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unit 7 abilitiescomic strip and welcome to the unitteaching aims:1. through the comic derivation to talk about the topic of ability.2. talk about in daily life we can do for another thing.3. through the talk about how to care and help others to ideological and moral education.step 1 presentation 1. show some pictures to learn some words .2. then read aloud the new words. ability n. 能力seat n. 座位send v. 发送;邮寄even adv. 甚至able adj. 能,能够raise v. 募集notebook n. 笔记本pay vi. & vt. 付款pay for 为付款believe v. 相信believe it or not 信不信由你look out 留神,当心step 2 warming up 1. show some pictures then ask and answera: what can you do?b: i can . what about you?a: i can .step 3 do some exercises.1. do part a on page 81.2. check the answers.3. talk about the pictures.step 4 presentationshow some pictures present comic strip.step 5 listen and answer 1. can eddie fly?2. read the dialogue in pairs.3. act it out.step 6 listening1. listen to part b and answer the following question. 1) what can they do for the children in poor areas?2) can they raise some money for them?2. read after the recorder.3. pratice in pairs.4. act it out.5. make their own dialogue.step 7 explanation 1. how cool! 多酷呀! 这是一个感叹句。它的结构是 how + adj./adv. + 主语 + 谓语! e.g. how beautiful she is! how fast she runs!2. i can fly. 我会飞。 can 是一个情态动词,表示“能,会”。它的否定形式是cant, 后面加动词的原型。 e.g. he can sing. but he cant dance.3. believe it or not! 信不信由你! 4. look out = be careful = take care 留神,当心 e.g. look out. the fire is dangerous.5. plant trees 植树6. clean up the park 清理公园7. give a seat to someone on the bus 在公共汽车上给某人让座8. collect for 为 收集 9. visit an old peoples home 参观老年公寓10. send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb. 发送给某人某物 e.g. i send him a card .= i send a card to him.11. raise money for 为 募集资金 e.g. we can raise some money for the poor.step 8 exercises1. translate some phrases.1) 多么酷 2) 小心3) 种树4) 让座给某人5) 在公共汽车上6) 希望工程7)打扫公园8)帮助一个老人2. 翻译下列句子。1)你会种树吗?不会。2)我们将为希望工程募集东西。3)李明正在给别人让座。4)三班的学生昨天探访了老年公寓。5)我们可以为贫困儿童募集一些资金。 homework1. read the text book and learn the new words and phrases by heart.2. do the exercises in the workbook.reading iteaching aims:1. introduce and develop relevant description dangerous situation vocabulary.2. according to the pictures, keywords and context speculate the main ideas.3. practise reading skills by learning “a brave young man”.step 1. presentationpresent the new words with pictures and read them aloud.save savefrom smoke next door badly hurt could pour protect rush wet blanket fireman put out burn in hospital moment nod careful reporter news newspaper match rubbish bin step 2. match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.1. do part b1 on page 83.2. check the answer.step 3. listening 1. listen to text and answer the questions:1) whos the brave young man? 2) did the fire burn the young man? 2. listen again and answer more question.1) what did liu tao do on 10th may? he saved his neighbour from the fire.2) why couldnt mrs sun get out her house when it was on fire? because she hurt her leg.3) how long was liu tao in hospital? he was in hospital for two weeks .4) fire can be dangerous .what should we do? we should be careful with fire.step 4. reading1. read the article by themselves and finish part b2.2. scan the story, try to tell t/ f.3. put them into the right order.step 5. exercises1. complete part c on page 84.2. check the answers. step 6. discussion what can we learn from the story?step 7. have an interviewhomework 1. read aloud the article and underline the difficult parts.2. remember the new words in this lesson. reading iiteaching aims:1. learn the language points in this article.2. learn to talk about the brave young man around us.step 1. revision1. how much do you know about a brave young man.2. fill in the table.step 2. explanation1. adj. + enough enough修饰形容词通常放在其后面,修饰名词通常放在名词的前面。