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高考英语复习之三 形容词和副词 形容词用来修饰 说明名词或不定代词 表示人或物的性质 特征和状态 而副词是用来修饰动词 形容词 其他副词或整个句子 有时也能修饰名词 表示时间 地点 方式 程度等 高考重点要求 1 形容词 副词比较级 最高级常用句型2 形容词的倍数表达法和副词的位置3 多个形容词修饰同一名词的前后顺序4 分清常用同义 近义形容词 副词在表达中的语义差别 形容词在句子中的作用 1大部分形容词能作定语 表语或宾语补足语 如 abeautifulpark一座美丽的公园theplaytea house 茶馆 isbothmovingandinteresting wholeftthewindowopen howlongwilltheweatherstaysunny thesilkclothesfeelsoft howinterestingthestorysounds 定冠词the 形容词 定冠词the 形容词 表示一类人或物 作 主语或宾语 意思为 的一种人 的一类东西或事情 thenewwilltaketheplaceoftheold 新事物将代替旧事物 theyoungarefondofsports 年轻人喜欢体育运动 thelivingandthedeadisahorrorfilm 3 有些形容词只能作表语如 叙述形容词只能作表语 所以又称为表语形容词 这类形容词没有级的变化 也不可用程度副词修饰 大多数以a开头的形容词都属于这一类 例如 afraid害怕的 错 heisanillman 对 themanisill 错 sheisanafraidgirl 对 thegirlisafraid well unwell ill faint afraid alike alive alone asleep awake等 词加 ed和 ing都可构成形容词 加 ed的形容词表示 人感到如何 加 ing的形容词则用来描写事物 如 wewereexcitedwhenweheardtheexcitingnews alarming amusing astonishing charming daring demanding encouraging confusing disappointing discouraging exciting interesting inviting pleasing promising shocking striking surprising ly等后缀形容词 friendly deadly lovely lonely likely lively ugly brotherly 有 品质的 错 shesanglovely 错 hespoketomeveryfriendly 对 hersingingwaslovely 对 hespoketomeinaveryfriendly有些以 ly结尾既为形容词 也为副词 daily weekly monthly yearly earlythetimesisadailypaper thetimesispublisheddaily 形容词后缀 分两大类 一类是加到名词上的 加到名词上的主要有 y bloody dirty healthy juicy muddy ful careful faithful helpful peaceful useful less careless harmless noiseless senseless useless ous ious dangerous courageous mysterious al tal ial tial accidental horizontal colonial influential ic etic atic artistic sympathetic systematic ish childish foolish selfish like life like business like war like ed en skilled horned golden wooden 加到动词上的有 ent ant 如 dependent different observant pleasant able ible 如 agreeable comfortable defensible sensible 明智的 合情理的 ive tive ative itive 如 active attentive imaginative sensitive 敏感的 易受伤害的 ed en 如 advanced noted stolen swollen ing 如 annoying disgusting entertaining 形容词在句子中的位置 形容词一般放在被修饰的名词之前 两个或两个以上形容词修饰一个名词时 形容词排列的次序一般应考虑下面二种情况 1 与被修饰名词关系比较密切的形容词位置靠近名词 如 anexcitingamericanfilm 2 音节少的形容词位置在前 音节多的形容位置在后 1 修饰复合不定代词something anything nothing等 如 anythingimportant nothingeasy 2 同表示数量的词组连用 如 twentyfeetlong fiveyearsold3 几个形容词修饰一名词时 一般顺序为大小 little除外 形状 色彩 由来 用途 如 afineroundmaple 枫木 writingtable afamousoldenglishcountryhouse 二 副词 副词在句子中主要用作状语 许多副词皆由形容词加 ly构成 如 careful carefully 副词主要被分为以下几种 1 时间副词 如 often early usually frequentlyalwaysconstantlynow2 地点副词 如 here above outside below there3 方式副词 如 hard fast badly well4 程度副词 如 very quite much still even almost5 疑问副词 如 how when why where 副词在句子中的位置 时间副词和地点副词的位置表示确定时间的副词和地点的副词 