长 句 练 习1The machine would have to be able to move about in a house designed for human beings and would therefore have to go through a normal door, open such a door and close it, and walk up and down stairs over irregularities on the floor.这种机器(人)应当能够在供人居住的房子里四处走动,因此,它或许就得通过普通的门,会开门关门,会上楼下楼,甚至还得跨过地板上的杂物。(词义慎选)2In the western preoccupation with the self, one finds often a sense of encapsulation and isolation, not only in the form of an estrangement from God or from a system of stable values, but also from other persons.在西方对于自我的先入之见中,往往可以发现困顿感和疏离感,不仅表现为同上帝或某种稳定价值系统的疏远,而且还表现为同他人的疏远。(词义的引申)3The professor, annoyed at the interruption of his flow of eloquence, held up his hand:“Wait, just one minute, gentlemen. I have a few more pearls to cast.”那位教授口若悬河讲得正起劲,突然受到学生的干扰,满怀不悦,于是举起手来说道:“稍等一下,诸位,我还有几粒珍珠要投掷呢!”(成语典故)4Zhou came through to Kissinger as subtle, brilliant, and indirect, a politician of vision who refused to get bogged down in petty detail.在基辛格眼里,周恩来敏锐、聪慧而含蓄,是一位目光远大,不斤斤于细节的政治家。5Any writer who deals with a fast-developing subject is faced with a dilemma in choosing a balance between history, present practice and future possibilities.任何一位想论述一门飞速发展学科的作者,每逢他在以往的历史经验,现有的实际情况以及将来的可能发展这三者间均衡地取材时,都会感到左右为难。(修辞的平衡)6They were, in fact, very fine ladies; not deficient in good-humor when they were pleased, nor in the power of being agreeable when they chose it; but proud and conceited. 事实上,他们都是非常优雅的小姐;她们并不是不会谈笑风生,问题是在要碰到她们高兴的时候;她们也不是不会待人和颜悦色,问题是在于她们是否乐意这样做;可惜的是,她们一味骄傲自大。(语气、韵味的翻译)7Scientific exploration, the search for knowledge, has given man the practical abilities of being able to shield himself from the calamities of nature and the calamities imposed by other men.科学探索,知识追求,使人获得了避免天灾人祸的实力。(减缩)8For students of composition, an awareness that rhetorical patterns differ from one culture to another can help them become more quickly proficient in a writing pattern that is not native to them.学习写作的人,若能意识到各种文化在修辞模式上的差别,则有助于他们迅速掌握非母语的写作模式。(转换词性、语气)9Life lasts the time a match flickers. How, then, can one afford not to make the most of it before it expires? 生命稍纵即逝,既然如此,一个人怎能再起生命之火熄灭以前不加以充分利用呢?(归化)生命之短暂犹如火柴之一划, (异化,贴近原文表达)10All the wisdom of the ages, all the stories that have delighted mankind for centuries, are easily and cheaply available to all of us within the covers of books but we must know how to avail ourselves of this treasure and how to get the most from it.书中藏有历代的智慧格言和千百年来不断激励人类的事实传说,人人皆可获得,且方便经济,但我们必须懂得如何利用这些宝藏,懂得如何从中受益。(变换主语)11Light is made to change its normal straight-line course by being reflected off a mirror or some other special surface.光从镜子或其他特制的表面反射出去,就改变其正常的光路。(被动的译法)12There are no problems in the production of such a domestic robot to which we do not have already the glimmering of a solution.生产这样的家用机器人,尽管仍存在许多问题,然而这些问题的解决,已初露端倪。已有头绪/ 已有了苗头。(否定的翻译)13This book could not have been written or published without the help of dozens of people, and I am deeply grateful to all of them.本书的写作和出版曾得到十多位友人的各种帮助,谨此一并深表谢意。(表达法:正反,反正?)14I feel I cannot let the occasion pass without writing a word of thanks for your very kind and acceptable thought in providing such a magnificent reunion dinner for us on Thursday evening last.上星期四晚,您为我们举行了隆重的聚餐会。对于您作此友好而称人心意的考虑,我感到不能就此了解,不予表示,故特写此信以表谢意。(断句:意群、话题断句)15The Chinese, unlike westerners, are too enmeshed in their kinship to give themselves to do-or-die situations involving distant causes. On the other hand, they were much more tied psychologically to their kinship base. Their rule of equal division of inheritance reinforced this tie from generation to generation. 中国人不同于西方人,他们牢牢地囿于亲属关系,难以为了长远事业而置身生死关头的情况。另一方面,他们在心理上更多的为亲属关系所束缚,财产继承的平分原则一代又一代地强化着这种束缚。