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初中英语代词专项练习题及答案清华大学英语系测试:为中学英语量身定做.官方网站:/ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果初中英语代词专项练习题及答案1.You may come to my house_ this week _ next week.A .neither; or B .from; to C .either;or D. either; nor2.I dont think we can do it all_.A. by ourselves B. by myself C. by ourself D .by yourselves3.I dont want this shirt. Please show me _.A .others B .the others C .another D .the other4.I cant repair the model ship_. Can you help ?A .me; me B. myself ;myself C .myself ;me D. me ; myself5.Does your brother often wash clothes ?A. he B .himself C. herself D .him6. We study Chinese, English , maths and some subjects.A .the other B. one C .other D .another7.I have two sisters. of them are doctors.A. Both B. All C .Either D. Neither8.The book on the shelf is . She wrote name on its cover .A .Hers; her ;herself B. Her; hers; herself C. Herself; her; hers D .Her; herself; herself9. Dont worry . Theres much wrong with you. said the doctor.A. nothing B .everything C. something D .very 10.These shoes are too small. You may buy some_ shoes.A .another B .other C .the .others D. others 11.I asked Jim and Bob to come to my house for dinner , but_ of them came .A .another B. other C .the others D .others 12.They are_ the same size , so you may take_ half of the cake.A.at; each B. in; both C .at; neither D .in; either 13.Betty and John have come back , but_ students in the class arent here yet.A.the other B others C. another D. the others14.Your mother is kindness_. A .itself B. herself oneself D .himself15.She stayed there longer than_.A. anyone B .anything else C. anybody D .anybody else16.Is this her bike? No, it isnt . Its_.A. mine B. my C. me D. hes17._ Li Pings brother. A. Her B. His C. Hes D. Shes18.He is a boy. name is Wang Bing. A. He B. His C. Her D. Hes19.Whats this? . A. Its a bread B. It is a bread C. Its bread D. Thiss bread20.The bowls are on the table .There are some eggs in .A. the B. them C. it D. he 21.Let have a meeting .A. me B. you C. us D. me 22. Mother often sees on Sunday .A. her all friends B. all her friend C. her friends D. her all friend.23.When you see Tom and his sister , tell that mother is waiting at the gate.A. his ;his B. her; hers C. them ; their D. his ; her 24.He wants you to talk about China.A .anything B .nothing C. thing D .something25.Granny seems ill . Are you sure its ?A .nothing serious B. anything serious C. serious nothing D. serious anything The key to the exercises:1-5 CACCB 6-10 CAAAB 11-15 DDABD 16-20 ACBCB 21-25 CBCDA清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:/ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果初二下学期物理试卷一、填空题:(36分) (g=10牛/千克) (答案必须写在答卷上)1. 力是物体对物体的_;力的作用是 ;力的单位是_;2. 踢球时,球受到的力的施力物体是 ,这时 也受到球的作用力。3. 重力的方向是 ;重力的作用点是物体的 ;物体受到的重力大小跟它的质量成 比。4. 质量是300克的书重 牛;重3牛的石块其质量是 克。5. 一人用250牛的力竖直向上提起一个重200牛的水桶,水桶受到的合力是_牛,合力的方向是_。6. 牛顿第一运动定律是:一切物体在没有受到外力作用的时候,总保持_状态或_状态。7. 某人沿水平方向用20牛的力推着一辆重300牛的车匀速向西运动,车受到的阻力的大小是_牛,阻力方向是_。8. 滑动摩擦力的大小与_有关,还与_有关。9. 物体单位面积上的_叫做压强;压强的单位是_。10. 重400000牛的坦克、履带的着地面积为5 米2,对水平地面的压强是_帕。11. 液体的压强随深度的增加而_;在同一深度,液体向各个方向的压强_;不同液体的压强还跟_有关系。12. 