一般放在句尾 如句中同时有地点副词和时间副词 地点副词通常在前 时间副词在后 修饰形容词和副词的程度副词 除enough后置外 一般放在被修饰词的前面 副词在此作状语 如 bewellenough gofastenough 修饰动词的方式副词有以下几种修饰不及物动词时 该副词要后置 如 singwell修饰及物动词时 可放在被修饰词之前或宾语之后 如宾语较长也可放在动词和宾语之间 如 studyenglishhard seeclearlythewordsontheblackboard及物动词和副词 如 down on off in out up等 组成的动词词组 其宾语是名词 该名词可放在副词之前或之后 如是代词 该代词一定要放在副词前 hecutdownthetree hecutthetreedown hecutitdown 形容词原级 比较级和最高级的用法 1两者比较情况一样 常用 as 形容词原级 as 句型 2heisastallashismonitor 3两者比较 表示一方在某方面不如另一方 常用 notso as 形容词原级 as 句型 atraindoesn ttravelsofastasaplane 4三者或三者以上比较 表示某人某物 最 时 用 the 形容词最高级 比较范围 句型 asiaisbyfarthelargestofthesevencontinents shewrites the mostcarefullyofthethree 5比较级 and 比较级 越来越 itisgettingcoolerandcoolerinautumn sheisbecomingmoreandmoreactiveintakingpartinsocialactivities 6the 比较级 the 比较级 越 越 theharderhestudies thegreaterprogresshewillmake 形容词和副词考点 1 1 tomsoundsverymuch inthejob buti mnotsurewhetherhecanmanageit 2006安徽 a interestedb interestingc interestinglyd interestedly2 whatanicefireyouhaveinyourfireplace duringthewinterilikemyhouse 2005上海春 a warmlyandcomfortablyb warmandcomfortablec warmandcomfortablyd warmlyandcomfortable 3shedoesn tspeak herfriend butherwrittenworkisexcellent 1993全国 a aswellasb sooftenasc somuchasd asgoodas4 7 somefamousscientistshavethequalitiesofbeingbothcarefulandcareless 2004上海春 a strangelyenoughb enoughstrangelyc strangeenoughd enoughstrange 二 考查形容词作定语的后置规律 5 totakethisadventurecoursewillcertainlylearnalotofusefulskills 2000全国 a braveenoughstudentsb enoughbravestudentsc studentsbraveenoughd studentsenoughbrave6allthepeople atthepartywerehissupporters 2002北京 a presentb thankfulc interestedd important 形容词作定语一般位于所修饰的名词前 但下列三种情况形容词要后置 形容词短语作定语时 表语形容词作定语时 修饰复合不定代词时 三 考查多个形容词作定语的排序 7 johnsmith asuccessfulbusinessman hasa car 2004辽宁 a largegermanwhiteb largewhitegermanc whitelargegermand germanlargewhite 8 studentsarerequiredtotakepartintheboatrace 2004浙江 a tenstrongyoungchineseb tenchinesestrongyoungc chinesetenyoungstrongd youngstrongtenchinese 多个形容词修饰名词时 其排序规律是 限定词 程度副词 描绘 大小 长短 高低 形状 年龄 新旧 颜色 国籍或产地 物质材料 类别或用途 名词 9thehusbandgavehiswife everymonthinordertopleaseher 2004重庆 a allhalfhisincomeb hishalfallincomec halfhisallincomed allhishalfincome10 15 howwasyourrecentvisittoqingdao itwasgreat wevisitedsomefriends andspentthe daysattheseaside 1995全国 a fewlastsunnyb lastfewsunnyc lastsunnyfewd fewsunnylast 注 限定词的排序 前位限定词 指量限定词all both half等 倍数词double twice等 分数词one third two fifths等 中位限定词 冠词 指示代词 形容词性物主代词 名词所有格 后位限定词 序数词及last next等 基数词及few several等 四 考查副词在句中的位置规律 11 ifihad i dvisiteurope stoppingatthesmallinterestingplaces 1998全国 a aholidaylongenoughb anenoughlongholidayc aholidayenoughlongd alongholidayenough 频度副词always usually often never等一般放在行为动词前 