



(1) Todays a verage car contains more than 15,000 separate, individual parts that must work together.These parts can be grouped into four major categories: body, engine, chassis and electrical equipment 。当今的车辆一般都由15000多个分散、独立且相互配合的零部件组成。这些零部件主要分为四类:车身、发动机、底盘和电气设备。(2) The body is designed to keep passengers safe and comfortable. The body styling provides an attractive, colorful, modern appearance for the vehicle. 车身的设计要保证乘客安全舒适。车身的款式使得汽车看起来漂亮迷人、色彩斑斓、时尚前卫。 (3)The internal combustion engine is most common: thisobtains its power by burning a liquid fuel inside the engine cylinder. There are two types of engine: gasoline and diesel . Both engines are called heat engines; the burning fuel generates heat which causes the gas inside the cylinder to increase its pressure and supply power to rotate a shaft connected to the transmission .内燃机是最常见的,其动力来自气缸里液体燃料的燃烧。发动机有汽油机和柴油机两种,都称为热机。燃料燃烧产生热量,使得气缸内气体压力升高,从而提供动力,带动连接变速器的轴旋转.(4) The purpose of the complete suspension system is to isolate the vehicle body from road shocks and vibrations, which will otherwise be transferred to the passengers and load. It must also keep the tires in contact with the road regardless of road surface.整个悬架系统的作用是隔离来自路面的冲击和振动对车身的影响,防止它们传递给乘客和货物。另外不论路面如何,悬架系统都应该保持轮胎和路面的接触。(5) Drum brakes have a drum attached to the wheel hub, and braking occurs by means of brake shoes expanding against the inside of the drum. With disc brakes, a disc attached to the wheel hub n two brake pads.在鼓式制动器上,制动鼓和轮毂连接,制动蹄张开压紧制动鼓内侧从而产生制动。在盘式制动器上,连着轮毂的制动盘,被紧紧夹在两个制动块之间。 (6) The electrical system supplies electricity for the starter, ignition, lights and heater. The electricity is clenched betweelevel i s maintained by a charging crcuit. 电器系统为起动机、点火系、照明和加热设备提供电流。电流的大小由充电电路来维持。2) Cylinder sleeves are used in engine blocks to provide a hard wearing material for pistons and piston rings. The block can be made of one kind of iron that is light and easy to cast while the sleeves uses another that is better able to stand up wear and tear. There are two main types of sleeves: dry and wet. (Page 10)缸体中的气缸套为活塞和活塞环提供了一种坚硬耐磨的材料。缸体可以采用某种重量轻且易铸造的铁来制造,而缸套使用的却是另一种更加耐磨损的材料制成。主要有两种类型的气缸套:干缸套和湿缸套。3) The cylinder head fastens to the top of the block, just as a roof fits over a house. The underside forms the combustion chamber with the top of the piston. In-line engines of light vehicles have just one cylinder head for all cylinders; larger in-line engines can have two or more. (Page 14)气缸盖安装在缸体的顶部,就像安在房子上的屋顶一样。缸盖的下方和活塞顶部形成燃烧室。轻型车上使用的直列发动机,所有气缸仅有一个气缸盖,较大的直列发动机有两个或更多缸盖。4) The oil pump in the lubricating system draws oil from the oil pan and sends it to all working parts in the engine. The oil drains off and runs down into the pan. Thus, there is constant circulation of oil between the pan and the working pats of the engine. (Page 15)润滑系的机油泵从油底壳抽出机油,并把机油输送给发动机的所有工作部件。机油从油底壳流进流出。因而在油底壳和发动机的工作部件之间就有机油定向循环流动。 1) Most pistons are made from cast aluminum. The piston, through the connecting rod, transfers to the crankshaft the force created by the burning fuel mixture. This force turns the crankshaft. (Page 大多数活塞由铝铸造而成。通过连杆的作用,活塞把可燃混合气燃烧产生的力传递给曲轴,带动曲轴旋转。2) In diesel engines, the combustion chamber may be formed totally or in part in the piston crown, depending on method of injection. (Page 18柴油机发动机根据喷油方法不同,活塞头部可以形成全部燃烧室,也可以是燃烧室的一部分3) In modern engines, each piston has three rings. (Piston in older engines sometimes had four rings, or even five.)The inside surface of the ring fits in the groove on the piston. The rings outside surface presses against the cylinder walls.在新型发动机上,每个活塞有三个活塞环。