e.g. he is old enough to go to school. 他年龄足够大,可以去上学。 i have lots of work to do every day. 我每天有大量的工作要做。2. save from 从中救出e.g. he saved a boy from the river. 他从河里救出了一个男孩。3. alone = by oneself = on ones own 单独,独自e.g. he is at home alone/by himself/on his own. 他独自一个人在家。4. hear/see sb. doing sth. 听到/看到某人正在做某事e.g. he heard someone singing next door. 他听到有人在隔壁唱歌。 hear/see sb. do sth. 听到/看到某人正在经常做某事e.g. he often sees a boy playing basketball on the playground. 他经常看到一个男孩在操场上打篮球。5. a 79-year-old man 一位79岁的老人e.g. he is a 79-year-old man. = the man is 79 years old. 他是一位79岁的老人。6. pour over 把倾倒e.g. he poured milk over his shirt. 他把牛奶倾倒在他的衬衫上。7. rush into 冲进e.g. he rushed into the fire to save a boy. 他冲进火里去救一个男孩。8. put out the fire = put the fire out 扑灭火9. in hospital 住院 in the hospital 在医院里e.g. he was in hospital for a month. 他住院一个月。 he works in the hospital. 他在医院里工作。10. give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb. 给某人某物e.g. he gives me a book. = he gives a book to me. 他给了我一本书。11. at that moment 在那时 12. have time to do sth. 有时间做某事e.g. i have time to do my homework. 我有时间做我的家庭作业。13. be careful with 小心e.g. we must be careful with fire. 我们必须要小心火。step 3 do some exercises.1. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1) we must be (care) with fire because it can be very (danger).2) did you do anything (safe) to keep yourself.3) do you know what happened to (they)?4) many ( visit) visited her and _ (bring) her some flowers that day.5) when he was reading, he heard her neighbour (call) for help.6) be careful with (match).2. find the following phrases from the text.1) 从中救出来2) 独自在家3) 隔壁4) 在那个时候5) 扑灭火6) 思考,考虑7) 给某人带来某物8) 小心火3. 汉译英。1) 汤姆是个勇敢的男孩,他把他的邻居从火中救出来了。2) 我们应当互相帮助,互相学习。3) 他妈妈昨天生病住院了。 4) 一位80岁的老人住在隔壁。5) 他冲进屋子去救一个女孩。6) 我弟弟弄伤了自己的腿。7) 那场火烧伤了她的胳膊和脸。4. fill in the blanks.liu tao is a 20-year-old young man. he s_ his neighbour from a fire. one day he was at home a_. suddenly he heard his neighbour, mrs sun s_“fire! fire!” he ran to mrs suns k_. he found her there and she couldnt g_ out because she h_her leg. liu tao p_ water over his clothes and r_ into the kitchen to save her. he was very b_ and p_ a wet blanket over mrs sun. the fire b_ his neck, a_, and face. he was in h_ for two weeks. many people visited him and b_ him flowers and presents. he was g_ that he helped mrs sun. liu tao said, fire c_be very d_. it is i_ to be c_ with fire. homework1. recite this article.2. remember the language points in this lesson. grammarteaching aims:1. introduce the usage of can, could and may.2. using what and how to express strong feelings.step 1. presentationenjoy the picture and present the new words.step 2. warming up enjoy more pictures and talk about the usage of can and could.step 3. explanation using “can”/ “could” to talk about ability. we use “can” to talk about present ability. we use “could” to talk about ability in the past. e.g. i can (cannot /cant /can not ) swim. what about you? he could (couldnt /could not) dance in the past. what about you?2. using can, could, may and to talk about permission.1) can与could can常用于口语中, 表示非正式的请求, 请求对象一般是家人或朋友。