或者情态动词 助动词或be动词之后 表示方式的副词通常放在 动词 宾语 之后 同时有表示时间 地点和方式的副词时 其顺序一般为 方式 地点 时间 如 五 考查 ed形容词和 ing形容词的区别 12 lawsthatpunishparentsfortheirlittlechildren sactionsagainstthelawsgetparents 2004重庆 a worriedb toworriedc worryingd worry 13 itisbelievedthatifabookis itwillsurely thereader 2003上海 a interested interestb interesting beinterestedc interested beinterestingd interesting interest 23 mr smith ofthe speech startedtoreadanovel 2003京春 a tired boringb tiring boredc tired boredd tiring boring 六 考查两种不同形式的副词的用法差异 15 itwasrainingheavily littlemaryfeltcold soshestood tohermother 2002北京 a closeb closelyc closedd closing 七考查形容词和副词的比较等级 16 atyphoonsweptacrosstiffsareawithheavyrainsandwinds strongas113milesperhour 2006上海 a toob veryc sod as 17 johnisthetallestboyintheclass accordingtohimself 2005安徽 a fivefooteightastallasb astallasfivefooteightc asfivefooteighttallasd astallfivefooteightas 1 as 形容词 副词原级 as 2 notas so 原级 as 29 hespeaksenglishwellindeed butofcoursenot anativespeaker 2004上海 a asfluentasb morefluentthanc sofluentlyasd muchfluentlythan 30 doyouhaveabiglibrary no wedon t atleast not yours a biggerasb asbigasc asbigthand asbiggerthan 3 as 形容词 a an 名词 as 21 ourneighbourhas ours 2003北京 a asabighouseasb asbigahouseasc thesamebighouseasd ahousethesamebigas 22 itisgenerallybelievedthatteachingis itisascience 2001全国 a anartmuchasb muchanartasc asanartmuchasd asmuchanartas 比较级 than 24 didyoutakeenoughmoneywithyou no ineeded ithoughtiwould 2006全国ii a notsomuchasb asmuchasc muchmorethand muchlessthan 25 mr smithowns collectionofcoinsthananyoneelseihaveevermet 2005山东a largerb alargerc thelargerd alarge 6 隐含式比较级 有时省略或不点明被比较的对象 而是通过语境来暗示被比较的对象 26 iwishyou ddo talkingandsomemorework thusthingswillbecomebetter 2006江苏 a abitlessb anylessc muchmored alittlemore 27 idon tthinkthisfilmisbyfarthemostboring ihaveseen 2006江西 a betterb worsec thebestd theworst28marykeptweighingherselftoseehowmuch shewasgetting 2004全国 a heavierb heavyc theheavierd theheaviest 7 否定式谓语 比较级 有最高级含义 29yourstoryisperfect i veneverheard before 2006全国ii a thebetteroneb thebestonec abetteroned agoodone 30 bobranthe100metersin9 91seconds andihavenotseen thisyear 2005浙江 a thebestb betterc themostd more least 原级 最不 31thesalesmanshowedherseveralbagsandshechose oneasshedidn twanttospendtoomuchtimeonit 1991上海 a thelessexpensiveb lessexpensivec theleastexpensived leastexpensive32davidhaswonthefirstprizeinsinging heisstillveryexcitednowandfeels desiretogotobed 2005江苏 a themostb morec worsed theleast 10 the 比较级 the 比较级 inrecentyearstravelcompanieshavesucceededinsellingustheideathatthefurtherwego 2001上海 a ourholidaywillbebetterb ourholidaywillbethebetterc thebetterourholidaywillbed thebetterwillourholidaybe 其它含比较级的短语和句式 