外研版(三起)(2012)小学英语三年级下册Module 10 Unit 2 Shes got an orange sweater.导学案.doc_第1页
外研版(三起)(2012)小学英语三年级下册Module 10 Unit 2 Shes got an orange sweater.导学案.doc_第2页
外研版(三起)(2012)小学英语三年级下册Module 10 Unit 2 Shes got an orange sweater.导学案.doc_第3页
外研版(三起)(2012)小学英语三年级下册Module 10 Unit 2 Shes got an orange sweater.导学案.doc_第4页
外研版(三起)(2012)小学英语三年级下册Module 10 Unit 2 Shes got an orange sweater.导学案.doc_第5页




九年级Module10 Unit2 导学案 【教学目标】知识与技能:能读懂文章,并从中获取信息;能用that引导的定语从句描写自己的旅行经历。过程与方法:通过互相与合作的方法,学会阅读,并能用获取的信息来处理信息。情感目标:了解异域文化,增强民族意识,平等的对待他人。【学习重难点】能够理解和掌握that引导的限定性定语从句的用法。【教学过程】课前朗读:be surprised at, period, spirit, relationship, relative, ham, salad, grape, surf, kangaroo, riding, lazy, ridePre-reading Warming up1. Look at the pictures and say words Whats the name of this country?2. Talk about : What do you know about Australia? Australia is a beautiful country. It is . 3. Watch a video and enjoy Australian beautiful sceneries.Lead-in Look at the pictures and describe them. Now guess what Tony is going to say in his letter. 温馨提示:注意选项中的关键词。A. He tells us the interesting history of Australia.B. He talks about some interesting things in Australia, such as the people, weather and language.C. He invites his parents to Australia because it is very beautiful. While-reading Step1 Fast reading Match the headings and the paragraphs. 温馨提示:各段落的大意应注意段落的开头句和结尾句。Paragraph1 a) Australian lifestyleParagraph2 b) The language Australians speak Paragraph3 c) The weather of AustraliaParagraph4 d) Events during the tripParagraph5、6 e) Ayers rock and the AboriginesStep2 Skimming reading Read the letter in Activity 2 again and find: 细节性问题:跳读全文,找准关键词。1. five colours: purple, red2. three animals:3. four kinds of food:4. four sports:Step3 Careful reading Read Paragraph 1 and answer the questions 细节性问题:找准特殊疑问词等关键词,再到文中捕捉信息。1. what was Tony surprised at?2. How did Tony see the rock on the first day?3. What color do the rocks show at different periods of the day?4. What do the Aboriginal stories describe?Paragraph 2: Fill in the blanks and pay attention to the sentences.1 Whats Australians favorite foods?The foods _ _ _ _ are _ _ _with_ 2. Whats their favorite games? The games _ _ _ _are Austrilian football, _ _ or _.Paragraph 3 & 4: Read and tell T or F. 细节性问题:找准相关语句,再判断正误。1 Its December and winter in Australia. ( )2. There are lots of sheep near the coast . ( )3. Australians and Englishmen speak the same English. ( )Paragraph 5&6:1. What did Tony do the next day after they arrived at Ayers Rock?2. Why was Tony left far behind the others ? 3. How is Tony going back to Sydney?Think over In the passage, the writer mainly wants to tell us _ 主旨大意题:把握全文主题:理解中心思想,培养学生归纳概括和综合阅读能力。A. Australia is a country that has a long history.B. Australia is a country that has the same weather as Britain.C. Australia is a country that is worth (值得) visiting.D. Australia is a country that has a large population.Step 4 Language points1. On the first day, we took a plane tour over the rock, and I was surprised at how big it was be surprised at +n.(v.+ing) 对感到惊奇 主语是人 e.g. 他去世的消息令我感到震惊。 _ besurprised 后还可接不定式和 that 引导的从句。e.g. Im surprised that he should have been so foolish. 我很奇怪他竟然会这么傻。【联想】 surprise n. 吃惊 toonessurprise “让某人吃惊的是”, 常位于句首, 作状语, 表示行为的结果。 e.g._, she failed in the examination.让她吃惊的是, 她考试没及格。2. Read the letter again then find out Attributive Clauses(定语从句) in the passage(1)(2)(3)(4)After reading Step 5 学以致用A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.grape ham lie period relationship relative salad spirit1. We can eat _ or drink their juice.2. _ is made of cold vegetables that you do not need to cook.3. _ is made from pork.4. I have some _ in Australiamy mothers brother and his family live there. 5. The Aborigines have many stories about the _ that created the world. 6. The Aborigines lived in Australia for a long _ of time before the Europeans arrived.7. We were _ on the beach in the sun yesterday afternoon.8. The close _ between the two countries has a long history.B. Choose the right answer1. -Do you know the man _ is running along the street?-Yes,he is our English teacher. A.who B. which C. whom D.what2. I wont forget the people and the things _ I met with in the small village . A.who B. which C. that D.what 3. She is the girl _ invention got the first prize in the school coppetition .A.who B. that C. which D.whose4. I saw many _ eating grass on the hill. A. horse B. sheep C .cow D. rabbitStep6 Writing Write a letter about a visit to a place in China.Choose a place you have visited in China, Write a lis


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