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人教版中学2020届九年级上学期英语期中考试试卷B卷一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)That is _ interesting book. You must read it. A . mostB . a mostC . the mostD . more2. (2分)Im sure you cant carry it _. Let me help you. A . for yourselfB . of yourselfC . in yourselfD . by yourself3. (2分)Tim often _ TV in the evening, but now he _ with his friend on WeChat.A . watches; talkingB . watches; is talkingC . is watching; is talkingD . is watching; talks4. (2分) I hope you can stick with your dream no matter what happens. Thank you. I will never give it up.A . continue withB . keep in touch withC . agree with5. (2分)- Is the ruler _ the lost and found office yours?- Let me have a look. Oh, it isnt mine.A . inB . onC . atD . with6. (2分)_ is a boy and _ is a girl. A . Jack; GinaB . Gina; JackC . Grace; FrankD . Jack; Peter7. (2分)Tigers wait _ it is dark, then go out to find their food.A . sinceB . untilC . asD . because8. (2分)More and more children in the countryside are _ school at an early age to look for work in the cities.A . going toB . leavingC . beginning9. (2分)While the woman the accident happened. A . shoppedB . is shoppingC . was shoppingD . shops10. (2分) The Chinese Spring Festival is coming. Dont forget to give my best wishes t o your family. .Thank you very much.A . OK, I willB . OK, I wontC . Yes, I doD . No, I dont11. (2分)What did he _ here?A . takeB . carryC . getD . bring12. (2分)Everybody was when they saw the parade on the 70th Anniversary of National Celebration.A . exciting; excitedB . excited; excitingC . exciting; excitingD . excited; excited13. (2分)She often eats too much meat _ she isnt healthy. A . butB . soC . becauseD . or14. (2分)I want to find _in a radio station. A . a jobB . a workC . a informationD . a news15. (2分) Would you like to join us in the English corner? Well, _. What time is it?A . I hope soB . Im afraid notC . Id love toD . I agree二、 完形填空。 (共2题;共25分)16. (10分)根据短文内容的理解,选择最佳答案填空。Welcome 1the New York City Lost and Found Office. People often 2things when theyre traveling or when theyre in a 3. Thats 4there are lost and found offices at airports and stations. Hundreds of people come to the Lost and Found Office every day. They are looking 5their phones, cameras, watches, computers and many other things. 6the moment, there are also some 7things at the New York City Lost and Found Office. There 8about a hundred bikes and a large boat. There are also a lot of 9, such as three dogs, two ducks and a pig. Are you looking for fifteen 10of sausages? Theyre here too!(1)A . with B . to C . in D . / (2)A . buy B . find C . lose D . take (3)A . hurry B . home C . word D . country (4)A . who B . why C . whose D . how (5)A . to B . of C . with D . for (6)A . In B . At C . On D . across (7)A . ready B . tidy C . silly D . strange (8)A . are B . is C . be D . will (9)A . camera B . phones C . animals D . taxi (10)A . kilos B . hundred C . second D . life 17. (15分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项About twenty years ago, I was on a very long flight, during which a voice from the speaker said, “We wont 1 drinks or the meal because we are facing a storm ahead. Please make your seat belts fastened. ”Many passengers became 2, talking about it with each other. At once it became 3 in the plane.Soon, lightening lit up the darkening skies, and within moments the 4 was like a boat on waves in the storm. One moment it was lifted up by the storm;the next, it was thrown as if it were to 5 onto the ground. All the passengers were frightened. Some cried. Some prayed(祈祷). The 6 seemed hopeless. I wondered if we could make it through the storm.Then I noticed the little girl next to me. Surprisingly, the storm seemed to mean 7 to her. She was 8, looking through a picture book. Sometimes she closed her eyes, then she would 9 again, but she never showed an expression of worry or fear. The little girl wasnt afraid at all10 all the adults were scared to death. Finding me watching her, the girl smiled at me and said, “Dont worry. My 11 is the pilot. He is taking me home. Take it easy. He will take US home 12 . When the plane was 13 danger, I smiled at the girl and she gave me a big smile in return. “I said my father would take us. I home safely. ”Many kinds of storms may 14 us “diseases, difficulties. They can easily darken our skies and throw our planes into hard times. Let US 15Love is the pilot. It will help US out of trouble. So take it easy. (1)A . serve B . like C . get D . buy (2)A . happy B . excited C . nervous D . comfortable (3)A . noisy B . quiet C . warm D . cold (4)A . ship B . plane C . sky D . seat (5)A . fly B . jump C . land D . drop (6)A . weather B . question C . future D . action (7)A . something B . everything C . anything D . nothing (8)A . disappointed B . funny C . sad D . calm (9)A . talk B . read C . play D . sleep (10)A . So B . and C . while D . since (11)A . uncle B . father C . brother D . grandpa (12)A . carefully B . quickly C . safely D . easily (13)A . in B . on C . from D . out of (14)A . trouble B . encourage C . help D . stop (15)A . wonder B . remember C . explain D . ask 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共34分)18. (6分) A young man went to the local expert(专家) on gems and said he wanted to become a gemologist(珠宝家). The expert turned him down because he feared the youth would not have the patience to learn. The young man asked for a chance. Finally, the expert told the youth, Be here tomorrow.The next morning the expert put a jade(玉) stone in the youths hand and told him to hold it. The expert then went about his work, cutting, weighing and setting gems. The boy sat quietly and waited.The following morning the expert again put the jade stone in the youths hand and told him to hold it. On the third, fourth and fifth days, the expert asked the young man to do the same thing. On the sixth day, the youth held the jade stone but he could no longer stand(忍受) the silence. Master, when am I going to learn something? he asked. You will learn. the expert said and went about his business.Several more days went by and the youth almost lost his patience. But one morning as the master put the stone in the youths hand, the young man said without looking at his hand, This is not the same jade stone! You have begun to learn. said the master.Practice makes perfect. The experience we learned from practice teaches us and develops our abilities. Experience is the best teacher. Even the most successful person had no absolute confidence once. It is experience that gives people confidence. The truth is: if you do the work and gain the experience, youll have more confidence because youll actually know what youre doing.(1)The phrase turned . down probably means _.A . refusedB . acceptedC . forgaveD . doubted(2)The expert let the young man hold the jade stone for so many days because he wanted to see if the young man was _.A . braveB . patientC . cleverD . honest(3)What may be the best title for this passage?A . An Experienced GemologistB . Experience, the Best TeacherC . Experience of a Young ManD . A Confident Teacher19. (10分)阅读理解 Do you have many passwords for your credit cards(信用卡) or different websites? Do you try to remember them all? As we are advised to have the passwords memorized by heart for safety reasons, not written down, lots of people find it hard to keep them in mind.However, this problem has been solved by a microchip (芯片) company. The scientists there designed a very small microchip with an electronic circuit(线路). It can identify(识别) you. By putting the microchip under the skin of your hand, you can have access to(有权进人) things with no need for passwords or cards. In this case, it means that you dont have to remember any passwords.Office workers in Stockholm, Sweden were offered the chance to have the microchip put under their skin if they wish. It allowed them to get in and out of their workplaces and log into(登录) their computers without keys, Besides, they could also use the new technology to pay for the food in the cafe. But some of the workers thought it was a risky idea to have a microchip put under their skin. They considered that the microchip might cause health problems one day.Anyway, this new technology is fun. With the rapid development of technology, we seem to be on our way to being part human, part machine, dont we?(1)What does the underlined word passwords mean in Chinese? A . 数字B . 图案C . 密码D . 账户(2)The microchip is about _. A . a card widely used in computersB . something that can help identify peopleC . a password for the credit cards or websitesD . a card with which you can go into your workplace(3)If the microchip is put under the skin of your hand, you can _. A . pay for your food without credit cardsB . play your computer as long as you likeC . go wherever you want without moneyD . have access to things without passwords or cards(4)Some of the workers thought the microchip was a risky idea because . A . it might make people become lazyB . it might be bad for healthC . it would change humans into machinesD . it might make people feel comfortable(5)Whats the best title for this passage? A . The introduction of a microchipB . A microchip companyC . How to make the microchipD . A microchip widely used20. (10分) Mary is an American schoolgirl. She is now in Beijing with her parents. Mary doesnt know Chinese, but she is studying Chinese. She often speaks Chinese to her Chinese friends ,Sometimes they dont understand her because she cant speak Chinese well.Its Sunday morning .She goes out . She is walking in the street, She is going to the zoo to see elephants and monkeys, but she doesnt know how to get there .She asks a Chinese boy. The boy cant understand her. Then she takes out a pen and a piece of paper. She draws an elephant on it, and shows the picture to the boy. The boy understands now, then he shows Mary the way to the zoo.