潜在水面下10米的潜水员,受到水的压强是_帕。13. 轮船舱底在水面下3.5米处,舱底穿了一个面积为0.2米2的洞,要用_牛的力,才能堵住这个洞。14. 著名的表明大气压强存在的实验有_;可以测出大气压强值的实验有_实验;大气压随高度的增加而_。(选填 增大、减小、不变)15. 力的三要素是力的_、力的_、力的_。16. 使用弹簧秤时要先观察它的_和它的_。合理选择,正确使用。17. 1标准大气压强值大约是_帕。18. 某同学说:“书包带做得很宽是为了减小压力。”这句话是_的。(对、错)二、选择题:(30分)19. 以下说法中正确的是:( ) A、只有人才能对物体施力。 B、不接触的物体只要能发生相互作用,就可能产生力; C、施力的物体不一定受力; D、以上说法都正确。20. 以下关于重力方向的说法中正确的是( ) A、重力方向总是垂直向下的; B、重力方向总是垂直于桌面向下的; C、重力方向总是垂直于地面向下的; D、重力方向总是垂直于水平面向下的。21. 天平的左盘放重2 牛的物体,估算一下,要使天平平衡,右盘先放入的砝码应是( ) A、2000克; B、200克; C、20克; D、2克。22. 一个成年人受到的重力大约是( ) A、6牛; B、60牛; C、600牛; D、6000牛。23. F1=3牛、F2=5牛、F3=8牛,这三个力中有两个是同时作用在同一物体上的同一直线上的力,另一个力则是这两个力的合力,那么( ) A、合力一定是F3 ; B、合力一定是F2 ; C、合力一定是F1 ; D、合力可能是F3 ,也可能是F1 或F2 。24. 用弹簧秤测出一物体受到的重力是3牛,然后将弹簧秤倒过来,把秤钩固定住,将此物体挂在弹簧秤的提环上,则弹簧秤的示数是( ) A、仍等于3牛; B 、大于3牛; C、小于3牛; D、等于零。25. 火车以2米秒的速度匀速直线前进,一人在车厢地板上的P点竖直向上跳起0.5秒后落回到地板上。这个人的落地点是( ) A、在P 点前方1米处; B、在P点后方1米处; C、仍在P点处; D、无法判断。26. 以下措施中用来减小摩擦的是( ) A、上紧缝纫机的皮带; B、在纲丝钳口刻上花纹; C、在乒乓球拍上粘上带颗粒的胶皮; D、在笔头上装上小钢珠,制成圆珠笔。27. 匀速直线行驶的列车突然减速,车顶上悬挂的小球( ) A、向前摆 B、向后摆 C、保持不动 D、无法判断。28. 为了将压强减小到原来的14,以下做法中可达到目的的是( ) A、受力面积不变,压力减小14 ; B、压力不变,受力面积减小到原来的34 ; C、压力和受力面积同时减小到原来的14 ; D、压力减小12 ,同时受力面积增大1倍。29. 以下关于托里拆利实验的说法中正确的是( ) A、实验使用粗些的玻璃管,测出的压强会偏小; B、玻璃管口插入水银槽中水银面下的位置浅一些, 测出的压强会偏大; C、玻璃管的放置不竖直测出的压强会偏小; D、玻璃管里进入少量空气,测出的压强会偏小。30. 制药厂在培养液中提取抗菌素时,要通过加热去掉培养液中的水分,但又不允许温度达到100,下列的办法中可采用的是( ) A、减小火力; B、加大火力; C、减小液面上的气压; D、增大液面上的气压;31. 以下说法中正确的是( ) A、大气压会把不够坚固的房顶压垮; B、用气压计改成的高度计在宇宙航行中是不能使用的; C、在标准大气压下做托里拆利实验,使用的玻璃管长75厘米左右; D、在高山上不容易煮熟饭,说明那里的水沸点高。32. 一块砖平放在水平地面上,将它切去一半,剩下的一半对地面的压强( ) A、一定是原来的12 ; B、一定和原来的一样; C、一定是原来的2倍; D、条件不足无法确定。33. 放在水平地面的一块铁,它受到的重力是G ,地面对它的支持力是N ,它对地面的压力是F ,则其中属于一对平衡力的是( ) A、N和G; B、N和F; C、G 和F ; D、以上的答案都不对。三、问答题:(8分)34. 人走路时,被石头拌倒会向前倒,这是为什么?A35. 铁路的钢轨为什么不直接铺在路基上,而铺在枕木上?四、作图题:( 6分)B36. 把质量是4千克的物体A放在水平桌面上,请在图中用力的图示画出物体A所受的力。37. 请用力的示意图,在图中画出放在斜面上的物体B受到的重力,物体对斜面C的压力,物体B受到的摩擦力。五、计算题(20分)38. 体积是0.001米3的铁块,受到的重力是多少牛? (4分) ( 铁的密度是7.9103千克米3)39. 质量是45千克的一位同学站在水平地面上,他每只脚与地面的接触面积是150厘米2 ,他对地面的压强是多少? (4分)40. 把一个高20厘米的铁圆柱体竖放在水平地面上,它的底面积是2厘米2,求它对地面上的压强是多少? (5分)41. 一只底面积为0.01米2的盛水烧杯放在面积为1.4米2的水平桌面上,烧杯和水的总重为11牛,烧杯高为0.12米,杯中水深0.1米。求:杯底受到的水的压强;(2分) 杯底受到水的压力;(3分) 桌面受到盛水烧杯的压强 。(2分)六、附加题:(30分,仅作重要参考,不计入总分,请有能力的同学试做,把答题过程写在答卷的背面。每题10分,每题打分为5、8、10三个档次,不详细评评步骤分。)42. 一个1000厘米3的正方体铁块放在1米2的水平桌中央,它对地面的压强是多少?43. 一块砖的密度为2103千克米3,砖的长、宽、厚之比为421,其中长为20厘米。问:(1)砖立放时,对水平地面的压强多大? (2)平放时对地面的压强又是多大?44. 如图所示的容器,上、下两部分均为圆柱形,上部分的内横截面积为5厘米2,下部分的内截面积为100厘米2 ,现向容器中注入2 千克的水,刚好将下部分容器注满。问:(1)容器底部受到水的压强和压力各是多大? (2)要使容器底部受到的水的压力加倍,需再向容器内注入多少质量的水? 南宁一中初二物理备课组LGY编清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:/ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果第二学期期中素质测试初二英语听力部分(20%)一、单句理解,请选择与所听到的句子意义最接近的句子,句子读两遍。5% ( )1. A. Julie is not so tall as Sally. B. Sally is shorter than Julie.C. Julie is taller than Sally. D. Julie and Sally have the same height.( )2. A. Five people were killed by a big storm. B. Five people survived in a big storm.C. Someone killed five people. D. A big storm was killed by five people.