(在老式发动机上,每个活塞有四个甚至五个活塞环)环的内侧装在活塞的环槽里,环的外表面紧压在气缸壁上。4) The connecting rod little end is connected to the piston pin. A bush made from a soft metal, such as bronze, is used for this joint. The lower end of the connecting rod fit the crankshaft journal. This is called the big end. (Page 19)连杆小头与活塞销连接,连接处有像青铜这样软金属制成的衬套,连杆下端连接在曲柄轴径上,称为连杆大头。5) N.B. No.4 piston is always performing the companion stroke to No.1: when the inlet valve in No.4 cylinder is fully open, No.1 cylinder inlet valve is fully closed - this feature is useful to remember when checking valve clearances. (Page 20注意4号活塞和1号活塞总是成对运行:1号气缸进气门全闭时,4号气缸进气门全开这个特点在检查气门间隙时是很有用的。6) As each cylinder fires, it causes the crank throw to speed up. The inertia of the rest of shaft cause it to stay slightly behind, resulting in a twisting action on the crankshaft. (Page 20)当一气缸点火时,使曲拐的转速提高,而轴的其它部分由于惯性作用,有所滞后,从而导致曲轴扭转。Each cam must revolve once during the four-stroke cycle to open a valve. A cycle, remember, corresponds with two revolutions of the crankshaft. Therefore, the camshaft must revolve at exactly half the speed of the crankshaft. This accomplished with a 2:1 gear ratio. A gear connected to the camshaft has twice the number of teeth as a gear connected to the crankshaft. (p29)在一个四冲程的循环里,每个凸轮转动一次来打开一个气门。在一个循环里曲轴是转动两圈的。因此,凸轮轴必须以曲轴转速的一半旋转,这是由2:1的传动比来实现的。连接凸轮轴的齿轮齿数是连接曲轴的齿轮齿数的2倍。An electronic valve control system replaces the mechanical camshaft, controlling each valve with actuators for independent valve timing. The EVC system controls the opening and closing time and lift amount of each intake and exhaust valve with independent actuators on each valve. Changing from a mechanical driven valve into independently controlled actuator valve provides a huge amount of flexibility in engine control strategy. (p30)电子气门控制系统代替了机械式的凸轮轴,用执行器控制每个气门独立的进、排气正时。EVC通过每个气门上的独立执行器控制进气门和排气门的开启、关闭时间以及升程量。由机械式驱动气门到独立控制执行器气门的转变,极大的增加了发动机控制策略的灵活性。Diesel engine gets this name from the pioneer work done by Dr Rudolf Diesel. The diesel is used for the majority of heavy vehicles and the excellent fuel economy makes it an attractive alternative to the petrol engine for light commercial vehicles, delivery vans and taxis.柴油发动机的名称来源于Rudolf Diesel博士所完成的开拓性工作。大多数重型车辆使用柴油,优良的燃油经济性使得柴油机成为具有吸引力的替代品,来代替轻型商用车、厢式运输货车和出租车上汽油机。As diesel engines always deal with interior mixture formation only a heterogeneous mixture is obtained in the combustion chamber. In heterogeneous mixtures the excess-air factor extends from pure air in the spray periphery (l= infinite) to pure fuel in the spray core (l= 0)由于柴油机总是只在气缸内部形成可燃混合气,在燃烧室内就会得到不均匀的混合气。不均匀混合气的过量空气系数范围从喷射外围纯空气的无穷大到喷射中心纯燃料的零。The fuel-injection system on a diesel engine must do a number of important things. First, it must meter the correct amount of fuel to run the engine at the speed and load demanded by the driver. Then it must deliver the metered fuel equally to all cylinders, at exactly the right time. Next, it must inject the fuel at the correct rate and spray pattern for the best burning in the combustion chamber. (P48)柴油机的燃油喷射系统要完成许多重要的工作。首先,它必须定量供应准确数量的燃油,使发动机在驾驶员所要求的转速和负荷条件下运行。然后,它必须准确地在恰当的时刻把定量供应的燃油平均分配给每一个气缸。为使燃烧室中燃料燃烧效果最好,它又必须以准确的速度和喷射方式喷油。With the injector pump on the low part (base circle) of the camshaft, the inlet and spill ports are open. This allows fuel to flow at 268 kPa into the venturi on top of the plunger. As the camshaft turns, the lobe moves the plunger upward. This raised the fuel pressure, forcing fuel through the delivery valve and on through the lines. The lobe continues to move the plunger upward to a point where the spiral groove in the plunger uncovers the spill port in the venturi. At this point, fuel above the plunger drains through the spill port. This is the end of injection. (P.49)当喷油泵处于凸轮轴基圆时,进油孔和回油孔都打开,柴油以268KPa的压力流入柱塞上方的柱塞腔。