16An excellent, all-round student with a congenial personality, Miss Ruel is a promising candidate for WOW, an international scholarship program for outstanding women around the world.鲁尔小姐是一个全面发展的学生、品学兼优,是WOW前程无量的候选人;WOW是乃是为世界各国杰出女性而设立的一个国际性的奖学金项目。(同位语的处理)17I should like to see in her eyes that strength of character which has enable her to stand firm in the face of difficulties, and that compassion for all humanity which she has revealed to me so often. I should want not merely to see the outline of her face, so that I could cherish it in my memory, but to study that face and find in it the living evidence of the sympathetic tenderness and patience with which she accomplished the difficult task of my education.我渴望看一看她双眼中显示的坚毅的性格,正是这种性格使她面对重重困难而坚定不移;还有那对整个人类的挚诚之爱,这种挚爱她也曾多次倾注于我。我不禁渴望看到她的脸庞,以便把她珍藏在我的记忆中,而且渴望能端详她的面容,并从中找到她富于同情、柔情和耐心的活生生的表现,正是由于这种柔情和耐性,她完成了教育我的艰巨任务。(定语从句的翻译)18The traders wanted safe access to large quantities of Oriental spices, which the European world had come to like, and which people needed for preserving food in days before the introduction of cold storage.商人们想平安无事地获取大量的东方香料,这些香料已经为欧洲人所喜爱,而且在没有发明冷藏法的当时,香料也是人们储藏食品所必须的。(定语从句的翻译)19A gulf had opened between them over which they looked at each other with eyes that were on either side a declaration of the deception suffered. It was a strange opposition, of the like of which she had never dreamed - an opposition in which the vital principle of one was a thing of contempt to the other.他们之间产生了一条鸿沟,双方隔沟相对而视,彼此的目光宣告受尽了对方的欺骗。这是一种奇特的对立。她连做梦也没想到竟会闹到这个样子。由于这种对立,一方视为至关重要的原则,成了另一方不屑一顾的东西。(定语从句的翻译)20Then we are faced with a choice between using technology to provide and fulfil needs which have hitherto been regarded as unnecessary or, on the other hand, using technology to reduce the number of hours of work which a man must do in order to earn a given standard of living.于是我们就面临一种选择:要么利用技术提供并满足迄今为止一直被视为并无必要的各种需求,要么利用技术缩短人们为了维持一定的生活水平而必须工作的时数。21Four milestones can be identified in the slow process by which meteorology has been transformed from the beginning stages when it embraced most of sciences, on through an era of narrow concern with local weather conditions to the present, when its subject matter is so broadened and changed that it has even acquired a new namethe atmospheric science.气象学缓慢发展的过程中曾出现了四个里程碑:从包罗各种学科内容的萌芽阶段经过只涉及当地气候条件的阶段,继而发展到了目前阶段。由于这门学科的题材如此之广,变化如此之大,而今获得了一个新的名称:大气科学。22Operations performed by his sterilized instruments and cleaned with his sterilized swabs left cuts which naturally healed, when under the old system they would have broken down into gangrene or some other of the dread hospital diseases.由于使用了他的消毒器械和药棉,手术之后伤口会自然愈合;可是若按旧的一套手术方法,伤口就会恶化变为坏疽,或者染上其他可怕的医疗病症。23You must fix in mind the symbols and formulae, definitions and laws of physics, no matter how complex they may be, when you come in contact with them, in order that you may understand the subject better and lay a solid foundation for further study.为了更好地学习物理学并为进一步学习打好坚实的基础,当你接触到物理学上的符号、公式、定义和定律时,不论它们多么复杂,你也必须牢牢记住。24 In short, a leader of the new school contends, the scientific revolution, as we call it, was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series of instruments that expanded the reach of science in innumerable directions.新学派的一位领袖人物坚持说,“总之,我们所说的科学革命,主要是指一系列工具的改进、发明和使用。这使得科学发展的范围无所不及。”25The method of scientific investigation is nothing but the expression of the necessary mode of working of the human mind; it is simply the mode by which all phenomena are reasoned about and given precise and exact explanation.科学研究的方法,不过是人类思维活动必要的表达方式,也就是对一切现象进行思索并给以精确而严谨的表达方式。26The food supply will not increase nearly enough to match the growth of population, which means that we are heading
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