( )3. A. No wetlands, no birds. B. Wetlands arent important for birds.C. If we dont protect bird, there will be no wetlands.D. We cant protect birds if we want to protect wetlands( )4. A. People could walk easily in the strong wind. B. People couldnt walk easily in the strong wind. C. People could only run in the strong wind. D. Though the wind was strong, people could walk easily.( )5. A. The baby panda is old enough to look after herself. B. The baby panda is so young that she cant look after herself.C. The baby panda doesn.t want to look after herself.D. The baby panda is young, but she can look after herself.二、情景反应,你将听到一个句子,请选择能正确回答或紧接你所听到的句子,句子读两遍。5% ( )6. A. Are they friends? B. What does “hero” mean?C. Does Nancy like him? D. How great she is!( )7. A. Tigers. B. Bears. C. Lions. D. Giant pandas.( )8. A. Twice a week. B. Yes, I have. C. Twice. D. Often.( )9. A. Yes, Id love to. B. No, I wouldnt. C. Im sorry to hear that. D. What a pity!( )10.A.The earthquake killed thousands of people.B. She fell down a ladder and hurt her leg.C. She went to see her daughter. D. She met her friends and they chatted.三、对话理解,你将听到两个对话,对话读两遍。然后回答相关的问题, 问题读一遍。5%( )11. A. His e-friend. B. His wife. C. The woman. D. A boy.( )12. A. Because lightning hit a house. B. Because the wind was strong.C. Because the farmer was careless. D. Because there was a heavy storm.( )13. A. His e-friend. B. The man. C. The woman. D. No one.( )14. A. Tiananmen Square. B. The Summer Palace. C. The Great Wall. D. A park.( )15. A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. I dont know. D. Maybe.四、听短文,判断正(T)误(F) 5%( )16. Canada Geese have to fly south after summer.( )17. The young birds went on trips in Bills plane so they could follow Bill to Virginia.( )18. Bill took the birds to Virginia because it was warmer there.( )19. The birds returned to Bills home in the winter.( )20. From the passage we can know that Bill likes the birds very much.笔试部分(80%)一、单项选择 15% ( )21. The boss made the workers _ten hours a day.A. work B. to work C. working D. worked( )22. If it _tomorrow, we wont go to see the birds.A. rains B. will rain C. wont rain D. is raining( )23. He _much food _the poor family during the hard time.A. provided, to B. provides, with C. provided, with D. provides, for( )24.The twins has studied in this school . A. two years ago B. since two years ago C. for two yeas ago D. since two years( )25. It _ thirteen years _ Hong Kong returned to China.A. was, since B. is, since C. was, after D. is , after( )26.- Where are Mike and Jack? - They _ the library.A. have gone to B. have been to C. has been to D. has gone to( )27. I was surprised to see my pet cat was still _ after the fire. A. life B. living C. alive D. live ( )28. The place _ be the home of wild red cranes.A. is used to B. used to C. is used D. was used to( )29. Today the forests are getting fewer and fewer. We must _down too many trees.A. keep people from cutting B. prevent people from cuttingC. stop people cutting D. all the above( )30. I think _necessary for us to learn English well.A. it B. that C its D. thats( )31. You can call me_58848312 or e-mail me _.A. on, at B. at, on C. by, on D. on, on( )32. My son_ up yet because he _ to bed very late last night. A. hasnt got, has gone B. didnt get, went C. doesnt