凸轮轴旋转时,凸圆使柱塞向上移动,油压增加,柴油从出油阀流出送入高压油管。凸圆继续推动柱塞向上移动,直到柱塞运动到螺旋槽打开柱塞腔上的回油孔时的位置,此时,柱塞上方的柴油从回油孔流出,喷油过程结束。1) Dry Friction Clutch When a vehicle is to be moved from rest the clutch must engage a stationary gearbox shaft with the engine; this must be rotating at a high speed to provide sufficient power or else the load will be too great and the engine will stall (come to rest).当汽车原地起步时,离合器要将静止的变速器轴同发动机接合起来,此时发动机必须高速旋转以提供足够大的功率,否则载荷过大将引起发动机熄火。2)The driving member(主动部分)The driving member consists of two parts: the flywheel and the pressure plate. The flywheel is bolted directly to the engine crankshaft and rotates when the crankshaft turns. The pressure plate is bolted to the flywheel. The result is that both flywheel and pressure plate rotate together. 主动部分由飞轮和压盘两部件组成。飞轮用螺栓直接连接到发动机曲轴上,随曲轴旋转而旋转。压盘与飞轮连接,这样飞轮和压盘一起旋转。1) The modern automobile engine is a powerful, lightweight, and dependable powerplant. However, it is not perfect for three reasons. 新型的汽车发动机是一个动力强劲、质量轻便而且性能可靠的动力装置。然而它美中不足有三个原因。3)Sliding-mesh transmission(滑动啮合变速器):In the case of a sliding-mesh gearbox, gear changing demands skill if noise is to be avoided. Crashing (or clashing) of the gears as the result of a bad change suggests the reason why this type is often called a crash type gearbox. (P.79)对滑动啮合变速器来说,换挡时要避免噪声是需要技巧的。齿轮打齿是由换挡不当引起的,这也是滑动啮合变速器经常被称为“碰撞”型变速器的原因。4) Constant-mesh transmission(常啮合变速器)(P.79)This type uses helical or double helical gears which are always in mesh. The mainshaft gear wheels are mounted on bearings and when a gear is required the mainshaft gear is locked to the shaft by a dog clutch. 常啮合变速器采用斜齿轮或人字形齿轮,这些齿轮总是处于啮合状态。输出轴上的齿轮安装在轴承上,换挡时爪形/牙嵌式离合器(接合套)使输出轴齿轮和输出轴锁止在一起。5) Although the mechanical efficiency is lower the helical gears are quieter and any damage resulting from a bad gear change occurs to the dog teeth instead of the actual gear teeth. (P.79)尽管斜齿轮的机械效率较低,但其工作噪声较小,而且由于换挡不当所引起的任何损害都不会作用在换挡齿轮的轮齿上,而是作用在接合齿圈的轮齿上。As the name suggests this type has a synchronization device which equalizes the speeds of the two members that have to be meshed to obtain the gear. The layout is similar to the constant-mesh but has friction cones fitted between the dog clutch and the gear wheel. (P.80)顾名思义,同步啮合变速器带有同步装置,使得换挡时要啮合的两齿轮转速达到相同。同步啮合变速器的结构与常啮合变速器类似,不同之处是在接合套和齿轮之间有摩擦锥环8)The operation of the friction device performs a duty which, in older designs, was carried out by the driver during double-declutching. The synchro-mesh gearbox gives a simpler, quieter and quicker gear change. (P.80)在老式变速器上,摩擦装置(同步器)完成的工作要通过驾驶员利用两脚离合来实现。同步啮合变速器使得换挡更为简单、安静而快捷。1) Automatic transmissions (AT) Automatic transmissions have three basic systems - a torque converter, a gear system, and a hydraulic system.These fit together in a unit that fastens directly behind the engine. The front section of the transmission houses the torque converter. The torque converter is like the clutch in a manual transmission. It is the coupling between the engine and drive train that transmits power to the drive wheels.自动变速器由液力变矩器、齿轮机构和液压系统等三个基本系统组成,它们组合在一起,直接安装在发动机后。液力变矩器位于变速器的前端,它类似于手动变速器里的离合器,是发动机和传动系之间的连接装置,向驱动轮传递动力。3)planetary gears:The planet gears are actually one set of gears joined together by a cage called the planet gear carrieror planet pinion carrier. The carrier has pins that go through the center of each of the planet gears. Thus, all the planet gears move together when the planet carrier moves. Each planet gear can turn around its pin when the planet gear carrier is stationary.