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沪教版2020届九年级英语教学质量调研试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)I think it is important for kids to learn how to manage _ money. A . aB . anC . theD . /2. (2分)It was her _ performance(表演). Her successful career _ only 10 years.A . last, lastB . last, lasted forC . lasted, lastedD . lasted, lasted for3. (2分)age 7, Bruce won second prize in the piano competition.A . InB . AtC . OnD . For4. (2分)I think the girl under the tree must be Alice. No,it be her.She is in the gym now.A . cantB . mustntC . mayD . may not5. (2分)Im going to take him to some famous hutongshe can learn more about China. A . becauseB . whenC . so thatD . as if6. (2分)He is not stupid. In fact, hes very clever.A . carefulB . foolishC . smart7. (2分)Betty never _the old house because her parents asks her not to do that. A . is visitingB . are visitingC . visitD . visits8. (2分)My father gave me a bike on my birthday( )A . tenB . a tenthC . the tenthD . tenth9. (2分)How many students are there in the classroom?_.A . NoB . No oneC . NoneD . Nobody10. (2分)Hello! Is that Jenny speaking?Sorry, Im afraid youve got the wrong _.A . nameB . numberC . message11. (2分) How did the famous captain die? He _ illness _ his way home from Japan.A . died of; onB . died with; onC . died of; inD . died with; in12. (2分)About _of the students in Grade Nine this year were born in the _. A . three-five / 1996B . three-fifths / 1990sC . third-fifth / 1997D . third-fifths / 1990s13. (2分) Do you know _ about China? The people and the food.A . if Jim likesB . how does Jim likeC . why does Jim likeD . what Jim likes14. (2分)The movie is boring. He _ it. A . lovesB . doesnt standC . cant stand15. (2分) Hi, Lucy. Nice to meet you. Hi, Jim. _.A . Fine, thank youB . Nice to meet youC . Good morningD . How do you do二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) My 4-year-old daughter Maddie once taught me a good lesson.One day, we were taking a walk in the park. Then we 1 some kids (小孩) around an old lady, laughing at her. A little boy said, Look at this funny lady! She is 2and she is crying!Maddie walked to the woman. I wanted to 3her away from the woman. But Maddie sat 4the woman and held her hand. The woman looked down at Maddie and a5appeared on her face. Maddie gave the woman a hug(拥抱) and then left.On the way home, I asked her, Maddie, 6did you go up to that woman for and hold her hand? All the other kids were either laughing at her or 7her?Maddie looked at me and said, I did that to tell her God (上帝)8her. It can make her feel better! I was 9. A 4-year-old little girl showed me what love 10means. What a kind girl!(1)A . heard B . saw C . asked D . met (2)A . hungry B . shy C . dirty D . ill (3)A . bring B . send C . carry D . take (4)A . beside B . behind C . next D . between (5)A . question B . change C . smile D . pity (6)A . what B . how C . why D . which (7)A . worried about B . crazy about C . afraid of D . tired of (8)A . loves B . follows C . needs D . knows (9)A . glad B . strange C . excited D . surprised (10)A . usually B . really C . certainly D . finally 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共42分)17. (10分)根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)或(F)。Dear Linda,Do you want to know about my family? Well, I have a big family. My grandfather is Li Haitao. Hes 60 years old. My grandmother is Huang Yingying. Shes 59 years old. I have two aunts and an uncle. They are Li Li, Li Jia and Li Ming. Li Li is in America. She has a daughter. Her name is Rose. Shes a three-year-old girl. They often come to Beijing to see us. Li Ming has a son named Li Xiaoping. Li Xiaoping is in England. He is a teacher. My parents are teachers, too. They work in No.1 Middle School in Beijing. Im in No.1 Middle School, too. Oh, my father is my English teacher.Yours, Li Yin(1)Li Ying is in Beijing.(2)Li Yings cousin is in China.(3)Li Jia has a son named Li Xiaoping.(4)Huang Yingying is Li Yings grandmother.(5)Li Ying is in No.1 Middle School and her mother is her English teacher.18. (10分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。My name is Tom. I come from England. I like to have friends who are different from me. My best friend is Paul. Paul is funnier, more outgoing and athletic than me. He always tells jokes and makes me laugh. We also like different things. He likes going to the movies. He likes playing sports. He likes pop music. But I like reading books. He often asks me to go to the movies and gives me some interesting books. And I often give him CDs. We often help each other.(1)Where is Tom from? A . England.B . America.C . Japan.(2)Who is Toms best friend? A . Mary.B . Paul.C . Tim.