get, went D. hasnt got, went( )33.Our teacher is coming. Please stop _ and keep _. A. talking; quiet B. to talk; quiet C. talking; quietly D. to talk; quietly( )34. He feels _ when he was _.A. lonely, lonely B. alone, alone C. lonely, alone D. alone, lonely( )35. Nobody likes him because he always thinks more of himself than_.A. other B. the other C. others D. the others二、完形填空. 10% A coal mine gas explosion(煤矿瓦斯爆炸) yesterday morning in Tongchuan, Shanxi Province in Northwest China, killed five miners(矿工) and left 36 missing. The explosion took place(发生) in the Chenjiashan Coal Mine in Tongchuan at about 7:10 a.m. yesterday, 37 293 miners were working underground. People above ground saw thick smoke 38 out of a mine at about 7:30 when communication underground was 39 .Shortly after the accident, President Hu Jintao gave instructions urging(督促) the local government and departments 40 their best to save the 41 miners.It was about 8000 metres from 42 the workplace where the explosion took place. It was very difficult to save those trapped miners. By 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, 127 out of the 293 workers working there when the explosion took place were brought up. Five were dead, and another 166 43 . An officer said 44 there is no air in the underground area where the missing miners are, it is 45 for them to have survived.( )36. A. 166 others B. another 166 C. 166 the other D. the other 166( )37. A. after B. before C. when D. since( )38. A. comes B. was coming C. coming D. came( )39. A. got off B. put off C. cut off D. taken off( )40. A. tried B. to try C. to try to D. tried to ( )41. A. trapping B. were trapping C. trapped D. were trapped( )42. A. the entrance of B. the entrance to C. the way to D. the way of( )43. A. were missed B. missing C. were missing D. to miss( )44. A. because B. while C. because of D. like( )45. A. possible B. impossible C. unpossible D. possiblely三、阅读理解. 30%(A) Desert plants have special features, that allow them to survive the hard conditions of the desert. A cactus (仙人掌) can store water when it rains. It then uses this water during the long dry season. The small needles on some kinds of cacti may number in the tens of thousands. These sharp thorns (刺) protect the cactus. They also form tiny shadows in the sunlight that help keep the plant from getting too hot. Other plants are able to live by dropping their leaves. This cuts down on the evaporation of their water supply in the hot sun. Still other plants survive as seeds(种子), protected from the sun and heat by tough seed coats. When it rains, the seeds sprout quickly, bloom and produce more seeds that can withstand a long dry spells(一段时间). Some plants spread their roots close to the Earths surface to quickly gather water when it does rain. Other plants, such as the mesquite(豆科灌木), have roots that grow 50 or 60 feet below the ground to reach underground water supplies. ( )46. Based on the other words in the sentence, what is the correct definition of survive? A. Continue to live. B. To be dead. C. Bloom in the desert. D. Flower. ( )47. Based on the other words in the