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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(II )卷(4)一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)Hurry up! The plane will _ at six oclock. A . put offB . take offC . get offD . turn off2. (2分)I need _ food and water at work.A . many moreB . some moreC . any moreD . one more3. (2分)I often hear her _this song. Listen! Cant you hear her _in the next room?A . sing, singB . singing, singingC . singing, singD . sing, singing4. (2分)Chongming Island is _ island in China. A . the third largeB . the third largestC . third largeD . third largest5. (2分)Nancy, as well as her brother, always _ their parents in daily life. A . depend onB . depends onC . dependD . depends6. (2分)Is therein todays newspaper?A . something newB . new somethingC . new anythingD . anything new7. (2分)Why are you late for school today?Im sorry. I didnt catch the early bus and I had to the next one.A . wait forB . ask forC . care for8. (2分)Why didnt July do her homework last night?She said that her hand hurt, but that was only a(n)_ . I saw her play computer games with friends cheerfully this morning.A . matterB . excuseC . resultD . cause9. (2分)Which month has _ days in a year? FebruaryA . the mostB . leastC . moreD . the fewest10. (2分)Could I sit here? _. Its Mr. Lis seat.A . Yes, you could.B . Yes, sure.C . Of course not.D . Sorry, you cant.二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)Sometimes you may not understand your parents. One minute they are friendly, the next minute theyre shouting and screaming loudly enough for the whole street to hear. So who makes them so1? You, probably!Is your room untidy? Do you leave things on the floor? You may find it hard enough to keep one room tidy. So imagine what 2like for your mum and dad trying to keep a whole house in order.When you take your clothes off, remember to3. Get into the habit if taking glasses and plates down to the kitchen. Before long youll be doing it without thinking.Even though you may not realize it, your parents have bought you many clothes. But theyre not buying themselves new things every week, are they? The simple truth is that there are more 4things to spend money on, like the electricity bill and food.You may hate missing a party to visit some boring old relatives. They may go on and on about what a sweet baby you were. You have no choice but to listen. Even if you 5, your parents wont change their minds. Parents like to show off their family. The best thing you can do is to help entertain(使高兴) your relatives. Your parents will be so pleased with you afterwards that theyll probably allow you to go to the next two 6.You might not want to eat, but think of it from the parents point of view. If you cook two meals a day, it 7730 meals a year. Can you imagine how boring this can get? Imagine how your parents feel when you say youre not really hungry. 8, your parents are probably worried that you arent eating enough.Eat 9snacks and leave room for your meals. Finally, offer to10after the meal. Your offer may not be accepted, but your parents will be pleased.(1)A . friendly B . lonely C . changeable D . comfortable (2)A . its B . it C . theyre D . thats (3)A . hang them up B . leave them alone C . put them on D . throw them away (4)A . interesting B . difficult C . important D . surprising (5)A . agree B . complain C . listen D . win (6)A . concerts B . meetings C . classes D . parties (7)A . takes B . costs C . spends D . means (8)A . In addition(加之) B . In return C . At most D . At last (9)A . more B . less C . fewer D . many (10)A . do the cooking B . lay the table C . buy some snacks D . wash the dishes 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共38分)12. (10分) Come And Join Us!We warmly welcome you to the Shine Sports Centre!All the young people in this city can become members of the Shine Sports Centre and each member should pay $10 every year. To be a member of us and get your membership card(会员卡),you need to come to us between 2 pm and 6 pm, Monday to Thursday. I have to tell you that we dont accept new members on Friday. Now, there are three things that you must remember to bring with you when you come for a membership card. They are your ID card, a recent passport-sized photo of yourself and the money. We cant give you the card unlessyou bring all the three.Once you have got your membership card, you need to bring it with you whenever you come to book or use any facility(设备)in Shine Sports Centre. Booking over the phone is not allowed, so you have to come here with your card when you want to book. There is one more thing I have to tell you. Our opening hours is from 9 am to 10 pm on weekdays and from 10 am to 6 pm on weekends. We hope that every member can have a great time in the Shine Sports Centre.(1)You can use the facilities in the Shine Sports Centre at_.A . 9 am on SundayB . 5 pm on WednesdayC . 7 am on ThursdayD . 9 am on Saturday(2)You and your classmate have to spend _ on the membership card for two years.A . $10B . $20C . $30D . $40(3)What does the underlined word book mean in Chinese in this passage?A . 书B . 账册C . 预定D . 