行星齿轮实际上是由一组通过行星架组合在一起的齿轮。行星架上有销穿过每个行星轮的中心。当行星架运动时,所有的行星轮也随之运动。当行星架固定时,行星轮绕销转动。4)The planetary system works on the following principles: With one part held stationary, torque and power can be applied to a second member to make a third member rotate. In other words, with one of the three members held stationary, torque is applied to either of the other two members and output torque is delivered from the third member. (P.85)行星齿轮系的工作原理如下:当一个部件固定时,扭矩和动力会施加给第二个部件,从而带动第三个部件旋转。也就是说,在三个部件中只要使一个部件固定,扭矩会传递给其它两部件的任何一个部件,扭矩就会从第三个部件输出。When you hold the ring gear and apply torque to the sun gear, the planet carrier turns in the same direction as the sun gear. However, the carrier turns at a much slower speed. As Fig.3-10 shows, the carrier makes less than half a revolution in the time the sun gear makes a complete revolution. If the planet carrier were connected to an output shaft, that shaft would also turn slower than the input shaft connected to the sun gear. This causes gear reduction on the output shaft. Of course, the gear reduction also causes torque multiplication of the output shaft.如果保持齿圈固定,给太阳轮施加力矩,行星架就随太阳轮同向旋转。然而行星架转速比太阳轮低得多。如图3-10所示,太阳轮转一圈时,行星架会慢半圈多。如果行星架连到输出轴上,输出轴比连接太阳轮的输入轴要转得慢,输出轴上得到降挡,转速会降低,当然输出轴上的扭矩会增加。Now hold the sun gear stationary and apply input torque to the ring gear. The planet carrier again becomes the driven member and the source of output torque. In this case, the planet gears walk around the sun gear. As Fig.3-10 shows, the gear carrier turns more slowly than the ring gear. The carrier makes a little more than half a revolution in the time the ring gear makes one complete revolution. The ratio of these two parts depends on the number of teeth in the planet gears and ring gear. Since the output (gear carrier) rotates more slowly than the input (ring gear), there is gear reduction, and gear reduction results in torque multiplication.如果保持太阳轮固定,给齿圈施加力矩,行星架作为从动装置输出动力。这样行星轮绕太阳轮旋转。如图3-10所示,行星架比齿圈转得慢。齿圈转一圈时,行星架只转半圈多点。传动比由行星轮和齿圈的齿数决定。由于输出轴比输入轴转得慢,得到降挡,转速降低扭矩增加The suspension connects the final drive assembly to the car body. The final drive moves up and down in relation to the engine and transmission. A coupling is needed that permits movement between the final drive and transmission. The universal joints provide this coupling. 悬架连接着主减速器(后桥)总成和车身。主减速器相对于发动机和变速器上下运动,这样在主减速器和变速器之间就需要万向节这种连接装置来允许其相对运动。2) Here two U-shaped pieces are placed perpendicular to one another and joined with a simple cross. The U-shaped pieces are called yokes. The cross that connects them is called a spider. The arms that extend from the spider are called trunnions. The two yokes are at a 90 angle to one another. Most cars have two universal joints, one at each end of the propeller shaft. 两个U形件垂直布置,通过一个简单的十字叉连接在一起。U形件称为万向节叉,连接万向节叉的十字叉叫作十字轴,从十字轴延伸出的臂叫作耳轴。两个万向节叉成90布置。多数汽车采用两个万向节,在传动轴的每一端各有一个万向节。3) A shaft which receives the drive from a cross type joint varies its speed during rotation; the greater the drive angle the greater the speed variation. A constant rotational speed can be restored by fitting a second joint in a way such that when the first joint increases its speed the second joint decreases its speed. 传动轴接收十字轴式万向节传来的动力,转动时其速度发生变化。传动角越大,速度变化越大。要实现等速,必须以某种方式安装第二个万向节,这样第一个万向节使转速增大,第二个万向节就使转速减少。