(3)What does Paul like going? A . Going to the movies.B . Playing sports.C . Both A and B.(4)What does Paul often give Tom? A . Interesting books.B . Basketballs.C . Magazines.(5)What does Paul always do? A . Tells jokes.B . Stays at home.C . Reads books.19. (16分)阅读下列短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Mrs White had a problem. Her young son, Timmy, hated to go to bed at night. Mrs White read to him and gave him warm milk, but Timmy refused to fall asleep. No matter what she did, Timmy wanted to stay up. One day Mrs White had an idea.Ever since Uncle Charlie had taken him sailing, Timmy wanted to be a sailor. He loved fishing with his father. He loved to watch the waves wash against his hair. “some day,” Timmy said, “Im going to have my own boat. And Im going to be the captain.”So Mrs White had a boat builtone that could be hung from the ceiling in her sons bedroom. She felt that if he could sleep in the boat, he would want to go to bed at night.The boat builder made the boat and hung it in Timmys bedroom. Timmy loved it.Finally Timmy was happy to go to bed.(1)Who once took Timmy sailing? A . Mrs. White.B . Mr. White.C . Uncle Charlie.D . The boat builder.(2)Who once took Timmy sailing? A . Mrs. White.B . Mr. White.C . Uncle Charlie.D . The boat builder.(3)One of Timmys dreams was to be _. A . a captainB . a storytellerC . a fishermanD . an engineer(4)One of Timmys dreams was to be _. A . a captainB . a storytellerC . a fishermanD . an engineer(5)Mrs. White had a boat built for Timmy to _. A . go fishing inB . play withC . go sailing inD . sleep in(6)Mrs. White had a boat built for Timmy to _. A . go fishing inB . play withC . go sailing inD . sleep in(7)Which sentence is the most suitable to be put in the last paragraph? A . But Mrs. White disliked it.B . And Mrs. White loved it too.C . But Mrs. White doubted it.D . And Mrs. White couldnt fall asleep.(8)Which sentence is the most suitable to be put in the last paragraph? A . But Mrs. White disliked it.B . And Mrs. White loved it too.C . But Mrs. White doubted it.D . And Mrs. White couldnt fall asleep.20. (6分)阅读理解In August 2040, People in Garden city are buying their homes and cars on the Internet from QuickB. Here is the website.(1)Which of the following is the best for the blank (空格) in Paragraph2? A . It is also smart.B . It is also common.C . It is also quiet.D . It is also beautiful.(2)What can we do in the CJ3 according to the passage? get information about the weather order the food book a restaurant see all the traffic in front of us know where we areA . B . C . D . (3)Which word can we use to describe both the house and the car? A . Large.B . Green.C . Cheap.D . Small.四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空,每空只写词。 (共10题;共16分)21. (1分)Now Ben is _(描述) his new pen friend to his parents. 22. (1分)Ill move to _(俄罗斯). I will get a new job there. 23. (1分)Its good to relax by using the Internet, _(然而), the best way to relax is through exercise. 24. (7分)写出下列动词的过去式。study_get_sing_ play_ visit_ move_shout_25. (1分)Are you free t_?Yes26. (1分)This sweater feels much_(软的)than that one27. (1分)I dont like speaking English, because I am afraid of _ (make) mistakes. 28. (1分)Nowadays more and more foreigners are getting _ (interest) in Chinese culture. 29. (1分)LiYundi is a famous _(piano) around the world. 30. (1分)Saturday is to weekend as Tuesday is to _ . 五、 汉译英 (共5题;共15分)31. (1分)An apple a day _(医生远离我)。 32. (6分)不应该允许青少年吸烟。 Teenagers _ _ _ _ _ _.33. (2分)不要打人的脸部。 Dont_people _the face. 34. (1分)她妈妈想知道她是什么时候回到家的。Her mother wanted to know_.35. (5分)我不再在餐食之间吃甜点心了。 六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)36. (5分)A.This electric(电子的) product can make you cool during hot days. It can help you change the temperature and control the huimdity(湿度).B. This can help you wash your dirty clothes and dry them. You just need to turn it on and later hang the clothes on the line.C. You can do many things with this product, such as sending e-mails, playing games, getting on line and listening to music.D. Each family needs it to keep meat, vegetables, fruits and drinks cool and fresh on hot days.E. It is a very helpful product which tells you the time. It can wake you up at any time you want.F. When you wash your hair, you need this product to make wet hair dry right away.Match the information according to what you read.Lucy is often late for school becauses he always gets up late. She needs to buy something to wake her up in the morning._Bob likes listening to music when he is free. And he has to send e-mails to his customers(顾客)every day. He wants to buy something that can help him._Summer has come. Peter is heavy and he cant sleep well on such hot days.


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