e.g. can i borrow your bike, simon? 西蒙, 我可以借一下你的自行车吗? of course. 当然可以。 can i have some milk, mum? 妈妈, 我可以喝点牛奶吗? yes, you can. 好的。2) could是can的过去式。在口语中, could常用来代替can向对方更委婉地提出请求, 用法上比can正式, 可以用于向老师或长辈提出请求, 这时could不表示过去, 回答一般还是用can。e.g. could i use your computer, please? 请问, 我可以用一下你的电脑吗? yes, you can. 可以。 could i hand in our homework later, mr lin? 林老师, 我可以稍后交作业吗? no, you cant. 不, 不行。2. may may也可以用来征求对方意见, 意为“可以”, 相当于could, 用法也比can更正式, 更礼貌, 一般用于向陌生人或所尊敬的人请求许可。e.g. may i ask you a question? 我可以问你一个问题吗? yes, please. 可以, 请问。 may i come in, mr wu? 吴老师, 我可以进来吗? no, you may not. 不行。step 4. exercisesask and answer questions using “can” or “could”. try to make dialogues in pairs.1. _ you speak japanese?2. _ you play the piano last year?3. _ you cook?4. _ you use a computer when you were 3?5. _ you ride a bicycle when you were very young?6. _ you understand english tv programmes in 2000?step 5. presentationshow some pictures and present the usage of “what and how to express strong feelings”.step 6. explanation1. what引导的感叹句:1 ) what + a/an + 形容词 + 可数名词单数 (+ 主语 + 谓语)! 2) what + 形容词 + 可数名词复数 (+ 主语 + 谓语)! 3) what + 形容词 + 不可数名词 (+ 主语 + 谓语)! 2. how 引导的感叹句:1) how + 形容词 (+ 主语 + 连系动词)!2) how + 副词 (+ 主语 + 行为动词)!step 7. exercises1. do the exercises on page 86.2. check the answers.3. do more exercises.homework1. remember the new words in this lesson. 2. do the exercises on the workbook.integrated skillsaims:1. learn some new words. 2. practise listening skills by listening to a text.step 1. revision一、用can, cant, could, couldnt填空。1. _ you dance ? no, i _. 2. suzy _ swim five years ago, 3. but now she _.4. he _ count up to 100 at four.5. if i have time, i _ help you.6. he _ get out because he hurt his leg.7. it is raining, so they _ play football.二、汉译英。1. 我会游泳。2. 去年我们会放风筝。3. 你会骑自行车吗?4. 两年前你们会踢足球吗?5. 他们10个月大时不会走路。6. 多重要的一本书啊!7. 昨天他买了好漂亮的花啊!8. 多么有用的信息啊!9. 她多么漂亮啊! 10. 这辆小汽车跑的多么快啊!step 2. presentation1. present the new words.2. read aloud these new words.step 3 listeninglisten to the recorder and complete a1 on page 87.1. check the answers.2. listen to the recorder and complete a2 on page 87.3. check the answers.4. complete the report using the information in part a1 and a2.step 4. explanation1. work hard 努力学习,努力工作e.g. she works hard on the subject. 她努力学习科目。2. know a lot about . 了解许多关于e.g. she knows a lot about history. 她了解许多历史。3. do/try ones best to do sth. 尽某人最大的努力做某事e.g. he does/tries his best to learn english. 他尽他最大的努力学英语。4. do well in/be good at (doing) sth. 擅长(做)某事 e.g. he does well in playing the piano. = he is good at playing the piano. 他擅长弹钢琴。step 5. pair workdiscuss with your partner and get as much information as you can about his or her study, personality and school life. then, report it to the class.step 6. exercises翻译句子:1. 她擅长写作。2. 她必须更经常地读英语和用英语。3. 她是个聪明的学生,但有时不努力。4. 她懂得很多中国历史。 5. 如果她努力,她的地理就能得到更好的结果。6. 她能够很好地组织班级活动。7. 她跳得高。8. 我想她明年能够进入学校队。homework1. remember the new words and the language points in this lesson. 2. preview speak up and study skills. speak up and study skillsteaching aims:1. learn how to talk about abilities.2. learn how to use a library.step 1 revision翻译句子:1. 她擅长写作。2. 她必须更经常地读英语和用英语。3. 她是个聪明的学生,但有时不努力。4. 她懂得很多中国历史。 5. 如果她努力,她的地理就能得到更好的结果。6. 她能够很好地组织班级活动。7. 她跳得高。8. 