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哈林英语篮球训练营进社区活动方案一、活动亮点:英语篮球、全民参与通过社区居民参与此次活动,将有利于哈林英语篮球训练营树立健康的品牌形象,借助外教的光环效应提升英语篮球品牌知名度和美誉度,并通过篮球游戏与外教现场上课,吸引广泛社区群众的参与热情,使哈林英语篮球训练营的传播在更广泛的群体中得到回报。健康社区、公益行为通过举办、参与这种活动,有利于哈林英语篮球训练营与附近各个社区建立更为密切的关系,创造出更有利于哈林英语篮球训练营招生的环境,而这正是通过一般纯粹性的商业性行为所难以实现的,并借助这样的活动增加哈林英语篮球训练营与各个社区的亲和力。新闻联动、超强效应通过举办哈林英语篮球训练营进社区的活动,与山东卫视一起合作,必将得到广泛的传播。二、组织架构主办:哈林英语篮球训练营媒体支持:山东卫视活动参与:哈林英语篮球训练营与山师场馆附近各个社区活动组委会总指挥:吴昊策划统筹:姜旭东策划执行:姜旭东、吴昊宣传执行:姜旭东、吴昊、苟良、王冕、邱盟、吴璇、韩志远三、活动总述:1:活动背景:山东贺瑞斯特体育文化传播有限公司是一家专注于少儿培训,体育文化传播的股份制企业,致力于推动体育文化产业,提高业余联赛的大众参与性,让专业赛事普及化,让“草根体育”专业化。业务范围涵盖青少年体育运动高端培训,基于消费者的体育场馆运营,面向企业品牌传播的体育整合营销服务。公司旗下主打产品哈林英语篮球训练营,是全山东第一家英语篮球教学训练营,主要面向中小学生举办以“打篮球,学英语”为主题的青少年篮球、英语培训活动。是全国唯一拥有全职外教、全职中教的英语篮球训练营,已获得外专局颁发聘请外国专家资质证书。现有花园路星河工业园哈林篮球公园、山师北街山师附中体育馆两个教学点,在教学中使用统一的教学大纲,创建了完备的外教篮球教学标准化体系,结合创编的中国首部篮球情景英语漫画教材,让外教带领孩子们在训练中将英语融入进去,使孩子们充分感受美国的快乐训练法,在英语与篮球完美融合的美式篮球氛围中,引导孩子们大声把英语说出来。 体会到英语与篮球完美融合的美式篮球氛围,激发孩子潜能,系统加强孩子的篮球技法,提高实战技能。哈林篮球训练营引进长期从事青少年篮球训练的专业外教,采用美国成功的快乐篮球训练方法,满足青少年篮球爱好者的需求。由国外专业篮球教练授课,根据每个学员的具体情况进行个性化课程设置。让学员在纯英语的学习环境中,学习先进的篮球教育;在篮球情境中提高英语水平,将英语学习变成一种娱乐。Shandong Heuristic sports culture dissemination limited company, is a company specializing in childrens training, the sports culture of the joint-stock enterprises, is committed to promoting the sports culture industry, improve public participation in the Amateur League, let professional sports popularization, let grassroots sports professional. Business scope covers high-end sports training for young people, sports operations based on consumers, and integrated sports marketing services for enterprise brand communication.Its flagship product, the Halinpark English Basketball Camp, Shandong is the first English basketball training camp mainly for middle school students held to play basketball, learn English as the theme of the activities of youth basketball, English training. Is the only full-time foreign teachers, full-time taught Englishbasketball training camp, has been issued by the bureau to hire foreign experts certificate. The use of a unified teaching syllabus in the teaching, to create a complete teacher basketball teaching standardization system, teaching materials Chinese first basketball situational English cartoon combines creation, let teachers lead the children in training into English, so that children feel fully happy training in the United States, in perfect English and American fusion basketball basketball atmosphere and guide the children to speak in english.Halinpark English Basketball Camp belonging to the Shandong Heuristic sports culture dissemination limited company, held for the students with I want to play basketball, but also to learn English as the theme of the activities of youth basketball, English training. The existing Huayuan Road Xinghe Industrial Park Halin basketball park, north mountain division two mountain division high school gym teaching, unified teaching syllabus, teaching American professional, with China first basketball situational English comic textbook, let the teacher led the children into to guide children in training English, speak in English, to perfect English and experience the fusion of American basketball atmosphere, stimulate their potential, strengthen the system of children basketball skills, improve combat skills.Harlin basketball training camp to introduce long-term professional training for young basketball teachers, the United States successfully adopted the happy basketball training methods to meet the needs of young basketball enthusiasts.The training courses are taught by foreign professional basketball coaches, and individualized courses are set according to the specific circumstances of each trainee. Let the students learn advanced basketball education in the pure English learning environment, improve their English in the basketball situation, and turn English learning into entertainment. The happy teaching mode which combines English learning with basketball training is a learning mode that children and parents like and identify with.2、时间:2017 年 9 月-12 月3、地点:哈林英语篮球训练营与山师场馆附近各个社区4、目的:通过本次哈林英语篮球训练营进社区的活动,让人们进一步的了解哈林,建立哈林与各个社区群众的亲和氛围,同时对哈林形象的塑造,品牌升华、美誉度、影响度的迅速提高起到重大的作用,通过对社区群众的篮球展示,最终实现招生的目的。5、主题:哈林篮球,称霸全球6、形式:篮球游戏,外教的示范课(1)篮球游戏:鲨鱼吃小鱼、一对一圈内单挑、投篮比赛(以上三个游戏的参与对象是孩子);轮胎


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