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中正法律英语翻译网收集整理 第十二章第十二章往来书信往来书信 国际金融业务中常用的书面联系方式是书信和电报 电传 传真等 最快捷的是传真 由于目前已极少使用电报 而传真信件即是普通书信件 通过电讯机构传递给收件人 所以 这里只介绍书信格式 同时提醒读者应当注意的问题 第一节第一节书信结构书信结构 英文商务信函的结构一般如下 1 信头 Heading 包括寄信人的地址和日期 2 信内地址 Inside address 即收信人的地址 3 文档号 Reference 如 Our ref WFX SQ Your ref JS201 SD707 4 收函方主办人或主要负责人 如 Attention The Sales Manager 或To The Sales Manager 5 称呼 Salutation 6 事由标题 Caption Subject Reference 7 正文 Body 8 结束语 函尾套语 Complimentary close 9 发信人姓名 先签名再打印姓名 Signature Printed Name 10 发信人职务 Position 11 发信人及打信人姓名缩写 如 ST MS 12 附件 Enclosure 13 副本 抄送 CC 即 Carbon Copy 14 附言 又及事项 P S 即 Postscript 下面是一封完整的英文商务信函 1117 The High Road Austin TX 78703 6 June 2008 MR David Patricks 3005West 29th Suite 130 Waco TX 77663 Dear Mr Patricks I received your June 5thletter requesting consultation and am providing my recommendation in the following First let me review my understanding of your inquiry The question you raise revolves around whether the heating registers should be located in a low sidewall or in the ceiling and if ceiling registers are used which type step down or stamped faced will deliver the best results Additionally the problem concerns whether there is any benefit to have heating registers near the floor whether moving heated air down in ducts negatively affects blower performance and whether adequate injection that can be achieved on the low speed of a two stage furnace 中正法律英语翻译网收集整理 My recommendations are as follows I can find nothing in either Carrier Trane or ASHRAE design manuals that indicates drop as being a factor in duct design any different from normal static losses If you have different information on this I would like to have references to it I cannot see any advantage to low sidewall application The problem is injection and pattern I do see an advantage to low sidewall return Carrier Design Manual Air Distribution is a good reference on both items I recommend step down diffusers with OBD because they have pattern and volume control that is superior to stamped faced diffusers I am opposed to low sidewall diffusers or floor diffusers in the application you describe The increased static losses that result from trying to get the ducts down through the walls will only increase installation cost and reduce efficiency Ifthereisanyoneinyourorganizationwhoisuncomfortablewiththese recommendations let me now I d be very interested in reviewing any actual documented test results Let me know if you have any further questions or if I can be of any further assistance Sincerely Jane A McMurrey Jane A McMurrey P E HVAC Consultants Inc JAM dmc Encl invoice for consulting services 第二节第二节书信格式书信格式 一般地说 商业公司或企业习惯于采用标准格式 standard format 的商业信 函 其中主要包括完全齐头式 full block style 改良齐头式 semi block style 和 缩 行 式 indentedstyle 格 式 分 别 如 下 1 Full Block Style Letter head 中正法律英语翻译网收集整理 Ref No Date Inside address Salutation Subject Body of letter Complimentary close Signature Identification initials 2 Semi Block Style 中正法律英语翻译网收集整理 Letter headLetter headLetter headLetter head Ref No Date Inside address Salutation Subject Body of letter Complimentary close Signature Identification initials 3 Indented Style Letter Head 中正法律英语翻译网收集整理 Ref No Date Inside address Salutation Subject Body of letter Complimentary close Signature Identification initials 在用词行文方面 需要注意以下几点 1 在告知对方情况时常用Weare pleased happy to inform notify advise you that We wish to tell you that 说明或解释情况时用 We would like to explain clarify the matter as follows We wish to say that 提出建议或推荐时用 We take pleasure in suggesting proposing recommending that 提出异议或要求时用Weale afraid that we ate unable to agree with you on the matter Wehave to point out that We would draw your kind attention to The matter that We would ask request demand you to 表示遗憾 不理解 不满时用Weare sorry shocked frightened to note Much to our regret we find that It isapity that It is hardly understandable to us that 等 2 多用主动语态 显得亲切 尽量少用被动语句 但为避免单调 也可以交替使用 例如 Wehave recently grantedaUSD1 million short term loan to XXX company Wehave learnt from the beneficiary that 中正法律英语翻译网收集整理 It is