比较级 and 比较级 nomorethan和 一样不仅仅 more than 与其说 倒不如 lessthan少于 morethan多于 不只是 非常 moreorless几乎 差不多 大约 或多或少 soonerorlater 迟早 早晚 总有一天 what smore 而且 此外 nosooner than 一 就 如 71 iusedtoearn thanapoundaweekwhenifirststartedwork 06陕西6 a alittleb afewc fewerd less 73 maggiehasbeenfortunatetofindajobshelovesand shegetswellpaidforit 2005浙江 a soonerorlaterb what smorec asaresultd moreorless 75 aftersuppershewouldsitdownbythefire sometimesfor anhour thinkingofheryoungandhappydays 2003上海 a aslongasb assoonasc asmuchasd asmanyas 76 icansee thereisonlyonepossiblewaytokeepawayfromthedanger 2004安徽春 a aslongasb asfarasc justasd evenif 79 you restandingtoonearthecamera canyoumove 2000上海 a abitfarb alittlefartherc abitoffartherd alittlefar 80 areyoufeeling yes i mfinenow 1992全国 a anywellb anybetterc quitegoodd quitebetter 八 考查比较等级的修饰语 1 比较级前可用abit alittle rather some 肯定句及请求或建议的问句中 any 否定句或疑问句中 表示 稍稍 一点 用much far agreat gooddeal alot lots agoodbit等表示 得多 83 whatatable i veneverseensuchathingbefore itis itislong 2005湖北 a halfnotaswideasb widenotashalfasc nothalfaswideasd aswideasnothalf 84 itisreportedthattheunitedstatesuses energyasthewholeofeurope 2004广西 a astwiceb twicemuchc twicemuchasd twiceasmuch2 half 倍数 以及分数或有关长度 时间 重量等表示确定程度的修饰语 通常放在比较级前 或as as结构的第一个as前 九 考查形容词such和副词so的用法 88 wewerein whenweleftthatweforgottheairlinetickets 2003上海 a arushsoanxiousb asuchanxiousrushc soananxiousrushd suchananxiousrush 89 itis workofartthateveryonewantstohavealookatit 1998上海 a sounusualb suchunusualc suchanunusuald soanunusual 92 wouldyoube tostepthisway please 1982全国 a tookindb sokindc sokindasd askindas解析 wouldyoubesokindas kindenough todosth 请您 劳驾您做某事好吗 是表示请求的一个固定句型 答案是c 十 考查在语境中选择恰当的形容词或副词 96 thenumberofpeoplepresentattheconcertwas thanexpected thereweremanyticketleft 2004福建 a muchsmallerb muchmorec muchlargerd manymore 94 mr smithusedtosmokebuthehasgivenitup 2004天津 a seriouslyb heavilyc badlyd hardly 2 固定词组或句型中的副词 97 mustiturnoffthegasaftercooking ofcourse youcanneverbe carefulwiththat 2005江西 a enoughb tooc sod verycannevertoocareful或cannevercarefulenough 99 areyougoingtohaveaholidaythisyear i dloveto ican twaittoleavethisplace 2006江苏 a offb outc behindd over 3 体现两句间逻辑关系的连接性副词 104 progresssofarhasbeenverygood wearesurethattheprojectwillbecompletedontime 2006浙江 a howeverb otherwisec therefored besides 105 i mcertaindavel stoldyouhisbusinesstroubles it snosecretthatheowesalotofmoneytothebank 2006湖北 a howeverb anywayc therefored though 106 thehurricanedamagedmanyhousesandbusinessbuildings itcaused20deaths 2006江西 a orelseb thereforec afteralld besides however 1 youshouldtrytogetagoodnight ssleep muchworkyouhavetodo a howeverb nomatterc althoughd whatever2 hetriedhisbesttosolvetheproblem