sentence, what is the correct definition of evaporation? A. Having lots of water. B. Water loss from heat. C. Much-needed rainfall. D. Boiling. ( )48. Based on the other words in the sentence, what is the correct definition of withstand? A. Put up with. B. Stand with another. C. Take from. D. Get rid of. ( )49. Based on the other words in the sentence, what is the correct definition of cacti? A. A type of sand dune. B. A type of animal. C. More than one cactus. D. A team of camels. ( )50. Based on the other words in the sentence, what is the correct definition of sprout? A. A type of bean that grows only in the desert. B. Begin to grow. C. A kind of plants. D. A small flower. (B)Do you like dogs? Many people sometimes like to read stories about dogs very much. Because they think that dogs are much cleverer than cats, sheep, cows or other animals in their homes.Bob, one of my friends, has a very large police dog, named Jack. Every Sunday afternoon, Bob and Jack have a walk in the park nearby. Jack likes their walks very much.One Sunday afternoon, I paid a visit to my friend. I stayed there for a long time and we had much more talk with each other than ever before. Soon it was time for them to take a walk in the park. We forgot that. Jack became worried about it. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in from of me and looked at me. But I still paid no attention( 注意 )to him. I went on talking with my friend. At last, Jack could not wait any longer. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down in front of me again. But this time, he held my hat in his mouth. By then, I understood what Jack meant and so did my friend. ( )51. In the story there are _ people. A. three B. two C. four D. ten( )52. Jack_. A. is a close friend of mine B. enjoys walks in the roomC. enjoys walks in the park every Sunday afternoon D. has many close friend( )53. Jack was very worried because _. A. it was Sunday afternoon again B. three were many talks that afternoon C. I did not want to leave D. it was time for him to take a walk( )54. Jack took my hat in his mouth to show that _. A. he liked my hat very much B. I mush leave the house at once C. he was hungry and he tired to eat it D. he wanted to have a rest in it( )55. Which of the following is right?A. When Jack and I were talking, my friend did not pay any attention to us.B. When I was talking to my friend, Jack didnt pay any attention to us.C. When my friend was talking to Jack, I paid no attention to them.D. When my friend and I were talking, we didnt pay any attention to Jack. (C)Noonewantstolooksillyordothewrongthingatanewjob.Itisimportanttomaketherightimpression(印象)fromtheveryfirstday.Youwillfacenewpeople. Youwillbeinanewplace. Itmaybedifficulttoknowwhattodo.Herearefivetipstohelpyoumakeitthroughthefirst daysatanewjob: 1.Firs
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- 老旧供热管网改造工程技术标投标方案
- 碲化镉薄膜太阳电池
- 机械制造工艺学课程设计阶梯轴夹具设计
- Q-CR 9521-2018 高速铁路信号工程细部设计和工艺质量标准
- GB/T 9161-2001关节轴承杆端关节轴承
- GB/T 2820.7-2002往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组第7部分:用于技术条件和设计的技术说明
- GB/T 26060-2010钛及钛合金铸锭
- 基础写作全套课件507