无疑问,有优点也有缺点. 表示坏处 1)It has more disadvantages than advantages 2)It does us much harm 3)It is harmful to us 例如: However,everything divides into two Television can also be harmful to us It can do harm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watching television 表示结论 1)In short,it can be said that 2)It may be briefly summed up as follows: 3)From what has been mentioned above,we can e to the conclusion that 例如: From what has been mentioned above, we can e to the conclusion that examination is necessary,however, its method should be improved 历年作文真题及范文: xx年6月英语四级作文题及范文 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minute to write a short essay on the topic of students selecting their lectures. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given bellow: 1. 有些大学允许学生自由选择某些课程的任课教师 2. 学生选择教师时所考虑的主要因素 3. 学生自选任课教师的益处和可能产生的问题 On Students Selecting Lectures Nowadays, college students pay more and more attention to optional courses because they consider them a good way to enrich their knowledge. Recently, some universities have begun allowing students to choose the teachers of some optional lectures. When it es to choosing teachers, students often have the following considerations. First, they are convinced that teachers should be knowledgeable and should be experts in the fields they teach. Second, teachers should be responsible and great importance should be attached to adequate preparation for the courses. Only by meeting these two requirements will teachers be the best choice for students. Allowing students to choose teachers will give rise to both benefits and problems. The advantages include the fact that petent and respectable teachers will stand out and students will be more willing to take optional courses. However, schools may give too much power to students and this may result in teachers plaints and disorder in teaching programs. So schools should w


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