learnt understood that 3 避免使用陈旧套语 如下面例子括弧内 尽量做到口语化 Thank you for your letter dated Your letter to hand Wehave received your letter of Your esteemed favor to hand Wewish to notify you that We are writing to notify you that We beg to inform you that 4 多使用简短单词 取代容易拼写错误的长字或短语 About approximately Meanwhile simultaneously Please Will you be good enough to Because for the reason that for account of that At present at the present time 5 结尾的用语要和前面内容相互照应 避免前面本来是抱怨对方 末尾却说 谢谢你 的合作 而应当改用 希望贵方以后注意避免发生上述类似情况 如果前面是感谢对方为 自己办了一件好事 结尾应当说 对贵行 公司的友好合作再次表示衷心感谢 希望以后在 更多方面加强合作 等 第三节第三节几种范例几种范例 按照习惯 电传 电报的文字通常都使用大写 使用传真机传递时 也有人全部大写 的 为的是使收件方看得更清楚 这里仅提供范例的信文部分 范例之一范例之一访问邀请信函访问邀请信函 LETTERLETTERLETTERLETTER OFOFOFOFINVITATIONINVITATIONINVITATIONINVITATION I am delighted pleased to hear from your Embassy in Beijing that you will join your government delegation inastudy visit of three to four weeks to China in the coming September It would beagreat pleasure for me to meet you at our bank during your stay in Beijing so that we can renew our friendship and exchange views on further expansion of business between our two banks After your program has been finalized please let me know by mail or by telex fax the date 中正法律英语翻译网收集整理 when you will be able to visit our bank so thatabetter arrangement can be made to your satisfaction I am looking forward to hearing from you 参考译文 参考译文 邀请信邀请信 函函 我高兴地从贵国驻华使馆获悉 您将参加贵国政府代表团 于今年九月来华进行为期三 至四周的考察访问 您在北京逗留期间我若能在我们银行会见您 将感到非常愉快 届时我们可以共叙友情 并就我们两行之间如何进一步发展业务的问题交换意见 你们的访问日程确定之后 请以信函或电传方式告诉我您能否来访我行以便更好地为您 作出安排 切盼您早日回复 译文注释 译文注释 1 your Embassy in Beijing 翻译成贵国驻华使馆 比较 你们在北京的使馆 2 exchange views On further expansion of business between our two banks 宾语部分译成动宾 结构并加上 如何 二字更加生动 比较 并就我们两行之间进一步发展业务的问题交换意见 3 末一句中的 I 我 字不译出 更符合汉语习惯 范例之二范例之二接受邀请的信函接受邀请的信函 ACCEPTANCEACCEPTANCEACCEPTANCEACCEPTANCE OFOFOFOFINVITATIONINVITATIONINVITATIONINVITATION I accept with pleasure your kind invitation by letter Dated Our last meeting during your visit to our country proved to be fruitful and memorable Since then business and cooperation between our two banks have been smoothly developing to our mutual satisfaction As far as I know our delegation will tour three cities in China the first being Beijing where we shall stay for about 3 days I would try my best to afford time to call upon your esteemed bank After my arrival I will give youacall for arrangement I am looking forward to meeting you at your convenience 参考译文 参考译文 接受邀请接受邀请 中正法律英语翻译网收集整理 我愉快地接受您某年某月某日来函的盛情邀请 上次您在访问我国期间我们的会晤富有 成效 值得回忆 从那以后我们两行之间的业务一直发展顺利 合作很好 双方均感满意 据我所知 我们的代表团将在中国访问三个城市 第一个便是北京 我们拟在那里停留 三天 我将尽力抽出时间拜访贵行 到达之后 我会给您打电话 作出安排 我期待在您方便的时候和您会晤 译文注释 1 with pleasure 带着愉快心情 介词短语作状语 或者改为 I am pleased to accept 但极其少 用 I gladly accept 的 这就是习惯问题 2 business and cooperation 一句业务与合作的性质不同 动词用复数 用一个副词 顺利地 修饰 但译文分成两个并列四字词组 发展顺利 合作很好 更加平衡顺口 而 to our mutual satisfaction 表程度的状语 加上 双方均 后译成一个完整句子 同样表示结果 3 afford time money 常与可以 能够连用 指担负得起时间 金钱等 后面可接不定式动 词或介词短语 如 I can t afford for the cinema Can you afford some time to walk with me 4 call sb for sth 为某事给某人打电话 范例之三范例之三婉拒邀请婉拒邀请 Thank you for your kind invitation by letter dated I should be most delighted to call upon your fine bank your good self and your colleagues if time permitted but much to my regret we can only haveathree day stay in Beijing Our program has been full of engagements so I am afraid I cannot afford to meet you this time Anyhow I will try to call you to say hello on my arrival Hoping to have your understanding I expect another opportunity to meet you next year 参考译文 参考译文 感谢您某年某月某日来函的盛情邀请 要是时间允许 我是很想来拜访贵行的 但遗 憾的是 我们在北京停留的时间只有三天 我们的访问日程早已排满 恐怕这次没有时间来 拜访您了 但无论如何 抵达之后我都会尽量打电话向您问好 希望您给予谅解 盼望明年另有机会和您见面 译文注释 译文注释 1 第二句用的是虚拟语态 表明无意拜访 一种婉言谢绝的表达方式 在对外交往中经常 中正法律英语翻译网收集整理 使用 接着语气一转 much to our regret 遗憾的是 说明理由 为了不使对方难堪 所以说 到达后会尽量打电话问好 也给自己留有余地 不至于失礼 2 末尾一句在此类信件使用频繁 范例之四范例之四祝贺信函祝贺信函 LETTERLETTERLETTERLETTER OFOFOFOF 3ONGRATULATION 3ONGRATULATION 3ONGRATULATION 3ONGRATULATION I am most pleased very happy to learn that you have been newly appointed chairman of the Board of


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