记录(4)Which of the following is TRUE?A . All people have the chance to be members of the Centre.B . You can get the membership card at 6 oclock in the morning.C . You cant book the facilities over the telephone.D . You dont need to bring the membership card when you need to use the facilities.(5)Who is the advertisement written for?A . Young peopleB . Old people.C . Couples.D . Little kids.13. (10分)阅读理解In many English homes, people have four meals(餐) a day: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea(茶) and dinner.People have breakfast from 7:00 to 9: 00 in the morning. They eat eggs or(或者) bread. English people drink tea or milk for breakfast, too. Lunch comes at about 13:00. Afternoon tea is from 16:00 to 17:00, and dinner is about 19:30. They often have soup(汤), and they have some chicken or fish with vegetables. Then they eat some bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people have meals like that. Some of them dont have their dinners in the evening(晚上).(1)Many English people have _ meals a day. A . oneB . twoC . threeD . four(2)Usually, people in English dont have _ for their breakfast. A . breadB . fishC . milkD . eggs(3)People in English have lunch _. A . from 7:00 to 9:00B . at about 13:00C . at 19:30D . from 16:00 to 17:00(4)Usually, people in England have _ for their dinner. A . bananas, apples or eggsB . soup, bananas or milkC . soup, chicken or fish with vegetablesD . soup, milk and vegetables(5)Do all the English people eat in the same way(方式)? A . No, not all the English people eat in the same way.B . Yes, all the English people eat in the same way.C . No, some of them dont have lunch at all.D . Sorry, we dont know.14. (10分) Air is all around us. It is around us as we talk and play. From the moment we were born, We are surrounded(围绕)by air. When we sit down, it is around us. When we go to bed, air is also around us. Wherever we are on the earth, We are surrounded by air. We live in air.All living things need air, living things cant live without air. We can go without food or water for a few days, but we cant live for more than a few minutes without air. We breathe(呼吸)in air. When we are working or running, We need more air. So we breathe faster than usual. When we are asleep, We need less air.(1)From the text, we know that on the earth _A . there is air everywhereB . some animals dont need airC . plants need more airD . for a long time people dont need air(2)The writer tells us that _A . there is less air on the earth than on the moonB . the earth is covered with airC . the earth is covered with waterD . there is no air on the earth(3)Which is the first important thing for peoples lives?A . WaterB . AirC . FoodD . Sunlight(4)Which of the following things needs air?A . LandB . A mirrorC . A catD . A river(5)A man needs more air when he _A . diesB . runs fastC . takes a restD . sleeps15. (8分)阅读短文,根据题目要求完成各小题。There was a man had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to judge things too quickly. So he sent them to go and look at a pear tree far away in turnsThe first son went in the winter, the second in the spring, the third in summer, and the youngest son in the fall they had all gone and come back, he called them together to describe they had seen. The first son said the tree was ugly. The second son said no-it was covered with green leaves and full of hope. The third son disagreed, he said there were many flowers that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful, it was the most wonderful thing he had ever seen. The last son disagreed with all of them, he said there was lots of fruit on the tree,full of life and harvest.The man then explained to his sons that they were all right, but they had each seen only one season in the trees life. He told them, You cannot judge a tree, or a person by only one season and its true nature-the pleasure, joy, and love that come from that life can only be measured (测量)at the end, when all the seasons are up.If you give up when its winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer, the harvest of your fall.Dont let the pain of one season kill the joy of all the rest.(1)Why did the man ask his sons to go and look at a pear tree in turns?_(2)根据短文内容,将what,when,that三个单词填到(1)(2)(3)(4)处。_(3)What did the man think of his sons answers?_(4)请将文中划线句子翻译成汉语。_(5)请给短文拟一个适当的英文题目。_四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共7分)16. (7分)阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。(1) Waht did your sister do last weekend? She_. (和朋友一起闲逛拍照) (hang)(2) Can you help me with my mobile phone? Sorry. I_ (恐怕这部手机修不好了). (repair)(3) Does he like reading books? Yes. So far, he_(已读完一百多本书了). (finish)(4) Do you like the game shows? No, I dont._.(事实上,我无法忍受它们。) (stand)(5) Look at_ (那群正打沙滩排球的人). (group) They look so cool.(6) Bob speaks Chinese quite well. Yes, so he does. He_ (花半小时练习学汉语) every day.(spend)(7) What did he tell you just now? He_ (告诉我他将邀请我看电影)the next day. (invite)五、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)请根据句意从方框中选用合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。not rain discuss finish try spend_All of us hope you _ your best to learn English well this term._How long _ you _ solving this problem yesterday afternoon._If it _ next Sunday,we will have a f


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