我想她明年能够进入学校队。step 2. presentation1. present some new words with pictures and then read them aloud.turning n. 转弯处 traffic n. 交通,来往车辆traffic light n. 交通灯crossing n. 交叉路口should modal v. 应当,应该 2. how to ask the way and answer the directions.step 3. speak up1. listen and answer.1) can daniel play the violin? yes, he can .2) when did he start to play the violin? at the age of six. 3) what can sandy do? she can play the piano.4) when did she start to play the piano? at the age of five.2. read aloud the conversation then work in pairs. use the conversation as a model.3. make their own dialogue. step 4. study skills1. explaina library is a useful place to find information. remember the following points when you look for information in a library.1) books about different subjects are put in different sections.2) books are organized according to topics. books about similar topics are put in the same area.3) novels are arranged in alphabetical order according to the authors surnames.4) librarians are there to help you. if you have questions, ask them.2. complete the exercises on page 89. step 5. explanation1. play the violin/piano 拉小提琴/弹钢琴e.g. we can play the violin. 我们会拉小提琴。2. at the age of 在岁时 e.g. he can play the piano at the age of 5. 他5岁时就会弹钢琴了。3. start to do sth. = start doing sth. begin to do sth. = begin doing sth. 开始做某事e.g. he started/began to learn english when he was 4 years old. = he started/began learning english when he was 4 years old.他4岁时开始学英语。step 6. exercises一、根据首字母或汉语提示写单词。1. he works hard this _(学期).2.there is an _ (文章) about learning english.3. he is c_ enough to do his homework wrong.4. he will do b_ in english next term.5. can he play the p_ well? 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. we can _(plant) trees in spring.2. he got up early this morning _(catch) the first bus.3. sally, go and see who _ (knock) on the door.4. he does well in _(dance).5. you must read _(much) often if you want to learn english well.三、翻译句子。1.你会拉小提琴吗?2.你能展示给我怎样来拉小提琴吗?3. 他6岁时开始练习踢足球。4. 我认为她下学期将会进入校队。5. 周杰伦擅长唱歌。6. 你能教我弹钢琴吗?7. 这是一个多么好的主意呀!8. 她所有的老师和同学都非常喜欢她。homework1. remember the new words and the language points in this lesson. 2. recite the conversation in speak-up.taskteaching aims:1. learn to write a recommendation letter.step 1. presentation present the new words by showing some pictures: sir n. 先生 madam n. 女士recommend vt. 推荐award n. 奖,奖品,奖金part n. 部分take part in 参加need n. (食物、钱等的)短缺,缺乏lose vt. 迷失,丢失lose ones way 迷路before conj. 到为止;在之前hear from 收到的来信yours faithfully (用于书信结尾签名前) 您忠实的step 2. warming up l. show some pictures and present how to write a recommendation letter.step 3. listening1. listen and fill in the blank. 1) why did mr. wu write this letter?mr. wu wrote this _ to _ daniel for this years _ _ _.2) what kind of boy is daniel?daniel is _.daniel is _.daniel is _.2. read after the tape.3. do some exercises. 1)clever he can learn things _ (quick).he can use the computer _ (good). 2)thoughtfulhe thinks _ (careful) when he works.he plans everything _ (good) and _ (take) part in activities. 3) kindlast week, a 5-year-old boy _ (迷路) and cried in the street. he _ him _ (带去) the police station. he stayed with the boy and played with him _(两个小时) before the boys parents came.step 4. explanation 1. recommend sb. for 推荐某人获奖e.g. we want to recommend liu tao for this years young star awa


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