4) The hypoid gear is in common use today due mainly to the fact that the offset pinion allows the propeller shaft to be set below, (for cars) or above, (for commercial vehicles) the crown wheel center. This gives either a reduction in the propeller shaft tunnel, which causes a bump in the vehicle floor, or in the case of a commercial vehicle a reduction in the angle through which the universal joint has to operate. 现在的主减速器普遍使用准双曲面圆锥齿轮,这主要是因为主动锥齿轮的偏移允许轿车上传动轴布置得比从动锥齿轮低一些,而商用车上又允许布置得比从动锥齿轮高一些。这就使得传动轴通道(凸包) (它会导致汽车车身地板形成凸起)位置降低,或者使得商用车上万向节工作角度减小。This parts assembly, called the teering linkage, connects the steering gear to the parts at the wheels. The wheels and tires mount to the steering knuckles. As shown in Fig. 5-1, the knuckles are pivoted at the top and bottom. Thus, the wheels and tires can turn from side to side.The steering wheel is at the top of the steering column. Another shaft comes from the bottom of the steering gear. This shaft connects to the arms, rods, and links.The basic steering system in most cars is the same. The steering gear of steering box is the heart of the steering system. This usually is next to the engine. A shaft extends from the back of the steering gear.This shaft is connected to the steering column orsteering shaft. 多数汽车的转向系基本上是一样的。转向系的核心是转向器,一般位于发动机附近。一根轴从转向器后部伸出,连接着转向柱。方向盘在转向柱的顶端。另一根轴从转向器低端伸出,连接着转向臂、转向拉杆和转向杆系,这些部件总称为转向传动机构,连接转向器和车轮上的部件。车轮和轮胎安装在转向节上。如图5-1所示,转向节的上下端可自由转动,这样车轮可从一侧转到另一侧。While the steering system may look complicated, it works quite simply. When a driver drives a car straight down the road, the steering gear is centered. The gear holds the linkage centered so that the wheels and tires point straight ahead. When the driver turns the steering wheel, the steering shaft rotates and the steering gear moves toward that side. The shaft coming out the bottom of the steering gear turns, as well. When the shaft turns, it pulls the linkage to one side and makes the steering knuckles turn slightly about their pivot points. Thus, the steering knuckle, spindle, wheels, and tires turn to one side, causing the car to turn.转向系看起来复杂,工作原理却很简单。汽车直行时,转向器处于中间位置,转向传动机构也处于中间位置,车轮向前直线行驶。驾驶员转动方向盘,转向轴旋转,转向器向同侧转动,同时转向器底部的输出轴也会旋转。输出轴转动时,会向一侧拉动拉杆,使得转向节绕其支点旋转。这样,转向节、转向节轴、车轮和轮胎都会向一侧旋转,汽车实现转向。When a vehicle turns a corner it rotates about an imaginary point called the instantaneous center of rotation. To minimize tire wear the front wheels shouldbe steered from the straight ahead to a position where they form an angle of 90 to a line drawn from the instantaneous center to the wheel center. It means tha the inner wheel turns through a larger angle than the outer wheel. 当汽车转弯时,它会绕着一个假想 的点即瞬心转动,为减少轮胎的磨损,前轮应该从前进方向转到和瞬 时转动中心到车轮中心的连线成 90角的位置,这表明内侧车轮比 外侧车轮转过的角度要大。It is obtained by making the track rod a different length to the distance between the king pins (or wheel swivel axis centers). The track rod length is set so that its connection to the track arm falls on an imaginary line taken from the king pin to a point on the vehicle center line just in front of the rear axle. (P.140)转向横拉杆的长度同主销间的距离不相等,就可保证各前 轮以期望的角度旋转。转向横拉杆长度的设置要保证转向横拉杆与转向节臂的连接点位于主销到后桥前端汽车中心 线上的点所形成的假想连线上。 Most heavy commercial vehicles use the recirculating ball type of steering gear. This steering gear is durable, with good steering response and good road feel for the driver. 多数重型商用车采用循环球式转向器,这类 转向器性能稳定、而且转向灵敏、路感也好 Energy is required when a vehicle is accelerated from rest to a certain speed. A proportion of that energy is now stored in the vehicle and is called kinetic energy. In order to reduce the speed of the vehicle, the brakes have to convert the kinetic energy to heat energy; the speed of conversion governs the rate at which the vehicle slows down.汽车从原地起步加速到


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