difficultitwas a howeverb nomatterc whateverd although 1 用作副词 1 表示让步 意为 无论如何 不管怎样 用来修饰形容词或副词 其词序为 however 形容词或副词 主语 谓语 这样用的however其实具有连词的功能 用以引导让步状语从句phonemewhenyouarrive howeverlateitis 你到达之后就给我打电话 不论多么晚也要打 howevermuchheeats henevergetsfat 不管他吃多少 他永远吃不胖 howevercolditis healwaysgoesswimming 不管天有多冷 他都去游泳 youwon tmovethestone howeverstrongyouare 不管你力气有多大 也休想搬动那块石头howeverfaritis lintendtodrivetheretonight不管有多远 我今晚也要开车到那儿去 这样用的however与nomatterhow大致同义 如 peoplealwayswantmore however nomatterhow richtheyare 人总是富了还想再富 however nomatterhow hardiworked shewasneversatisfied 无论我多么努力地工作 她从来没满意过 有时从句谓语可用情态动词 如 don tlaugh howeverfunnyitmaybe 无论多么有趣也不要笑 i lltrytofinishitintime howeverharditmaybe 无论多么难 我也要按时完成 however 形容词或副词 主语 谓语 有时可以有所省略 如 irefuse howeverfavorabletheconditions 不管条件如何有利 我都不干 conditions后省去了are i dratherhavearoomofmyown howeversmall itis thansharearoom 无论房间多么小 我宁愿一个人住一间 而不愿意与别人合住一个房间 2 表示转折 尤其用于谈及一个既成事实时 表示转折 其意为 可是 仍然 等 可放在句首 句中或句末 通常用逗号与句子其他成分隔开 myfather however didnotagree 但是 我父亲不同意 myroomissmall however it scomfortable 我的房间很小 但却很舒服 hesaidthatitwasso hewasmistaken however 他说情况如此 可是他错了 我们都已尽了最大的努力 不过我们还是输了 wealltriedourbest howeverwelostthegame wealltriedourbest butwelostthegame wealltriedourbest however welostthegame wealltriedourbest however welostthegame 注 however不能像but 但是 那样直接连接两个句子 注意正句中的标点符号 3 表示惊奇或强调 相当于however的用法 其意为 究竟怎样 到底以什么方式 如 howeverdidyougetherewithoutacar 没有汽车你究竟是怎样来的呢 howeverdoeshemanagetowritemusicwhenheissodeaf 他聋成这个样子 究竟是怎样从事作曲的呢 2 用作连词 用作连词 引导方式状语从句 表示 无论以何种方式 不管怎样 如 howeveritmaybe ishalltakeyourword 无论如何 我将会相信你的话 howeveriapproachedtheproblem icouldn tfindasolution 这一问题我不管怎样都无法解决 howeveryoutravel it lltakeyouatleasttwodays 无论你怎么个走法 至少要两天时间 thepaintinglookswronghoweveryoulookatit 这张画不论怎么看都显得不对劲 ithink thereforeiam 1yourinformationisinaccurateandyourconclusionisthereforewrong 你的信息不准确 所以你的结论是错误的 2 wehaveagrowingpopulationandthereforeweneedmorefood 我们的人口在增长 因此我们需要更多的食物 3 andtherefore ifamanwritelittle hehadneedhaveagreatmemory ifheconferlittle hehadneedhaveapresentwit andifhereadlittle hehadneedhavemorecunning toseemtoknowthathedothnot 因此 一个人如果不写 他就需要记住很多东西 如果不和人交谈 他就需要天笺机智 如果不读书 他就需要更狡猾 能够假装知道他所不知道的东西 though 1notusedatthebeginningofaclauseinspiteofthefact neverthelessit shardwork ienjoyitthough he sabadpresident thereisnoreason though toshoothim 2 conj inspiteofthefact evenifthough eventhoughit shardwork ienjoyit poorthoughiam icanaffordbeer asthough if hebehavesasthoughhewerebetterthanus otherwise 1differntly inantheotherway不同地 用别的方法ihatehim andiwon tpretendotherwise heisguiltyuntilprovedotherwise 2apartfromthat inotherways其他方面fatherstillhasabitofhiscold butotherwiseallarewe


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