(1)Mary is _ schoolgirl.A . a ChineseB . an AmericanC . a Japanese(2)Mary is in _ with her parents.A . ShanghaiB . BeijingC . New York(3)Mary _ speak Chinese well.A . canB . cantC . mustnt(4)Its Sunday, she is going to _.A . see her friendsB . see some animals in the zooC . walk in the park(5)Mary doesnt know how to _.A . get to the zooB . get to the parkC . get to her home21. (8分)阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。DIn a faraway kingdom, there was a river. It was the home to many golden swans (天鹅). The swans spent most of their time in the river. Every six months, the swans would leave a golden feather (羽毛) as a paying for using the river. The soldiers of the kingdom would collect the feathers and gave them to the king.One day, a homeless bird saw the river. The water in this river seems so cool and nice. I will make my home here, thought the bird.The minute the bird landed near the river, the golden swans noticed her. They came shouting, This river belongs to us! We pay a golden feather to the king to use this river. You can not live here.I am homeless, brothers. I will also pay. Please give me a place to live in, the bird pleaded (乞求). How can you pay for it? You do not have golden feathers, said the swans, laughing. They added, Stop dreaming and leave at once. The poor bird pleaded many times. But the arrogant (傲慢的) swans still drove the bird away.I will teach them a lesson! decided the bird, feeling angry.She went to the king and said, Oh, my king! The swans in your river are rude and unkind. I pleaded for a home but they said that they had paid to live in the river with golden feathers.The king was angry with the arrogant swans for having driven the homeless bird away. He ordered his soldiers to bring the swans to his palace. In no time, all the golden swans were brought to the kings palace.Do you think our kingdom depends on your golden feathers? You can not decide who lives by the river. Leave the river at once or I will kill you! shouted the king.On hearing the kings words, the swans flew away sadly. The bird built her home near the river and lived there happily. She gave homes to all other birds who came to the river.(1)The swans did the following things except that _.A . they spent most of their time in the riverB . they paid a golden feather every six months for using the riverC . they laughed at the bird and drove her awayD . they loved the bird and lived with her happily(2)Whats the correct order of the following events?a. The bird asked the king for help.b. The swans made a home in the river long ago.c. The bird lived near the river with other birds happily.d. The swans were made to fly away by the king.e. The poor bird pleaded for a home but was refused.A . b-d-a-c-eB . b- e- a-d-cC . e-b-c-a-dD . a- c- e-b-d(3)The king ordered the swans to leave the river because he thought _.A . the river was not big enoughB . he had too many golden feathersC . the swans should share the river with the birdD . the bird would give him more golden feathers(4)What can we learn from the story?A . Practice makes perfect.B . East or west, home is the best.C . Bad guys have no good end.D . Love me, love my dog.四、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)补全对话。A:Hi,Daming!_B:Im listening to the news about the Shenzhou-11 spaceshipA:Oh?_B:No,it hasnt .A:_B:About a week .A:How long will the two astronauts stay in space?B:_A:OhI seeWhat are the two astronauts doing now?B:Theyre eating breakfastA:_Is their food the same as ours?B:No, it isntIts specialAHas the Shenzhou-11 spaceship come back?BVery interestingCTheyll stay there for 33 daysDWhat are you doing now?EHow long have the two astronauts stayed in space?五、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共18分)23. (18分)根据短文内容,回答问题。Liu Mingxiao, 13, is a pretty and smart girl. She comes top in her class. But many students try to stay away from her because her mother has AIDS(艾滋病). Lius father has died of AIDS. But Liu didnt get it.AIDS means fear(惧怕)for most people. “Nobody wants to play games with me. They call me bad names behind my back. Even a teacher who used to like me turns her back on me now. It makes me feel sad.” said Liu.Lius mother didnt know what happened to her daughter until one day Liu came back home with her nose bleeding(流血的),“ She fought with a boy who said something bad about her father.” said Lius mother. “My heart really hurts. My daughter did nothing wrong!”For many of these children, the biggest problem they now face is how other people look at them. Many of them have to drop out of school(辍学)because they can no longer stand others indifference(冷漠).“People are afraid


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